« Lonely Are the Brave »
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1 | Lonely Are the Brave * 04:17
 | 2 | Night City * 05:27
 | 3 | War of the World 05:33
 | 4 | Shadow People 03:34
 | 5 | Soul of the Wind 06:03
 | 6 | Man of the Dark 05:11
 | 7 | Promises 04:44
 | 8 | The Inner Road 04:56
 | 9 | Hellfire 06:12
 | 10 | Stormbringer - 3:53
 | 11 | Like Stone In Water - 5:01 |
   Jørn Lande - lead vocals
Jørn Viggo Lofstad - guitar
Tore Moren - guitar
Sid Ringsby - bass
Willy Bendiksen - drums |
 | 1. Lonely Are The Brave
Oh oh yeah eah aah ah ah
Once when the world was younger they would paint the sky
On the canvas of light naming stars in the night yeah whoa oh
Then someone saw the future in the eyes of a beast
Burning secrets of time but the people were blind
They sailed acros |
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 Стабильно радующий поклонников хард-н-хэви высококлассным музыкальным продуктом, гуру вокала Йорн Ланде на сей раз решил расслабиться. Всего лишь восемь новых песен, грешащих самоповторами, да переработка вещи «Hellfire» (пусть и хорошей вещи) из репертуара Beyond Twilight - согласитесь, негусто. Альбом демонстрирует дефицит новых идей и не лучшую интерпретацию старых и, как следствие, не впечатляет - лишь «Shadow People» достойна места в золотом фонде Jorn'а. В целом же, на «Lonely are the Brave» сильнее, чем на предыдущих работах, ощутим крен в сторону классического хард-рока с привкусом обожаемого Йорном Whitesnake, в результате чего альбом получился довольно мягким, хотя привычные «жирные» гитары Йорна-Вигго Лофстада и Торе Морена по-прежнему в строю. А вот чем объяснить их вялую игру, лишенную всякого драйва - сказать трудно. Наверное, все той же расслабленностью. Главное, чтобы это состояние не затянулось у группы надолго, а то и навсегда. |
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Дождались мы полноценного пятого альбома от норвежского супер-вокалера.
Без критики не обойдется. Проблема Йорна (при всем моем глубочайшем уважении и признании его творчества) в том, что его как то слишком много стало. Ну посудите сами: в прошлом году аж три диска под его именем - "The Gathering" (бест офф), "Unlocking the Past" (сборник каверов, сделанных, правда на отлично) и "Live in America ". Потом проект Allen/Lande. В этом году уже была Авантазия с ним же. Из-за того, что он участвует много где, ему явно не хватает времени, чтобы довести до ума свои сольники. И это - его хроническая болезнь: они всегда немного недоделаны. Даже в блистательном "The Duke" и то схалтурил - 1 кавер + перепевка своего же первого хита "Starfire". В итоге из 10 песен - 1 кавер и 1 "уже было". И тут - та же беда. 9 песен в оригинальном издании. В дигипаке будет 11, но каверы. Из 9 песен - все равно 1 кавер, а из оставшихся 8-ми, на мой взгляд, 6 получилось на -ять. "Lonely Are The Brave", "Night City", "War Of The World" - первые три песня просто perfect, потом начинается буксовка из пары песен, которые ну слишком традиционны. "Man of The Dark" и "Promises" - почти шедевры, которые окончательно вытягивают релиз. Вердикт: 8-8.5 баллов. Отменный звук, запредельный профессионализм коллектива (Йорну повезло заполучить в коллектив чумовейшего гитариста Йорна Вигго Лофстада из Pagan's Mind) делают свое дело. Если Йорн возьмет годичный отпуск, который потратит на сочинение и доведение материала до ума, то может получиться и покруче чем "The Duke" или "Worldchanger". Но уж всяко новый релиз лучше чем "Out to Every Nation", который не то, что бы плох, но слишком уж был сыроват для такого мэтра. |
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Как только появился этот релиз этого сделавшего себе имя и безупречную репутацию музыканта, пошли пересуды: вроде как спекся Jorn, ничего нового придумать не может, да и хитов нет, что в сравнениии с "The Duke" вообще не смотрися. Ну вот я и решил стать представителем взгляда с другой стороны.
