« Stabwound Orgasm »
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1 | Amidst The Macabre
 | 2 | Stabwound Orgasm
 | 3 | Blessed By Gore
 | 4 | Compulsive Hater
 | 5 | Eminence In Putrescence
 | 6 | Exorcismo Vaginal
 | 7 | Anthro-Pet-Phagus
 | 8 | Homeless Necrophile
 | 9 | Nice Rotting Eyes
 | 10 | Skinless
 | 11 | Coprotherapy
 | 12 | Virtual Massacre
 | 13 | Sweet Lobotomy
 | 14 | Powered Flesh |
   Dave Rotten: Vocals & Lyrics
Juancar: Guitars
Cabra: Guitars
Furni: Drums
Tana: Bass
Oliver Philipps: Keyboards
Recorded, Mixed & Engineered by Christian Moos & Oliver Philipps at SpaceLab
Studios in Kempen GERMANY between June 14th & 29th 1999
Mastered by James Murphy at Sound Temple Studios in Oakland CA USA July 1999
Released in the USA in May 2001 by WWIII Music with live versions of "Sweet
Lobotomy" and "Powered Flesh" as bonus tracks.
LP released by Deadly Arts Records in 2000, 12" Splatter Vinyl and 7" Black
Vinyl, limited to 500 copies.
Re-released in 2006 with the CyberGore CD as a 2 Disc set. |
 | 2. Stabwound Orgasm
[music: furni 3/99]
[lyrics: dave rotten]
smooth and attractive
no need aphrodisiac
totally bisexual
she already tasted it all
self injury
with a knife
taste of blood
stabwound orgasm
vaginal fury
don't care if he's a man
or a buxsom  |
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 И снова нас пытаются напугать брутал-детом. Ну какой же тут брутал-дет? Дет действительно есть, но он перемежается с типично грайндовыми кусками, да и вокал больше грайндовый. Первое, что мне напомнило это творение южных горячих парней - альбом не менее горячих, но более северных парней из Amorphis - Karelian Isthmus. Правда, на данном релизе больше мелодических ходов и более жесткое (ладно, брутальное) звучание, видимо, сказываются южные условия.
Хорошие ритмические переходы и структуры не дадут скучать, мелодии приятно подсластят слух, а гроул не даст заснуть.
Хороший альбом, мне нравится. |
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Это просто кайф, одним словом. Эти испанцы просто "нечто" — в хорошем смысле. Они сооружают из брутального дэта конструкции, которым позавидуют многие. Здесь всё брутально, но мелодично (по поводу отстойных мелодий – это не мелодик-дэт из Швеции, всё-таки, это — брутал-дэт, а для данного стиля такие мелодии зачаровывают и заставляют прослушивать диск раз за разом, снова и снова наслаждаться работой испанцев), технически совершенно, мощно, драйвово и качёво. Чумовые рифы низко настроенных гитар, первоклассная ритм-секция, сочный низкий гроулинг вокалиста. Всё сыграно с испанской утонченностью и колоритом, неплохо записано и сведено, оформление — выше всяких похвал. Дэт для эстетов. Чистейший кусок свежесрезанного мяса с быка. Испанская коррида в дэт-металл-формате. 9/10. |
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Мясо!!!!!!! Никогда не был любителем мясной музыки, но этот альбом супер. От орд каннибалов ребят отличает наличие мозгов несильно обглоданных червями, благодаря ним и появились на свет песенки “Amidst the macabre”, “Compulsive hater”, “Nice rotting eyes” и “Virtual massacre”. 100% актуальность + наличие улетных мелодий. Да, еще mastered by James Murphy. |
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Вобщем так, альбом не вызвал особо бурных впечатлений:
звучание неплохое, брутальное, звук гитары тяжелый, особенно радует вокал - низкий гроулинг. Но отстойные
мелодии делают этот альбом фиговым. Без этих недостатков альбом бы получился более брутальным. А так это брутал-дэт с мелодичными гитарами и не очень быстрыми барабанами.
Кстати, я на днях слушал Tribute To Carcass с участием Avulsed, так там у них получилось на много лучше: очень быстрый темп придает песне больше грайндовости, гроулинг, и никаких мелодий! (А все-таки Сarcass рулит) |
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Охренительный альбом. Испанские дэзеры сотворили мелодичный оргазм в гробу. Предыдущие их альбомы обычный дэз, а тут они заметно скакнули. А сыграли они тот же брутал дэз только с охерительными мелодиями а ля дум-дэз. Трек Compulsive Hater местами даже напомнил мне Amorphis времён "Tales..." Сыграли интенсивно, качево, брутально и при этом мелодично. Звук отличный, вообще это характерно для нынешнего брутала, и правильно - для брутала плохой звук смерти подобен. Лично я просто выпал на некоторое время.
Тотальный оргазм.
