 "Эта пластинка - современный взгляд на любовь. Вы можете сделать запись, в которой будет главенствовать идея анти-отношений (токсичных), или же идея разбитого сердца, либо же идея мести. Дело в том, что я на простом языке говорю то, что у меня на уме, так прямо, как это только возможно. Да, к сожалению, реальная жизнь не политкорректна. Это всё то, что я чувствую своим сердцем, своим нутром, и если вы говорите, что не имеете никакого отношения к этому (не тронуло, не въехали), то ваше сердце никогда не было разбито", - так говорил (на момент выхода) о дебютном альбоме группы Glassjaw вокалист Дэрил Паламбо.
Коллектив был основан в 1993 году в Хэмпстеде, Нью-Йорк, гитаристом Джастином Бэком и уже упомянутым Дэрилом Паламбо. На протяжении пяти-шести лет ребята делали демо-записи своих треков и даже записали в 1997 году мини-альбом под названием "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang". Укомплектовав состав в 1999 году, "Стеклянная челюсть" принялась записывать демо-запись с местным продюсером Доном Фьюри. Позже эта запись окажется в руках самого Росса Робинсона, которого очень впечатлила работа коллектива и он встретился с ними на их репетиции с предложением сыграть в его студии Indigo Ranch (культовая студия в кругу ню-метал коллективов) в Малибу. Также Росс убедил лейбл Roadrunner Records подписать группу, хотя "роадраннеры" изначально были не слишком-то в этом заинтересованы.
"Все, что вы когда-либо хотели знать о тишине" повествует о разрыве отношений (классная метафора в песне - "когда одна восьмерка становится двумя нулями"), душевных переживаниях, гневе и ненависти. Многие рецензенты, обычные слушатели упрекали группу за "женоненавистнические" тексты. В качестве примера можно взять такие строчки, которые проскакивали в некоторых песнях, например: "Ты грязная шлюха/Заткнись и проглоти мою гордость за меня" или же "Я бью тебя, только когда я пьян/Ты хороша только тогда, когда плачешь". На момент написания альбома Паламбо было всего 20 лет, и он как раз переживал тяжелый момент в своей жизни - разрыв со своей девушкой (по некоторой информации та ему изменяла, и эта ситуация была отражена в текстовой составляющей), а также поставленный диагноз неизлечимой болезни Крона. Так что его агрессия вполне объяснима. Однако, в 2012 году в интервью "The Guardian" вокалист признался:
"Это заслуживает пристального внимания. Ты не должен так разговаривать с девушкой. Нужно было быть действительным злым человеком, чтобы написать такое. Я всегда был человеком, который мог легко влюбиться, и потом так же легко возненавидеть. Да, я действительно был зол и вел себя оскорбительно".
Так или иначе, но главная жемчужина данного опуса - это как раз эмоциональное пение Дэрила, в чем непосредственная заслуга Робинсона. Джастин Бэк рассказывал:
"Мы только начинаем играть первую песню ("Pretty Lush"), и Росс тут же нас останавливает. Он спрашивает Дэрила о чем эта песня. Паламбо начинает рассказывать Робинсону, а мы сидим и хихикаем. И тут вдруг он нас грубо останавливает и дает понять, что это всё никакая не шутка, а очень серьезно. Он заставил Дэрила точно объяснить о чем эта песня, которая являлась очень личной. Он учил нас, что чем больше мы сдерживаемся, тем больше мы обманываем самих себя, и тем больше мы обманываем всех остальных".
Росс мастер в вытаскивании самых грязных, самых мерзких и очень личных переживаний, и в этом случае он отлично справился со своей работой. Сам альбом очень контрастирует резкими сменами настроения, от хаотичных выкриков Паламбо и скрежещущих гитар, до мелодичных разыгровок аккордов и чистого нежного вокала Дэрила (яркий пример - песня "Lovebites and Razorlines").
Если говорить о мастеринге, то звук качественный, слушается приятно. Аранжировки разнообразные, очень хотелось бы выделить игру ударника.
По моему мнению, самые главные хиты и боевики на альбоме - "Pretty Lush", "Siberian Kiss", самая грязная в плане лирики "Lovebites and Razorlines", "Piano" и "Motel of the White Locust", где в конце эмоциональной перестрелки Дэрил говорит фразы, подытоживающие итог альбома:
"Бери свое дерьмо, и уходи, и забери мои воспоминания о ней с собой".