Итак, главный вздох разочарования: "We brought the angels down", "End of time", где же вы?! кричат с каждого угла. Так вот с отсутствием хитов на данном диске я не согласен категорически. "Shadow People", "War of the World", "Night City", "Lonely Are the Brave", правда в обратной временной последовательности доказывают обратное. Хотя без слабоватых композиций здесь и не обошлось: ну никак не впечатлила "Soul of the Wind", что кстати не портит впечатления от альбома, а скорее выглядит антрактом перед второй частью альбома, где конечно нет таких ярких песен как "Shadow People", но каждая компазиция - яркая, а в голове откладывается и получше первых четырех. Вторая часть заканчивается "The Inner Road", и к этому я еще вернусь.
Идем дальше и решаем вопрос о новых идеях. "Lonely Are the Brave" - это перепевка "The Duke" и "Out To Every Nations". Да не перепевка, а обобщение. "Lonely Are the Brave" вобрал в себя все лучшее с этих альбомов. Я не услышал ни одной похожей песни или, тем более, содранной с самого себя же. Да звук тот же, так в Rage, например, он не меняется уже лет восемь, и ничего, слушаем. Зачем менять уже отлаженный механизм, тем более если еще не все сказал, что хотел сказать с его помощью. Придет время, а с ним и новый звук, и новый стиль, и кто знает, что еще. Итогда, я уверен все будет на высшем уровне, а пока Jorn такой, какой есть, и нам остается только наслаждаться его музыкой. А если он менялся бы сейчас, из этого могло получиться не очень радостное для поклонниковтворение.
А теперь ложка дегтя. Заканчивается "The Inner Road". Вот тут бы поставить точку. "Шедевр на все времена" - так звучит словестная формулировка оценки 10 на этом сайте. "Lonely Are the Brave" конечно не совсем шедевр и тем более на все времена, но здесь этой десятки заслуживоет. Но всегда есть "НО". На диске три бонустрека, хотя один так и не называется. "Hellfire" хоть песня и отличная, но не надо поганить Progressive-шедевры хардроковым исполнением и тем более приписывать все лавры себе любимому. А Deep Purple пусть свои хиты сами и исполняют (это я про "Stormbringer").
Итак, вышеизложенный абзац, и не совсем вразумительная обложка снижают оценку на бал. Спасибо за внимание. |
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просмотров: 16993 |
Legends of the sea going down in history
At the end of a rainbow no treasure was found
We're killing magic with machines in this technical breakdown
Chains of the universe cosmic winds blow there
Our silent vision of paradise it must be somewhere
Into the forest I start to run away from the city and the neon sun
Up to the mountain where I can be king a master of fire and the lord of the sings
This is my road it's just rock and roll and there's one thing I know
Lonely are the brave lonely are the brave
Back when winter was colder they all praised the sun
A million fires of light under the moon so bright
But darkness was always closer than the holy light
And we've been crossing the edge forever breaking promises yeah eah
Spaceman came travelling on a ship from afar
He brought visions of paradise but it lies on a distant star
This is my road I follow the dream and I want you to know
Lonely are the brave lonely are the brave
This is my road this is my road and I'm going home
Lonely are the brave lonely are the brave yeah
I follow the dream as I carry the load it's called rock and roll
Rock and roll aah aah it's just rock and roll
Rock and roll this is just rock and roll
2. Night City
Whoa oh the sun the rain and the crossroads I wonder what waits up ahead
And only the ghost knows the answer to what happens after I'm dead
Streets of hell it's a jungle I see people with hate in their eyes
The man with the gun is just a child on the run from the light yeah
Night city in the city night
Someone's crawling out of sight hiding in the neon night city
The moon the wind and the shadows still we are standing in the shade
Wolves at the door still howling to eat you alive it's the game
Dreams have perished forever towers of stone to the ground
Sirens screaming someone's bleeding in the night
Night city in the city night yeah
Something's moving from the light hiding in the dead of night city city
Night city the sky begins to crack lightning will attack night city
The fame the fortune and the power soon falls another spotlight kid
Salt of the eye from my inner cry gonna die why
Night city in the city night yeah oh night city
Night city night city night city night city oh in night city
Raising devils on the way many more than you can slay down
Stay down in night city night city
And the wolf is at the door howling for more and more
In the city night city in night city
Just a dreamer shining bright rock you in the still of night city
Oh oh night city in the night city
3. War Of The World
Aah there's something in the air I feel the omen
My bones are achin' I've got no more pain to bleed no
Hear someone in despair is there no healer
To save the forgotten ones and burn away the stealer
Sign of the dark it's the war of the world
The dragon's bleeding my sword is piercing
