 Вот это как раз то, к чему я вел на протяжении своих рецензий ранних альбомов этого коллектива и почему советовал обратить внимание на заключительный трек предыдущего творения. Рассматриваемая здесь работа 1997 года и есть венец творения Broken Hope, явившая миру еще одно лицо brutal death metal. Продажная загнивающая Америка, породившая многомиллионную яйцеголовую нацию, не имеющую национальности и с высоким уровнем потребления, оказывается, может кое-что производить на свет Божий. В данном случае родился альбом, в корне отличающийся от свои предшественников. Совершенно иной подход к игре, диаметрально изменившееся звучание, потрясающий уровень мелодизма, местами слышные пусть и простенькие, но электронные аранжировки, высокотехничная игра ударника, замечательные гитарные соло, причем все это встречается в таком количестве и настолько к месту, что просто душа радуется. И это, уважаемые коллеги, brutal death metal! Да-да, дивились тогда многие, и копий, а, может, и кое-каких носов по поводу музыкальной ориентации группы было сломано немало, но факт остается фактом: лучший альбом группы и один из лучших во всем направлении. К сожалению (а, может, и к лучшему), на пике своего развития Broken Hope ударились в социально-политическую направленность своих композиций: в кардинально изменившемся, наряду с музыкой, содержании текстов сплошь и рядом замелькали болезни, эпидемии, выживаемость людей в современных условиях, разумеется, негодяйское правительство (ну а как же без него?)... Лишь на одном-двух треках я откопал старую добрую мясоперерабатывающую тематику. Что же, жизнь течет и развивается, в том числе и шоу-бизнес (на этом слове в моем мозгу завертелась одна строчка из одной песни группы "Ленинград", но по этическим соображениям приводить ее здесь не буду), который диктует свои законы даже таким злющим волосатым дядькам, как Broken Hope. Однако, справедливости ради следует сказать, что "причесанное оформление" выглядит гораздо лучше. Таким образом, группа в очередной раз поднимает планку, демонстрируя прогрессирующую тенденцию своего развития, равно как и качества записи и сведения альбома. Остается снять шляпу, уважительно склониться и изречь: "Как минимум - альбом года." (Диск предоставлен компанией Фоно) |
Вот оно! Великолепие ламериканского брутал дэта! Наконец то группа нашла свой неповторимый стиль-ультранизкий брутальный вокал в сочетании со сложными гитарными риффами и, местами, льющимися соло. Здесь все на высоте: чувствуется, что над альбомом долго работали, оттачивали и вылизывали каждую композицию. Слушать можно бесконечно, низачто не надоест. В лирике наметились, правда, кое-какие изменения, по моему, не к лучшему-лучше бы продолжали петь про смерть/насилие/изврат (№4 композиция явно в их прежнем стиле), чем про СПИД, наркотики и т.д.
Почетная заслуженная десятка этому альбому! Мегашадевр! |
Истина №1: качественный брутал-дет могут играть только американцы. Истина №2: Не все америкосовские брутал-детстеры делают это хорошо. Например стайка клоунов Коннибал Корпсе упорно использует в своих песнях четыре аккорда (правда иногда меняя их местами), а парочка гоблинов имбицильного вида - Мортисиан, про существование техже аккордов понятия не имеет. Ну бох с ними, с убогими, давайте о приятном. А тут все понятно как божий день - Loathing - альбом, для меня однозначно входящий в десятку лучших брутал-дэтовых релизов всех времен. Обязателен для прослушивания всем любителям техничного, оригинального,действительно качественного брутала. Присоединяюсь к вышерасположенному рицензиату - МЕГАШЕДЕВРРР!!!!! |
Conjoined life is too much to bear
To be separated, they long to be
Tremendous blood and pain
May finally set them free
Permanent union
Bodily emcumberance
Into adulthood
Irreversible junction of sibling unity
The very rarest example of duality
Two minds apart with individuality
But never to be apart in reality
Crippled and hemorrahaging
Miserable biformity
In the throes of agony
But never to be apart in reality
Anatomically incorrect
One body with two souls
United as one
A mutual split
Will eventually take place
Four hands with cutting tools
Unskillfully slicem the arms hack and carve
To separate themselves
Mangling the one body they share
Disfigured duet screams
Irreversible junction of sibling unity
The very rarest example of duality
Two minds apart with individuality
But never to be apart in reality
Crippled and hemorrahaging
Miserable biformity
Into the throes of agony
But never to be apart in reality
Splayed out in a pool
Of self immolation
Still connected by a twisteed spinal cord
Unsuccessful in dividing
Fused together by a cruel creator
Fleshy ties that bind
Mutilated fingers
Twitch and wriggle on the floor
Irreversible junction of sibling unity
The very rarest example of duality
Two minds apart with individuality
But never to be apart in reality
2. Translucence
She cannot explain her metamorphosis
Her human condition is almost devitalized
Refusing to eat, strong will to last
Anorexia forces her body
To react in eccentric ways
She's so skeletal, severely attenuated
Normal expectations
From mainourishment
A lucid ligurine, this weakened thinning woman
Her ribs show clearly
And lungs inhailing oxygen
Muscle structures and subculaneous organs visible
"What is happening to me" she gasps aloud
Her moans drift from withering pains
She observes vibrant blood
Flowing through her veins
My anorexic whore
A thinning corpus
She looks into herself
As if she's staring thourgh glass
Translucent skin, collophane pigments
Mutated, dilated pigments
Dermis layers transparent
"What is happening to me" she gasps aloud
She looks into herslef as if she's gazing through glass
A glass ligurine...
