 "Altered States of America" скорбен рассудком даже по среднеграйндкоровым меркам, допускающим множество музыкальных и лирических извращений. Если бы этот релиз был человеком, фильм о его похождениях вознесся бы на мили выше всех мерзостных и перверсивных вершин "120 дней Содома". Возможно, его запретили бы для показа даже в Японии. Однако пока Agoraphobic Nosebleed не занимаются производством гомункулусов и не запускают слизистые тентакли в кинематограф, запретов можно не бояться. А созданное ими оружие массового поражения, в отличие от той же атомной бомбы, пока еще спокойно можно достать на том же "Амазоне".
Можно достать, кстати говоря, сразу в шести версиях. Причем те из них, что включают только 35 треков - для слабаков. Если уж пытать свой мозг, то на полную катушку, с пиявками и ржавыми гвоздями. Наш выбор - "Altered States of America" сразу о ста треках и при двадцати одной минуте звучания. Хронометраж расширенного издания, скажем прямо, тоже не впечатляет, тянет на все тот же статус мини-альбома. Но событий в нем на порядок больше, чем ретранслируют иные группы за всю свою дискографию. Во-первых, раз уж Agoraphobic Nosebleed почитаются за создателей (по крайней мере, одних из) субжанра кибер (или сайбер, уж как угодно)-грайнд, то получите элементы оного кибера. Среди них отметим пронумерованный нулем в трек-листе электронно-дискотечный "Wonder Drug Wonderland", чуть ли не единственный здесь, претендующий на статус полноценной композиции; несколько плясовых вставок ближе к средине; "шумовой" финал основной программы да привычную для группы драм-машину, запрограммированную на долбу от души - местами под 3000 ударов в минуту. Во-вторых, полный спектр грайндкоровых эмоций - это когда в 15-20 секунд парням удается впихнуть и долбу, и кач, и - иногда - пусть смурные, но вполне себе мелодии. В-третьих, сумасшедший споукен-ворд кусок, где все наполнение "песен" сводится к декламированию их названий неким выродком Сатаны и Ктулху, рожденным от плотного взаимодействия исполнителей с галлюциногенами. Жаль лишь, что сюда же относится трек о "Протоколах Сионских Мудрецов" - тема заговора не раскрыта!
Впрочем, мой любимый эпизод диска - подраздел с гордым названием "Двенадцать дней в Содоме". Пусть разнообразием, судя по услышанному, каникулы не отличались, зато именно здесь мы имеем те самые трэш, угар и содомию в прямо-таки эталонной форме!
Наконец, как и в любой выдающейся работе, есть здесь свой скрытый майндфак. Некий трек из седьмого-восьмого десятка ретранслирует в наши уши крайне истеричное, грязное и возмутительное послание, которое некий агрессивный мужик орет будто бы в телефонную трубку. По содержанию и звучанию оно необычайно похоже на запись легендарного разговора актера Мэла Гибсона со своей подругой жизни, того самого, где он желает ей "быть изнасилованной толпой грязных ниггеров". Одна проблема - та самая запись была опубликована журналистами лишь в 2010-м году. Гибсон был тайным гостем на записи? В руки журналистов попала не та пленка?? И были ли то действительно "журналисты"???
Так что, стоит уделять подобному релизу внимание? Черт возьми, ну конечно же да. Да, если любите грайндкор, и тем более да, если его ненавидите: сила такого искусства, прямодушного и зверского, способна пробить любую броню. Конечно, мучительные головные боли и кровавая рвота тоже не исключены... но если уж рисковать - то по-крупному. |
roll down the window
I need a breath of fresh shit.
assume the worst
and be amazed to disgust.
there is really no preparing yourself,
no day is without incident anymore.
action is bad acting.
everything's a fuckin' hassle.
tomorrow you'll care less.
how can this nonsense be a tragedy?
what's to feel?
fuck you for even making me have to think today.
02. ark of ecoterrorism (randall)
Noah bin laden-introducing contraband insect and animal species into areas
devoid of natural predators.
natural selection is fought out in defoliated forests;
future nature begins to flourish and everything begins to change.
03. living lolita blowjob (randall)
palillo fuera de su lengüeta.
Ten-year-old Puerto Rican girl
who already fuckin' swallows.
04. thawing out (schultz)
examples of barbarism,
miss what you mock.
slight pause to vomit.
advocating organ harvesting,
equal opportunity destroyer.
spontaneous combustion.
05. the need for better body armor (randall)
impulses to self-destruction
the need for better body armor is ever increasing.
shooting blindly into the crowd.
06. freeze dried cemetery (schultz)
your kids are gonna fry like bacon.
