« The Long Road »
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1 | Flat On The Floor
 | 2 | Do This Anymore
 | 3 | Someday
 | 4 | Believe It Or Not
 | 5 | Feelin' Way Too Damn Good
 | 6 | Because Of You
 | 7 | Figured You Out
 | 8 | Should've Listened
 | 9 | Throw Yourself Away
 | 10 | Another Hole In The Head
 | 11 | See You At The Show |
   Chad Kroeger - Vocals, Guitar
Ryan Peake - Guitar, Vocals
Mike Kroeger - Bass
Daniel Adair - Drums |
 | Flat On The Floor
Lyrics - The Long Road :.
Not like I need to depend on anyone
Since I can see the lack of need for you to be here at all
"One more" the anthem for the know-it-all
You won't be standing up for long
You better learn how to crawl
In 10 minutes I'll be laying out flat on  |
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 Название новой пластинки канадских гранж-рокеров Nickelback "Длинная дорога" фактически означает длинную дорогу к востребованности и популярности группы. Сейчас трудно поверить, что группа, занимающая вершины хит-парадов США, Европы и даже России, группа, получившая Грэмми, пару лет назад была малоизвестна даже в родной Канаде. "Усердие и труд все перетрут" - таков девиз фронтмена группы Чада Крюгера. Мало кто знает, что Nickelback - одна из немногих групп, которая раскручивает себя сама. Казалось бы, формат достаточно узкий, и чтобы пробиться в массы, нужен точный расчет, профессионал-менеджер и солидный капитал. Но Nickelback все эти принципы нарушили, выгнав менеджера и лично занявшись своими финансовыми делами. Как итог - резкий подъем популярности группы и выход ее на широкую публику. Что говорить: Nickelback, наверное, единственные после Nirvana, кто заставил смотреть MTV стольких неформалов по всему миру. После пластинки "Silver Side Up" и нашумевшего хита "How You Remind Me", я, если честно признаться, с опаской ждал нового альбома. Уж больно часто группы после успеха, обрушившегося на их головы, сдавали позиции с каждым следующим альбомом. Так вот, Nickelback не только не стали играть хуже, но и сделали свой стиль полностью узнаваемым и неповторимым. В целом "The Long Road" гораздо тяжелее, чем "Silver Side Up". Нехватка лиричности, наверное, единственный недостаток на пластинке, но "Someday" c успехом спасает положение. На альбоме нет гитарных соляков с 16-ми нотами, нет выпендрежа с использованием музыкальных инструментов. Почти каждая песня – это, по сути законченное, произведение, маленькое творение. Особое внимание можно уделить композиции "Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting", которая является очень неплохим кавером Элтона Джона. Если сравнивать творчество группы с музыкой Creed, то Nickelback тяжелее и в то же время мелодичнее. Очень качественный саунд, таких групп действительно не много сегодня. Будем надеяться, что их дорога закончится еще не скоро. |
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2003-й год. Nicelback. "The Long Road". Grunge. У канадцев из группы Nickelback опять получилось чудо. Новая (на тот 2003-й год) пластинка "The Long Road" получилась просто супер!! На протяжении всей истории группы Nicelback не вносили никаких изменений в свою музыку. Состав много раз менялся и складывается впечатление, что в целом, группа не представляет собой ровно ничего, если бы не голос Чада Крюгера, буквально "делающий" все песни, такими как они есть на данный момент. Но вернемся к "The Long Road". Альбом обладает какой-то непередаваемой атмосферой, которая заключается в философских рассуждениях о проблемах двух полов. Во всех трэках есть
свой смысл и мини-атмосфера. Будь то безответная любовь, или воспоминания о родном городе Чада. Звук ничуть не изменился. Свирепый grunge рвется с каждой песни, сметая все воспоминания о полюбившемся лично мною metalcore'e. Казалось, что уже лучше некуда, но в 2006 году выйдет "All The Right Reasons", который раз и навсегда закрепит Nickelback в числе величайших рок-групп мира. И пусть никому не кажется, что я слишком высокого мнения о группе Nickelback, вы еще услышите
это название в будущем. |
