 Дакс Риггс - фигура, которая в определённых кругах имеет культовый статус. И не нужно даже вдаваться в подробности его сольного творчества, в хитросплетения музыкальных полотен, созданных при его участии под совершенно другими вывесками (хотя ознакомиться с ними при возможности просто необходимо), чтобы понять, почему он приобрел сей статус. Человек с широчайшим музыкальным кругозором, с уникальной манерой пения (да еще и вольно распоряжающийся разными видами и техниками вокала), с индивидуальным подходом к созданию музыки, точнее, к подбору тех кирпичиков, из которых она выстраивается, - само собой разумеется, что с такими исходными данными любое сравнение Acid Bath с собратьями по сочинительскому цеху будет достаточно условным. Свою музыку в рамках данного проекта, между прочим, Риггс определял термином "дэт-рок", и как минимум, в лирическом аспекте параллелей возникает немало, мягко говоря. Тут вам и философия саморазрушения, и тема безумия, и насилие, и наркотики, и отрицание религии, и своеобразно циничная подача всего этого богатства тем, свойственная поколению, выросшему не без благотворно-разрушительного воздействия Розза Уильямса сотоварищи. Да, кстати, та же "Paegan Love Song" (совершенно потрясающая по своей подаче вещь) - отдаленный пример того, каким мог бы быть сладж-метал, (пере)изобрети его представители дэт-рок движения. Так что и музыкальных параллелей, кажется, хватает, хотя чего только не обнаружишь в этом альбоме! Преобладает, конечно же, вязкий смурной грув, выстроенный на психоделических гитарах и медленных ритмах, но места хватает и для того, чтобы вволю погрустить, пустив скупую мужскую слезу под прекрасную в своей простоте акустическую "Dead Girl", и помотать башкой под трэшевую "New Corpse", в которой Риггс дает волю скрытым резервам своей глотки. Ну а его скриминг буквально сочится ядом! Но самое главное, что при всей вязкости и пещерности саунда (акустических партий это, понятное дело, не касается), "Paegan Terrorism Tactics" намного более дружелюбен к слушателю, чем многие из работ современников Acid Bath. Иными словами, здесь нет зубодробительной ритмики, вокала, напором своим деформирующего черепную коробку, всепобеждающей ненависти, свойственных работам Eyehategod, или пробивного дымного напора, характерного для Buzzov*en, зато очень много мрачных мыслей, туманных образов и своеобразных драматических мелодий, корни которых охватывают в единое целое все развитие американского рока с 70-х по 90-е, не обходя стороной ни экстремальные направления, ни все еще модный гранж ("Graveflower" вполне уместно смотрелась бы в портфолио Pearl Jam, если убрать из нее все агрессивные эпизоды), ни саутерн-рок, любые тенденции отображая в характерных пессимистичных тонах.
Кстати, о тонах и красках. Обложка диска выше всяких похвал: сложно более едко и иронично изобразить "мастеров, управляющих ниточками человеческой судьбы", да еще и выполнить это в перекликающейся с музыкой психоделичной и образной манере. Сальвадор Дали, не иначе: формы правильны и узнаваемы, но вот их сочетания непередаваемо парадоксальны.
Очень жаль, что история этой группы оборвалась в 1997-м году со смертью басиста Оуди Питера. Очень хорошо, что у Дакса Риггса есть еще чудесные сольники, проекты Agents of Oblivion и Deadboy & the Elephantmen, на которые и призываю обратить внимание наиболее усидчивых слушателей. |
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Второй альбом группы луизианского подполья - южная готика в новой интерпретации. Пожалуй, один из наиболее ярких релизов из категории «хорошие альбомы девяностых, о которых Вы могли не знать». Отличный и самобытный материал на стыке южного сладжа и гранджа. Собственно, от первого направления тут, по большому счету, сохранилась особая агрессивно-заторможенная подача, звучание, в целом, весьма дружелюбно, как в сравнении с дебютной работой, так и с релизами многих других представителей NOLA-тусовки.
К несомненным плюсам альбома я отнес бы качество представленного материала. Большинство песен сопровождаются уместной и удачной сменой темпа, разнообразными инструментальными ходами и очень богатой для жанра лирикой. Писать о лирике лишние слова не хочется, достаточно найти в сети тексты песен и обсуждения их значений. Музыка гармонично дополняется таким же запоминающимся, преимущественно чистым, вокалом, который придает дополнительную плотность звучанию. За счет такого удачного сочетания музыки и слов песни действительно запоминаются, а некоторые звучат как самые настоящие рок-хиты.
