« Innuendo »
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1 | Innuendo
 | 2 | I'm Going Slightly Mad
 | 3 | Headlong
 | 4 | I Can't Live with You
 | 5 | Don't Try So Hard
 | 6 | Ride the Wild Wind
 | 7 | All God's People (Queen/Mike Moran)
 | 8 | These Are the Days of Our Lives
 | 9 | Delilah
 | 10 | The Hitman
 | 11 | Bijou
 | 12 | The Show Must Go On |
   Freddie Mercury - vocals, piano
Brian May - guitars, vocals, keyboards
John Deacon - bass
Roger Taylor - drums, vocals |
Produced by Queen & David Richards
Engineered by David Richards
Assistant engineers: Noel Harris & Justin Shirley-Smith
Recorded at Metropolis & Mountain March 1989 - November 1990
Cover concept by Queen & Richard Gray |
 | Innuendo
While the sun hangs in the sky and the desert has sand
While the waves crash in the sea and meet the land
While there's a wind and the stars and the rainbow
'Till the mountains crumble into the plain
Oh yes, we'll keep on tryin'
Tread that fine line
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 Имея уже достаточно хорошее представление об этой великой команде по многочисленным клипам и сборникам лучших хитов, я приобрел первым когда-то именно этот номерной альбом. В 1991 г. Queen были давно признанными классиками рока, пользовавшимися любовью как поклонников, так и музыкантов, но, к сожалению, к тому времени Фредди Меркьюри был уже давно болен СПИДом и медленно угасал, но все же не хотел показывать этого миру – о страшной болезни знали только музыканты его группы и несколько самых близких друзей. Последний выпущенный при жизни Фредди альбом Queen оказался очень сильным, ничем не уступающим их великолепным творениям первой половины 70-х годов и пронизанным размышлениями человека, ощущавшего приближение смерти. Как это обычно бывает в творчестве Queen, нам преподносится невероятное разнообразие и в музыке, и в вокале: 1) «Innuendo» – тревожный, но все же оптимистический хард, с элементами фламенко в середине, на тему, которая, конечно же, особенно затрагивала Фредди в то время – есть ли Бог, в чем смысл жизни, есть ли ответ на вопросы, которые нас мучают; 2) «I’m Going Slightly Mad» – композиция с арт-роковым уклоном, в которой «схождение с ума» описано довольно красочно и даже с некоторым юмором; был снят соответствующий ее духу клип – кстати, в нем Фредди несколько напоминает мне Джонни Деппа в «Эдварде Руки-ножницы»; 3) «Headlong» – снова хард, в котором тема безостановочного движения вперед («стремглав») прекрасно передается ударными и гитарными запилами; 4) «I Can’t Live with You» – еще один полный энергетики хард, на этот раз на любовную тематику; 5) «Don’t Try So Hard» – одна из жемчужин альбома, с переливающейся музыкой и трогающим сердце вокалом (в пору проблем и неприятностей Фредди просит «не надрываться»); 6) «Ride the Wild Wind» – тема, слушая которую четко представляешь себе полет куда-то под покровом ночи, с ветром в волосах, с любимой девушкой рядом; в звуковое полотно песни органично вплетены звуки, создающую атмосферу дороги; 7) «All God’s People» – нечто, что можно назвать смесью хард-рока и госпелз – тут тебе и хор, и гитарные соло, и переливы клавишных; 8) «These Are the Days of Our Lives» – прекрасная баллада, посвященная воспоминаниям о молодости, когда все было так хорошо, но хотя все это ушло, одно остается неизменным – любовь; 9) «Delilah» – шуточная тема, которую Фредди посвятил одной из своих кошек, коих у него, кстати, было немало; мяуканье изображается с помощью то вокала, то инструментов; 10) «The Hitman» – самая жесткая и быстрая тема на альбоме, временами заставляющая вспомнить о пауэр- и спид-металле; 11) «Bijou» – еще одна вещь, показывающая, насколько непредсказуемым был этот музыкальный коллектив; великолепный альянс гитары и синтезатора и простые слова: «Наша с тобой судьба – быть вместе до конца жизни, всегда, моя драгоценная»; однако чувствуется во всем этом грусть человека, понимающего, что конец этот уже близок; 12) «The Show Must Go On» – прекрасное завершение альбома; именно эту хард-роковую композицию многие вспоминают при упоминании группы Queen, а ее название «Шоу должно продолжаться» стало крылатой фразой (хотя, по правде говоря, такое же название носила песня Pink Floyd из альбома «The Wall»); эти слова долго звучат эхом в конце альбома, все тише и тише, словно говоря, что настоящее искусство никогда не уходит. А прекрасные люди всегда остаются в памяти. Альбом стал прекрасной эпитафией музыканту, который хотел дарить людям радость и отдавался любимому делу – музыке – до самой смерти, оставив в ней поистине неизгладимый след. |
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Фредди Меркьюри – одна из самых ярких фигур современной музыки. Потрясающе красивый, сильнейший и разнообразный голос, неповторимая манера исполнения – просто бесподобно…