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Следующий альбом группы уже в стиле Grunge Rock, и это говорит о том, что ребята не стоят на месте, а усиленно работают. Иначе за такой короткий срок они бы так не выросли в творческом плане: они известны, их альбомы раскупаются на ура. Этот альбом — не исключение. Итак, стиль поменялся и действительно, музыка получилась жестче (гитары теперь преобладают), чем первое их творение — "Silver Side Up". Однако группа не потеряла свою особенность и не встала наравне с другими представителя данного направления в музыке. Их можно выделить по особой музыке и великолепному голосу вокалиста. Альбом также представляет собой прекрасную работу музыкантов. Ну что скажешь, если знаешь почти каждую песню из него (такие они интересные). При этом ребята так же, как и в прошлом альбоме, делают рокировку с динамики ("Do this anymore") на более спокойные и мелодичные вещи ("Feelon' Way Too Damn Good"), которые отнюдь не теряют присущую группе жесткую работу гитар. В общем, опять великолепная работа — поистине группа умеет писать альбомы! |
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просмотров: 26809 |
Like I need to defend my own innocence
So what I did it, I admit it, and I'm pleading the fifth
"Two more" the anthem for the know-it-all
You won't be standing up for long
You better learn how to crawl
8 minutes from losing it a little bit
5 minutes your description might be starting to fit
3 to go and I'm forgetting all that I've ever known
I won't be standing up for long
I better learn how to crawl
Can't stand anymore
In 10 minutes I'll be laying out flat on the floor
Do This Anymore
Lyrics - The Long Road :.
Left on an eastbound train
Gone first thing this morning
Why's what's best for you
Always the worst thing for me
When am I gonna learn
Why? 'Cause I'm tired of hating
When will it be your turn?
Why? 'Cause I'm tired of waiting
No I don't
No I don't
No I don't
Well no I don't find faith in your forced feelings
Not fooled by your misleadings
Won't buy this line you're selling
Tired of this lie you're telling
I won't, I don't
No I won't do this anymore
I won't, I don't
No I won't do this anymore
She says I'm only telling half of it
That's probably 'cause there's only half worth telling
And everytime I try to laugh it off
That's when you turn around and wind up yelling
When am I gonna learn
Why? 'Cause I'm tired of hating
When will it be your turn?
Why? 'Cause I'm tired of waiting
No I don't
No I don't
No I don't
No I don't find faith in your forced feelings
Not fooled by your misleadings
Won't buy this line you're selling
Tired of this lie you're telling
I won't, I don't
No I won't do this anymore
I won't, I don't
No I won't do this anymore
She says I'm only telling half of it
That's probably 'cause there's only half worth telling
And everytime I try to laugh it off
That's when you turn around and wind up yelling
When am I gonna learn
Why? 'Cause I'm tired of hating
When will it be your turn?
Why? 'Cause I'm tired of waiting
No I don't
No I don't
No I don't
No I don't find faith in your forced feelings
Not fooled by your misleadings
Won't buy this line you're selling
Tired of this lie you're telling
I won't, I don't
No I won't do this anymore
I won't, I don't
No I won't do this anymore
Lyrics - The Long Road :.
How the hell'd we wind up like this
And why weren't we able
To see the signs that we missed
And try to turn the tables
I wish you'd unclench your fists
And unpack your suitcase
Lately there's been too much of this
But don't think it's too late
Nothing's wrong Just as long as you know that someday I will
Someday, somehow
I'm gonna make it alright But not right now
I know you're wondering when
You're the only one who knows that
Someday somehow
I'm gonna make it alright But not right now
I know you're wondering when
Well I'd hope that since we're here anyway
That we could end up saying
Things we've always needed to say
So we could end up staying
Now the story's played out like this
Just like a paperback novel
Let's rewrite an ending that fits
Instead of a Hollywood horror
Nothing's wrong Just as long as you know that someday I will
Someday, somehow
I'm gonna make it alright But not right now
I know you're wondering when
You're the only one who knows that
Someday somehow I'm gonna make it alright
But not right now I know you're wondering when
You're the only one who knows that
I know you're wondering when
You're the only one who knows that
I know you're wondering when
Believe It Or Not
Lyrics - The Long Road :.