Очень грубо, очень живо, очень эмоционально, возможно, очень по-подростковому, но еще раз, не стоит забывать, что группа на тот момент сама была очень молодой, и понятное дело, с приходом зрелого возраста пришло и осознание определенных вещей о которых стоит говорить, или же стоит промолчать.
В любом случае, спасибо коллективу за честную и ЖИВУЮ на эмоции работу, альбом по праву считается классикой пост-хардкора нулевых, многие западные и российские группы вдохновлялись данной пластинкой, и как итог - 8 из 10. |
And I said, Is this what you wanted?
Is this what you needed?
Give it some more time.
Tonight I'm going to a party, but it's already started without me.
I aced philosophy and mastered the art of spiritual phase.
I've got to give some to get some.
The disco ball spins away another year.
I wish you a broken heart and a happy new year.
Only three words come to mind (true till death)
You can lead a whore to water and you can bet she'll drink and follow orders.
And I said, Is this what you wanted?
Is this what you needed?
Give it some more time.
Some more time.
Ooh.. Restrain.
Where would you fear would you be?
How the fuck can I please and then clean?
Only three words come to mind [true till death].
Pray when you did what you said.
Death makes you kneel at the great.
All I had to say I did say.
When all you do is scream at the drain.
You F- ugh.
You can lead a whore to water and you can bet she'll drink and follow orders.
And I said, Is this what you wanted?
Cunt, Is this what you needed?
Give it some more time.
02. Siberian Kiss
Give me back
my pictures of me.
Me, you and him makes three.
It figures the wheezing will measure your rate
of depress
and i hope you know.
Like a bitch in heat,
I hope she know.
So put another penny in and turn the crank
until the frames cease to move
and the movie turns into a photo,
a photo the size of a kiss
I hope she knows.
Staring at a porcilain sex flick
where the characters don't meet
the characters don't speak
and the characters are like mirrors facing mirrors:
Space always expanding.
So put another coin in and turn the crank
until the frames cease to move
and the movie turns into a photo,
a photo the size of my fist
I hope she knows.
A hiccup in paradise
I keep you jealously to myself,
in a photo the size of a kiss
a kiss in the shape of a bullet.
On phone lines and letterheads
I'm dying about.
I've watched you whore yourself out for one more thing,
won't you sell yourself for one more.
There's always one more thing, why don't you sell yourself?
If I can't have you no one will.
Pushing a lover to love another.
Are you turned on?
Are you turned on?
A hiccup in paradise
I keep you jealously to myself,
in a photo the size of a kiss
a kiss in the shape of a bullet.
On phone lines and letter heads
I'm dying about
I'm dying about
A hiccup in paradise
I keep you jealously to myself,
in a photo the size of a kiss
a kiss in the shape of a bullet.
I keep you jealously to myself.
A kiss in the shape of a bullet.
03. When One Eight Becomes Two Zeros
I'm glad when you're near
and I'm sad when you're here.
That is what it's like to be me.
I'm glad when you're here
and I'm sad when you're near.
This is what it's like to die alone.
This all hurts me so much
that i honestly believe
you're the one this is hard for.
I'm bartered tact for wit
and I've already made up
a billion stories about you.
Knee deep in static
I hear you breaking up,
we're breaking up,
I guess we're breaking up.
You're not the other woman
you're just another (woman).
Another hobby for a guy like me.
I'm glad when you're here.
and I'm sad when you're near.
That is what it's like to be me.
You're given me a heart like a gun
and I'm so shocked that I've made it through these billion days. i made it through these billion days!
I didn't think I could tough it out all those days a billion. i didnt think i could tough it out a billion.
Knee deep in static
I hear you breaking up,
we're breaking up,
I guess we're breaking up.
You're not the other woman
you're just another (woman).
Another hobby for a guy like me.
So we're growing,
I'm sure.
There's no other I can turn to,
there's no other i can turn to
if not you, then
who else should I believe?
Knee deep in static
I hear you breaking up,
we're breaking up,
I guess we're breaking up.
You're not the other woman
you're just another (woman).
Another hobby for a guy like me.
I'm glad when you're near
but I'm sad that you're here.
That is what it's like to be me.
glad when you're near
but I'm sad that you're here.
That is what it's like to be me.
glad when you're near
and I'm sad that you're here.
This is what it's like to be me..
glad that you're near
sad that you're here..
I hope you enjoy dying alone.
04. Ry Ry's Song
1, 2,
2, 1, fight, choke
There's a women sitting in a motel room
counting minutes and she's
adding to her list of one hour loves.
