« Jaded »
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1 | Dying Embers
 | 2 | (I Just) Died In Your Arms
 | 3 | Too Much Ain't Enough
 | 4 | The Unknown II
 | 5 | Jaded
 | 6 | Fall Strains
 | 7 | Forever
 | 8 | Aсos De Dolor
 | 9 | Silence Tells More |
   Jape Peratalo - vocals
Mika Ahtiainen - guitars
Joonas Koto - guitars
Marko Kangaskolkka - bass
Tonmi Lillman - drums
Guest musicians:
Anna Lukkarinen - violin |
 | 1. Dying Embers
It's the hour of fading light embers of my life
Save me from myself
You touched the fire and took it out of me
The flame is gone for all eternity
Nothing can hurt me i'm safe within your grace
Whatever comes our way you will protect me
You gave me something more precious t |
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 Главное, что они все же остались похожи сами на себя, хотя и изменились почти до неузнаваемости (насколько это возможно в рамках стиля). Тот же готский метал, теперь а-ля гибрид HIM и современный SENTENCED. Звучание утяжелилось, причем в основном за счет появления более жестких ритмических рисунков (так оно вроде бы называется), женский голос вместо подпевок стал небольшими вокализами (распевками) в паре песен, присутствует кавер, вот только не помню на кого. Есть вторая часть песни “Tomorrow” с предыдущего альбома. Вообще настроение музыки изменилось ровно настолько, насколько изменился стиль оформления обложки, то есть помрачнело все, при прослушивании появляется ощущение какой-то замкнутости.
Единственное, что по-моему стало хуже – запись основного вокала. Если раньше он явно доминировал над остальными инструментами, то теперь его местами даже почти совсем вроде как и не то, чтобы хорошо слышно. А так – все то же самое, впрочем, оно и к лучшему. Лишь бы совсем в SMDM не съехали.
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Внимание! Группу To/Die/For посетило озарение. Дотоле ничем не примечательные финские поп-металисты вдруг записали неожиданно хороший альбом. Очень приличный материал на стыке поп-музыки 80-х и до предела облегченного метала. Не обошлось и без очередной кавер-версии (на этот раз хита Cutting Crew "(I Just) Died in your arms"), которые уже стали фирменным знаком группы. Вокалист стал больше что-то нашептывать, и это к лучшему, поскольку вокал никогда не был сильной стороной этой группы. Звучание также изменилось: гитары задвинуты на задний план, а доминируют теперь синтезаторы. Поклонникам лав-метала стоит ознакомиться. |
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Третий альбом этих фиников не стал ни для кого откровением. Основа сделана на клавишах, что старым фэнам, как мне, может прийти не по вкусу. Хотя здесь присутствуют классные мелодии, некий драматизм и печаль. Все в меру тяжело и попсово, каким и должен быть лав-металл. Голос вокалиста стал более матерым, но до сих пор запоминается и является отличительной чертой команды. Если сравнивать их первую работу с этой, то стало больше электроники, добавилось оптимизма, но все же ребята молодцы - не забывают мелодий и металла с его тяжелыми гитарами и иногда проскакивающими соляками. Запись и сведение на высоте. Мрачноватое оформление. В общем, все, как и должно быть. |
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Это третий альбом финнов, который я слушаю. Предыдущие: «All Eternity» и «Epilogue» показались мне мелодичными, с легким оттенком грусти, меланхолии. Вокалиста совсем было не слышно... женский вокал. В общем, даже немного скучно. Но вот я взяла этот альбом и начала слушать. Что это? Где прежняя группа? Во-первых, альбом компактен и не размазан, что позволяет его запомнить. Порадовали меня ребята. Материал получился намного жестче прежних. В нем можно, наконец, услышать мало-мальский, но все же вокал Jape Peratalo, который иногда даже бывает жестким, срывается на крик! И музыка порадовала той тяжестью, которой не было в предыдущих альбомах. Наконец-то появилась агрессивная музыка, гитарные рифы. Конечно, группа не полностью отказалась от прежнего стиля - то тут или там можно услышать и женский вокал, а так же нотки 80-90 годов, даже с вкраплениями электроники (как «(I Just) Died In Your Arms» - кстати, грамотно перепетой), но тут же тяжелый гитарный звук! Супер. Нет слов. Давно меня так не радовали. Хитовость альбома очевидна. Если в предыдущих двух надо было искать хит, то тут он сам тебя находит, причем, с первой же песни – «Dying Embers».