Из отдельных композиций выделил бы интересные структурой и содержанием "Paegan Love Song", "Bleed Me An Ocean" и "Diab Soule", в которых общая быстрая и цепляющая подача соседствует со среднетемповыми моментами в духе первого альбома. "Graveflower" запоминается мрачной атмосферой и «грузящим» гитарным соло. "Venus Blue" почти радио-хит из числа тех, о которых было написано выше, сохранивший, тем не менее, умеренную агрессивность. Трэшевые "13 Fingers" и "New Corpse" отлично разбавляют материал и напоминают о корнях группы. Акустическая баллада "Dead Girl" – отличный пример комбинации южного рока и альтернативной американы.
Некоторым минусом по мне видится отсутствие той целостности альбома, которая была присуща дебютной работе. Все же, разнообразие материала несколько смазывает общую картину. Впрочем, минус этот очень условный.
К сожалению, данная работа стала последней для группы, прекратившей существование после трагической гибели басиста. Acid Bath, на мой взгляд, является одной из наиболее талантливых групп американского андеграунда девяностых, а альбом 1996 года – веский аргумент в пользу данного утверждения. |
I was cutting throats and eating tears
Smiling in a ruined age
Douse my love everything with gasoline
Grave flower blooms at your red light death scene
We dance the electric Pagan Love Song
We hunt with the children paling in the catacombs
Trippin' on real blood in strange sunshine
Have you felt such weight upon your eyes
Sister I been trippin' in your sky
I woke up adrift in a Technicolor bliss
Ten million miles high
I'm a Christian zombie by daylight
Satan, he come trippin' 'round midnight
Circle jerkin' redneck truckers' dream
You scream, I scream
Everybody screams for morphine
I won't love you, mama, I just fiend your morphine... your morphine
I am the mother, the father, the killer
Forever and ever all right
I am the shapeless, the deathless, remorseless
Forever and ever tonight
I'm feelin' hollow again
I am the mother, the father, the killer of light
I'm gonna cut you motherfucker, God's cocksucker
all right
"Bleed Me An Ocean"
Let the blackness roll on
Mother's cool reptilian womb
Ain't so cold tonight
My fingers trace the exit wounds
by graveyard light
There's bone dust in my throat and everything is DEAD
but it's all right
Take it easy
You bleed so easy
Bleed me an ocean
Bleed me an ocean tonight
By electric graveyard light
Bleed me an ocean
Let me lie beneath the sky
Teach me how to die
Bleed me an ocean
As the blossom eats the butterfly
Can you feel the cold death
That rides along your spine
Let the blackness roll on
You bleed so easy
Let the blackness roll on
I was sexless in clouds again
I was chasing a cold, cold wind
I've become bored with flesh and bone again
The deepest alone
I was riding the turbulence
an ocean of Hades
it's all downhill from here
on the outer nowhere
Let the blackness roll on
You bleed so easy
Let the blackness roll on
I was stoned to the drone
of the blackness that hums
I've become bored with flesh and bone again
The endless hum of the highway drone
I was riding the turbulence
an ocean of Hades
The taste of dead sex on my tongue
On my tongue, yeah
Let the blackness roll on
You bleed so easy
let the blackness roll on
You bleed so easy
Just like a rain drop
I was born baby to fall
and scale these prison walls
It was over before you were born
Sucked into the vacuum of this universal tomb
It was over before you were born
Sucked into the vacuum of this universal tomb
Old blossom dies
Like a young man breathes
The insects hum with their hunger and grieve
An icon of pale bone
Static white dream
Blind in the wilderness
Everybody scream
I couldn't find my way
Out the door
We all died
Woke up on the floor
I ride the painted whore
She gives good universal scream, scream
I ride the painted whore
She gives good universal scream, scream
I ride the painted whore
She gives good universal scream, scream
I ride the painted whore
She gives good universal scream, scream
Like Murder
Stoned I awoke in your temple
To blackness above you
And death beside me
Where kitchen knives conspire
Razor blades make bloodless love
Like Murder
The ghost of a pale girl is solemnly following me
Pale will she follow me
Into the sea
I feel the flowers screaming
To consume you
Like Murder
Earth and sky your cradle
Earth and sky entomb you
And death beside me
I burrow through the dust
In your skull
But I cannot seem to find your soul
Bloodless and numb
We orbit the sun
Hungry will this pale thing
Follow me into the sea
On the cold side of her face
The reptiles awake
Locust swarm from open mouths
That sing thy kingdom come
While blackness hums
Nothing is true
and I'm tired of your sad today
You're screaming because
There's nothing left for you to say
Bloodless and numb
We orbit the sun
Hungry will this pale thing
Follow me into the sea
Stoned I awoke in your temple
To blackness above you
And death beside me
Where kitchen knives conspire
Razor blades make bloodless love
Like Murder
"Diäb Soulé"
[Unknown sample]
Summer feels like death
Godless we run
In my eyes there dreams an ocean
Hell beneath my tongue
I understand
And don't care
Well the skyscrapers look like gravestones
From out here
With blood in my cum
In my heart the song plays on
The Insects Requiem
I understand
And don't care
'Cause the skyscrapers look like gravestones
From out here
Pissing your life as fast as they consume you
Killing everything as fast as they can bleed you
Pissing your life as fast as they consume you
Killing everything as fast as they can bleed you
With blood in my cum
In my eyes there dreams an ocean
Hell beneath my tongue
I understand
And don't care
Well the skyscrapers look like gravestones
From out here
From out here
From out here
From out here
"Locust Spawning"
Locusts are coming
Spine will twist, heads will cave
I am the funeral dancer on the outer wave...