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просмотров: 20817 |
self injury
with a knife
taste of blood
stabwound orgasm
got saturated
got sick of sex
a juicy cunt
or a big dick
were not enough
to make her pleased
she wanted pain
beyond belief
cracking her legs
skinning her chest
wounding her arms
'til making them bleed
vaginal fury
don't care if he's a man
or a buxsom chick
self injury
with a knife
taste of blood
stabwound orgasm
cracking her leg
skinning her chest
wounding her arms
'til making them bleed
got saturated
got sick of sex
a juicy cunt
or a big dick
were not enough
to make her pleased
she wanted pain
beyond belief
3. Blessed By Gore
[music: furni 1/99]
[lyrics: dave rotten]
disguised by a soutane
prasing the name of god
concealing his perversity
behind a forced smile
respected parish priest
none would suspect on him
keeping people away from sin
he was just selecting
pedophilia with babies
anal sex with young boys
deflowering of harmless girls
and necrophilia after all
deranged by tender kids
bloodfeast with easy preys
lacerating to feel their pain
quartering corpses for lunch
blessed by gore!! [x4]
no witness could survive
to his macabre vision of lust
all cadavers dissappeared
buried, burnt or food for dogs
a perturbed mind
chose church to kill
a perfect alibi
left unpunished
blessed by gore!! [x4]
4. Compulsive Hater
[music: cabra 10/98]
[lyrics: dave rotten]
grown into a world
of preconceived ideals
father, mother, sister,
doggy and landscaped cottage
affectionless rearing
his whole family
was like unkown
neighbours to him
he applied to them
by their first names
no signs of respect
towards his own family
[chorus 1]
totally scorned
ill mannered
and restrained
no human values
no self respect
a poor repressed
still at the age of 24
he didn't even drink alcohol
was proud of his virginity
(but) in fact he was just fearful
of being able to fulfil
in front of a naked woman
so he decided to hate girls
to cover his sexual problem
[chorus 2]
he hated friends
he hated his parents
he hated women
he hated humans
it was the only feeling
he felt by his own
hate was his only
self pro-claimed virtue
was the easiest way
to escape from reality
no laughs, no love
no signs of gratitude
[chorus 1]
totally scorned
ill mannered
and restrained
no human values
no self respect
a poor repressed
but in the eyes of his friends
he looked like a normal guy
he even seemed really charming
hiding his real inner feelings
he was a perfect stereotype
of a potential psychopath
a nice person from outside
natural born hater inside
[chorus 2]
he hated friends
he hated his parents
he hated women
he hated humans
5. Eminence In Putrescence
[music: juancar 2/99]
[lyrics: dave rotten]
a realm of sickness - with rotting landscapes
gory red skies - nauseating air
a hidden hell - for tortured souls
decomposition - is everywhere
feeding from souls - of melting corpses
absorbing power - and evilness
amorphous being - mighty entity
an eminence - in putrescence
a long deep cave - (its) macabre palace
bleeding cadavers - instead of walls
blood, bile, pus - dripping around
forming the river - of rottenness
feeding from souls - of melting corpses
absorbing power - and evilness
amorphous being - mighty entity
an eminence - in putrescence
a putrid stench - pervade the ambience
fermenting innards - decomposed limbs
the twisted bodies - screaming in pain
soulless remnants - left to rot
a realm of sickness - with rotting landscapes
gory red skies - nauseating air
a hidden hell - for tortured souls
decomposition - is everywhere
feeding from souls - of melting corpses
absorbing power - and evilness
amorphous being - mighty entity
an eminence - in putrescence
6. Exorcismo Vaginal
[music: furni 2/99]
[lyrics: dave rotten]
un nido de maldad, y de crueldad
vida sin piedad
no pudo disfrutar, de la pubertad
como una niбa mas
siete aбos de, lucha sin cesar
contra satanas
nada se pudo hacer, para erradicar
la semilla del mal
una posesion, sin una solucion, por la religion
al exorcismo, habia que recurrir, para remitir
cada convulsiгn, grito de dolor, y de maldiciгn
por el utero, haba que extirpar, el origen del mal
exorcismo vaginal [x2]
desgarramiento, de las entraбas, sin compasion
chorros de sangre, al reventar, su interior
de pies y manos, maniatada, agonizando
sus ojos rojos, expulsaban, su gran dolor
la brutalidad, del macabro ritual
no pudo soportar
no solo arrancaron, su demonio interior tambien su vida
era o no verdad, que el diablo moraba
en su inocente cuerpo
o pudieran ser, simples ataques
de esquizofrenia
exorcismo vaginal [x2]
7. Anthro-Pet-Phagus
[music: juancar 1/99]
[lyrics: dave rotten]
[chorus 1:]
anthro-pet-phagus [x2]
living alone with his pets
a friendly dog, a quiet cat
breeding them like his sons
he never had any problem
his pets gave him the company
no family could offer him
[chorus 1:]
anthro-pet-phagus [x2]
[chorus 2:]
a sudden death, rigor mortis, frigid corpse
no way to escape, no food to eat, a deadly fate
rotting cavader, smell of flesh, the only way
they had to feed on, the man that once, feeded them
[chorus 2:]
a sudden death, rigor mortis, frigid corpse
no way to escape, no food to eat, a deadly fate
