 Итак, настало время рассказать об одном из выдающихся и основополагающих альбомов в трад-думе - дебютнике Witchfinder General под названием "Death Penalty". Пластинка наделала в свое время много шуму, и было отчего.
Сюрпризы начинаются уже с обложки, а на ней - фотография известной в то время модели Джоанны Лэтэм (полуобнаженной) в окружении инквизиторов, падре и монахов. Но наиболее важны следующие детали: действие происходит на кладбище церкви в Энвилле и без разрешения священника (не говорите после этого про культурных англичан). Естественно, разразился скандал, что только подняло популярность охотников за ведьмами, которые были вроде и не против такого поворота событий.
Ну, а что же, собственно, нас ждет на альбоме? Тут Witchfinder General`ы тоже выделились, - в то время, как все британские группы стремились играть быстрее и быстрее, они замедлялись. Хоть основу музыки и составил NWOBHM, влияние Black Sabbath очень и очень ощутимо: звук гитар максимально низок, колонки сотрясает мощный риффинг, а позитивные хард-роковые песни чередуются с мрачными думовыми. Также очень интересно звучат цыганские мотивы, проскакивающие почти в каждой песне.
Прекрасная работа вокалиста - его вокал не похож ни на какой другой, он очень сочен и звонок, и в то же время, немного гнусав. Впрочем, описывать это сложно - лучше просто послушать. Правда, иногда Зиб Паркс пытается взять слишком высокую ноту, что несколько режет слух, но тут же исправляется, исполняя без ошибки такую руладу, что диву даешься, как же он так сфальшивил раньше. Например, припев в песне "Witchfinder General" - только за строчки "'Cause I'm the witch... finder generaaaal!" Зибу уже можно ставить памятник (жаль все-таки, что он ушел из группы)
Невозможно переоценить вклад Witchfinder General в становление дума, он постине огромен. Также, нельзя переоценить и "Death Penalty" - альбом поистине шедеврален. Жаль, конечно, что группу сейчас почти забыли, ведь это имя вписано золотыми буквами в историю дум-метала, а историю забывать нельзя. |
Invisible hate inside me now
Invisible hate I've gotta get out
Peace is what I need right now
So thing don't you start
Go away and leave my soul
And leave my broken heart
'Cos if you stay you'll provoke me
And I know I'll die
So go away now, go away now
High, high up into the sky
Invisible hate...
I still don't know if you'll leave me
I hope you will before you kill me
Here I am, I tried to fight you
Hope I can and not delight you
Invisible hate when there's no joy
Invisible hate I've got oh boy
Invisible hate inside my soul
Like in your head are girls that go
I've fought my hate now here comes joy
How I fought it I don't know oh boy
Some say God, some say faith
I say sex, drugs, rock and beer
My beer
I've fought...
2. Free Country
Reality it is a lie
The briefest dream before I die
To comprehend the cosmic scheme
See the truth behind my dream
Look out for me
Let's trip on L.S.D.
Look out for me
D.S. look out for me
Rocky's gold, leb is red
Black goes right to my head
Mushroom tea, a toke of weed
Amphetamine is real good speed
Look out for me
Come have some mushroom tea
Look out for me
D.S. look out for me
Lines of speed on a mirror face
Sniff it up through a biro case
Heroin is for the hero
It's a killer, you gotta say no
Look out for me
Let's trip on L.S.D.