В итоге скажу, что группа постаралась на славу. За усердие, старания и позитивные перемены ставлю 8. Будет куда стремиться! |
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просмотров: 14656 |
You touched the fire and took it out of me
After all I still believe in life and blood relation
I know I'm drained of both
Now it's all the same to me
I'm safe in isolation surrounded by your love
With a silent whisper you came from the dark
Left me whith splinters of my shattered heart
With a silent whisper you came from the dark
Left me whith splinters of my shattered heart
After all I still believe in life and blood relation
I know I'm drained of both
Now it's all the same to me
I'm safe in isolation surrounded by your love
2. (I Just) Died In Your Arms
[Cutting Crew Cover]
Hug !
I just died in your arms tonight
It must've been something you said
I just died in your arms tonight
I should've walked away
I keep looking for something I can't get
Broken hearts lie all around me
And I don't see an easy way to get out of this
Her diary, it sits by the bedside table
The curtains are closed, cat's in the cradle
Who would've thought that a guy like me could come to this
Oh, hug !
I just died in your arms tonight
It must've been something you said
I just died in your arms tonight
Oh, hug !
I just died in your arms tonight
It must've been some kind of kiss
I should've walked away, I should've walked away
Is there any just cause for feeling like this
On the surface I'm a name on a list
I try to be discreet, but then blow it again
I've lost and found, it's my final mistake
She's loving by proxy, no give and all take
'Cause I've been thrilled to fantasy one too many times
Oh, hug !
I just died in your arms tonight
It must've been something you said
I just died in your arms tonight
Oh, hug !
I just died in your arms tonight
It must've been some kind of kiss
I should've walked away, I should've walked away
It was a long hot night
Yes, she made it easy, she made it feel right
But now it's over, the moment is gone
I followed my hands, not my head
I know I was wrong
Hug !
I just died in your arms tonight
It must've been something you said
I just died in your arms tonight
Oh, I just died in your arms tonight
It must've been some kind of kiss
I should've walked away, I should've walked away
I should've walked away, should've walked away
3. Too Much Ain't Enough
All I need is anything that makes me feel alive
To end this pain and suffering that others may call life
And when the wave comes crushing in i cry from within
Too much ain't enough
I reach the peak of ecstasy
My way back down begins
So much for the luxury
It's payback time for sins
Another wasted youth
Another way to get kicks to escape the truth
Too much ain't enough
Too much ain't enough
Too much ain't enough
Too much ain't enough
I don't regret
I won't forget
The vivid high I never thought that I could get
The highest high
The lowest low
The mirror lies and never lets me go
Too much ain't enough
Too much ain't enough
Too much ain't enough
It's not enough
Too much ain't enough
It's not enough
Too much ain't enough
Too much ain't enough
Too much ain't enough
Too much ain't enough
Too much ain't enough
Too much ain't enough
4. The Unknown II
So much has changed since the last time we met
Dreams turned to ashes in the bonfire of regret
The bringer of misfortune the other one inside me
Has finally taken over the one with sanity
Nothing else but trouble nothing left to gain
All I want a painless end to conclude this endless pain
Tomorrow the unknown awakens me from dreaming
Tells me there's no smile that really has a meaning
Tomorrow the unknown awakens me from dreaming
Tells me there's no smile that really has a meaning
So much has changed since the last time we met
Dreams turned to ashes in the bonfire of regret
Nothing else but trouble nothing left to gain
All I want a painless end to conclude this endless pain
Tomorrow the unknown awakens me from dreaming
Tells me there's no smile that really has a meaning
Tomorrow the unknown awakens me from dreaming
Tells me there's no smile that really has a meaning...