rotting cavader, smell of flesh, the only way
they had to feed on, the man that once, feeded them
[chorus 1:]
anthro-pet-phagus [x2]
his mom was worried after three months
she had no news about his son
when she came in and saw the corpse
rotting away and reduced to bones
lied on his bed and devoured
his pets survived by his carrion
[chorus 1:]
anthro-pet-phagus [x2]
[chorus 2:]
a sudden death, rigor mortis, frigid corpse
no way to escape, no food to eat, a deadly fate
rotting cavader, smell of flesh, the only way
they had to feed on, the man that once, feeded them
8. Homeless Necrophile
[music: furni 7/98]
[lyrics: dave rotten]
worthless drunk loser
withdrawn on his own misery
hater of mankind
despised any help to his suffering
neglected by society
left apart by his own family
he even enjoys his state
eating shit and sleeping on the streets
now he feels that he's totally free
to unleash his own perversity
and be what he wished to be
a despicable human being
uncontrollable homeless necrophile
aggressive homeless necrophile
abominable homeless necrophile
psychopath homeless necrophile
creating his own living rules
nobody's gonna tell him what to do
no room for conscience or morality
only the strongest will survive
always struggling with other homeless
for no reason
with a knife in his pocket waiting for revenge
but once he tasted the power of killing he couldn't resist
then he felt he had to kill and kill and kill:
a simple argument
was enough to slay any man
and when the victim was a she
then he had to free his sexuality
necrophilia was
his fave act of brutality
a cold and frigid corpse
no screams, no face and obedience
now he feels that he's totally free
to unleash his own perversity
and be what he wished to be
a despicable human being
uncontrollable homeless necrophile
aggressive homeless necrophile
abominable homeless necrophile
psychopath homeless necrophile
9. Nice Rotting Eyes
[music: cabra 3/99]
[lyrics: dave rotten]
a fascination - for human eyes
of any colour - from any race
a chest of drawers - full of dried eyes
that he collected - from his girlfriends
normally a girl - lasted for a week
just time enough - to pull her eyes
didn't need sex - didn't need love
her pretty eyes - his best treasure
nice rotting eyes [x4]
tied on a stretcher - completely engaged
wide open eyelids - dilated pupils
nice rotting eyes [x4]
removing her eyes - with delicacy
they'll be carefully - classified
the eyeless corpses - were carbonized
nothing remains - just heir precious eyes
nice rotting eyes [x4]
10. Skinless
[music: furni 6/98]
[lyrics: dave rotten]
beauty obsession
horror to decay
she didn't want - time to pass
aesthetic surgery
the only way - to keep youth
human freak
clinic was her home
the surgeon - her best friend
transforming body parts
no matter what - again and again
human freak
but her skin - was getting - emaciated
every time - a surgery - was done
she didn't know - her cells - couldn't resist
so many - transplants - from others' skin
amorphous livid cheekbones
distorted burnt eyebrows
skinned bleeding bruised lips
crushed rotting tight nose
sunken scratched forehead
dislocated deformed jaw
her face was totally disfigured
beauty turned into rotting skin
her perdition was to be conceited
now she's got a horrid grotesque face
human freak
human freak
11. Coprotherapy
[music: juancar 9/98]
[lyrics: dave rotten]
the art of eating shit
is the ultimate
form of nourishment
countless ways - of feeding on
with costless resources
like vegans - and vegetarians
just another philosophy
eat no meat - not even plants
careful with environment
there's no waste - no useless scraps
recycling every single bit
coprotherapy [x2]
as many tastes - as species
inhabit on planet earth
even urine - could be used
to digest a hard piece of dung
a healthy diet - an endless mine
of incalculable proportions
the solution - to famine
is right on everybody's ass
coprotherapy [x2]
drinking from the drunk
eating from the eaten
your intestine is your stock
with always warmy food
your sphincter does control
your daily dose of pooh
your fucking tiresome piles
tells you when's the time
[bridge: (x2)]
why this society
respect vegetarians
and coprophagists
are considered pigs
when will be the day
when we equally compare
those who taste the shit
to those who don't eat meat
the art of eating shit
is the ultimate
form of nourishment
12. Virtual Massacre
[music: furni 9/98]
[lyrics: dave rotten]
a perverse mind, with no remorse
frustrated boy, sexually repressed
confined into, his somber bedroom
with a computer, and tons of games
sheer violence, an obsession
potential murder, fake misanthrope
annihilation, of human race
a fantasy, through the games
blood everywhere
no survivors
with cruelty
killing them all
virtual massacre [x2]
a peaceful burger, riddled with bullets
a football stadium, sprayed with napalm
the underground filled, with lethal gas
a supermarket, blown away
blood everywhere
no survivors
with cruelty
killing them all
virtual massacre [x2]
virtual massacre [x2]
nobody knows, his identity
no need to worry, it is not real
a virtual game, but after all
he's got his hands, full of red blood
13. Sweet Lobotomy
14. Powered Flesh