« The Meaning of Life »
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1 | Open All Night
 | 2 | We Are Us
 | 3 | Dancing On Our Grave
 | 4 | Mechanical Man
 | 5 | Beermuda
 | 6 | The Meaning Of Life
 | 7 | Space Beer
 | 8 | Always Them
 | 9 | Wheel Of Rebirth
 | 10 | Barfly
 | 11 | Wonderful Life |
   Andreas "Gerre" Geremia - vocals
Frank Thorwarth - bass
Andy Bulgaropulos - guitars
Axel Katzmann - guitars
Arnulf Tunn - drums |
Produced by Harris Johns at Musiclab Studio, Berlin in April & May 1990.
Mixed by Harris Johns & Tankard at Hansa Studio, Berlin in June 1990.
Backing vocals by Gerre, Ken (Criminal Justice) & Tommy (Megalomaniax).
Cover artwork by Sebastian Krüger.
Photos by Petra Gall & Buffo.
The following live bonus tracks appear on the 2005 re-release and are taken
from the "Open All Night" VHS recording.
12. "The Morning After"
13. "Commandments"
14. "Alien"
15. "Open All Night"
16. "Maniac Forces" |
 | 1. Open All Night
Our favorite joints in town
Close down at two, what can we do?
Walking drunk through empty streets
We have nowhere to do
'Cos there's no place where you can drink
I think this situation stinks
This law can't be the right way
We want our beer nigh |
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 Лихая банда пивных металхэдов не дала выбить себя из колеи объединением Германии и разродилась очередным альбомом, соответственно рабочему плану. Наплюём покамест на внешний мир (хотя обложку украшают задумчивые образа Гельмута Коля и Папы Римского), обратимся к процессам, произошедшим в банде. Весьма занимательно и приятно наблюдать эволюцию коллектива, можно сказать, пошагово: это всё ещё тот же бесноватый, раздолбайский и скоростной Tankard, но с более толковыми соло, более „умными“ риффами, большим разнообразием в темпе. Как уже сказано: гитарные соло действительно радуют (на фоне соляков на прошлом альбоме). Да и новый ударник пришёлся кстати. Тексты, несмотря на пивной имидж банды, никогда не были слишком простыми, хотя оды различным алкогольным напиткам встречаются довольно часто. Просто будем честными: такие вещи как „Wheel of Rebirth“ если и не поднимают "Пивную Кружку" в лигу повыше, то ясно показывают, что они запросто могли там оказаться, если бы перестали кривляться и валять дурака. Но они не перестали, за то их и любит не одно поколение металхэдов.
„The Meaning of Life“ ответов на фундаментальные вопросы бытия не даст, но подкинет пару мыслей к размышлению и поможет хорошо провести время. |
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Немецкая школа трэша всегда отличалась от американской по многим факторам и однозначно главенствующий среди них – бескомпромиссность. Материал не подвержен никаким отклонениям в сторону чего-то, разбавляющего саунд. Прямолинейный запильный звук тесно сопровождает истошный полу-крик, ударные инструменты звучат прямо как на марше, четко и одновременно по-панковски грязно. Выделить что-то из этой лавины звуков практически невозможно, но, пожалуй, единственным хитом альбома является сверхскоростной трэк "We Are Us", а остальное - стандартное варево для фэнов старого доброго Slayer'a.
Тексты повествуют об излюбленной теме группы, т.е пиве и прочих более крепких анестетиках, ужасах нашего бремени, оружии и т.п. (прямо как наши Сектор Газа).
Релиз альбома состоялся в 1990-ом году и, наверное, послужил отличным подарком многим молодым немцам, в пьяном угаре танцующим на развалинах Берлинской Стены. |
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просмотров: 18707 |
Open all night - closing time chock
Can't take it no longer
Fight for your right - whiskey and beer
Straight into the morning
Open all night - please! All night!
The drinks are locked away
The crowds are moving towards the place
Where automatic Emma stands
Dispensing beer and more
A dream machine, a gift of God
Out of luck, this evening sucks
Those drinks we always need'em
Let's fight for beverage freedom
Now that the city's dead
You can't get home without a car
Doesn't run past one o'clock
You stagger home on foot
The wrong direction mile for mile
And getting sober all the while
Don't want no more frustration
Make this an all night nation
Where can we hang out later?
At home? They'd tear the place apart
Just one way: don't close the bars
2. We Are Us
You're such a down in your wig and your tights
You look so silly, silly tonight
Trying to be like your favorite star
Why don't you stay just the way that you are
Be you, don't try living a lie
We too are true! Never a lie
We are true
Who are you? We are us!
Be a man you can trust
Being who you are is the key to yourself
Who are you? We are us!