Her flesh is a pane into which I stare
Her beautiful bowels I now perceive
Her skin cannot hide\What tangible matter lies inside
Her body eats itself
Draining nourishment from every pore
She only wants to possess
Exterior shapely loveliness
I can easily see her soul
My anorexic whore
A thinning corpus
She looks into herself
As if she's staring through glass
Translucent skin, cellophane pigments
Mutated, dilated pigments
Dermis layers transparent
"What is happening to me" she gasps aloud
She looks into herself as if she's gazing through glass
A glass ligurine...
3. The Cloning
A new world order created by the goverment
An unimaginable force of their mindless soldiers
Their primary objective has now been put in place
A movement to eliminate every creative thinking mind
As every nation is beaten down and famed
Our world will be given up to a dominating regime
A new, absolute power of unmerciful rule
They suppress every quality that makes us human
They will consume and scorch the entire globe
Through subliminal programming brainwashing and mind control
A bastard race to rule with blood soaked iron fists
With totalitarianism they squash their opposition
A regime based on domination and enthropicide
We must not yield to the superpowers that mold us
They want us passive, with no individuality
Conscienceless clone troops mow down and try us
We are nothing more than livestock to model a new race
To be neutered and conformed
Reproducing pseudo-beings that look exactly like we do
The clones are replicas of you and I
Our very features and physicalities mocked up for reproduction
The human race replaced
There may be a solution, it's our one glimmer of hope
True patriots must find the strength within themselves to fight
We must cut the cloning at it's bloody roots
This is our only chance if we are to stay human
We must not allow the cybernauts to take our place
By killing the commander in chief and his cabinet
Final result weed out the weak
World domination modern tyrants seek
Old decrees snuffed out and lost
Cloning begins, global holocaust
Weak minded slaves bleating in terror
Like millions of sheep
Step out of line and you will disappear
Persecuting, torturing and killing
Authoritarian figureheadds with take faces
Forever to govern, reap and clone
4. Reunited
An incestuous relationship between mother and son
As last rites were read I had tell such a void
A loving mother, my life-giver and lover
She went away when she slashed her own wrists
The relationship with me was too much to bear
I watched her buried, her funeral, my heartbreak
As last rites were read I left such a void
I had to inimately feel her once again
I dig deep into my mothers sepulcher
Her cold, dead flesh soon stirs my lust
Stiffened legs spread to be fucked
My undying live, a son's sick obsession
Forcing myself into my mommy's rigor mortis twat
We are finally reunited once again
As i engross myself in interment intercourse
I unknowingly contract a supernatural disease
With incestuous necrophilism there is a price
Malodorous malediction from examinate cunts
An uncanny imprecation
The offensive stink fills my senses
With each stroke of my penis inside
"Mommy, sweet mommy" I scream as I ejaculate
Her flesh, healthy semen conditions her dry, rigid femme canal
Pleasure short lived
For when I pull out of the disinterred fuck
The smell that was created could sicken the dead
Forcing myself into my mommy's rigor mortis twat
We are finally reunited once again
As I engross myself in interment intercourse
I unknowingly contract a supernatural disease
With incestuous necrophilism there is a price
Maladorous malediction from examinate cunts
An uncanny imprecation
The offensive stink fills my senses
A lemme furnigation now terrible haunts
It clings to my lecherous privates
I will soon go mad from the revolting scent
As the post mortem matriarch leaves me rancid
Her embalmed vulva oozes, drains and leaks
Emitting an oder of an unearthly reek
This miasma adheres to my virility
An eeried anathema from the mortuary
As the post mortem matriarch leaves me rancid
Her embalmed vulva oozes, drains and leaks
Constant cleansing doesn't kill the smell
I cannot escape the feminine foulness
With crazed desperation
I set my genitals aflame
Hoping to burn away the venomous vapor
Reeling in pain as my pubis smolders
I curse the name of my desecrated mother
Forcing myself into my mommy's rigor mortis twat
We are finally reunited once again
As I engross myself in interment intercourse
I unknowingly contract a supernatural disease
With incestuous necrophilism there is a price
Malodorous malidiction from examinate cunts
An uncanny imprecation
The offensive stink fills my senses
5. High On Formaldehyde
Inoculating my body with morticians liquid