С этого альбома у меня началось знакомство с группой. Начало, что называется – в десятку! Ибо, это альбом, вероятно, лучший у QUEEN. И тем не менее он довольно типичен для группы. Музыка группы всегда находилась на стыке рока и популяроной музыки (типа ROXETTE, как мне кажется). Причем, что особенно здорово, рок и поп жанр не смешивались, а присутствовали отдельно в разных песнях. И данный альбом не стал исключением (к примеру, песня “These are the days of our livs” – чистой воды поп-музыка). Независимо от стилистики, все песни можно охарактеризовать только как потрясающие. В свое время я впервые услышал этот альбом на касете и подумал, что сие сборник лучших хитов группы (в пользу этого предположения была чрезвычайное разнообразие композиций, записанных как-будто в разное время). Я просто не мог подумать, что в природе могут существовать альбомы с подобным уровнем хитовости! Все песни обладают своим характером, темпом, все очень красивы. Что может быть прекрасней, когда прекрасная мелодия поется самым прекрасным голосом, который только можно вообразить? Вот это все относится как раз к этом альбому. Хотелось бы упоминуть о каждой композиции, но повторяться не к чему. А выделять отдельные песни равносильно введению в заблуждение, ибо могут подумать, что остальные чем-то хуже.
Потрясает сам факт обстотельств выхода данного альбома. Обычно люди, ждущие смерти со дня на день, не способны на такое. Тем не менее иметь желание творить и главное способность творить в такое время… – это что-то из ряда вон выходящее, характеризующее человека как незауряднейшую ЛИЧНОСТЬ! “The Show Must Go On” – своеобразное прощанье с миром. Возможно, Фредди как раз из тех, кто не умирает от скромности, но ему это позволительно. Ибо на то есть все основания. |
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просмотров: 68429 |
Oh, we'll keep on tryin'
Just passing our time
While we live according to race, colour or creed
While we rule by blind madness and pure greed
Our lives dictated by tradition, superstition, false religion
Through the aeons and on and on
Oh yes, we'll keep on tryin'
We'll tread that fine line
Oh, we'll keep on tryin'
'Till the end of time, 'till the end of time
Through the sorrow, all through our splendour
Don't take offence at my innuendo
You can be anything you want to be
Just turn yourself into anything you think that you could ever be
Be free with your tempo, be free, be free
Surrender your ego, be free, be free to yourself
If there's a god or any kind of justice under the sky
If there's a point, if there's a reason to live or die
If there's an answer to the questions we feel bound to ask
Show yourself, destroy our fears, release your mask
Oh yes, we'll keep on trying
Hey, tread that fine line
Yeah, we'll keep on smiling
And whatever will be will be
We'll just keep on trying
We'll just keep on trying 'till the end of time
'Till the end of time
'Till the end of time
I'm going slightly mad
When the outside temperature rises
And the meaning is, oh, so clear
One thousand and one yellow daffodils
Begin to dance in front of you, oh dear
Are they trying to tell you something?
You're missing that one final screw
You're simply not in the pink, my dear
To be honest - you haven't got a clue
I'm going slightly mad
I'm going slightly mad
It finally happened, happened
It finally happened
It finally happened
I'm slightly mad, oh dear
I'm one card short of a full deck
I'm not quite the shilling
One wave short of a shipwreck
I'm not at my usual top billing
I'm coming down with a fever
I'm really out to sea
This kettle is boiling over
I think I'm a banana tree, oh dear
I'm going slightly mad
I'm going slightly mad
It finally happened, happened
It finally happened
It finally happened
I'm slightly mad, oh dear
I'm knitting with only one needle
Unravelling fast - it's true
I'm driving only three wheels these days
But, my dear, how about you?
I'm going slightly mad
I'm going slightly mad
It finally happened
It finally happened, oh yes
It finally happened
I'm slightly mad
Just very slightly mad
And there you have it
And you're rushing headlong - you've got a new goal
And you're rushing headlong - out of control
And you think you're so strong but there ain't no stopping
And there's nothin' you can do about it
There's nothin' you can do
No, there's nothin' you can do about it
No, there's nothin' you can, nothin' you can
Nothin' you can do about it
And you're rushing headlong - you've got a new goal
And you're rushing headlong - out of control
And you think you're so strong
But there ain't no stopping
No, there's nothin' you can do about it
He used to be a man with a stick in his hand
She used to be a woman with a hot dog stand
Now you've got soup in the laundry bag
Now you've got strings, you're gonna lose your rag
You're gettin' in a fight then it ain't so groovy
When you're screaming in the night: "Let me out of this cheap B movie!"
