 Ну вот и альбом, завершивший первую фазу существования Bad Company. Его запись была омрачена целым рядом печальных событий: сначала менеджер группы Питер Грант, потрясённый смертью другого своего подопечного (и близкого друга), драммера Led Zeppelin Джона Бонэма, попросту исчез с радаров и ушёл в долгосрочную кокаиновую депрессию; затем музыкантов ввергла в шок и творческий застой гибель их общего кумира Джона Леннона; плюс ко всему, отношения внутри группы накалились до предела, что вылилось в мордобой между певцом Полом Роджерсом и басистом Бозом Барреллом, которых разняли гитарист Мик Ральфс и ударник Саймон Кирк. Тем не менее, к 1982 году работу всё же довели до ума, во многом, благодаря стараниям звукорежиссёра Макса Нормана, известного сотрудничеством с Оззи и Megadeth.
Результатом стал диск, гораздо более качественный и разнообразный по содержанию, нежели «Burnin’ Sky» или «Desolation Angels». Стартует он с хита «Electricland», в котором вкрадчивый голос Роджерса в куплете создаёт тревожную атмосферу, взрываемую хард-роковым припевом. Очень приятное впечатление производит мелодичный боевичок «Painted Face», в полной мере соответствующий понятию «ничего лишнего» - прекрасно сработанная, аккуратная во всех смыслах песня. Хороши и медленные ритм-н-блюзы: «Kickdown», «Nuthin' on the TV» с «кабацким» фортепиано и «Old Mexico», звуки слайд-гитары в которой так и навевают пейзаж из кактусов и камней знойной пустыни Сонора. Необычно (и здорово!) звучат фанк-роковые «Untie the Knot» и «Cross Country Boy», а также «Ballad of the Band» - рок-н-ролл с активным участием духовой секции. А вот две песни, завершающие альбом (блюзовая «Downhill Ryder» и поп-роковая «Racetrack»), снижают впечатление в силу своей стандартности.
К несчастью, «Rough Diamonds» занял (на мой взгляд, совершенно несправедливо!) только 26-е место в чартах, а группа вскоре распалась. Как выразился Саймон Кирк «…Питер Грант был клеем, соединявшим нас, а с его уходом всё рухнуло...».
Мик Ральфс (тоже, как и бас-гитарист, успевший познакомиться с тяжёлой рукой мастера рукопашного боя Пола Роджерса) добавил: «Пол хотел перерыва и, по правде говоря, нам всем следовало остановиться. Bad Company поглотила всех нас, и продолжение уничтожило бы кого-то или что-то. С точки зрения бизнеса, это было ошибкой, но что поделаешь, инстинкт Пола не подвёл».
P.S. Спустя четыре года группа вернётся с новым альбомом и новым певцом. До скорого! |
a jolt of lightning set's me back a pace
feel like a visitor from outer space
please excuse me if I don't quite understand
I'm just a stranger in electric land
willing to have a good time
you live for the moment the moment is fine
you're up in your room the lights are low
before you know it's time for the show
a jolt of lightning set's me back a pace
feel like a visitor from outer space
please excuse me if I don't quite understand
I'm just a stranger in electric land
2. Untie The Knot
Like a pair of open wings you bind me
To a world I helped you build around me
Our gilded cage has turned into a prison cell
Like a dream when it dies becomes an empty shell
Untie the knot, the hold over me you got
Untie the knot, the hold over me you got
Like a slave who's bound in chains, a broken man
Like a pain no one could ever understand
That's the spark that lights the fire deep inside
As long as you ain't no blue in my sky
Untie the knot, the hold over me you got
Untie the knot, the hold over me that you got
Set me free from these chains
The time has come to rearrange our destiny
Untie the knot, the knot, untie the knot
Untie, untie, set me free, set me free
3. Nuthin’ On The TV
Everybody’s worryin’ bout the fight in the high street
Everybody’s worried ’bout the debts that they can’t meet
Well you work till you’re wet with sweat
And what do you get but nothin’ on the TV
All i ever hear about is ayatollahs
The headline scream and the newscast hollers
What’s gonna happen next? its anybody’s guess
I’m just a rock ‘n’ roller
They got videos remote controls
You better believe me and watchin’ repeats
Does nothin’ but grieve me
We all know about the rising inflation
It sure ain’t no cause for no celebration
And if that ain’t enough, there ain’t no sun
I’ve got to become and overnight sensation, overnight sensation
4. Painted Face
A story bout a street girl named Genius
Give herself a name thought it would bring her fame
Sang poetry and mime on the street corner line
Dancin’ to a maze of passers by
In her blue jeans and her painted face
She took your mind through time and space
If desire could bring you everything you wanted
She woulda had it all a long, long time ago
In her mind she was reflecting the society we live in
That’s enough to make a woman’s heart go cold
In her blue jeans and her painted face
She took your mind through time and space
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do
In her blue jeans and her painted face
She took your mind through time and space
It was a big night and the audience was expected
And a ******* as she took the stage
And as she began to weave her magic
It was spellbound and under up in a ****
In her blue jeans and her painted face
She took your mind through time and space
5. Kickdown
I was brought up in a back street
Working every night and day
Fought like a man for everything that i am
I got the kickdown, yeah
Well i came back with a vengeance
Searching for that southern gold
One of these days I’m gonna blow their minds
Before the kickdown, yeah
But we made it together, made it together
Hell or high water’s gonna take me away
But we made it together, made it together
Hell or high water’s gonna take me away
Money cam in, i bought everything
Tried to keep it all together
Hold on tight ’cause in the middle of the night
You get the kickdown, yeah
I was brought up in a back street
Working every night and day
I fought like a man for everything that i am
I got the kickdown
Well i fought like a man for everything that i am
I got the kickdown, yeah yeah yeah
Kick me down, no no
This place.