the outer wave
Spine will twist, heads will cave
I am the funeral dancer on the outer wave...
the outer wave
Plastic heads with painted sockets
and death rode through the sky like a rocket
Everything dies so fast
So this is it
You're a dead motherfucker
Wading through a world of shit
With dust on your lips
Tell me do you exist?
You were born to die like this
Chins smeared red with conspiracy
The fiends nod off after bloodsex and blasphemy
You were born to die like this for me
Chin smeared red with conspiracy
With dust on your lips
Tell me do you exist?
Pale spirits laughing into the abyss
You were born to die like this
You were born to die like this
With dust on your lips
Tell me do you exist?
Pale spirits laughing into the abyss
You were born to die like this, baby
You were born to die like this
Naked and tripping, killing flowers
Empty is the urge to devour
I'm dead bored with your deathless blues
Scream for me, and I'll die for you
I'm dead bored with your deathless blues
Scream for me, I'll die for you
"Old Skin"
WE smoke the toenails and hair
of the wiseman
under a BLACKGOD's thumb
we dance like painted puppets
she bleeds orgasm in techni-color
an ocean of alien mystery
we eat the wiseman's eyes
for sight that we might
see the darkness if we kill
the lights fast enough
we eat the brain and pray
that our eyes can open wide enough
we burn the dry shell, a funeral chant
the pulse quickens and we dance
as the blossoms fall
a scattering of dust to the winds
this celebration of old skin
I feel every flower that is
screaming to consume you
the earth and sky your cradle
the earth and sky entomb you
so is the way of forever
teeming with simple cruelties
beatings in cold rooms
hands and head not found
"New Death Sensation"
I wonder have you ever seen the sky
And felt this weight upon open eyes
New death sensation
Flesh flowers dream to bloom
New death sensation
We dance the stone death naked by the shore
I hear her highway song forevermore
New death sensation
Empty is this tomb
Lay this flesh to waste
Let the pieces fall where they may
Insects play their sunshine games
Splashing blood upon my soul
Crisp black kiss upon my skull
Lay this flesh to waste
Let the pieces fall where they may
Let the worms play their sunshine games
Splashing blood upon my soul
Crisp black kiss upon my skull
Empty is this tomb
"Venus Blue"
Creeping like frost
As slow as grave moss
Like drowning in dry oceans of bone dust
I taste the wreckage of crumbling faces
I know the pale thing in the darkest of places
I remember blood from the thighs of the mother
As everything is eaten by another
How much more must we bleed her
I cut their throats while they slept
I wept
I peel back my skull for you
Yes I do
Slow desolation like a funeral procession
The lovely one screams like she's caught between stations
I eat the razor, a mouthful of God's flesh
Sweating this blackness,
I am shitting this cold death
I remember blood from the thighs of the mother
As everything is eaten by another
How much more must we bleed her
I cut their throats while they slept
I wept
I peel back my skull for you
Yes I do
Love is rotting on the vine
Crumbling in God's sunshine
I am dying all the time
Point me at the sky... sky
How much more must we bleed her
I cut their throats while they slept
I wept
I peel back my skull for you
Yes I do
How much more must we bleed her
I cut their throats while they slept
I wept
I peel back my skull for you
Yes I do
I taste the wreckage of crumbling faces
I know the pale thing in the darkest of places
"13 Fingers"
Bleeding on your highway baby
Harvest is a' coming in the season of Dying
I trace the skull in your face and remember
I kissed a girl with 13 fingers
I cum malignant, cold death-gasm
I pulse and twitch, I release and spasm
I heard Satan on the AM radio
I trace the skull in your face and remember
I kissed a girl with 13 fingers, kissed a girl with 13 fingers
Blood makes the grass grow
I heard the ghost of Hitler on the radio
Blood makes the grass grow
I blew a load of Jesus into Mary's hole
I trace the skull in your face and remember
I kissed a dark-eyed girl with 13 fingers
I see the -?- deep down -?-
Fuck it, Fuck it
[-?- Raped you]
Fuck it, Fuck it
I understand the bleeding but don't know why
It's so easy to watch you cry
It's so fuckin' easy to watch you cry
I understand the bleeding but don't know why
I understand the bleeding but don't know why
It's so easy to watch you die
It's so fuckin' easy to watch you die
It's so easy to watch you die
"New Corpse"
[Dax: Check. I need more gain.]
