 Эта греческая группа, грубо говоря, является копией копии. Если Deeds of Flesh вдохновлялись творчеством Suffocation, то Inveracity старательно копируют манеру исполнения самих Deeds of Flesh. Однако если копии компьютерных файлов абсолютно идентичны, то вот при переписывании музыки с кассеты на кассету в домашних условиях качество звучания копируемой музыки неумолимо ухудшается. Inveracity и их альбом "Extermination of Millions" и оказались такой вот не очень качественно переписанной кассетой с любым из вышедших на тот момент релизов американских брутальщиков. Средняя продолжительность треков даже несколько меньше: около двух с половиной минут, и в каждой из таких вот "средних минут" имеется ультимативный набор "недружелюбных" риффов, как ультратяжелых, так и "жужжащих", выпуклого баса и бластбитов с редкими давящими замедлениями темпа. Гроул вокалиста Джорджа хорош, но оставляет некоторые сомнения по поводу его компьютерной обработки. Пожалуй, единственное серьезное отличие Inveracity от тех же Deeds of Flesh, за исключением качества материала, - тематика лирики, которая у греков имеет серьезнейший уклон в сторону описаний сексуального насилия и извращений. Впрочем, по сравнению с предшественником тексты на "Extermination of Millions" получились более разнообразными, так как в них появились картины неизбежимого глобального "вымера всех человеков". Для Греции, не очень сильной на брутал-дэтовой сцене, релиз в любом случае хорош. А вот для сцены мировой это работа уровнем лишь немного повыше среднего, но благо, что ориентиры у этой группы выбраны правильные. |
While the submissive monsters stand indisposed
Brought to life through random acts of intercourse
Where human and animal nature collide
Visions of Coming Apocalypse
Ignorant servants of a high power
Inhabitants of a decaying land
This world raped itself, a world misfortuned
A wasteland filled with lifeless remains
Your so-called evolution, is nothing but a lie
The world you create is internally decomposing
Visions of coming apocalypse
Driven by constant greed for wealth
Feeding on helpless humans
The fools are heading to their extinction
Disposal of the weak
Piles of dead bodies as the impure reign goes on and on
Extermination of Millions
I crave extermination of countless million human trash
I will be convinced if i only watch them lay down dead
It's time for all to see my unstoppable delirium of murder
Nothing but my only way to be set free
I live just to see to fulfill my desire
Extermination - scum of the earth
Extermination- genocide
Fucked up - this hallucination becomes a reality i'd never believe
Obliteration of the human kind
Inferior than worms or leeches
Ignorant bastards their days meet the end
I am fed up with their idiocy
I define who's worth of living
Masses compelled in my own conceit
Mindlessly waiting for their final destruction
I abuse the right that me on my won gave to myself
I am delegated
My mission completed and as i stand
I breath the air of salvation
Humanity is extinct
I laugh as I'm supremacy
I breathe just to see to fulfill my desire
Extermination - the Earth becomes a burial place
I am perfection
Forced Prostitution
Out in the market for a better day
Self - inflicted torture, it's too late
There's no way back, you will rot way to fast
My eyes already foretell your future
In this life you created you live in disgust
Rape, theft and murder
As a lamb among the wolves they lewd the fuck out of you
Now you can cry in misfortune
By knowing it only gets worse every day
There's no escape since you entered a world of shit and decay
Forced in this life of sleaze, to earn your daily fix
For every whore there's a filthy pimp
Hand in the cash or you 'll have your throat slashed
I rape your body and soul
I 'll be there to watch
Your fall in the depths of impurity
This situation has gone out of hand
Forced prostitution - you 'll deal with it
My eyes already foretell your future in this life you created
Standing on your knees and sucking
Anyone's cum dripping from your face
This is not some kind of job for the weak
Shrouded In Solitary
Non existing reason, there is no one
In my domination I envision
Eternal solitary
All life erased by sheer hatred
Human existence burnt to ashes
Strong delusion of a diminishing world
Non alive but still i envision immortality
Non existing reason, there is no one
In my dominion I envision
Eternal solitary
No signs of life all erased by hatred
Human existence burnt to ashes
A vast necrotic field is all that surrounds me
The only witness of a world in misery
Vicious Pretension
Depreciation of your existence
I will deteriorate your insolent life
Soon you will have a corrosive liquid to die with
I'm getting stronger - don't even resist
The lust for punishment lives on
Now i prepare to loath you more
Sliding in with ease
You 're twitching, you 've lost control
As i pound my fists on you
The pain is unbearable, I'm unrelenting
Staying inside 'till the whole body is infected
With the disease I carry for years now
Behind The Walls of Derangement
Hell behind bars
Suffocate, struggling to survive
A stinking pit of total despair
The light of day never to be seen again
Screams that go unheard
Once you cross these walls
It's the point of no return
Gates close behind you
Staring through iron bars
Man is one with animals in this hellhole
Beasts, ready to devour
A place packed with human waste
Convicted for rape, theft, murder
And any other kind of illegal act
The scars of imprisonment will never heal
Bound to the blackest of futures
The human race is dependable of higher powers
No way or hope to get through
Strings pulled at random will
Abstract fear of extinction yet so obvious
Condemned to forever serve
Ageless treat to all eternity human treachery
Blessed are the ones never brought to life to join mankind
None to decline their inferior state of mortal substance
Predetermined failure ceases the thought of life
Embodying submission
Indicating the secrets of subsistence
Seeking after what ages hide beneath
Recurring servants of sightless upmost forces
To ensure the blindness of living continuum