« Kin »
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1 | The Order Of Chaos
 | 2 | A Friend To You
 | 3 | All Bleed Red
 | 4 | No More Time
 | 5 | Waiting
 | 6 | Come Tomorrow
 | 7 | Release
 | 8 | See Through You
 | 9 | Another Day
 | 10 | Reward (Order Of Chaos single)
 | 11 | Never Be (demo)
 | 12 | The hand That Feeds Itself (demo)
 | 13 | Silence (demo) |
   Dennis Gasser – drums
Kristian Havard – lead guitar
Chris Astley – lead vocals, rhythm guitar
Paul Mackenzie – bass |
Recorded and mixed at Loco Studios, South Wales, Feb. 1992
Produced and mixed by Mark Flannery, assisted by Nick Atkins.
All keyboards by Carl Arnfield. |
 | 1. The Order Of Chaos
The Order of Chaos
Everyone doing something but no one ever does anything
Someone always shouting the silence is deafening
Nobody loves you, nobody hates you
Fact or fiction or just contradiction
There is no truth in lies
There is no life that doesn't die
There is no  |
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 Закрепив свой успех интенсивными турами, среди прочих с Sepultura и Skyklad, группа, как и многие коллеги по металлургическому цеху, оказалась тогда лицом к лицу с упадком трэш-сцены и интереса к ней со стороны фэнов. Но в отличие от товарищей из Acid Rain, Sabbath и Slummer, парни решили не сдаваться, а позволили себе начать всё с начала. “Kin” – это своеобразный “Black Album” от Xentrix: мягкий, сумрачный, сдобренный экспериментами и новыми идеями, но не перестающий от этого быть замечательным образчиком британского thrash metal. Это не фанк, не грандж, не готика, как было принято в то время на трэш-сцене выходить из положения. Банда противопоставила свою творческую свободу начинавшемуся в те времена фэйку вокруг дэта и ношения перевёрнутых крестов. И была успешна!
Атмосфера напоминает мне чем-то “Endorama” от Kreator, такая же прозрачная и сумрачная. Гитарные партии Кристиана Хаварда действительно напоминают “Чёрный Альбом” Metallica, но и чем-то неуловимым партии гитары на альбоме “Wildhoney” от Tiamat. В “A Friend To You” Пол отчётливо лидирует на своём басу. И жаль, что он не делал этого на альбоме чаще! Размеренные и обращённые, скорее, в себя песни, нежная баллада “No More Time” и траурное вступление к “Come Tomorrow”, эксперименты с чистым вокалом и практически старый-добрый трэш в “Another Day”... Закритиковать можно лишь вокал в “No More Time” – ну, не умеет Крис петь чистым голосом, не вытягивает. В бонусах: би-сайд “Reward” с сингла к альбому, ещё более кривой, чем материал с альбома, да демо трёх интересных вещей, которые были опубликованы лишь спустя 3 или 4 года на следующем альбоме. Но не стану растекаться мыслью по древу, это надо слушать. Чем и рекомендую заняться всем заинтересовавшимся. Это один из самых интересных трэш-альбомов девяностых. |
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Позволю и себе выступить свидетелем по неоднозначному делу Xentrix… Пусть будут посрамлены критики, ищущие главные альбомы в золотые годы стиля. Наиболее любопытные и многогранные работы выходят, когда волна уже схлынула, среди горстки команд, предоставленных самим себе. «Kin» не столько хорош, сколько интересен. Великолепное исполнение, четкая запись каждого инструмента заставляют присмотреться к нему поближе. Итак, один из тех альбомов, который пытается преподнести прогрессивную начинку перед слушателем наиболее честно, сервировав ее ювелирной точностью исполнения (этой четкости не хватало предыдущему трэш-опусу), ясностью партии каждого инструмента, и здраво предпочтя технические навороты среднему темпу. Правильно – здесь и без того есть на что посмотреть! Интеллектуальные гитарные соло, уже переросшие трэш, и вышедшие на пост-трэшовые территории, пограничные с хэви. Жирный, но какой-то тягучий звук, немалый запас тяжести и сильные риффы, словно каркас, изнутри поддерживающие эту конструкцию, не давая ей опуститься в «черноальбомное» балладное болото. Эта оригинальность не показанная, а очень взрослая. Как и почти любой взрослый альбом, «Kin» все же изрядно «мутный», не следующий предпочтениям слушателя и упрямо гнущий свою линию там, где тот уже подготовлен для чего-то хитового и пресытился интеллектуальностью. Наоборот, музыканты еще более налегают на перепады ритма, аккуратно сглаживая их соло, замедляют музыку, превращая «Kin» в альбом-исповедь. В эдакий гимн противостоянию силы духа и минорных настроений.
