 Второй альбом Conception - мелодичный heavy/power с прогрессивными элементами. Музыка заметно полегчала по сравнению с прошлым альбомом, композиции обрели более законченную и цельную форму. Группа умело подчеркнула свои сильные стороны и подтянула слабые.
Перед нами композиции интересные, с интригующими мелодическими ходами, местами довольно нетривиальными аранжировками (в этом плане позитивную роль сыграло введение в инструментарий клавишных, причём с нетипичным для power metal, да и для прога, звучанием, - здесь они скорее используются для создания настроения, атмосферы, отнюдь не как солирующий инструмент), сложным и необычным ритмическим рисунком (особенно это заметно на "And I Close My Eyes", Арве Хеймдал отработал здесь на все сто).
Хан, показавший себя очень многообещающе уже на первом альбоме, здесь звучит заметно более весомо, к силе голоса и широте диапазона прибавилась просто потрясающая выразительность, артистичность исполнения, которой славится он и по сей день. Вокал на "Roll The Fire", "And I Close My Eyes", "Silent Crying", "Silver Shine" пробирает до глубины души.
В плане гитарной работы, стало заметно меньше акустических соло, солирование Тора Остби, возможно, даже потеряло в оригинальности, индивидуальности, как дань мелодичности и лаконичности, но и отсутствием идей гитарист Conception определённо не страдает.
Результатом развития коллектива стало обретение им довольно широкой известности. Несколько композиций с этого альбома были изданы на сборника Power Of Metal, рядом с произведениями таких грандов хеви/пауэр, как Rage и Gamma Ray, а клип, снятый на песню "Roll The Fire" даже попал на MTV и занимал не псоледние места в хит-парадах. В прочем, отчасти тому виной и обилие любовной лирики на "Parallel Minds".
В итоге имеем отличный альбом прогрессирующей молодой команды, уже способной выступать на равных с грандами жанра, уже обрётший определённую популярность далеко не только у себя на родине. Окончательно сформировался состав, причём музыканты на данном этапе музыканты отлично сыгранны и как нельзя лучше подходят друг к другу по взглядам на исполняемую музыку.
И это, по сути, было только начало... |
Ненавязчивый песенный прог-метал норвежцев не вызывает ни бурю восторгов, ни отторжения. Мелодика "Parallel Minds" достаточно абстрактна - то есть она вроде бы и есть, но вспомнить какую-нибудь мелодию будет весьма затруднительно. Единственная песня, которая по-настоящему удалась Conception - это чудеснейшая баллада "Silent Crying", сполна раскрывающая красоту голоса Роя Хана. В остальном - крепкий материал среднего уровня. |
inside my mind
Falling, I'm falling
I'm one step behind
My dream was
my way,
so precious, so plain
a lifetime in vain
the tide is on time
and water confines
the dream of my life
May be my versatility
absorbed all common
sense in me
I thought the word
was mine to keep
by dint of my authority
I swear I'd perish
at the stake
to pay the price
for my mistakes
but now my time is
running low
I've lived on a visions
far too long
Falling, I'm falling
I'm one step behind
My dream was
my way,
so precious, so plain
a lifetime in vain
the tide is on time
and water confines
the dream of my life
Hope my misery
doesn't show
shady memories
won't let go
sometimes, when
the crazy thunder
roams my head
I can only prey
that somehow
my dream's to blame
My dream was
my way,
so precious, so plain
a lifetime in vain
the tide is on time
and water confines
the dream of my life
2. Roll The Fire
[Ostby, Khan]
Eyes cold as ice
staring into vacancy
chasing shadow
from within
chase the cool winds
Harassed with remorse
now that all is said
and done
I know that I can't face
the old routine
longing back
to your whelming dark
In spite of my fear
I call your name
once again
blind by the light
of day
save me from solitude
Thoughts come
to mind
as the years pass
in review
as the sooting
rain divides
my emotions
I tremble with awe
the power to destruct
racing the convinction
that love survives
Through the dark
through the years
In spite of my fear
I call your name
once again