The pagan flames burn through the night
Everything's mine
Blackness my whore I bleed the light
Everything's mine
I know my time is coming soon
Everything's mine
Miles of bone lay on the ground
It's all mine
In remembrance of warmth would you shit on me?
I am the new corpse paling beneath the shade tree
You can't give me what I need
Picking at scabs with ambition to bleed
You're mine
The war machine moves forward lifeless
Everything's mine
We feed larvae with the blood of our martyrs
Everything's mine
We burn the flames of the funeral carnival
Everything's mine
I am death walking up in a coffin
It's all mine
I eat the eyes and pray to see
the emptiness inside of me
I eat the brain and pray to know
anarchy of fallen angels
I want to be the enemy
The hero is dead
I put the newest hole in his head
I want to be the enemy
The hero is dead
I put the newest hole in his head
Bleed for me, we were born dead
I want to be the enemy
The hero is dead
I put the newest hole in his head
I want to be the enemy
The hero is dead
I put the newest hole in his head
Bleed for me, we were born dead,
dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead
Falling chunks of flesh
Ejaculating sickness
Everything's mine
Shit lord, scum God swallow me whole
Everything's mine
I am death waking up in a coffin
Everything's mine
Your new corpse is beauty
Dying on the inside
It's all mine...
"Dead Girl"
Dead girl
There will never be another one that dreams like you
Dead girl
There will never be another one that screams like you
When death sleeps, it dreams of you
Delilah played the dead girl at the freak show
She smiles like a ghost
Like zombies eatin' dust in Mexico
Life dries cold beneath the dead soul lights
She asked if it would hurt
I smiled and said no
The lie ran down my chin like embryo
She smiles like a corpse
Like zombies eatin' dust in Mexico
Life dries cold beneath the dead soul lights
When death sleeps, it dreams of you
Dead girl
There will never be another one to look in your eyes
Dead girl
There will never be another one that bleeds like you
I been dryin' in a dead age
I been reekin' of the new plague
The sound of the ocean is dead
It's just the echo of the blood in your head
Sister burn the temple
And stand beneath the moon
The sound of the ocean is dead
It's just the echo of the blood in your head
Burning your black flags
Burning your black flags
I been dryin' in a dead age
I been reekin' of the new plague
The sound of the ocean is dead
It's just the echo of the blood in your head
Sister burn the temple
And stand beneath the moon
The sound of the ocean is dead
It's just the echo of the blood in your head
Burning your black flags
Burning your black flags
"The Beautiful Downgrade"
Fingered slowly like the first time you came
The agents of oblivion descend upon the sane
Caked with mud and mother's blood
Playing death games in the rain
And we wonder how it feels to be free
I thought I heard them whisper mutiny
Living room rape scenes
We cut their throats while they slept
Dreaming and digesting shards of turtle shell
The television's blaring
And the ghost of Hitler speaks
Crowned with barbed-wire
I smear my warm semen on the walls of my oppression
I accuse God for the murder of eternity
My everything that is nothing
Christian propaganda and dog sperm
The beautiful downgrade
Do you remember the first sunrise?
Sharpened bone clenched tight in your fist
Screaming into the blue
An urge to kill the sky
I can smell the forest like pussy in heat
Barefoot I run through the chaos
The assassins of freedom tend the burning of truth
As we walk these prison walls
It's maddening, always touching something