 Да, обложка этого релиза, конечно, нечто. Сразу прошлись и по гор-дэстерам, и по любителям сатанинского мясца. Меж тем, после пятилетнего молчания удивить испанцам нас особо нечем. Вот предыдущие три альбома - это тема для нескончаемых исследований и споров. А "Nullo" - это, прежде всего, наиболее Cannibal Corpse'подобный альбом ребят. Работу Riky за ударными и вовсе не отличишь от монотонной долбы Мазуркевича. Да, брутально (еще бы, натуральный рык Dave Rotten'а - это однозначно потрясающе), да, технично, да, необычно в рамках мелодичных гитарных соло, но на фоне прошлых альбомов - штамповка. Наиболее бездумный и ненужный здесь трек - продолжение "Infernal Haemorrhoids". Вот разве что чувство хита группе не отказало. Поверьте, при другом оформлении (и тексте, конечно), "Nullo (The Pleasure of Self-Mutilation") и "Chestblood" вполне могли бы стать популярными хитами. "Нулло" - вообще песня года в данной ветке дэта. Последнее творение тех же "Каннибалов" испанцы уделали с легкостью. Но все равно после столь шокирующе многогранных, нежно-брутальных альбомов, это - шаг назад, если не два. Кровососы, чуть было не захлебнувшиеся испитой кровью, сейчас издали просто довольную отрыжку, заодно изрыгнув некое количество непереварившегося продукта. |
They need to be virginal cunts
Where no one else has been before
I wanna be the first
And feel the power
Can't stop deflowering
I'm breaking hymens!
Small tight pussies
Feel the pressure
In my dick
Feel I'm cumming
Just thinking of it
It's so exciting
Their vaginal blood
Small tight pussies
Feel the pressure
In my dick
Raping a girl is not enough
It has become so easy for me
They need to be virginal cunts
Where no one else has been before
I wanna be the first
And feel the power
Can't stop deflowering
I'm breaking hymens!
2. Killing After Death
Deranged mind, a life of crime
It's time to die in a supreme way
Reaping lives after demise
Requires a fine tactic of suicide
Ingesting a toxic brew in lethal dose
A studied mix to fermentate in stomach
The rotting cocktail will emanate a deadly gas
Once dissected in autopsy's procedure
Killing after death [x4]
Lying on the stretcher
Before the rigor mortis
The corpse is still brewing
And getting ready to erupt
Scalpel down!
The Abdomen
Is fully bloated
First incision
Unleashes the gas
The three doctors
Lying on the floor
The masterpiece is done!
Scalpel down!
The three doctors
Lying on the floor
The masterpiece is done!
Killing after death [x4]
Deranged mind, a life of crime
It's time to die in a supreme way
3. MaggotFilled
Guttered but soon restuffed
Your carcass emptied out
Refilled with crawling filth
The slithering sickness
Your dead body moving again
Swarming with viral life
In death resurrected
All your life drained and dead
Packed with worms withing your head
Reanimated with disease
Delivering your viral load
Your bloated body now explode
All your life drained and dead
Packed with worms withing your head
Guts and pus pouring out
Together with an army of worms
Guttered but soon restuffed
Your carcass emptied out
Refilled with crawling filth
The slithering sickness
Your dead body moving again
Swarming with viral life
In death resurrected
All your life drained and dead
Packed with worms withing your head
Reanimated with disease
Delivering your viral load
Your bloated body now explode
All your life drained and dead
Packed with worms withing your head
Guts and pus pouring out
Together with an army of worms
4. Voracious Backpacker
(He was) Living in deep misery
His life was is ruin
Not even a family
With whom to share his life
No friends, no home, no job
Lost all hope and faith
Starvation was coming
Desperation ruled his life
Voracious backpacker [x4]
Had no choice but searching some way to feed
So then he took his backpack
Uncertain journey through unknown routes
Looking for victims without trace
Unwary partners in trip, were the best
Nobody would miss them at all
Keeping body parts in hermetic plastic bags
Saving food for the long run
Feet, arms gnawing the bones, tasting the flesh, hands, legs
Licking the fluids, chewing entrails
This way he moved around not being suspect
Eating and travelling for free
He knows there's not way back and he don't even want
His life is full for once and all
Voracious backpacker [x4]
5. Nullo (The Pleasure Of Self-mutilation)
Tattooed all my skin
My body is all over pierced
I've burnt scarifications
None of this is not enough
I've gotta go beyond
My body is not perfect
Don't feel happy with it
I've got to remove something
Fingers are too many
My dick disturbs so much
Nipples are useless bulges for me
I'll go for crotch removal
Perhaps infibulation
