 С того самого момента, как в 1999 году французы Nightmare вернулись к жизни, поставив за микрофонную стойку бывшего барабанщика Джо Амура, я ждал, когда же они "выстрелят". Но не получалось что-то у ребят... Четыре альбома, выпущенных до 2009 года, содержали много очень хороших, но не хитовых песен. Одного великолепного, самобытного голоса Амура не хватало, чтобы покорить сердца металлистов. И вот, после 10 лет стараний, свершилось! Восстание, поднятое мрачным парнем с чугунными руками, переросло в прицельное бомбометание сквозь ушные раковины прямо в мозг. Что же за подарок преподнесли нам лягушатники?
Если коротко - это настоящий, мрачный и могучий Dark Power Metal, стиль, почти забытый в последнее время. Низкие, ревущие гитары, наполненный болью и яростью голос, бронебойные барабаны, трагические и апокалиптические тексты - никаких фэнтэзийных соплей, отважных рыцарей, драконов и прочей чепухи. Сразу видно, что играют настоящие мастера своего дела - гитарные риффы мгновенно вцепляются в сознание, кач и драйв ощущаются даже в медленных проигрышах. Барабанные партии не отличаются чрезмерной изощрённостью, но всегда сыграны очень к месту, чётко выделяя каждый акцент и штрих. Вокал - особая песня (простите за каламбур): голос Джо Амура отличется не только неимоверной мощью, но и зашкаливающей эмоциональностью. Чем-то он напоминает безвременно ушедшего от нас Дио, но у Амура больше боли и отчаяния. Порой по харизматичности пения малоизвестный француз оставляет позади даже столь модного нынче Йорна Ланде.
Отдельно хочется выделить работу звукорежиссёра Акима Кёхлера, работавшего с At Vance, Primal Fear, Sinner. Звучание великолепно, расслышать каждый инструмент не составляет никакого труда, немногочисленные клавиши и сэмплы звучат очень естественно и органично.
Весь альбом пропитан ощущением близкого или уже наступившего Армагеддона. Мрачные, яростные и трагические тексты песен рассказывают о ядерной зиме, социальном кризисе, давно прошедших или только подстерегающих человечество катастрофах. Лирика, многократно усиленная интонациями Джо Амура, бьёт прямо в душу, заставляя на минуту-другую отвлечься от всех занятий и задуматься. При этом тексты не являются очень уж сложными и запоминаются на раз-два, что есть плюс.
Из всех композиций диска хочеться особенно выделить три:
- Мрачнейший медляк "Eternal Winter", переходящий в печальное акустическое завершение, является одной из мощнейших открывашек, которые я когда-либо слышал.
- Великолепная 8-минутная "Three Miles Island" - самая атмосферная вещь на пластинке, посвящённая аварии на одноимённой ядерной станции.
- "Angels of Glass" - третья жемчужина альбома, грустная и трагическая псевдобаллада, на которой нас вновь удивляет Амур, полностью убравший из голоса боль и ярость, заменив их неподдельной печалью и тоской о несбывшемся. Великолепная песня, великолепная концовка отличного альбома.
"Insurrection", как и другие альбомы Nightmare, сложно сравнивать с произведениями других групп. С одной стороны, французы не предлагают нам ничего кардинально нового; я часто натыкался на сравнения с Accept, Judas Priest и другими классиками хэви-пауэра. С другой стороны, атмосферность, монументальность и общая мрачность довольно сильно отличают их от пауэра современного разлива. И Nightmare ещё раз доказывают, что хорошо забытое старое зачастую оказывается ничуть не хуже нового. Всем, кто не знает, что такое настоящий Dark Power Metal - срочно бежать в магазин! |
So do we deserve to survive?
Now we can feel the winter
as we realize that we're all dead
Now we can't feel no whisper
No signs of life, our callings are in vain
Now we can feel the winter
Will the sun shine again?
Now we can't feel no whisper
And we will see... it will never be the same...
The ground is shaking, the planet will blast
Our foundations are falling
The only remains are the shades of our past
Into a world that keeps on burning
Is the future we made a desperation
Or just the process of a change of seasons?
Over the time, the rise of the ice
Has broken the cycle of eternal life
Now we can feel the winter
As we realize that we're all dead
Now we can't feel no whisper
No signs of life, our callings are in vain
Now we can feel the winter
Will the sun shine again?
Now we can't feel no whisper
It will never be the same...
It will never... never be the same...
2. The Gospel Of Judas
I am the tyrant
maybe a preacher or a spy?
breaking the rules in religion's lines
I am the regent
in a gospel of a new kind
I'm calling out, I scream so many lies
I blow, I spread
the winds of delusion
when Jesus returns
I blow, I spread
the winds of confusion
and Jesus learns
I am the traitor
maybe apostle of the dark
changing the lines of the bible in black
I am the actor
in the gospel of Jesus Christ
I'm breaking out, to keep my head up high
My final words will be the lasts
here is the gospel of Judas...
