 Второй релиз получился еще более атмосферным, чем первый, хотя думалось: куда же боле? Здесь еще больший упор сделан на мелодические решения. Масса приятных песен, а также сэмпло-ориентированные инструменталы, которые напоминают о различных событиях из вашей жизни. Кевин в своих экспериментах зашел еще дальше, но стиль, разумеется, узнается легко. Много-много пианино - меня это всегда радовало, как и непомерная честность такой, пускай даже незамеченной в широких массах, музыки. Для вокала в некоторых песнях использовалась примочка, прозвучало очень интересно. Приятным сюрпризом стала песня с сэмплом, вроде бы, индейского женского пения, а может, просто детского ("When You Drive"). К качеству записи придраться невозможно.
Работа очень достойная, и я советую прослушать ее всем любителям песни "Space-Dye Vest" группы Dream Theater. |
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Он сказал "Поехали!" и махнул рукой... или второй сольный альбом Кевина Мура (ex-Dream Theater). Получилось что-то кровосмесительное по жанрам накануне тотального сдвига в эмбиент. То есть, это уже точно не прогрессив-рок с элементами психоделии (а именно так можно было бы определить жанр предыдущего "Dead Air for Radios"), но и не чистая электроника. Хотя чистой Муру так и не удалось добиться даже на следующей пластинке '04 года.
Возвращаясь к данному релизу, на деле имеем 9 треков, так или иначе объединенных темой путешествия, дороги. Все те же клавиши и деликатный вокал продолжают линию "Dead Air for Radios". А вот композиции "Lunar" [4], "When You Drive" [5] и "You Go On" [9] уже являют собой ничто иное, как наследие spoken-word жанра, получившего широкое распространение в музыке во многом благодаря успеху на андерграундной нью-йоркской сцене 70-х годов. Это просто медитативное чтение текста под музыку. Только вот в своем проекте Мур голос специально обработал. И здорово сделал! Полное ощущение, что с тобой разговаривают по телефону или рации, в частности шумы-помехи линии здорово проработаны. В "When You Drive" та же "читка", но с примесью женского вокала, вступающего неожиданно и оказывающего весьма волнительный эффект на слушателя.
Оригинальный стеб в "Please Hang Up" [7]. По сути это моностих с глубокой иронией: "The number you have reached, 911, has been changed...". Да, вот так и работает в Америке Служба спасения - подождите минуточку (катаклизм/маньяк/террорист/вставьте ваш вариант тоже подождет, пока милая барышня на другом конце провода допьет кофе)!
В общем, к концу альбома-сна действительно чувствуешь себя астронавтом ("Feel Like an Astronaut") [8], а потом просыпаешься в Лондоне в 3:30 ("You Go Now" [9]), готовый к новому приключению. Поехали! |
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forget what you don't know yet
forget what you don't know yet
forget what you don't know yet
then i thought about the man with the shotgun
so the man took a shotgun out of the trunk
waited on the hood with the headlights on
radio was playing christmas songs
later on he thought he saw something
realized he never saw anything
now he drives with his headlights off
forget what you don't know yet
forget what you don't know yet
forget what you don't know yet
yeah i saw the way you climbed out the window
forget what you don't know yet
forget what you don't know yet
forget what you don't know yet
and now you never answer your cell phone
2. Another Permanent Address
sometimes i wanna sleep in the street
but it feels a little funny without you
down in the basement feeling the pavement
holding my stomach
and sometimes i can't believe my own feet
so i found another permanent address
sold the old mattress keeping the changes
talking to strangers
i knew i could forget you
that's what i'm gonna do
now i'm staring at a stop sign
just like the last time
hey you're everything you dreamed you'd be
what a civilized way to be angry
locked in the attic, starting to panic
wait, that's me
always it's the same situation
it's got to be somebody's fault
but i never know what to do
so let's say we put the blame on you
standing in a phone booth
waiting for the punch line
trying not to call you
just like the last time
sometimes i wanna sleep in the street
but it feels a little funny without you
down in the basement feeling the pavement
holding my stomach in
and sometimes i can't believe my own feet
so i found another permanent address
sold the old mattress keeping the changes
talking to strangers
i knew i could forget you
that's what i'm gonna do
now i'm staring at a stop sign
just like the last time
3. Nice To Know
saw her at a red light
headlights flashing like shooting stars
in the fast lane like an airplane
never saw the tail light
windshield cracked like an insight
was a long flight but i'm alright now
i can tell you're falling
it's nice to know
i can tell you're falling
it's nice to know
oh no there you go
now i won't be home for the late show
sorry about the window what a nice throw
sometimes i can see
that you finally got me where you want me
guess i can't complain though
'cause i can't go home
i can tell you're falling
it's nice to know
i can tell you're falling
it's nice to know
4. Lunar (sample)
"The crew is bedded down for the night, and here's an announcement from mission control."