blind by the light
of day
save me from solitude
Roll the fire I read you
Roll the fire I feel you
Roll the fire I know you
Roll the fire don't leave
me now
In spite of my fear
I call your name
once again
blind by the light
of day
3. And I Close My Eyes
[Ostby, Khan]
I tried to fall asleep
but the beat of
your breath
resounds in my head
the grainy light
of dawn
provides my disgrace
can you tell me
why am I here
what force do you
Pull me tighter,
my dear
be my shelter tonight
forever your men
The depth of
your mind
a mission designed
and I will obay
a devious plain
I'll do what I can
to prove your
intentions right
I had a dream
last night
in which the world
was one
and you were gone
I woke up sweating
humbly staring
into those
unfathomable eyes
it was your eyes
no alibies
no ransom in the night
I bite the bullet
Once again
and close you eyes
My life in your hand
The depth of
your mind
a mission designed
and I will obay
a devious plain
I'll do what I can
to prove your
intentions right
Face to face, keep
the faith
love and hate,
there's no return
the one, I'm the one
who'll be there
I'll walk the thin line
for you
cry for you, kill for you
I am a dying man,
can't you see
won't you be my
guiding light
The depth of
your mind
a mission designed
and I will obay
a devious plain
I'll do what I can
to prove your
intentions right
4. Silent Crying
[Ostby, Khan]
She lays her head on
her pillow
says her prayers
with no sound
there's a shadow
by her window
telling her
there'll be no one else
to know
Silent crying
for a childhood
gone by
she's slowly dying
with the secret
she hides
close to her heart
Another night left
to eternity
another memory
to deny
she counts her dolls
tries to forget about
what no one else
will ever know
Silent crying
for a childhood
gone by
she's slowly dying
with the secret
she hides
What no one else
will ever know
Silent crying
for a childhood
gone by
she's slowly dying
with the secret
she hides
Silent crying
if she dared
she would find
the word she
dreams of
but the word
passes by.
5. Parallel Minds
[Ostby, Khan]
The things I know're
beyond belief
gathered through ages
like growing seeds
I have absorbed
the moment has
come to challenge
the royalty
I'm succumb to a
simple law
follow the zeroes, follow
the ones
I am imprevious
to playing
cry with no tears
a beast you can't
You've seen me before
I'm greed and I'm hate
man incarnate
deep within you know
we're parallel minds
down to the bone
You'll find there's
nowhere you can hide
from the rebellion
I'll have my kingdom
trough your lines
no lips to be read
no blood to be
Still you're under
caught by a servant,
A silver screen remains
master of all
but truth is hard
to face
The words I proclame
are your own doctrine
easy to sin
you're scared' cause
you know
we are parallel minds
claiming the throne
I'm a reflection of
what I've seen
Thus you may say that
I've always been
I changed the world
they say
'cause they never knew
the world was mine
all the way
You've seen me before
I'm greed and I'm hate
man incarnate
deep within you know
we're parallel minds
The words I proclame
are your own doctrine
easy to sin
you're scared' cause
you know
we are parallel minds
you gave me soul
6. Silver Shine
[Ostby, Khan]
I stride through
the rain
trying to expel
the look on her face
the night we met
somewhere in the
I hear the sound
of drums
like thunder
rolling with my
taking me back
To where I died
a lifetime ago
her bagging eyes
with silver shine
Remember her tears
like yesterday's rain
couldn't wipe
them away
a face in the crowd
my sister though
I see cleary now
the lies we shared
We'll never die
always be strong
encouraged by
the silver shine
It's stange
how dimness
can unveil
I never really knew her
but in my cage
of memories
she crumbles on
and on
I stride through
the rain
trying to expel
the look on her face
forget her name
But where I died
is where I belong
her bagging eyes
about to cry
our faith is strong
we'll live on lies
on memories of
silver shine
7. My Decision
[Ostby, Khan]
Voices from a
TV screen
breathing down
your neck
a man without a face