To achieve an unearthly undead high
Addicted to embalming fluid
I raid a funeral parlor workshop
The substance abuse will leave me internally intact
Becoming internally mummified
My veins and arteries harden
My entire body twitches and tingles
I become rigid, anesthetized and cold
I experience a rigor mortis high
Every joint and muscle stiffens
This incorrect and excessive use
Will lead to an eventual overdose
Unsterilized syringe quickly inhects
As uncut chemicals flow and infect
My habitual tendencies put me farther in my grave
Enslaved by a substance that I embrace
In love with this ghoulish elixir that slowly kills me
Soporific sensations, I hallucinate till all is black
My numbing brain soon cools
And my languid heart slows to a stop
My moribund body now takes a new trip
As I hallucinate into the afterlife
Stoned, I feel the sensations of the dead
Habitual use of this concoction
Embalmed as I breath never to rot away
Intravenously traveling to my grave
My habitual tendencies put me farther in my grave
Enslaved be a substance that I embrace
In love with this ghoulish elixir that slowly kills me
Soporific sensations, I hallucinate till all is black
I mainline, narcotized as formaldehyde
Eats my blood
My body fluids evaporate
All that is left is the precious fluid
This incorrect and excessive use
Will lead to an eventual overdose
Doped up on this elixir for the dearly departed
Necro-narcosis, high on formaldehyde
6. A Window To Hell
7. Skin Is In
Such suffering and sickness
From a moment of ecstasy
As your skeletal and noxious body ceases to live
With this ever growing infection
Death claims you
Diseased, you didn't know your lover was diseased
So hot to get laid, indulge in unprotected sex
The one you have intercourse with hosts a virus
Infections blood tainted with HIV
Passing the contagion on to you
You are now a member of the modern epidemic
Intact health was only a condom away
But you let your guard down for a fatal fuck
This terminal illness wears your body down
A virus destroying all of your antibodies
You are now so susceptible
A blood test of positive now revealed
Covered with skin eating fesions
AIOS hungrily grows at your immune system
Your T-cell lymphocytes destroyed
Fatal condition kills slowly
Too weak to move, breathe, or ever get aroused
Running ulcers and abscesses wrap your body
Quarantined to your death bed, you stick to your sheets
The disease has developed to a most sever state
Ashes to ashes, genitals to jelly
Your personal gender soon to fall oil
An erotic flower decayed at the roots
Latex could have kept your sex life intact
Now never again to be hard to wet
Discharge and drip genitourinary loakage
Reproductive organs butchered and raw
The risk for gratification is your epitaph
Ignorance is bliss and eventually death
You never gave much thought about tomorrow
But now as you struggle to try and breathe
Yesterday is always on your mind now
And what ever happened to you lethal lay?
Death through sexual transmission
You make love to the grim reaper
This day and age sex kills
Unknowingly lusting after your demise
Desire plummeting into the venereal depths
A coital union with cankerous effects
Toxic passions, the rapture kills slowly
Skin is in
Ashes to ashes, genitals to jelly
Melting in syphagonnaherpeaids
The black plague of the 20th century
Careless promiscuity
Skin is in
Diseased disguised behind a beautiful face
Your terminal venture too late
Your body cannot summon enough protection
Against this ever growing infection
Ravaged by AIDS abominable symptoms and effects
Death claims you through virtual sex
An incurable doom from lethal lovemaking
Such suffering and sickness from a moment of ecstasy
As your skeletal and noxious body finally ceases to live
Your lamed mate is begging another victim
Death through sexual transmission
You make love to the grim reaper
Turned on, so anxious to get your rocks off
Skin is in
Ashes to ashes, genitals to jelly
Melting in syphagonnaherpeaids
The black plague of the 20th century
Careless promiscuity
Skin is in
Diseased disguised behind a beautiful face
Your terminal venture too late
8. Auction Of The Dead
There are things that happen
To certain people when they're finally dead
Many never end up resting in their deserved casket bed
Cadavers in the wrong hands
Can come up for grabs
Join the countless corpses
On the mortuary auction slabs
The dead become a hot commodity, ready to sell
Merchandise on a market straight from hell
Price tags
Replace morgue tags
Vacant coffins buried
No one will ever know
As the wealthy gather
The bidding soon starts
Top dollar paid for human body parts
The auction is a success
Every bidder gets a piece
The gavel cracks loudly
Setting more of the deceased