(baby mummies)
no, you understand me fineâ?¦
(ancient Slavonics)
read this back to me â?“ Iâ?™ll give you a straight A.
look like Iâ?™m smiling?
itâ?™s a smirk.
(guilty as charged).
07. Children blown to bits by the busload (randall)
this is complete nihilism,
wrapped in a Zionist plot.
with exploding school buses.
08. scoring in heaven (schultz)
in other cultures, death is more artistic.
and probably a lot more fun.
09. fuck your soccer Jesus (randall)
every Sunday your mother is dragging your ballbag off
to goalie gods green pussy.
10. guided tour (schultz)
I remember
feeling like this all the time.
copters and vultures,
sacred tradition.
pumping for years to come...
11. Honky Dong (randall)
squeezing his white banana blue in your quivering rump,
his body lice devour your ass crack.
12. famous last words (schultz)
chaos has something special.
hit the curb hard,
just as intended.
vitality, balance,
perfect control.
40-degree cooler.
absolute right, wrong intention.
13. Osaka milk bar (randall)
Japanese rabbi mixing liquid LSD and baby formula
to pump into infants like nipple feed Pokemon.
drunk with the power to summon money
from their captivated and confused prey.
pocketing the middle class American monster.
14. drive by blowjob on a bicycle (randall)
your mother's a drive by blowjob on a bicycle
peddling her ass all over town.
Ho sweet ho,
it's all about her cash sniffin' nose.
15. ten pounds of remains (schultz)
false teeth and a rubber hammer
white plastic shield.
bring the kids a cute souvenir.
16. utter mental retardation and reversal of man (randall)
Iâ?™ll be banging drugs into my skull 'till Iâ?™m fucking retarded
and my accountability has found its resolve.
17. neotropolis euphoria (randall)
just a Disney ride to work
on the right combination of drugs.
18. snitch Olympics (schultz)
Ratfink asshole, sellinâ?™ us out.
callinâ?™ you out.
no oneâ?™s bailinâ?™ you out.
corpse disposal.
been a long time cominâ?™,
let the games begin!
19. crawling out of the cradle into the casket (randall)
death in installments,
you start fuckin' dying the day you're fuckin' born.
20. removing locator tooth (randall)
searching for the locator tooth,
kidnapper removers the teeth a in youth with a chisel and mallet
before fucking the youth in the face.
shattered teeth found in New Jersey dumpster.
21. Aum Shinrikyo (randall)
22. the protocols of the elders of Zion (randall)
23. the Tokyo subway gassing (randall)
24. the star of David (randall)
25. Shintaro Ishihara and the rape of Nanking in World War 2 (randall)
26. Mahikari (randall)
Mahikari; the Japanese new religion
that proclaimed itself the leader of a Chosen People
that opened the gates to Aum,
who is planning a coming global Armageddon.
27. micro-tidal wave (randall)
nerve gas,
low frequency infra-sound beams.
28. crop dusting (randall)
Japan's Aum doomsday cult that masterminded
the fatal nerve gas attack on Tokyo subways,
considered spraying the drug LSD from the sky.
29. LSD as chemical weapon (randall)
The Aum ShinriKyo (Aum Supreme Truth Sect)
first started studying the powerful hallucinogenic LSD
as a kind of chemical weapon
it might use during an armed revolt.
30. Illegal manufacture (randall)
The sect was making LSD,
and other illegal drugs at the cult's facilities.
31. drugging the control group (randall)
Aum spiritual leader Shoko Asahara ordered the production of the drugs
as part of his strategy
to control members of the cult.
32. Alice in la la land (randall)
LSD, amphetamines and some sort of exotic dopamine agonist.
33. apocalypse as mescaline experience (randall)
the book of the dead is a trip
and the apocalypse describes mescaline experience.
34. the artificial religious experience (randall)
we can cut enemy communications
and cook internal organs.
It feels like Jesus Christ is touching my heart.
---- the twelve days of Sodom ---- (randall)
35. the first day of Sodom: pussy hair prayer rug (randall)
trading pussy heaven
up for Immaculate Conception.
36. the second day of Sodom: distortion in Eden (randall)
ass of man tempts Eve.
37. the third day of Sodom: serpent of the gay pride rainbow (randall)
Eve grows huge dick and fucks snake.
38. the fourth day of Sodom: snaking Adamâ?™s black apple (randall)
snake coils around a piece of shit stuck in the colon of an old roman.
39. the fifth day of Sodom: like a cretin on Christmas eve (randall)
Blackbeard the Santa tosses the old roman a Greek salad.
40. the sixth day of Sodom: Boston hardcore caligula (randall)
ass jocks suck off Boston hardcore.