Headlong - down the highway
And you're rushing headlong - out of control
And you think you're so strong but there ain't no stopping
And you can't stop rockin'
And there's nothin' you can, nothin' you can
Nothin' you can do about it
When a red hot man meets a white hot lady
Soon the fire starts a raging, gets'em more than half crazy
Now they start freaking everyway you turn
You can't start walking 'cause your feet got burned
It ain't no time to figure wrong from right
'Cause reason's out the window - better hold on tight
You're rushing headlong
Headlong - out of control
You think you're so strong
There ain't no stopping
And there's nothin' you, nothin' you
Nothin' you can do about it at all
And you're rushing headlong - down the highway
And you're rushing headlong - out of control
And you think you're so strong
But there ain't no stopping
There's nothin', nothin'
Nothin' you can do about it
I can't live with you
I can't live with you
But I can't live without you
I can't let you stay
But I can't live if you go away
I don't know just how it goes
All I know is I can't live with you
I'm having a hard time, I'm walking a fine line
Between hope and despair, you may think that I don't care
But I travelled a long road to get a hold of my sorrow
I tried to catch a dream but nothing's what it seems
Love is saying: "Baby, it's all right"
When deep inside you're really petrified
Lover turns to hater on this escalator
I can't live with you
But I can't live without you
I can't breathe if you stay
But I can't bear you to go away
I don't know what time it is
All I know is I can't live with you
We're stuck in a bad place, we're trapped in a rat race
And we can't escape, maybe there's been some mistake
We're trying to make a high score, we're walking through a closed door
And nobody's winning, we're just sinning against ourselves
Hold on, baby, tell me it's all right
Anger's breaking from the hurt inside
Passions screaming hotter, doin' what we gotta do
I can't live with you
I can't live with you
I can't live, I can't live
I can't, I can't live with you
But baby, I'll never ever leave you
I can't live with you
But I can't live without you
'Cause I'm in love with you
And everything about you
I can't live with you
No, I just can't live, I just can't live
I can't live with you
And I can't live without you
Through the madness, through the tears
We've still got each other for a million years
I can't live without you
I can't live without you
I can't live without you
I can't live without you
I can't live without you
I can't live without you, baby
Without you
Can't live without you
Don't try so hard
If you're searching out for something
Don't try so hard
If you're feeling kind of nothing
Don't try so hard
When your problems seem like mountains
You feel the need to find some answers
You can leave them for another day
Don't try so hard
But if you fall and take a tumble
It won't be far
If you fail you mustn't grumble
Thank your lucky stars
Just savour every mouthful
And treasure every moment
When the storms are raging 'round you
Stay right where you are
Oh, don't try so hard
Oh, don't take it all to heart
It's only fools, they make these rules
Don't try so hard
One day you'll be a sergeant major
Oh, you'll be so proud
Screaming out your bloody orders
Hey, but not too loud
Polish all your shiny buttons
Dressed as lamb instead of mutton
But you never had to try
To stand out from the crowd
Oh, what a beautiful world
Is this the life for me?
