 Когда поклонники называют «Realm of Ecstacy» лучшим альбомом Thanatos, я только пожимаю плечами. Со времени дебютной работы голландцы научились сочинять более сложную музыку, настраивать «правильный» death metal-звук… более того, когда дело доходит до медленных композиций, коллектив играет ничуть не менее технично, чем их соотечественники Pestilence! Thanatos явно старались соответствовать реалиям 90-х, поэтому знакомые по дебютной работе отголоски немецкого thrash’а на «Realm of Ecstacy» уже почти не заметны. Материал звучит значительно более тяжеловесно и угрюмо. Курс, судя по всему, был взят на американские команды вроде Massacre и Death времен «Leprosy» и «Spiritual Healing», однако нельзя не заметить, что голландцы значительно превосходят своих учителей во владении инструментами! Тем не менее, отдав должное Thanatos, как самобытному коллективу, следует отметить, что будучи скомпонованными в 40 минут альбома, медленные, по-настоящему жуткие риффы, не по-дэтовому полновесные соло и оригинальные сбивки уже не производят должного впечатления. Тут, пожалуй, можно провести аналогии с другими ветеранами - Immolation, которые так же, записав отнюдь не тривиальный death’овый материал, так и не смогли выгодно подчеркнуть свою индивидуальность и на первых порах затерялись среди множества вновь возникших death metal-актов. Объективно упрекнуть Thanatos можно только в бестолково сыгранных быстрых композициях и драмминге, который больше подошел бы thrash-команде, субъективно же – этот альбом (за исключением мощнейшей «Terminal Breath») ничуть не лучше большинства средних работ, выходивших в то время. |
He died for the sins of humanity
A ritual sacrifice - insanity !
And Jesus wept...
Hatred is burning inside of me
The flames of horror won't set me free
Vomit is dripping from my mouth
Profaning earth's unholy ground
For aeons and aeons insanity has reigned
Now is the time...to break the chains
Die for allah, live for god;
Deny the worth of your earthly existence
[repeat 1st verse]
It's over now...no more lies
Think for yourself...be your own god
[repeat 2nd verse]
2. Tied Up, Sliced Up
[E.de Brouwer/S.Gebédi]
For years and years, the suffering, the tears
Imprisonment in my private hell
Sexual abuse, humiliation, castration, mentally deranged
Scarred for life by a woman's insane mind
Her spirit still possesses me, even though she died
Her daughter will suffer, revenge on her progeny
Kill the ones she loves, right before her eyes
Concentration-victim in sight Penetration-the law of the knife
Female garbage-screaming in pain
Slaughtered bitches-all sound the same
I tie you up as I slice them up,
I'll make you watch, you have to watch
I push their guts back into their mouths,
I slit their throats and suck 'em out again
Horrified yet fascinated by the noble art of killing
You keep coming back for more, it turns you on, you cunting whore !
I started out to make you suffer, to drown your soul in agony
But now the tide has turned,
the setting has changed-it hits me in the face
Again I'm a servant to your perverted game
You're just like your mother, you're messing with my brain
Horrified yet fascinated by the noble art of killing
You keep coming back for more, it turns you on, you cunting whore !