...forever change, thy kingdom!
I blow, I spread
the winds of delusion
when Jesus returns
I blow, I spread
the winds of confusion
when Jesus will learn
The gospel of Judas...
My final words will be the lasts
here is the gospel of Judas...
...forever change, thy kingdom!
I blow, I spread
the winds of delusion
when Jesus returns
I blow, I spread
the winds of confusion
and Jesus will learn!!!
3. Insurrection
We're living in a world of rage...
There is no place for innocence
we have so much blood on our hands
what's going on?
are we gonna stop that fire?
there are no places to be free
over the time and history
do we belong, to the race of the liars?
The anarchists raise the fist
Nazi skin: son of the bitch!
the terrorists set the list
all the fascists... praise the beast
how can we find a reason to believe?
We're not alive...
we're living in a world of rage
we're not alive... now or never...
we're living in the razor's edge
Many people carry the cross
the human race is on its loss
what's movin' on?
are we gonna change that failure?
we're only marching on the knees
we have no friends, just enemies
it's on and on...
we need to find a life... ailleurs!
The anarchists raise the fist
Nazi skin: son of the bitch!
the terrorists set the list
all the fascists... praise the beast
how can we find, a way to live in peace?
We're not alive...
we're living in a world of rage
we're not alive... now or never...
we're living in a world of rage
The next insurrection... is a revolution...
The anarchists raise the fist
Nazi skin: son of the bitch!
the terrorists set the list
all the fascists... praise the beast
We're not alive...
we're living in a world of rage
we're not alive... now or never...
we'll never die!
we're not alive...
we're living in a world of rage
we're not alive... now or never!!!
4. Legions Of The Rising Sun
This is the code of our pride in a wartime
To cross the line of a no return
We feel the rage when we stand at the frontline
We feel the heat when the fire still burns
How many dreams of war have turned to nightmares?
The battle rages on, it's time to die
Across the lines, we are the winners
There's no way back for the losers... die!
We are the legions of the rising sun
Fighting to be free
We are the legions of the rising sun
When we feel no fears, we build the next empire
We are the legions of the rising sun
Fighting to be free
We are the legions of the rising sun
When we feel no fears, we raise our spirits higher
We are the kings of Chinatown
We spread the chaos all around
We are the devils in the dark
It is your time to surrender
In death, you'll find the answer
We are the legions of the rising sun
Fighting to be free
We are the legions of the rising sun
When we feel no fears, we build the empire
We are the legions of the rising sun
Fighting to be free
We are the legions of the rising sun
When we feel no fears ... et s'envolaient ailleurs
We are the legions of the rising sun
(We are one for all, we are all for one...)
Fighting to be free
We are the legions of the rising sun
(We are one for all, we are all for one...)
When we feel no fears, we build the next empire
We are the legions of the rising sun
(We are one for all, we are all for one...)
Fighting to be free
We are the legions of the rising sun
(We are one for all...)
When we feel no fears, we raise our spirit higher
It is the code of our pride after midnight
To cross the line of a no return
It's not a game, we will fight ‘til the daylight
We have no shame and the fire still burns
One for all... and all for one...
5. Three Miles Island
"Good evening! The world has never known a day
quite like today. it faced the considerable uncertainties
and dangers of the worst nuclear power plant
accident of the Atomic Age..."
Watch the walls falling down to pieces
watch the blue lights coming from the fission of steel
see the warnings, it's a radiation crisis
there's no actings but just the truth to reveal
don't believe them! The NRC tells a lie!
it's an emergency of radioactivity
the China Syndrome is still a danger alive
losing control of technology
The core of the plant is burning
the heart of the beast is sleeping
the core of the plant is burning
the heart of the beast inside
How can we? how can I forgive them all?
what will be the finality of this world?
no one sees...
"An accident in the water cooling system in the
Three Miles Island nuclear power plant in Harrisburg
(Pennsylvania) forced the company to call a general
emergency and shut down a part of the plant
for an unspecified period..."
Watch the world that cannot face the danger
see the newslines selling their bunches of lies
see your blessings, it's a radiation cancer!
there's no escape for the future of our life
just believe! see the end of mankind!
you've sold our destiny for twenty centuries
kill the factory!
The core of the plant is burning
the heart of the beast is sleeping
the core of the plant is burning
the heart of the beast inside
General emergency!...
6. Mirrors Of Damnation
Welcome beyond the mirrors!
the mirrors of damnation...