Не убойный альбом. Xentrix не отпустили техничность далеко вперед, создав полнокровную живую музыку, грузящую и привлекающую своей неподатливостью. Вспоминаем: «Cause for Conflict», «The X Factor», «The New Machine of Liechtenstein», «Cold Lake» и… «Kin». (Диск предоставлен компанией CD-Maximum) |
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просмотров: 18522 |
The order of chaos welcomes you
Knowing is just a feeling & feelings worth nothing
Just keep on searching blind and unseeing
Looking for something seeking nothing
No direction or just contradiction
There is no truth in lies
There is no life that doesn't die
There is no fate but the fate that is due
The order of chaos welcomes you
Discipline oustanding, nothing like working
Hoping and trying, keep on adjusting
Sometimes hopeless, never painless
Simple addiction or just contradiction
There is no truth in lies
There is no life that doesn't die
There is no fate but the fate that is due
The order of chaos welcomes you
2. A Friend to You
Show me your fear, causing the hate
Look at myself
I hear your words, anticipate
I am your wealth
The one who tells you when & when not to conform
The one you cannot see
I am to you
The friend you'll never know
Each phase of life
A new scenario
I think your thoughts, I see your dreams
I speak the truth
I watch you move, collaborate
I am your youth
The one who tells you what is right and what is wrong
The one you want to be
I am to you
The friend you'll never know
Each phase of life
A new scenario
We are one, you can confide in me
We are one, you cannot hide from me
I am to you
The friend you'll never know
Each phase of life
A new scenario
I am to you
Each phase of life
3. All Bleed Red
A moral certainty
A vast controvacy
Debate the hate or recreate
A time that never should have been
Is no necessity
Release the peace
& understand just what that means
Divided we fall
Not one but one all
When all's done
We all bleed red
We all bleed red
An understanding
Can be demanding
Retrieve believe
Back to a world that you might think
Don't be the hated
Don't be dictated
Enlight the right
And maybe then we'll make the link
Divided we fall
Not one but one all
When all's done
We all bleed red
We all bleed red
2. A Friend To You
Show me your fear, causing the hate
Look at myself
I hear your words, anticipate
I am your wealth
The one who tells you when & when not to conform
The one you cannot see
I am to you
The friend you'll never know
Each phase of life
A new scenario
I think your thoughts, I see your dreams
I speak the truth
I watch you move, collaborate
I am your youth
The one who tells you what is right and what is wrong
The one you want to be
I am to you
The friend you'll never know
Each phase of life
A new scenario
We are one, you can confide in me
We are one, you cannot hide from me
I am to you
The friend you'll never know
Each phase of life
A new scenario
I am to you
Each phase of life
3. All Bleed Red
A moral certainty
A vast controvacy
Debate the hate or recreate
A time that never should have been
Is no necessity
Release the peace
& understand just what that means
Divided we fall
Not one but one all
When all's done
We all bleed red
We all bleed red
An understanding
Can be demanding
Retrieve believe
Back to a world that you might think
Don't be the hated
Don't be dictated
Enlight the right
And maybe then we'll make the link
Divided we fall
Not one but one all
When all's done
We all bleed red
We all bleed red
3. All Bleed Red
A moral certainty
A vast controvacy
Debate the hate or recreate
A time that never should have been
Is no necessity
Release the peace
& understand just what that means
Divided we fall
Not one but one all
When all's done
We all bleed red
We all bleed red
An understanding
Can be demanding
Retrieve believe
Back to a world that you might think
Don't be the hated
Don't be dictated
Enlight the right
And maybe then we'll make the link
Divided we fall
Not one but one all
When all's done
We all bleed red
We all bleed red
4. No More Time
Look around this place and see just what is happening
Tomorrow we will suffer for the way that we have been
Its our own lives we're shortening
While everyone pretends that there is nothing to explain
Poisons & neglected relics out live us & always will be
Justified by what we gain
No more time
Mans greed corrupt & unconcerned
No more time look around you will we ever learn
As bought time ticks away we must think carefully and choose
Forget about our future or learn to live with limitations
Knowing what we've got to lose
So many things to work for many more to work against
Everything disposable resources unreplacable
All profits at our world expense
No more time
Mans greed corrupt & unconcerned
No more time look around you will we ever learn
Mass produced solutions idealistic luxury
Facts & figures always quited calculated to mislead us
Always taken literally
People making so much money wanting only more