41. The seventh day of Sodom: fantasizing Hydrahead (randall)
Boston hardcore closes its unsigned eyes and pretends it's Aaron and Mark.
sucking their fucking dicks.
42. the eight day of Sodom: lamb of the rotisserie god (randall)
Sodomite warms the ass of cooked lamb.
43. the ninth day of Sodom: holiday bowl full of asshole (randall)
lamb chop placed across the ass crack of the sweet Virgin Mary.
44. the tenth day of Sodom: enter the house of feasting (randall)
banquet in the honor of sweet Mary mother of god's garnered virgin rump.
45. the eleventh day of Sodom: passing blunts and cunts at Relapse (randall)
we all take a turn,
Matt Jacobson blows a peanut.
46. the twelfth day of Sodom: when taking a shit feels sexy (randall)
Immaculate defecation.
covered in semen the blue-eyed demon Jesus is born
from the cunt of a gay whore.
47. Poland Springfield acidbag (randall)
altered states of America in water cooler warfare with an unseen enemy.
heat-flashes on the job, it's back to the water cooler.
drinking more and more,
at home tripping balls behind the wheel of sixteen car pile up.
48. rectal thermometer (randall)
a young child when sodomized will shut down all systems.
a young infant who is sodomized immediately goes to sleep.
49. lemonade and a Snickers bar (randall)
the child went on to talk about pooh pooh and pee pee in the mouth.
50. necro-cannabalistic tendencies in young children (randall)
the children discuss cannibalism,
eating dead bodies, eating dead body parts...
51. bombs with butterfly wings (randall)
they implanted bombs in their stomachs
and when they started to talk their tummies would feel funny.
they knew the bombs where activated.
52. watching a clown point a gun at a small dog (reprise) (schultz)
53. mosquito holding human cattle prod (randall)
every person west of the Nile herded in a mass northern migration.
humanity huddled freezing dick
in the most useless corners of the world.
standing in snow and human shit.
54. for just ten cents a day... (randall)
the Christian Science fund is why one in three people in Africa have aids.
help fund queer missionary workers pedophilic rape vacations,
fuckin' the slaves of God's charity.
Ethiopian boy making out with Jesus
covered in white blood and red semen.
---- Altered States of America ---- (schultz)
55. mental changes: altered consciousness (schultz)
(hallucinating back to the event of birth. slowly regressing into primitive
stages of human evolution...and beyond.)
56. radical modernism (schultz)
red blowing out of ass and mouth.
let the dog DIE alone.
57. human enhancement (schultz)
mescaline kimono, chili peppers.
woman fucked by wolf.
58. juxtaposed impacts (schultz)
sleeping at funerals, puking at parades.
you need the bullet and the gun.
59. unprecedented experiment (schultz)
I do it and I feel real sad, real badâ?¦
then I rise â?“ cleansed!
60. transparent enclosure (schultz)
crumbling graffiti.
doom and siesta time.
61. bong hit wonder (instrumental) (hull)
62. opening to personals ad by Richard Johnson (randall)
everyone's someone's biggest mistake they ever made.
get in touch with me, I could be yours.
63. Relapse refusing U.N. weapons inspectors (randall)
we have a deadly biological weapon.
send us money courtesy of relapse records
Upper Darby, Philadelphia, PA.
64. neural linguistic programming (randall)
with every song on this CD
you will feel more and more compelled
to lose faith in yourself
and in everything around you.
65. the fag vs. the Indian (randall)
fuckin' fag.
kill em',
kill the fuckin' Indian.
66. black metal transvestite (randall)
black metal is gay as a catholic priest
slouching toward Gomorra.
face painted like Gene Simmons at Halloween
with a tongue up some kids rump
looking for candy.
put down that seven string and get a fuckin' job
you tired-looking homo,
Goth hand-banging geek.
67. Debbie does dishes (randall)
don't think,
your a fuckin' idiot.
68. marine pornography (for whale cock skateboards) (randall)
losing my domestication,
like a tab in the ocean.
I hump like a fuckin' whale
and piss wherever I want.
thar' she blows from my fuckin' dick hole,
rolling down a rubber as old as the Dead Sea scrolls.
mermaid with aids call in the fuckin' fleet
chicken cunt in a sea of fresh white meat.
69. keeping a clean kennel (randall)
if your ass is in this house it's my ass.
70. baby mill pt. 1 (born and sold into child slavery) (randall)
black and Hispanic newborns
for as low as a thousand dollars.
all shots - spade and neutered.
71. firearms for all faiths (randall)
we have psychedelic shotguns,
mystical weapons for Hindus,
and Christians.