Look out for me
D.S. look out for me
Turn to drugs to free my mind
Just to see what I would find
Tabs are great, now ask the drummer
Smack my friend is just a bummer
3. Death Penalty
Life in prison, is it enough
For what they do
One day soon, so very close
It could be you
A life for a life, that's the way
The only way I say
The chair is best, also sweet
The power's all we pay
The power's all we pay
We'll end it all today
The power's all we pay
Thirty years is all they do
Less if they are good
All this time we pay their way
Goodies say we should
Then they're out, they're on the loose
To do it once again
Back in they go, the more we pay
We say they are insane
They say they are insane
Blown right out of their minds
Really gone insane
The people's vote it should be cast
The murderers would not last
Eject the filth from my lifestyle
Keep them just on file
To take a life it is a shame
They've only got themselves to blame
Death should be the penalty
Quick and cold and finally
Give them food and beds they say
The people they will pay
Treat them good and talk to them
Teach them how to pray
Does it work, of course not
We'll end it all today
As I said let's have a vote
Let them know our way
Let them know our way
We'll execute today
The power's all we'll pay
How many victims unlawfully killed upon the earth
Homicidal killers, can you tell me what they're worth
They never have a reason, never tell you why
We'll take their lives, save their souls, let them die
4. No Stayer
I want a woman 'cos it's a Saturday night
I wanna make her feel alright
I'm going to lay her, do you know what I mean
I really wanna make her scream
No stayer on a Saturday night
No stayer 'cos I'm feeling alright tonight
Back at her place
She was in the mood
She sucked and licked my food
When it was running all over her face
She rolled over and then we screwed
No stayer...
Next morning do you know what she said
She said "Will you be my guy?"
I just got dressed and I walked away
I said "Now girl, I don't stay"
No stayer on a Saturday night
Never have been, never will be
No stayer 'cos it's Saturday night tonight
5. Witchfinder General
I'm coming to find you
I'm coming to get you
I'm coming to take you away
You witches are evil
You worship the devil
So listen to what I say
Come peacefully from out of your huts
Or I'll have you witches prey
I want destroy you
Must play and toy you
And watch you wither away
Who's coming to get you
I'm coming to take you away
Find you guilty witch woman
'Cos I am the Witchfinder General
The trial's begun and people come
>From many towns around
I find them guilty just to please me
And feed them to a hound
I bite their brains and cut their veins
Strike them to the ground
Insult their bodies till they're dead
Let the soil be their surround
Who's coming to get you...
He picks us up, he knocks us down
He says he hates our slang
He plays with us like pawns in chess
Come on let's get a gang
If your girl is tight, he'll take a bite
Say witch with evil mange
So if you've hope, let's grab a rope
And watch that bastard hang
So you think you can beat me
Hang me completely
You should know better than that
I'll take your wenches
Tie them on benches
Feed them to a rat
So if you try me
Even deny me
I'll beat you, you're a pratt
So come on folks
Don't try provoke
'Cos to me you're a fragile gnat
'Cos I'm the Witchfinder General
6. Burning A Sinner
A cart rolled through the town
And people all around
Gathered for the burning of the witch
They grit their teeth in anger
They raise their arms in fear
The burning stake was ready for that bitch
Singing burn her
Burn her
Burn her to the ground
Singing burn her sins
Burn her pride
Burn her till she dies
They tie her to the stake
People shout abuse
They want to hear the sizzling of her flesh
She looks at them and curses
Each one of them in town
The execution flame put to the ground
Singing burn her...
You cannot see her body
Smoke is all around
All you hear is the sizzling of her flesh
Fire burns so quickly
Smoke begins to clear
Preacher man stood up, announced her dead
Singing burn her...
7. R.I.P.
The screams and the dreams and the nightmares it seems
Are from Hell
Things lurk in the churchyard and rise from the soil
Those who dwell
They come from a cult of evil and bad
No relent
To search for the body they seek there that night
Whose consent
Grave snatchers, church gate-crashers
Messing with the sacred way
Grave snatchers, church gate-crashers
Searching out bodies for prey
The corpse it is taken to Satanist's Hill
For its fate
Where hundreds of demons and creatures from Hell
There do wait
Its heart does not beat but its body is given to Hell
The air it is silent and all that you hear is his bell
Grave snatchers, church gate-crashers
Lucifer drives in today
Grave snatchers, church gate-crashers
Leaving a hole where he lay
With many strange ways here on this earth
I fear
For many a soul that rests in the church
It is clear
Although they are dead and cannot move
They can't rest
For when darkness falls, the snatchers from Hell
They do quest
Grave snatchers, church gate-crashers
Messing with the sacred way
Grave snatchers, church gate-crashers
Searching out bodies for prey
Grave snatchers, church gate-crashers
Lucifer drives in today
Grave snatchers, church gate-crashers
Leaving a hole where he lay