She's tired and the new will do
she'll replace the body,
his friends are good for bang-bang!
A amiable hobby,
She's got a secret.
Just keep it and sleep with.
And he can't believe a thing you've said.
We're going nowhere,
and fair is fair.
And he can't believe a damn thing you said.
We're going nowhere,
and fair is fair.
The way you play with lives
is such a big disguise
we swear that
we're not gonna' take it under.
The way you play with lives
is such a big disguise
we swear
we're not running naked.
There's a man who's sitting in a motel
waiting for a hooker that he never applied for
is it even her?
and he can't believe a damn thing you've said.
We're going nowhere
and fair is fair.
The way you play with lives
is such a big disguise
we swear that
we're not gonna' take it no more.
The way you fucked his life
is such a big disguise
we swear
we're not running naked.
Just when it's perfect
it's finite, he calls it
you said it's over,
it's over, So long.
Just when it's perfect
it's finite, he calls it
you said it's over,
it's over, So long.
The way you play with lives
is such a big disguise
we swear that
It's over, it's over, it's over.
The way you fucked his life
is such a big disguise
we swear
we're not running naked
He would would stay forever.
Just to say he saw you leave
and maybe things wouldnt be this way.
he would stay forever.
Just to say he saw you on your knees.
I burn the lamp.
When I burn when what I do, I do.
Everything I do for you.
But he hates you, hates you.
And I guess it's nothing new for you.
05. Lovebites and Razorlines
Who you fucking now?
I use my slit wrist
to sign my name with blood
and when you can't compete with the Joneses
gun 'em all down
(even the father).
You fucking whore.
Shut up and swallow my pride for me, go.
Move closer or drive farther.
So why don't you suck on the end of this dick that cums lead,
but first I'm coming after you all!
It's ladies night at the bar
but she smokes a man's cigar.
I guess she's dying.
Oh well. pfft
I don't give a fuck about your dignity.
That's the bastard in me.
I know a girl
who sells herself around
and I'm sure that one day
she'll sign autographs in your town.
you fucking whore who you fucking now?
You fucking...
Shut up and swallow my pride and go
Move closer or drive farther.
So why don't you suck on the end of this dick that cums lead,
but first I'm coming after you all!
Looking back into my diary
what makes me say those things?
What causes my laughter at another's disaster
It's the bastard in me.
you fucking whore!
I know a girl
who sells herself around
and I'm sure that one day
she'll sign autographs in your town.
I know a girl
who sells herself around
and I'm sure that one day
she'll sign autographs in your town.
Who you fucking now, you fucking in this shit
You mean shit to me you mean shit
You eat shit, you fucking whore!
i strain myself i guess i guess
I fuck myself i guess i guess
I mean it fucking whore!
You live in shit
and you will eat your own way out.
I am too fly and shy
Too fly and I like no other guy.
Too fly and shy just for you.
im too fly and shy and I'm like no other guy
I'm too fly and shy just for you
and I'll mark you all!!!!
i know a girl who sells herself around
and im sure that one day she'll sign autographs in your town
I know a girl who sells herself around
and im sure that one day she'll sign autographs in your town
Who you fucking now?
You fucking eat shit, you filthy shit
who you fucking now!?!
who you fucking now!!!!
06. Hurting and Shoving (She Should Have Let Me Sleep)
When I get back
Pre-break of dawn
hear the ring it's me
live from a pay phone
talking in the rain.
Things pan out exactly as i say they will.
Will I be less happy
when I get back?
Two hand in one glove
as if we were poor.
The hard up make the soup from stones
like the poor before them did before.
You say the waiting could crush your heart.
But it's nothing new to me
have you crave me so desperately
but I know
how when you need me you bleed for me,
though now I'm gone you fill my shoes with new
Always and forever
we are apart and may she see
she'd be free rejoicing in distance
if she only let me sleep.
Will things make less happy
when I get back?
Absence makes the heart grow still.
Abuse the hunt; confuse the kill.
I know, I know.
Make the dead feel deader
Make the dead sleep nights with a razor
Kill the prey.
I'll hold my child's head underwater.
If it's a boy, I was joking
if it's a daughter, I'll say I did what I did
because I had to...
And if you find my kid later
tell her I laughed too.
We just might work out fine
because I love you enough
to let you give the pain that I want
...And when you do
I just might fuck you
enough to love you.