"Hello Apollo 11 Houston, we've got the network all configured for the TV, you can, eh,
start any time you want, over."
"Okay, we'll, eh, reconfigure the TV for that."
"This is Apollo Control Houston at eighty-seven hours and thirty-one minutes now into the
flight of Apollo 11. The Apollo 11 space craft continues on its frontside pass above the
moon. We're now less than ten minutes away from, eh, loss of signal. The Apollo 11 crew
are currently in their rest period. We've, eh, received, eh, no indication yet that any
of the three crew members are actually sleeping, eh, although all three appear to be in
a very restful mode."
"This is Apollo Control at sixty-one hours thirty-nine minutes. We've had no further
conversation with the crew since our last, eh, report. Our flight surgeon says there is
no indication at this time that they have begun to sleep. But we expect they'll be, eh,
getting to sleep here shortly. Coming up in, eh, less than 10 seconds now we'll be
crossing into the sphere of influence of the moon, and our displays will shift from earth
reference to moon reference. At sixty-one hours forty-one minutes this is Apollo Control
5. When You Drive
"When you drive, you practice mindfulness of driving. It is possible. When you
stop at a red light, you look at the red light and smile. You look at the red light,
you smile, and you breathe in and out, and sit back, relaxingly. Breathing in, I calm
myself. Breathing out, I smile."
"And the red light become a friend, become a bell of mindfulness. Something unpleasant
become something pleasant. We have the habit energy of wanting to arrive.
That is why we want to go as quickly as possible. But according to this practice,
we arrive at every moment. Life can be found only in the present moment. Everything
that we look for must be found in the present moment. Peace. Joy. Happiness. Buddha.
The kingdom of God."
"What is our final destination? If we abandon the present moment, our final destination
may be our death. We don't want to arrive there, we want to go in the direction of life."
"This concludes Tape 1, A Retreat on the Practice of Mindfulness. Our program continues
with Tape 2."
6. Subway
it was five o'clock 'cause i checked my watch
when i woke back up on the subway
and i missed my stop it was 10 blocks back
but i liked my seat so i kept it
and i'm still surprised that you stayed with me
'till my first mistake of the century
it was so extreme i controlled my dreams
with the radio and the late show
7. Please Hang Up
"The number you have reached, 9, 1, 1, has been changed..."
8. Astronaut Down
you look so mysterious
but you sound so serious
you should have told me on the phone
i'm sorry i'm sorry i don't know what i'm saying
i guess you tried to let me know
by leaving notes on the stereo
it's not the typical way to go
i'm sorry i'm sorry i don't know what i'm saying
'cause i found myself
back in the bachelor scene
feel like an astronaut
in a submarine
if i fall asleep
i could fall out of bed
maybe the helmet helps
but it hurts my head
let's not get hysterical maybe you need a sabbatical
you get so angry when you're wrong
i'm sorry i'm sorry i don't know what i'm saying
you know it came as quite a shock to find your note in the cereal box
and why'd you have to change the locks
i'm sorry i'm sorry i don't know what i'm saying
and i found myself
back in the bachelor scene
feel like an astronaut
in a submarine
if i fall asleep
i could float out of bed
maybe the ceiling helps
but it hurts my head
cause i found myself
back in the bachelor scene
feel like an astronaut
in a submarine
if i fall asleep
i could fall out of bed
maybe the helmet helps
but it hurts my head
9. You Go Now
"time in london now exactly 3:30 in the morning so quite a little while to
go so i'm sure you'll enjoy some sleep perhaps watch a movie and enjoy some food
not much more to tell you really um there are um start again you can't feel anything
unless you're paying attention and if you're in a situation like breaking your leg in
a burning building then your attention is on getting out of that building and only
once your outside does the leg begin to hurt so in many of these situations what"