Oh, what a beautiful world
It's the simple life for me
Oh, don't try so hard
Oh, don't take it all to heart
It's only fools, they make these rules
Don't try so hard
Don't try so hard
Ride the wild wind
Ride the wild wind
Push the envelope, don't sit on the fence
Ride the wild wind
Live life on the razors edge
Gonna ride the whirlwind
It ain't dangerous - enough for me
Get your head down, baby, we're gonna ride tonight
Your angel eyes are shining bright
I wanna take your hand, lead you from this place
Gonna leave it all behind, check out of this rat race
Ride the wild wind
Ride the wild wind
Gonna ride the whirlwind
It ain't dangerous - enough for me
Tie your hair back, baby, we're gonna ride tonight
We got freaks to the left, we got jerks to the right
Sometimes I get so low I just have to ride
Let me take your hand, let me be your guide
Ride the wild wind
Don't sit on the fence
Ride the wild wind
Live life on the razors edge
Gonna ride the whirlwind
It ain't dangerous - enough for me
Ride the wild wind
Ride the wild wind
Gonna ride, ride the whirlwind
It ain't dangerous - enough for me
Ride the wild wind
Ride the wild wind
All god's people
So all you people give freely
Make welcome inside your homes
Thank god you people give freely
Don't turn your back on the lesson of the lord
All prime ministers and majesty around the world
Open your eyes - look, touch and feel
Rule with your heart, live with your conscience
Love, love, love, love and be free
We're all god's people
Gotta face up, better grow up
Gotta stand tall and be strong
Gotta face up, better grow up
Gotta face up, better grow up
Gotta stand tall and be strong
Gotta face up, better grow up
Gotta face up, better grow up
We're all god's people
Gotta face up, better grow up
Yes, there was this magic light - I said to myself
I'd better go to bed and have an early night
Then I, then I, then I
Then I went into a dream
Rule with your heart and live with your conscience
We're all god's people give freely
Make welcome inside your homes
Let us be thankful, he's so incredible
We're all god's people
We're all god's people
We're all god's people
We're all god's people
These are the days of our lives
Sometimes I get to feelin'
I was back in the old days, long ago
When we were kids, when we were young
Things seemed so perfect, you know
The days were endless, we were crazy, we were young
The sun was always shinin', we just lived for fun
Sometimes it seems like lately I just don't know
The rest of my life's been just a show
Those were the days of our lives
The bad things in life were so few
Those days are all gone now but one thing is true
When I look and I find - I still love you
You can't turn back the clock
You can't turn back the tide, ain't that a shame?
I'd like to go back one time on a roller coaster ride
When life's just a game
No use sitting and thinkin' on what you did
When you can lay back and enjoy it through your kids
Sometimes it seems like lately I just don't know
Better sit back and go with the flow
'Cause these are the days of our lives
They've flown in the swiftness of time
These days are all gone now but some things remain
When I look and I find no change
Those were the days of our lives
The bad things in life were so few
Those days are all gone now but one thing's still true
When I look and I find - I still love you
I still love you
Oh my, oh my, oh my
You're irresistible
You make me smile when I'm just about to cry
You bring me hope, you make me laugh and I like it
You get away with murder, so innocent
But when you throw a moody you're all claws and you bite, that's alright
Oh my, oh my, oh my
You're unpredictable
You make me so very happy
When you cuddle up and go to sleep beside me
And then you make me slightly mad
When you pee all over my Chippendale suite
You take over my house and home
You even try to answer my telephone
Delilah - you're the apple of my eyes
Delilah - I love you
Ooh, you make me so very happy
You give me kisses and I go out of my mind
You're irresistible
I love you, Delilah
Delilah, I love you
You make me very happy
Ooh, I love your kisses
Ooh, I love your kisses
Ooh, I love your kisses
The hitman
I'm the hitman - stand aside
I'm the hitman - I want your life
Ain't no escaping, don't run and hide
There goes the neighbourhood, I'm gonna kill for your love
Hitman - now don't you cry
I'm just it man and you might get fried
Gun in my pocket, don't get me wrong
I'll be your hitman, a fool for your love
I'm the head shredder, that's better
Baby, baby, baby, I'm a hitman, hitman, hitman
Trouble in the east, troubled in the west
Struggle with the beast, what a thief, what a pest
Come back, mother, nuke that sucker
Who's that man talking about?
Waste that brother, that's the way to do it
I'm the hitman, I'm your prize
But this hitman can cut you down to size
Love me, baby, don't be so cool
Love me, love me, baby, I've been to the hitman school
You're gonna make my day
Gonna blow you away
When the fun begins
Hitman - are you ready for the sting?
Gonna waste that thing
Hitman - hitman is king
You and me, we are destined, you'll agree
To spend the rest of our lives with each other
The rest of our days like two lovers
Forever, forever, my bijou
The show must go on
Empty spaces, what are we living for?
Abandoned places, I guess we know the score
On and on, does anybody know
What we are looking for?
Another hero, another mindless crime
Behind the curtain, in the pantomime
Hold the line, does anybody
Want to take it anymore?
The show must go on
The show must go on
Inside my heart is breaking
My make up may be flaking but my smile still stays on
Whatever happens I'll leave it all to chance
Another heartache, another failed romance
On and on, does anybody know
What we are living for?
I guess I'm learning, I must be warmer now
I'll soon be turning 'round the corner now
Outside the dawn is breaking
But inside in the dark I'm aching to be free
The show must go on
The show must go on
Inside my heart is breaking
My make up may be flaking but my smile still stays on
My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies
Fairytales of yesterday will grow but never die
I can fly, my friends
The show must go on
The show must go on
I'll face it with a grin
I'm never giving in on with the show
I'll top the bill, I'll overkill
I have to find the will to carry on
On with the, on with the show
The show must go on