Once upon my night stand
lied letters piled in columns
postmarked Middle Island
out east in the country of Solemn.
07. Majour
You only get one taste
and for this gift we are graced.
You only get one taste
and for this gift
Now let me go
so I can brag about the gifts that he stole.
(Thank you) For all the lonely nights.
I will carry this with me where I go.
Bad taste in my mouth.
You would think I'm a whore.
Bad taste in my mouth.
You would think I'm you.
You only get on taste
and for this gift we are graced.
You only get one taste
and for this gift
she's likely to go,
or so she'll say.
We sleep as we do to keep our nights days away.
or so she'll say.
Immature love.
You breed immature lust.
So died the virgin.
I have told you before,
You we're nothing special to him
(and that's just another thing that's nothing new for you).
You'll be born.
You before.
Embody me
with you body.
I've never seen it.
I have never.
Embody me
with your body.
I've never seen it.
Are you happy?
08. Her Middle Name Was Boom
She cured the plague of the holy child
and all the while
she just walked in
and boom! she said
in her room with her red fingernails
and a grip on the answers.
When it's home
and I'm broken, let's fix.
When it's home
and I'm swollen, let's kiss.
When it's home
and we're walking, she'll lead
If she's waiting, we'll leave.
I'm so gracious I've got you here.
If you touch it
it's cold.
If you drop it
it breaks.
If you hug it
it shakes...
hold it it
it shakes.
I'm Boom! she said.
I'm Boom! She said.
When it's home
and I'm broken, let's fix.
When it's home
and I'm swollen, let's kiss.
When it's home
and we're walking, she'll lead
If she's waiting, we'll leave.
I'm so gracious my name's I dare.
My name's I Dare.
My name's I Dare.
My name's I Dare.
When it's home
and I'm broken, let's fix.
When it's home
and I'm swollen, let's kiss.
When it's home
and we're walking, she'll lead
If she's waiting, we'll leave.
I'm so gracious.
All the while
All the while
All the while
All the while
All the while
All the while
All the while
09. Piano
Three times alone this week
I was suppose to be a rock star.
I only beat you when I'm drunk,
You're only pretty when you're crying.
We are suppose to be the ones to set the air afire.
Three times alone this week
I was made into a liar.
Whether (or not) I found the gold
I never told.
Richer: I
brilliant white.
I wear shoes that move men from desert to riches.
Give me what you got girl
and scratch it because it itches.
Call me Chameleon
and set this air afire.
Three times alone this week
I was suppose to be a liar.
Whether (or not) I found the gold
I never told.
Richer: I
brilliant white.
Maybe not.
Why the stare?
Would I lie about that which I am scared?
What did I say to you?
Step into
a pot of gold,
rejoice in fire
that which soon burns cold.
What did I say to you?
I can't deny it
the love, the throat, sincerity
I can't deny it
I've got to keep my P.M.A.
Cause I, in order to fly
I tell you that I
(scream) don't you realize that i silence it?
it's that fucking hard
10. Babe
I exclude light and wash my hands of you.
By larger being devoured,
leaving only me to improve.
Don't fucking weep.
Your weak eyes cry tears of the week.
Catch up with the sheep.
It's a sacrilegious ceremony.
New flavor of the week.
Nothing's sacred in the faces of the soulless
(that you're made into).
You're raptured by a guilty stifle down.
...And what I'll do
is mess you up and lie to you.
Look at you
You know it's true.
It's a field trip to Hollywood Babylon.
11. Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Silence
That burning feeling.
Red liquids.
Clear liquids.
Blessed are the sick.
Children shiver in the river.
Where is our god now?
Does he watch over all in El Segundo?
He don't lie when he say,
I'm wasting away.
I find time to pine.
When pining away my time.
Within sin
With no redemption
We will find our souls
and the shells they're kept in
all wasted away.
Blessed are the sick in me.
The prey, the thrill, the chill and we
are martyrs that crumble on time.
We'll stop upon dimes.
and hed constructed us all in El Segundo,
as the shivering children pray.
Demons in
demons out.
Cry for dawn.
I'm the matador of the children's ward.
Beggars wed choosers.
Red sheets.
Bed sheets.
I'm the head fan.
Blessed be my bed pan.
It's a cold, having just been mugged feeling.
In the sun
I've got this for you
it's under my finger nails.
I brought this for you.
It's typically Sunday.
I'm digging a hole.
I'll shut out the world.
This is what its like to be alone,
This is what its like to be alone.