Why save the world when you can rule it
Why touch the ground when you can fly away to dreams
Escape your silent screams
Whipped by the written law led by confusion
Bring out the warrior begin your revolution yeah
Sign of the dark it's the war of the world the dragon's bleeding
Why save the world when you can rule it yeah yeah
Why touch the ground when you can fly away to dreams
Come on and scream
There's something in the air I feel the omen
My bones are achin' I've got no more pain to bleed no
Hear someone in despair is there no healer
Save the forgotten ones and burn away burn away the stealer
Sign of the dark it's the war of the world
Why save the world when you can rule it
And why touch the ground when you can fly away to dreams
Escape your inner screams oh aah aah
From the ageless stones a forgotten song we must carry on
Look for the answer look look look yeah
I can't find the answer oh oh oh
4. Shadow People
Yeah aah day is dying night is moving in the darkness evil looming
Crawling anger feeling hollow future city so cold with sorrow yeah
Shameless leaders killing faster sending legions of disaster
No retreat no surrender thunderpain we will remember
And the diamond is you true blue and the crystal is me lost in the dark
Shadow people shadow land desert danger there's blood on the sand
Blindfolded no time to see oh just another liar and the liar is me
Like a burning wind of fire push the demon in your desire
Cross religion you have the power rock the nations complete your tower
'cause the diamond is you true blue and the crystal is me
Shadow people shadow people shadow land
Desert danger there's blood on the sand
Shadow people shadow land desert danger there's blood on the sand
Blindfolded no time to see no just another liar
And it's haunting me yeah it's haunting me
5. Soul Of The Wind
Trust me I know what is real feel me I am your song
Darkness people fading time strangers blind in the light
I smell the earth after the fire burning the rain away from my inner pain
Swirling through the ashes of my broken dreams
Picking up the pieces of my lost memory
Never found what I was looking for in this world of fools
There are too many people yeah making too many rules
Now the shade has fallen across the land
Hear madness whisper whisper inside the lonely man
I sweep the forest mm like the silvery moon
And I'm a dancing fairy on glades of flowers in bloom
But I can be a hurricane to kill the flame
Sending waves without warning warning
Shameless I rule the game yeah
Let it come let it come I bring you storm and then I'm gone
It's the soul of the wind another time is blowing in
There's a new day dawning oh oh the soul of the wind
Oh roaming the city where angels die
See the blue light lady wandering the streets of crime
And the wolves are waiting to seal her fate
Just another night cry yeah and now it's too late
Oh it's the soul of the wind
Another time is blowing in for the soul of the wind
6. Man Of The Dark
As the night's casting shadows upon the city walls
He finds his way in the dark dressed in black to become unseen
He's moving with the secrets of his sacrifice
See the moon in his eyes and the lost paradise
It's weighing him down as he stumbles around yeah
Lonely road leaving burn marks from the fire
Rusty soul from the spikes that nailed him down
He's a man of the dark always hiding in his broken heart
Crying demon of the sun forever dying on the run
Til the fighting's done a man of the dark
When there's love full of sadness and the answers are unknown
He finds his way through it all rising slowly from madness
But the scars can't be undone he was a dreamer
And the darkness is colder as the winter gets older
Someone will find a new dawning of time oh oh
He's a man of the dark lost his mind and locked his open heart
Icon shadow of the sun forever hiding on the run til the fighting's done
Yeah lonely road leaving burn marks from the fire
Rusty soul from the spikes that nailed him down
Just a fool to believe in something better
The world is cruel if you show them who you are
He's a man of the dark and now he's hiding with his lonely heart
Icon shadow of the sun forever crying on the run
He's a man of the dark forever black inside his shattered heart
Crying like raindrops to the ground a weeping willow that was never found
He lost his crown man of the dark yeah he's a man of the dark
Man of the dark he's a man man of the dark
7. Promises
Hmm like a crow in the black of the night
Hide from the sun deep down in my hole
Tears are turning into heavy clay
Blends with rust in my pain machine
You gave me promises but I can't force you to feel
And I cry to myself 'cause I know what is real
My silent loneliness the darkness swallows my day
I can't lie to myself 'cause I know what I feel oh
Give me something real yeah yeah
Stabbing pain in the core of my heart
Cut by you and now I bleed for your love
Touch my scar and feel the layers of sorrow
Your coldness blows like a chill in the night
You gave me promises but I can't force you to feel
And I cry to myself 'cause I know what is real