Causing so much misery taking from a place
That no one bothers to restore
No more time
Mans greed corrupt & unconcerned
No more time will we ever learn
5. Waiting
Just one short life
No second chance
To make of ourselves what we can
The moving hands again advance
& mould me into what I am
Waiting, waiting
Well understood but not controlled
Forever here anonymous
Whats present now
Already past
In retrospect so obvious
Waiting, waiting
Such a short space of time
But time passes quickly
Learn so little so slowly
As each moment is mine
The hope never fading
You will always be left waiting, waiting
Such a short space of time
Learn so little so slowly
As each moment is mine
You will always be left waiting
6. Come Tomorrow
Looking back through the pages of my life
All thats gone before needed nothing more
Only you to say
Never thinking only doing for myself
Always in your debt now I feel regret
I knew no other way
Thinking now its all too late for tears
No more can be done
Never see the sun
Never see the day
Never see the day
Ignorance, all things come to an end
Why leave it all like this
I will know no other way
Never see the sun, never see the day
Know no way, no way
Innocence, I search for who I am
I know that I was wrong
Hard enough nothing I can say
Never see the sun. never see the day
Know no way, no way
Thinking now its all too late for tears
No more can be done
Never see the sun
Never see the day
5. Waiting
Just one short life
No second chance
To make of ourselves what we can
The moving hands again advance
& mould me into what I am
Waiting, waiting
Well understood but not controlled
Forever here anonymous
Whats present now
Already past
In retrospect so obvious
Waiting, waiting
Such a short space of time
But time passes quickly
Learn so little so slowly
As each moment is mine
The hope never fading
You will always be left waiting, waiting
Such a short space of time
Learn so little so slowly
As each moment is mine
You will always be left waiting
6. Come Tomorrow
Looking back through the pages of my life
All thats gone before needed nothing more
Only you to say
Never thinking only doing for myself
Always in your debt now I feel regret
I knew no other way
Thinking now its all too late for tears
No more can be done
Never see the sun
Never see the day
Never see the day
Ignorance, all things come to an end
Why leave it all like this
I will know no other way
Never see the sun, never see the day
Know no way, no way
Innocence, I search for who I am
I know that I was wrong
Hard enough nothing I can say
Never see the sun. never see the day
Know no way, no way
Thinking now its all too late for tears
No more can be done
Never see the sun
Never see the day
6. Come Tomorrow
Looking back through the pages of my life
All thats gone before needed nothing more
Only you to say
Never thinking only doing for myself
Always in your debt now I feel regret
I knew no other way
Thinking now its all too late for tears
No more can be done
Never see the sun
Never see the day
Never see the day
Ignorance, all things come to an end
Why leave it all like this
I will know no other way
Never see the sun, never see the day
Know no way, no way
Innocence, I search for who I am
I know that I was wrong
Hard enough nothing I can say
Never see the sun. never see the day
Know no way, no way
Thinking now its all too late for tears
No more can be done
Never see the sun
Never see the day
7. Release
Growing apart you couldn't see
Your not the man I want to be
Stale mate time it was over
All the while destroying each other
One thing I'd like you to know
I want my own life so let me go
All the years obeying the rules
Your game of life is played by fools
Just let me go, just let me fo
I can't feel nothing for you
But what is left for me to do
No cause for concern, we live & we learn
I'll just say goodbye
Search deep I have to find
The truth that lurks within my mind
Your words you used to drown me
Are washed away I'm free to be
Just let me go, just let me go
I can't feel nothing for you
But what is left for me to do
No cause for concern, we live & we learn
I'll just say goodbye
Now we're apart can you see
I'm now the man I want to be
A second chance not that its over
We don't need to hate each other
I can't feel nothing for you
But what is left for me to do
No cause for concern, we live & we learn
I'll just say goodbye [RPT x 2]
8. See Through You
The power of menace is the spirit of an age
Without doubt
Without prejudice & shame
I see through you
I see through you
There's no reward without suffering
He who has nothing
Has everything to gain
I see through you
I see through you
I see through you
Without doubt
Without prejudice & shame
I see through you
He who has nothing
Has everything to gain
I see through you
9. Another Day
Another day, you've no concerns but the desire burns
Another day, for you to face your problem
Is that the way that you wanna be ?