There is a demon in my soul
and I'm just out of control
for a night of domination
I make the rules, you play the parts
but nothing will never start
this is your disillusion
with all the things I keep inside
there is a devil in my mind
the pain you feel is perversion
hungry for men, I am tonight
and you're the slave that I will bite
for my sweet satisfaction
On the floor, you're lying awake
to the shores, you just sail away
with no escape from the cages
on the floor, you're lying awake
to the shores, you just sail away
to a bed of black roses
Welcome beyond the mirrors!
the mirrors of damnation...
Tonight, I'm not what I seem
I'm not a vision of your dream
this is your desolation
don't look beyond my crystal eyes
and I‘m the lady in disguise
and a shade of illusion
I order things that you will do
you gotta get the message through
and you know that you'll be mine
when I can see you want some more
I will bring you to the final shore
as you feel so hot inside
On the floor, you're lying awake
to the shores, you just sail away
for ever sail away!
on the floor, you're lying awake, you're lying awake
to the shores, you just sail away, just sail away
On the floor, you're lying awake
to the shores, you just sail away
for ever sail away!
on the floor, you're lying awake, you're lying awake
to the shores, you just sail away...
7. Decameron
1348: a piece of history
1348: in the North of Italy
the black plague spreads the fear
people must escape from here
the smell of death is everywhere
History tells, how they used to live
in a world of love and hate... and demons...
Searching a way to live in harmony
another world to reach their destiny... their demons...
fooling... to live in harmony
another day to reach their destiny
10 dark bloody tales to prove debauchery
10 dark bloody tales betray insanity
crazy people laugh and cry
lazy girls give love and die
the scent of spell is in the air
History tells, how they used to die
in a world of love and lie... and demons...
Searching a way to live in harmony
another world to reach their destiny...
fooling... to live in harmony
another day to reach their destiny
Searching a way to live in harmony
another world to reach their destiny...
fooling... to live in harmony
another day to reach their destiny
8. Target For Revenge
Can you see regrets in my eyes
I'm sure I couldn't take that promise
handing over all my friends
I pull them to the end
I vanish for so many years
and i try to disappear
I've been so long on the run
ho, I feel like I'm done
time is playing with my life
I feel I will never be free
My revelations
turn my life upside down
my revelations
now, I'm a target for revenge
my revelations
but there's no way to turn back
my revelations
what have I done?
You think it's a treason
I call it a deal
they're taking me out of prison
for my precious reveals
the ones I've killed before
are now the ones who are protecting me
i was respected like a god of war
now the children are degrading me
I'm waiting for my time with dignity
I have no fear of the judgment day
there are creeping shadows in the dark
I see a bull's eye on my heart
My revelations
turn my life upside down
my revelations
now, I'm a target for revenge
my revelations
but there's no way to turn back
my revelations
what have I done?... My revelations...
My revelations
turn my life upside down
my revelations
I am a target for revenge
my revelations
but there's no way to turn back
my revelations
what have I done?
my revelations... you've saved my soul...
my revelations...
9. Cosa Nostra (Part I - The Light)
I am a man in distress living my life in sadness
all of my fellows are lost and gone
I just feel only disgrace, when I walk in this darkness
I dream alone only before dawn
I am a dreamer
watching my fathers
building their lives since 200 years
I am a sinner
I miss my mother
I have compassion for all her tears
Cosa nostra...
There is a code of silence to join the dark allegiance
Is it my freedom: a secret place?
But there's a call of vengeance, that will let me any chance
The cosa controls from their base
I am a dreamer
watching my fathers
building their lives since 200 years
I am a sinner
I miss my mother
I have compassion for all her tears
Cosa nostra...
will dive in my dreams...
I am a dreamer
I am a dreamer
watching my fathers
building their lives since 200 years
I am a sinner... I am a dreamer
I miss my mother
I have compassion for all her tears... all their tears
I am a dreamer... I am a dreamer
watching my fathers
building their lives since 200 years
I am a sinner, I am a sinner
I miss my mother
I have compassion for all her tears...
10. Angels Of Glass
She's looking through the window of her life
when life is only scars
she can't realize she's dreaming
about the distant stars
How can she find her paradise?
Sparks are shining in her eyes
Even the angels can't fly
painted angel of glass
even the angels can't fly
even the angels can't fly
even the angels can't fly
broken angels of glass
She's looking through the sorrow of her pain
she feels so hurt inside
she can't realize she's dying
with no one by her side
How can she find her paradise?
too many dreams left behind
Even the angels can't fly
painted angels of glass
even the angels can't fly
even the angels can't fly
even the angels can cry
broken angels!
Broken angels... Broken angels...
Even the angels can't fly
broken angels of glass
even the angels can cry
broken angels
Even the angels can't fly
even the angels can cry
angels of glass...