Penectomy looks the best choice
Nullo [x3]
The pleasure of self-mutilation
Nullo [x3]
The pleasure of self-mutilation
Without balls and penis
Pissing through a catheter
I feel my body looks much nicer
I love nullification
I'll amputate a hand
Some feet fingers will go next
Nullo [x3]
The pleasure of self-mutilation
Nullo [x3]
The pleasure of self-mutilation
Tattooed all my skin
My body is all over pierced
I've burnt scarifications
None of this is not enough
I've gotta go beyond
My body is not perfect
Don't feel happy with it
I've got to remove something
Without balls and penis
Pissing through a catheter
I feel my body looks much nicer
I love nullification
I'll amputate a hand
Some feet fingers will go next
6. Nazino (Cannibal Hell)
Trying to get rid of
Unsuitable population
Cleaning the streets
From the biggest cities
Deporting the masses
In ships way up the river
Confining them in an island
Without food or shelter
Nazino -- The island of Death
Nazino -- Siberian nightmare
Nazino -- Eat or be eaten
Nazino -- A cannibal hell
Below zero -- Emaciated
Dozens dying -- Every day
Nazino -- The island of Death
Nazino -- Siberian nightmare
Nazino -- Eat or be eaten
Nazino -- A cannibal hell
Guards shooting -- No escape
Corpses lying -- Everywhere
Perishing by famine
Later dysentery
And typhold
Did the rest
Feasting on their corpses
Was the only way
To get some decent food
To survive
Deporting the masses
In ships way up the river
Confining them in an island
Without food or shelter
Below zero -- Emaciated
Dozens dying -- Every day
7. Fair Flesh Obsession
Abducted to feed
The sickened need
Kept in chains
To unable the escape
Hosed with blood
To attract the beast
The thing that lives
Deep down beneath
Fair flesh obsession
My sickened twin
That burst out from within
Fair flesh obsession
This beast inside will never die
I keep it tied
In the cellar it lives
I keep it hidden
Roaming the catacombs
I keep it fed
Living subjects abducted
I keep it calmed
To then wind up dead
Deep down in the lair
Where it lives and dwells
I must feed it with victims
And dispose of their remains
Abducted to feed
The sickened need
Kept in chains
To unable the escape
Hosed with blood
To attract the beast
The thing that lives
Deep down beneath
Fair flesh obsession
My sickened twin
That burst out from within
Fair flesh obsession
This beast inside will never die
8. Penectomia
Enferma obsesa por lo viril
Un pene erecto, un simbolo
Como un trofeo que ha de guardar
De los maromos con quien yacio
Mutilacion, extirpamiento del organo
Recoleccion, de todas clases y tamaños
Amputacion, de un buen corte y sin dudar
Exposicion, de vergas duras en formol
Penectomia - de un tajo atroz
Penectomia -- una vil castracion
Penectomia -- sin compasion
Penectomia -- una brutal diseccion
Cuchilla afilada lista para segar
Un geiser de sangre emana sin parar
La presa grita dolor infernal
En unos minutos sin duda morira
Enferma obsesa por lo viril
Un pene erecto, un simbolo
Como un trofeo que ha de guardar
De los maromos con quien yacio
Mutilacion, extirpamiento del organo
Recoleccion, de todas clases y tamaños
Amputacion, de un buen corte y sin dudar
Exposicion, de vergas duras en formol
Penectomia - de un tajo atroz
Penectomia -- una vil castracion
Penectomia -- sin compasion
Penectomia -- una brutal diseccion
9. Infernal Haemorrhoids (Pt. 2)
There's a nightmare on my back
My ass is spitting fire
Unbearable itch in my asshole
They're infernal haemorrhoids
10. Chestblood
Blood on my chest
On your chest blood
Lets join our chestblood!
Inner morbid feelings
Haemophilic passion
Vulnerable desire
Juicy deep red drops
Blood on my chest
On your chest blood
Lets join our chestblood!
Tearing the flesh with a knife
Quickly bleeding wounds
Mixing fluids with lust
Chest to chest, bloon on blood
Cut the flesh, lick the wound
Take the pain, taste the flesh
Drink it pure, lick it slow
Tear the flesh, let it go
Embrace the knife with your chest
Mix the blood, taste the rest
Fuck it deep, give it more
Squeeze the drops, on the floor
Blood on my chest
On your chest blood
Lets join our chestblood!
11. She's Hot Tonight (In My Oven)
She's the woman of my life, I love her to the bones
I wanna make her mine forever and no one else's
So I'll prepare a special dinner just for both of us
With a very unique dish to join us for all eternity
She's hot tonight... In my oven! [x4]
After having sex in the most passionate way
I took a knife and gave her death in the sweetest form
Carved her up in pieces and got them to the kitchen
To cook her lovely flesh, then making her a part of me
She's hot tonight... In my oven! [x4]
She's hot tonight... In my oven! [x4]