A constant liability
Another day, why can't you see what you are gonna be
Another day, will pass away unoticed
Your remedy for peace and quiet
Constant intake liquid fire
Good intentions promanent again
Another crisis imminent again
Your worst side dominant again
Look at yourself again
Look at yourself, what do you see ?
Look at yourself, what do you see ?
What do you see ?
Everything revolves around the habit
Like it or not it is the bottom line
and to mouth a single reflex you are mine
Detached from being forget your problems
No misgivings are you happy now ?
Good intentions promanent again
Another crisis imminent again
Your worst side dominant again
Look at yourself again
Look at yourself, what do you see ?
Look at yourself, what do you see ?
What do you see ?
8. See Through You
The power of menace is the spirit of an age
Without doubt
Without prejudice & shame
I see through you
I see through you
There's no reward without suffering
He who has nothing
Has everything to gain
I see through you
I see through you
I see through you
Without doubt
Without prejudice & shame
I see through you
He who has nothing
Has everything to gain
I see through you
9. Another Day
Another day, you've no concerns but the desire burns
Another day, for you to face your problem
Is that the way that you wanna be ?
A constant liability
Another day, why can't you see what you are gonna be
Another day, will pass away unoticed
Your remedy for peace and quiet
Constant intake liquid fire
Good intentions promanent again
Another crisis imminent again
Your worst side dominant again
Look at yourself again
Look at yourself, what do you see ?
Look at yourself, what do you see ?
What do you see ?
Everything revolves around the habit
Like it or not it is the bottom line
and to mouth a single reflex you are mine
Detached from being forget your problems
No misgivings are you happy now ?
Good intentions promanent again
Another crisis imminent again
Your worst side dominant again
Look at yourself again
Look at yourself, what do you see ?
Look at yourself, what do you see ?
What do you see ?
9. Another Day
Another day, you've no concerns but the desire burns
Another day, for you to face your problem
Is that the way that you wanna be ?
A constant liability
Another day, why can't you see what you are gonna be
Another day, will pass away unoticed
Your remedy for peace and quiet
Constant intake liquid fire
Good intentions promanent again
Another crisis imminent again
Your worst side dominant again
Look at yourself again
Look at yourself, what do you see ?
Look at yourself, what do you see ?
What do you see ?
Everything revolves around the habit
Like it or not it is the bottom line
and to mouth a single reflex you are mine
Detached from being forget your problems
No misgivings are you happy now ?
Good intentions promanent again
Another crisis imminent again
Your worst side dominant again
Look at yourself again
Look at yourself, what do you see ?
Look at yourself, what do you see ?
What do you see ?
10. Reward
Bless my cotton socks I'm in the news
The king sits on his face but it's all assumed
All wrapped up the same
All wrapped up the same
They can't have it
You can't have it
I can't have it too
Until I learn to accept my reward
Prisoners stand in queues and stand in queues
Live in solitude like Howard Hughes
All wrapped up the same
All wrapped up the same
Silence has it
Arrogance has it
I can't have it ooh
Until I learn to accept my reward
Suddenly it struck me very clear
Suddenly it struck me very clean
All wrapped up the same
All wrapped up the same
They can't have it
You can't have it
I can't have it too
Until I learn to accept my reward