72. domestic solution (randall)
kick the shit out of you.
73. definition of death (schultz)
you can wear all their clothes,
and watch all the same TV shows.
little spots of you
dripping down
into the dust.
you canâ?™t even form a reflection
in the mirror anymore.
74. discolored (schultz)
dimensional gates alignâ?¦
choking while living.
75. Scott hulk on intramuscular steroids (instrumental)
76. 4 leaches (40,000 leaches) (schultz)
Iâ?™m big.
I whack off in the heat.
Iâ?™m real macho.
Master Yoda here I come.
the Yoda puppetâ?™s out on loan,
but the guy who played the robot might be available for work.
somebody will do it to you.
and if they donâ?™t, you willâ?¦
77. group taking acid as considered conspiracy against the government
"What do you do with it?"
Just shut up and take it man.
Put it on your tongue.
78. small room and a six-pack (schultz)
doomed on my tiny cross.
79. deviant arousal (randall)
proving your heterosexual credentials.
80. unbound by civilized properties (randall)
vomit on a winoâ?™s whiskers,
the savage nomad shits himself standing up.
81. they all burned! (schultz)
most were heavyset.
feeling bad
yellow with age
armchair is gone.
82. shotgun funeral (randall)
Iâ?™m here today to blast the two people that came to grieve your passing.
83. homophobic assbleed (randall)
you've always had a tampon hanging halfway out your ass you fuckin'
motherless cunt.
84. exacting revenge on pets (randall)
crack my fucking dogs head wide open.
dogs just like a fuckin' women,
hit' em and they just love you more.
85. baby mill pt. 2 (white Russian) (randall)
Caucasian Russian newborns for as low as $5000 with dual U.S. / Canadian
86. narcoterrorist megalomaniac (randall)
there's so much money in guns and drugs I could have anyone killed
with a phone call.
South American women being torn apart by huge cats
for my masturbatory amusement.
nothing like paying for a four thousand dollar boob job on a third world
and have it ravaged by albino tigers.
while having another slut on your dick
trying disprove her expandability.
87. releasing a dove from a ghetto rooftop (randall)
dropped that pigeon six fucking stories,
trying to see if bullshit can fly.
It was like blood pouring off a roof onto an el Camino,
it was amazing he was still fuckin' alive.
88. bipartisan buttfuck (Petebenumb)
bipartisan dictatorship
devising the economic plan.
benefiting the greedy,
conveniently excluding the working man
89. bent over the cross (randall)
Holy Roman orgy, fondlers of the cloth.
Catholic schools i.d. possible elementary level queer stock.
Gay, shamed and guilted over to god,
slipping the white collar over fresh cock.
This is the semen of your salvation,
bent over the fuckin' cross.
90. a chance at reprisal (Petebenumb)
I gave you a chance at reprisal,
and you didnâ?™t take it.
I am going to send you to hell.
91. altered ego (randall)
The gratification of the ego.
Oge eht fo noitacifitarg eht.
The gratification of the ego.
Oge eht fo noitacifitarg eht.
92. pin the tail on the donkey (randall)
You can talk to the police,
you can talk to the press,
you can talk to the politicians - I don't care man.
What were doing here is so bizarre; no one will ever believe you.
93. latter day Mormon ritual (randall)
They will slit the throat of a goat
and slit it's bowels open.
and you either have sex with a crucified young girl on a cross
or a half rotted corpse.
94. 5 band genetic equalizer pt. 3 (randall)
from scientific theory on mongrel idiocy to eugenic pedigree.
mixing the race out of the test tube
in lab based baby creation.
true scientific excellence removes the prejudice
in the future breeding of good strong American stock.
95. absurd boast (randall)
I was getting my cock sucked
when the plane collided into the second tower.
she spit my nut up
and wiped her mouth with the American flag.
96. burning social interest (randall)
I prefer starting forest fires to the company of others.
Fuck acceptance for this crap sake of breathing.
Investing in friends to be some free loading turd
with a never-ending burn to save face.
97. whore torn vet (randall)
I know how to kill an army of one,
with some Malaysian monkey cunt.
armed and horny,
veteran of a foreign venereal disease.
98. Obi Wan Kaczynski (randall)
opening a letter bomb with a light saber
so you can feel the force.
ashes and anthrax slowly settle on unused technology.
the age has come to invoke catastrophe on the sand people.
99. placing a personal memo on the bossâ?™s desk (randall)
rifle through your desk from a hundred yards away,
camouflaged in pigeon shit,
high on the tower of brotherly love.
a hopeless romantic,
cupid's arrow seeds itself in splintered mahogany.