don't be surprised
my friend
he knows how
to talk
he knows how
to collect
the voices he needs
so bad
Hear him praising
the lord
whom he's always
Promise to walk along
hand in hand
with those who
pay the price
promise you'll fight
with us
last in line
beyond the barricades
Fatherly he grins
to grain
the masses' good-will
we have seen
it all before
hailed be his naive
many trust his lies
but words are cold
when election day
is past
See the glint in his
eyes dreams of dollars
and dimes
Promise to walk along
hand in hand
with those who
pay the price
promise you'll fight
with us
last in line
beyond the barricades
I'm the kind
who will pledge
my words
born to be honest
and chaste
Promise to walk along
hand in hand
with those who
pay the price
promise you'll fight
with us
last in line
beyond the barricades
8. The Promiser
[Ostby / Khan]
God bless the
preaciers and bishops
who say that
heaven heals
but what rites would
give you salvation
if they 've assigned
your way
who'd think, who'd
find, who'd change
I leave belief to
Those who indulge
in words
Let my dreams unfurl
leave my pure desire
I have no god
to rely on
'cause I am all I need
compared to a life in
I do prefer my sins
I seek, may find,
may change
I feel no guilt
No confession will
ever reach my lips
Let my dreams unfurl
leave my pure desire
I'll temper justice
for mercy
'cause they are blind
to see
that god's the power
within me
the power to prevail
belief, betrayal, be true
belief, betrayal, be true
I'm no one's god-
damn prodigal son
Let my dreams unfurl
leave my pure desire
this is my decision
9. Wolf's Lair
[Ostby, Khan]
I came with the
I spread with the winds
I'm future and
faint past
I'm ashes and dust
Hush, don't you cry
moonchild free
your soul
I'l tell you how
as soon as you're safe
in my embrace
Obedience-the key
to ecstacy
obedience-your way
to Calvary
do you belong
Flee with me
into the fields of glory
see the shine
Luna, the
promised land
Obedience-the key
to ecstacy
obedience-your way
to Calvary
do you belong
10. Soliloquy
[Ostby, Khan]
[PART 1]
[Sweet Lavender]
Sense the purity of
your own mind child
such an innocence
not yet caught by
judging eyes
don't touch me
little seed
'cause I'll betray you
if you follow me
you'll never see
Trough a crack
in the wall
you watch the world nearly paralized
by this glimpse of
and a glimpse is all
you'll get
wherever you fly
cause you'll go blind
the moment you
reach down
On your way you'll
start wonder
where the ocean
meets the sand
on your way you'll feel
that heaven's
slipping slow through
your hand
Sweet lavender
can't remember
what it felt like
running trough
the rye
[PART 2]
[Non-Electric Redemption]
In the heat of
her breath
my life seems
when she swallows
my soul
I can hear the
and I can watch myself
moaning, sweating,
penetrating my prime
with a smile
Fill my needs
give me eternal
call my name
with a sense of pride
when I break through
She's the medium
I need to find
my way home
she's my intermediary
to everlasting youth
but I can't find
myself in the depths
of her bliss
is it me
is it her
or the world
we're living in
Heal my wounds
bring me eternal
call my name
with a sense of pride
don't make me now
All I gained
she is not what she
used to be
before I fell
tell me why
why she's crying
call her name
with a sense of pride
as you go down
[PART 3]
[In These Rooms]
There's no purity left
to save my soul
from his cavalcade
and no strength to
carry on
don't touch me
little seed
'cause I'll betray you
if you follow me you'll
never see
there's a heaven in
your hand child
there's a place I'm
dying to hide you
Poor lavender
cold but tender
life could only
teach you
how to cry
In these rooms
a plaintive whisper
fills the air
on these walls
I crucify my self
to hail you
right now
the time is ripe
for change
the time is ripe
for change
pierce my body
drink my tears
and my blood
come, be one with
through it's
getting dark
I can see the light
through I'm getting
I still feel I'm alive
Show me the way
follow me in
to heaven or hell
truth our faint illusion
I need you
I need your eyes