3. Realm Of Ecstasy
[S.Gebédi/E.de Brouwer]
So many broken vows, I got used to it somehow
Dissatisfied with my earthly existence
I strive for my luck in another dimension
Absorb the liquid messiah, my guide into the light
Drowning in a sea of twisted visions
As I become the "Bloodstar Rising",
Umztec, master, guide my soul
Enter the realm of Ecstasy, enter the Realm of Gore
Todos Santos, celebration of death
Subconsciousness is the key to all unknown dimensions
Within your own reality the truth will be revealed
Enter the Realm of Ecstasy, enter the Realm of Gore
4. Mankind´s Afterbirth
The world will suffer unto mankind, man's ignorance, the sign of the times
All around us decline and decay, no use denying, accept your fate
People trying to save the world
Useless attempts, fighting in vain
They stand alone, they are held back,
by billions of others, who just don't care
It's just the result of worldwide progression;
the lack of challenge killed all ambition
[repeat chorus]
No motivation to emerge from the masses
Of faceless people, who've lost their emotions
They don't give a fuck about what's going on
They only care about their own miserable lives
These worthless people are keeping down the ones who are trying to achieve their goals
These worthless people are keeping down the ones who are trying to achieve their goals
Their only ability is to criticize the behaviour of those who want more out of life
The only solution; get rid of these fools, they're Mankind's Afterbirth, stupidity's tools
5. In Praise Of Lust
We're gathered here tonight, to praise the Queen of Lust
To eat the fruits of passion, to live out our desires
Let the orgy of lust begin, no holds barred; there's seed to gain
Sluts and whores-forget those names; we're servants of Lilith-we're all the same
As insanity takes control of our untempered minds and souls
Standards and morals are thrown overboard; no taboo is left untouched
Bathing in a sea of lust, a river of blood, slime and sperm,
The orgy reaches it's final stage; the climax is near as they speed up the pace
Orgasmic holocaust, post-orgical remains
Bodies are shattered, but the testicles remain
The seed of life is collected by Lilith's loyal slaves
To form a race of superstuds and bitches without names
[repeat chorus]
Forever forced to serve the lust of one another
Forever forced to fuck the shit out of eachother
What at first seemed close to heaven, turned out to be your hell
As a servant of Queen Lilith forever you shall dwell...
6. Perpetual Misery
Driven by a force inside, no more will to live my life
Burned my bridges, played my cards
All illusions, dead and gone, forever darkness, no more sun
It makes me wish I'd never been born I had my share of misery,
pain and anger constantly
Building up inside of me
Waiting for my time to die, to meet my maker eye to eye;
Revelation of the lie
Nothingness is what befalls me now
Misery until the end of time
[repeat 1st verse]
[repeat chorus]
7. Human Combustion
[S. Gebédi/E. de Brouwer]
My body is a wreck, I feel like I've been dead for a hundred years or more
My skin has dried out My flesh is showing through the holes in my face
My body is full of substances that should not be inside
I thought that I could take it now
I know I wasn't right I know
I should have known better but it's too late to turn back now
I closed my eyes for reality and I embraced death with open arms
My blood is boiling, my flesh is rotting, the end is drawing near
I am a walking timebomb, about to explode
So push the button, help me out and watch me die in flames
Human combustion, a sensational death
A pleasure for your eyes
Pressure from the inside Imploding braincells burning deep into my tortured mind
I'm a walking pile of drivel But there's no one I can blame for it except myself
I am a walking timebomb, about to explode
So push the button, help me out and watch me die in flames
Human combustion, a sensational death
A pleasure for your eyes
8. Reincarnation
[S. Gebédi]
Take my hand, I'll be your guide, I'll lead you to the sacred place
Your body is chosen to become the mortal remains of our god
Reincarnation of his soul right into your dying corpse
Your worthless soul will be disposed; dispossession of your life
The God of Death is born again, his soul lives on in human form
Examining mortal man in his own human shell
When the time is right for him he'll leave this world as a king
Followed by millions of souls that will join him in the Netherworlds....
9. Terminal Breath
[S. Gebédi/E. de Brouwer]
In our final hour of darkness
Mankind breathes its terminal breath
Memories - all that remains
Human life as we know it...shall die
Blackened clouds are closing in, evil forces gathering
Day of Judgement, Dawn of Death, planet Earth is now deceased
As your life passes
Before your eyes
The final chapter
You realise
Being drained of life
Drowning in pain
The ultimate horror
Intensely slain
Lungs are filled with the stench of death
Smell of blood and dismemberment
Suffocation now sets in, termination has begun
Fighting the pain in your soul, drawn to the gates down below
In the wastelands of Hell you shall dwell
Reign of Death, Realm of Gore Wastelands of Terror,
the Kingdom below Loss of senses, loss of control
Drained of joy, Hatred within
[repeat 1st verse]