6. Ballad Of The Band
Who is that band the’re been raving about?
Who is that band selling all the girls out?
They’ve turned the music bus’ness inside out
What is their name? It’s on the tip of my tongue
You know the ones you must have heard the song
It’s played a rakett all day long
The critics acclaimed’em said you boys are the end
You’re gonna take over from our last weeks trends
You’re gonna be huge once your advance to spend
Sonny watch your money cause now baby you’re in rock’n’ roll
Well nobody’s has heard’em till an hour ago
Well now they’re livin’ out on Malibu Beach
They got luxury homes and toilets with phones
But a knighthood is still out of reach
It can’t be bad I’ve heard the woman are rife
Hope they ain’t dump though and get sued by a wife
And end up paying for the rest of their life
Sonny watch your money cause now baby you’re in rock’n’ roll
Sonny watch your money cause now baby you’re in rock’n’ roll
Sonny watch your money cause now baby you’re in rock’n’ roll
7. Cross Country Boy
Oh i know I’m a cross country boy
Down that road I’m a singin’ my joy
Well Ive been to every city, every city but a few
And if i didn’t get there, you know im going to
Cause i know I’m a cross country boy
Down that road I’m singin’ my joy, yeah
Well i climbed the highest mountain, swam the deepest sea
Ive even given notice to the space academy, oh yeah
I told them i know I’m across country boy
Down that road I’m singin’ my joy
Yeah yes i know I’m a cross country boy
Down that road I’m singin’ my joy
Yeah yes i know I’m a cross country boy
Down that road I’m singing my joy
Yeah yes i know I’m a cross country boy
Down that road I’m a singing my joy
Singing my joy, singing my joy, singing my joy, singing my joy
Down that road I’m a singing my joy
Singing my joy, singing my joy, singing my joy, singing my joy
Singing my joy, singing my joy
8. Old Mexico
I took a trip down to Old Mexico
I was lookin’ for some fun and laughter
I met a woman said gimme your money
And I’ll show you everything your after
I was taken to a sleazy room
And she handed me a Mexican cocktail
When I woke up in the mornin’ light
I was a locked in the county jail
I was broke
I was busted
I was broke
I was busted
Paid the man some to set me free
And I headed for the borderline
Cross the frontier and I drove like the devil
Tryin’ to get back to the shack that was mine
Pull over son said the man with the gun
I believe your breakin’ the law
Open the trunk and my heart just sunk
I knew they gotta had it for sure
I was broke
Mama mama I was busted
I was broke
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Mama, mama, mama, mama.mama,mama.mama...
9. Downhill Ryder
I'm a downhill ryder
Babe I ain't going down slow
I'm a downhill ryder
I get the urge that it's time to go
Take my cue from my old guitar
That I used to play
Underneath the moon and the stars
'Til the break of day
I'm a free flying glider
Got my head up in the clouds
I'm a free flying glider
I don't ever want to come down
Take my cue from the moon and the stars
That I used to play
Underneath with my old guitar
'Til the break of day, yeah
All across the nation
I can feel a vibration
Let it in your mind
Let it shine
Oh oh hey
Take my cue from the moon and the stars
That I used to play
Underneath with my old guitar
'Til the break of day
All across the nation
I can feel the vibration
Let it in your mind
It's going to shine, yes it's going to shine
Well I'm a downhill ryder
I'm a down, down, down, down, downhill ryder
Got the wind in my sails baby I'm a cool man
Down, down, down, downhill ryder
Down, down, down, down, down, down
10. Racetrack
Spend all your life
Waitin’ for the Main Event
Twenty-Four Hours a Day
And none of it spent
On the Racetrack, Living on the edge
On the Racetrack, Living on the edge
Makin’, breakin’ records
Is all that you need
You can’t live without it
Cause your hooked on the speed
On the Racetrack, Living on the edge
On the Racetrack, Living on the edge
It’s everything to you
It’s all that you know
The start of the race
You hear the engines roar
On the Racetrack, Living on the edge
On the Racetrack, Living on the edge
It’s a Racetrack living on the edge
It’s a Racetrack living on the edge
Racetrack Living on the edge
Racetrack Living on the edge
All the Cheer
You’ve been waiting for
You’ll see the crowd, you can hear them roar
Green Light
Shift that Stick
Come on Baby
Come on Baby- Do it for me now
I need ta
Feel your engine
Flat Rage
Come on Baby
Come on baby, baby, do it
Living on
Living on The