The auctioneer shrieks as the bidding escalates
Unsold limbs lay on the selling block awaiting their fate
Vital organs in working order
Rake in the greatest cash
Physical merchandise drains each monetary slash
Price tags
Replace morgue tags
Vacant coffins buried
No one will ever know
As the wealthy gather
The bidding soon starts
Top dollar paid for human body parts
The auction is a success
Every bidder gets a piece
The gavel cracks loudly
Selling more of the deceased
For the eccentric, there is a black market
A death-dealing auction for the upper class jetset
Upon a necro-there the sale is based
Catering to every odd and strange taste
Bids and transactions for items of flesh
Purchasing quickly, as the dead lay fresh
Great sums paid for pieces of the dead
Highest price paid may take a complete head
Price tags
Replace morgue tags
Vacant coffins buried
No one will ever know
As the wealthy gather
The bidding soon starts
Top dollar paid for human body parts
The auction is a success
Every bidder gets a piece
The gavel cracks loudly
Selling more of the deceased
9. He Was Raped
His saintly robes removed
Pushed face down upon the floor
Legs kicked apart, hare-ass in the air
A fistful of hair yanks his head back
He supposedly pardons us for every sin
But can Jesus forgive those who desecrated his body?
Incarcerated inside a Roman prison
Jesus would soon find His feminine side
They parted his buttocks like the Red Sea
Carrying His cross as blood ran down his leg
The bitter taste of asthetic discharges upon the palate
Imprisoned disciples witnessed the irreverent crime
But the bible will never acknowledge the debauchery
In lock-up he was unable to spread the holy word
Because irreligious penis' clogged His immaculate windpipe
The guards laughed at the Messiah's screams
No angels came to bring Jesus deliverance
A handful of inmates would make the Nazarene their bitch
Sexually frocing Him to open His holiest orifices
Never tell the truth of the Lord's molestation
The anointed deep throating, anally plundered, and crucified
Did His wounds really heal?
Carrying His cross as blood ran down His leg
The bitter taste of asthetic discharge upon the palate
Imprisoned disciples witnessed the irreverent crime
But the bible will never acknowledge the debauchery
In lock-up he was unable to spread the holy word
Because irreligious penis' clogged His immaculate windpipe
The guards laughed at the Messiah's screams
No angels came to bering Jesus deliverance
He was raped
He was raped
He was raped
The reaming of the Redeemer
He was raped
He was raped
He was raped
The penetration of God's Son
He was raped
He was raped
He was raped
The violation of the Savior
He was raped
He was raped
He was raped
Christ sodomized for our sins
He supposedly pardons us for every sin
But can Jesus forgive those who desecrated His body?
The most heinous offenses to ever disgrace the Lord
His pain and humiliation echoed through heaven
As hymns of gospel sing of his greatness
10. I Am God
I am God
Creator of all
You will see my power
Once I get past these padded walls
I am God
I made your mortal soul
Delusions, disillusioned
No hallucinations here.
I am your God
See me bleeding from my eyes
I am the light, the hope, I am the creator of all
I am God
Leteth the purity of my heavenly protuberance
Penetrateth the inner canals of your sin-soaked frame
And leteth me wash away your dirtiness
With godly emissions from your lords holy scepter
I am God
The reward shall be great
When thou ingutgitates the seminal honeydew of thine lord
Happy is he who gelds himself during unholy hardness
I am God
Creator of all
You will see my power
Once I get past these padded walls
I am God
I made your mortal soul
Delusions, disillusioned
No hallucination here.
I am your God
Loosen these straps that bind and tighten me
So I may lead you from my straight-jackeled confinement
And into the planes of theomaniacal salvation
I am God
See my babbling the meaningless
I am the lunatic, the crazed and the mentally ill
And leteth me wash away your dirtiness
With godly emissions from your lords holy scepter
I am God
Creator of all
You will see my power
Once I get past these padded walls
I am God
I made your mortal soul
Delusions, disillusioned
No hallucinations here.
I am your God
Idolize me now
Blessed words of psychosis
This asylum is no house of holiness
See my raving aberrations
I am the creator of delirium
I am the savior you refuse to believe
I am the madness, crazed and unsound
And leteth me wash away your dirtiness
With dogly emissions from your lords holy scepter
I am God
The reward shall be great
When thou ingurgitates the seminal honeydew of thine lord
Happy is he who gelds himself during unholy hardness
11. Deadly Embrace