5. Jaded
I never meant to hurt you so
But here I am again
Embracing someone else
It never seems to change
I know my heart belongs to you
But it yearns for someone else
I cannot help myself
I've begged you to forgive me
A thousand times before
This time it's over
Don't want me anymore
And you took your things
And at the door you waved a quick goodbye
There is nothing left to say
Just bitter tears to cry
Living a lie ain't easy
Truth comes out and kills our jaded love
I want you to forgive me
Find a way to save this jaded love
Living a lie ain't easy
Truth comes out and kills our jaded love
I want you to forgive me
Find a way to save this jaded love
I never meant to hurt you so
But here I am again
Embracing someone else
It never seems to change
I know my heart belongs to you
But it yearns for someone else
I can't resist the taste
I can help myself
An easy living a lie
Living a lie ain't easy
Truth comes out and kills our jaded love
I want you to forgive me
Find a way to save this jaded love...
6. Fall Strains
Where were you when I needed someone
To help me ease my pain
Where were you when I needed comfort
To get me through the day
There was no one to hold my hand
When I couldn't sleep at night
No one there to understand
Too scared to sleep 'til daylight
Another night without you
Another night of fear
Another night of loneliness
Wishing you were here
Can't find the light without you
Darkness calls me near
To another sleepless night
Whishing you were here
Years we shared have lost their meaning
Wihtout you by my side
Memories of all the good times
Bring tears in my eyes
Another night without you
Another night of fear
Another night of loneliness
Wishing you were here
Can't find the light without you
Darkness calls me near
To another sleepless night
Whishing you were here
7. Forever
Misery loves company
And you're the chosen one
It doesn't let you go
Until it loves you to numb
You were searching for something
Something you don't know
You've been lost so long
Cannot find the light anymore
Remember the days
Your heart felt sympathy and love
Now your mind is dull
So lifeless
Whatever you do wherever you go
Misery will follow
Needs you everyday like a desert needs the rain
Your sinner soul keeps it alive
You try to run away
Away from your hell
>From your inner cell
What you never thought to know
Misery loves company
And you're the choosen one
It doesn't let you go
Now it loves you to numb
Remember the days
Your heart felt sympathy and love
Now your mind is dull
So lifeless
Whatever you do wherever you go
Misery will follow
Needs you everyday like a desert needs the rain
Your sinner soul keeps it alive
Whatever you do wherever you go
Misery will follow
Needs you everyday like a desert needs the rain
Your sinner soul keeps it alive
8. Anos De Dolor
A shattered man that's what I am
It never was the plan
Drowned in lies whith despise
Bitterness is no surprise
I lost my future lost my hope
Day by day I try to cope
Emptiness spreads from within
The walls are closing in
Just ignore me I don't care
If I die I am prepared
In years of hate I lost my everything
The only way is down
In tears of rage I drown my every sin
In tears of rage I am
Empty walls keep staring back
Best friends that I ever had
To hell whith all your sympathy
It's all the same to me
Just ignore me I don't care
If I die I am prepared
Now it's too late
The walls are closing in
In years of hate I lost my everything
The only way is down
In tears of rage I drown my every sin
In tears of rage I'm flow
In years of hate I lost my everything
The only way is down
In tears of rage I drown my every sin
In tears of rage I'flow...drown, rage I drown
9. Silence Tells More
She's by the window alone
Silently crying
Mourning the love that is gone
Desperately denying
Tears run down her face
Like the rain
Been crying now for days
Plaintive need to let go
I tried to tell you something more
But my silence tells you more
I don't love you anymore
I tried to tell you something more
But my silence tells you more
I don't love you anymore
Her blood runs down the drain
Like a river
Gave in to the pain
Strongest of emotions
I tried to tell you something more
But my silence tells you more
I don't love you anymore...
She realize the other side - no need to cry
It's all behind the frost tears that tear his eye...
Silence tells more...
10. Spineless
[Bonus Track]
No one here to take away
The pain I'm going through
No one here to share
This moment
Empty walls stare back at me
Laughing at my pain
I can't face reality
Can't face tomorrow
I've bid my last farewell
I've shed my final tear
And cast aside the fear
I've bid my last farewell
I've shed my final tear
And cast aside the fear
The scars were never healed
I have hidden my despair
When I pulled the shortest straw
No one even cared
Empty walls stare back at me
Laughing at my pain
I can't face reality
Can't face tomorrow
There's nothing more to give
I've bid my last farewell
I've shed my final tear
And cast aside the fear
I've bid my last farewell
I've shed my final tear
And cast aside the fear