My silent loneliness the darkness swallows my day
I can't lie to myself 'cause I know what I feel
I know what's real yeah aah whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh
Like a crow in the black of the night
Hide from the sun deep down in my hole
My tears are falling like hard rain
I never saw the wicked games you played
You gave me promises but I can't force you to feel
And I cry to myself 'cause I know what is real
My silent loneliness the darkness swallows my day
I can't lie to myself 'cause I know what I feel
I know what's real oh baby and I can't force you to feel no
Oh oh yeah yeah you gave me promises
8. The Inner Road
Oh finding a reason killing the truth with lies
It cuts like a razor when your dreams are broken
And there is no savior only rock and roll
Children of fire come and sell your soul
Life is all life is all there is to know before death black death
You gotta know your hell to find your heaven
Surrounded by treason losing our youth in cries
My over the horizon radar sweeps the land whoa oh
Inspired by evil it's a dark parade
And I am the spark to a flaming heart
Life is all life is all there is to know before death
Black death aah death black death
You gotta know your hell to find your heaven
Break the spell in this wishing well
Crack the code to your inner road and rise
Come on and rise yeah
Whoa oh death black death death black death
You gotta feel your hell to know death black death
You gotta know your hell to find your heaven
Break the spell in this wishing well
Crack the code to your inner road and rise yeah
9. Hellfire
Before me now I see a dyin' planet
Captured souls with microchips implanted
When warning came you stayed the same
When warning came you stayed the same
I am crumbling over the obstacles nothing left to entertain
The smell of burning corpses a new world domain
I saw them coming a world from a far
I saw them coming from a distant star
I will break out from this madness
There's nothing here but sadness
I'm burning in the hellfire hellfire
I will break out from this madness
There's nothing here but sadness
I'm dancing in the hellfire hellfire
Aah before me now I see a future a future black
Oh come and save me I'm under soul attack attack
A time of changes it rearranges a time of changes changes
Oh I will break out from this madness
There's nothing here but sadness
I'm burning in the hellfire hellfire
I will break out from this madness
There's nothing here but sadness
I'm turning in the hellfire hellfire
I will break out from this madness
There's nothing here but sadness
I'm burning in the hellfire hellfire
I will break out out out from this madness yeah
I'm dancing in the hellfire hellfire
There must be a way I'm waiting waiting for the day
Hellfire burns higher hellfire higher higher
Only blood remains there's nothing more to gain hellfire
10. Stormbringer
Whoa yeah eah aah aah aah
Oh stormbringer comin' hmm mm
Coming out of nowhere drivin' like a rain
Stormbringer danced on the thunder again
Dark cloud gatherin' breakin' the day
No point runnin' 'cause it's coming your way
Ride the rainbow crack the sky
Stormbringer comin' time to die
Gotta keep runnin' there's a stormbringer comin'
He's got nothing you need
He's gonna make you bleed whoa oh oh oh
You know he's gonna get you
Rainbow shaker on a stadium twister
Bareback rider on the eye of the sky
Stormbringer comin' meanin' to stay
Thunder and lightin' headin' your way
Ride the rainbow rainbow crack the sky yeah eah
Stormbringer comin' time to die
Gotta keep runnin' stormbringer comin'
He's got nothing you need
He's gonna make you bleed bleed yeah yeah
Uh uh aah aah it's coming your way my way
Whoa comin' out of nowhere drivin' like a rain
Stormbringer danced on the thunder again
Dark cloud gatherin' breakin' the day no point runnin' aah aah
'cause it's coming your way 'cause it's coming your way
Coming your way stormbringer comin'
11. Like Stone In Water
Mm mm see the sunrise feel the wind
Sound of laughter and the breeze blowing in
Hear the rain drown to earth
Giving life from the grave to the birth
Yeah eah ah ah aah ah aah aah
Oh like stone in water our colours shine
Give us feeling and stay true to the heart
I give you soul from the heart
Alone alone with my fear
I am waiting for the day when silence is for real
Hey stranger can you hear me are you lonely like I am
There is no way back and all fades to black then I'm gone
Like stone in water our colours shine
Faded father lonely ghost the book of pain is what we chose
Words of love can lead you blind
And raise the demon in your mind
In your mind yeah yeah yeah hmm mm
Faded father lonely ghost the book of pain is what we chose
Words of love can lead you blind
And raise the demon in your mind
Oh yeah the devil in you mind
Aah aah aah like stone in water ooh ooh our colours shine
Give us feeling stay true true true to the heart
Like stone in water the dream is on
And I'm going far far coming home
There is no way back and all fades to black
And I'm gone yeah like stone in water
Like stone in water water water water