What is the sense of a second hang life
That's no solution - it's a disguise
Just set your own personality free
Look in the mirror and find your identity
Don't pretend that you're someone you're not
Pride in yourself, man, that means a lot
Stick to your guns, do what you can do best
And you will find that's the best way to have success
3. Dancing On Our Grave
This living planet is dying fast
Beset by parasites a terrifying plague
Does mankind have a right to live?
We take the earth for what she has and death we give
Atomic powers and acid rain
The ozone gone, you ask what's going on, we're
Dancing on our grave - careless with no regrets
Dancing on our grave - there's no more turning back
Eons of evolution ravaged by pollution, now we are
Dancing on our grave
Civilization reeks of its waste
A toxic curse that lies forever on the race
Emissions killing silently
Get in the ground, the air, the water, every tree
Tipping the balance that nature held
We aimed at others but we shot ourselves, we're
An eco-revolution is the sole solution, but we're
Dancing on our grave
Pleading for nature is trendy now
Deeds are replaced by words while time is running out
We didn't care for much too long
Catastrophes, extinction, cancer prove us wrong
The train of "progress" still races on
Straight to the gates of Hell, bid you farewell
Once man has been erased, the world might be a better place, we're
Dancing on our grave
4. Mechanical Man
Part of the nameless masses
Part of the big machine
You're nothing but a cogwheel, man
Well died, conform, replaceable
Think - sometimes you wake up
Act - and wonder why
You're free to think that you're free
But somewhere truth is lost
The drudgery you like each day
Is all you know, you don't complain
Do you want to be a mechanical man?
Don't you want to be free?
Do you know your mind is no longer your own?
You will always be a mechanical man
You can never be free
Being unaware of the powers you serve
You life's a vicious circle
You move but get nowhere
The only way you know to break out
Is dreaming on the video
Think - you've got to shape up
Act - to make a change
But then you're just a chess piece
In someone else's game
He makes the move, you have your place
And destiny is preordained
So many others like you
They're living senseless lives
They will obey and walk their way
With vacant stares and empty minds
Think - sometimes they wake up
Act - and wonder why
But we are much too burned out
To light the flame of hope
The revolution will not come
Our minds are tied behind our backs
5. Beermuda
I'm feeling low, to much frustration
I've gotta get away
Do not want to stay in this boring place
Getting crazier day by day
I see in my imagination
The place I want to go
An island for away, unbeknown to most
Where it's warm and the beer streams flow
Sandy beaches and a deep blue ocean
The water tastes like premium brew
Nobody works, it's against the law
Gorgeous woman waiting there for you
Easy living makes me feel alright
This paradise is mine tonight
I wanna go to Beermuda
No more sober life without fun
I wanna move to Beermuda
I wanna live in Beermuda
Live it up in the tropical sun
I wanna go to Beermuda
The trees are full of snacks and sixpacks
And they don't cost a dime
There's just a single rule: No sobriety
Nobody thinks about tomorrow
The good times never stop
Under the summer sky, getting really high
We'll go on drinking 'til we drop
This is life as it always should be
No one could find a better place
Too bad it can't be reality
I'm just dreaming, it's a fantasy
Easy living makes we feel alright
This paradise is mine tonight
I see in my imagination
The place I want to go
An island far away
Waking up from my crazy daydream
Brew in my hand, hey, where am I?
Can it be true that I'm really here
On Beermuda with a girl and a beer
Easy living makes me feel alright
This paradise is mine for life
I'm gonna stay in Beermuda
No more sober life without fun
I gonna live in Beermuda
I'm gonna stay in Beermuda
Live it up in the tropical sun
I gonna live in Beermuda
I'm gonna stay in Beermuda
No more sober life without fun
I'm gonna live in Beermuda
6. The Meaning Of Life
It's such a mystery
Can someone tell me the meaning of life?
It's really killing me
Who's got the rap on the meaning of life?
Kama Sutra, Bible and Koran - no answer, man
Not a clue from Marx to Socrates - I'm on my knees
Gotta find it in my own
Sober, drunk or maybe stoned
Grow myself a wisdom tooth
Ask him, if he knows the truth
I can't rest 'til I've discovered why - we live and die
Desperation's driving me insane - pain in my brain
It's such a mystery
What is the key to the meaning of life?
I have to be sure
What are we living for?
It's such a mystery
But I'll uncover the meaning of life
What's the use of fighting for rebirth - What is it worth?
Born to live the dreams of our parents - What is the sense?
If your life is from above
There's no need for making love
Be the best that you can be
Working for the family
A weekend escape is only fantasy - Life isn't free
So I work in hopes I'll get away - Maybe one day
Sometimes I think that life's a game - But who's to blame?
Or is life for love and charity? - I disagree
Life is just a money grab
Taking all that's to be had
I can never be complete
Everybody wants a piece
Will I ever find some happiness? - Before my death
But what if there's an afterlife - In Paradise?
The end of the mystery
Think for yourself
7. Space Beer
Read in the morning paper
They're shooting up another satellite
Experiment on the final frontier
To create the ultimate beer
Precious yeast spinning in orbit
Unrestrained gravity fades
Nobody knows what this brew will be
A magic potion? Chemistry?
Everybody loves the new beer
So good you want to drink it day in night
It's better that and Pils, any Ex
Makes you feel like really good sex
If you're sick, don't fear the doctor
'Cos he has wonderful news:
a case of Beer will replace the pills
A drink of healing cures your ills
A new idea - great innovation
Future beer - it's a sensation
Chuck it down, tap another barrel
Magic potion out of space
Chuck it down, it's a drinker's heaven
Live it up and drink this beer
Space beer! Space beer!
Space beer - this is what I like
Space beer - it tastes alright
If you stick to drinking Space beer
Hangovers - headaches will be in the past
The Sci-Fi-booze makes you healthy and wise
Your dick and brain will grow in size
If you're bald, it'll make your hair grow
If you're not, drink it for fun
Your liver wants more and more of it
It keeps your stomach strong and fit
We love it - a beermaniac Utopia
We want it - oktobertest comucopia
Future beer is so fantastic
There is no end to what this stuff can do
It multiplied - it's no trick of the light
Empty bottles fill overnight
It's the best nothing can match it
Number one - galaxy wide
The aliens from all over space
Will come to earth to get a taste
A new idea - great innovation
Future beer - it's a sensation
8. Always Them
The hate in your eyes
As one more victim dies
The ghetto in flames
Another day of shame
Will you kill them all
'cos they're not like you?
Whether someone's skin is black
Or he calls himself a Jew
It he comes from a foreign land
What's all that in you?
All are equal - stop the bigotry
All are equal - lace is only ideology
Misfortune mayhem
You blame it all on "them"
They're dirty and mean
You want your country clean
What does it mean "clean"?
If they're not like you
Then they don't belong
Everyone's a foreigner
Almost any place he's in
Tolerance is the better way
In friendship all win
Soveto, the Klan
Treblinka in the end
These names they spell out
What you are all about
9. Wheel Of Rebirth
Subterranean Urban Network
Year Twenty Fortyeight
System condition stable
All data - flow intact
Control - the human items cloned and bred
Cast from genetic mold
Optimized for future role
World manager controllers
Reside beyond the drones
Immutably, undying
By hi-tech providence
Eternal life by mind transplantation
Don't miss the chance
The chance of rebirth
Book your place on the wheel
A perfect body chosen
To host the aging brain
Restricted access only
High asset clientele
No more fear of senility and death
We sell eternity
Take control of destiny
Transplant complexes often
Selections of young flesh
To those who seek a new life
To live their old life in
Escape your judgement day - invest in time
Hi-tech reincarnation
The cult of science reigns
Payment for paradise is
Not prayer, just currency
Buy life! We'll save you from mortality
Don't fall for those who say:
Madness lies in eternity
Death must submit to finance
He dwells among the slaves
Control is universal
The end of history
But is eternal life heaven or Hell
10. Barfly
D.T. empty stare and body shiver
Whisky - need a shot to stop the quiver
I've been here for days or minutes
Where is here? I couldn't tell
Somewhere in the outer limits
Pretty close, I guess, to Hell
Hazy names and places
Foggy memory
Help me - Mister, can you spare a dollar?
Need a drink before I start to holler
Seedy bars is where I hang out
Crawling up the Strip all night
Dodging tabs and seeking spenders
Passing out or starting fights
It's a way of living
In the underworld
Close to the edge - Barfly
Ready to fall
Walking the ledge - Barfly
Nothing or all
Playing your part - Barfly
Searching... Barfly
Barrooms - stench of beer, the smell of losers
Lowlifes - aging whores and senile boozers
We're a family of zombies
But a family nonetheless
Gotta hang on to each other
When your life's a filthy mess
Fighting for survival
Fighting loneliness
Way out - got a choice, I'm not a dumb one
Create - write a book and be a someone
Memoirs very popular
In those intellectual circles
Barfly turns to cult - scene start
Sleaze can be attractive
Viewed from safer shores
Close to the edge - Barfly
Ready to fall
Nothing or all - Barfly
Searching... Barfly
11. Wonderful Life
Every day my life is getting worse
I'm so sick of it all
When I see myself I have to puke
All my mirrors are full
Stupid, ugly, fat as a pig
That's what I am - disgrace
No one likes me, not even me
I'm worse than slime - no good
Life sucks - everything is just a bloody mess
Life sucks - and I believe that it's getting worse
Mouldy sausage, maggoty bread
Is all I eat - green meat
Herpes, V.D., loosing my teeth
And all my hair - despair
Life sucks - everything is just a bloody mess
Life sucks - and I believe that it's getting worse
I'm just gonna stay here in my bed
Pray to god that I die
I don't ever want to live again
It's a horrible trip
Life sucks - everything is just a bloody mess
Life sucks - and it's getting worse