Believe it or not everyone have things that they hide
Believe it or not everyone keep most things inside
Believe it or not everyone believe in something above
Believe it or not everyone need to feel loved
But we don't and we won't
Until we figure out
Could someone deliver us
Just send us some kind of sign
So close to giving up
'Cause faith is so hard to find
But you don't and you won't
Until we figure out
I've seen it a lot every time the world turns upside down
Believe it or not most of us feel like we're losing ground
Believe it or not everyone hate admitting fear
Believe it or not most of us wanna know why we're here
But we don't and we won't
Until we figure out
Could someone deliver us
Just send us some kind of sign
So close to giving up
'Cause faith is so hard to find
Could someone deliver us
Just send us some kind of sign
So close to giving up
'Cause faith is so hard to find
But you don't and you won't
Until we figure out
Most of us have nothing to complain about
Most of us have things we could live without
Everyone need advice on how to get along
You don't, we won't
Until we figure out
Believe it or not everyone have things that they hide
Believe it or not everyone keep most things inside
Believe it or not everyone believe in something above
Believe it or not everyone need to feel loved
But we don't and we won't
Until we figure out
Could someone deliver us
Just send us some kind of sign
So close to giving up
'Cause faith is so hard to find
Could someone deliver us
Just send us some kind of sign
So close to giving up
'Cause faith is so hard to find
But we don't and we won't
Until we figure out
But we don't and we won't
Until we figure out
Feelin Way Too Damn Good
Lyrics - The Long Road :.
I missed you so much that I begged you to fly and see me
You must've broke down 'cause you finally said that you would
But now that you're here I just feel like I'm constantly dreaming
Well something's gotta go wrong 'cause I'm feeling' way too damn good
For 48 hours I don'w think that we left my hotel room
Should show you the sights 'cause I'm sure that I said that I would
We gotta make love just one last time in the shower
Well somethings gotta go wrong 'cause I'm feelin' way too damn good
And it's like
Every time I turn around
I fall in love and find my heart face down and
Where it lands is where it should
This time it's like
The two of us should probably start to fight
"Cause something's gotta go wrong 'cause I'm feeling way too damn good
Feelin' way too damn good
Sometimes I think best if left in the memory
It's better kept inside than left for good
Looking back each time they tried to tell me
Well somethings gotta go wrong 'cause I'm feelin' way too damn good
And it's like
Every time I turn around
I fall in love and find my heart face down and
Where it lands is where it should
This time it's like
The two of us should probably start to fight
"Cause something's gotta go wrong 'cause I'm feeling way too damn good
Feelin' way too damn good
I missed you so much that I begged you to fly and see me
You must've broke down 'cause you finally said that you would
But now that you're here I just feel like I'm constantly dreaming
Well something's gotta go wrong 'cause I'm feeling' way too damn good
And it's like
Every time I turn around
I fall in love and find my heart face down and
Where it lands is where it should
This time it's like
The two of us should probably start to fight
"Cause something's gotta go wrong 'cause I'm feeling way too damn good
Feelin' way too damn good
I missed you so much that I begged you to fly and see me
Feelin' way too damn good
I missed you so much that I begged you to fly and see me
See You At The Show
Lyrics - The Long Road :.
Crowds that scream at superstars
Where bouncers show their battle scars
I've been the first to sign on every wall
Down the road and round the bend
We pray to God it never ends
I've been, I've seen, we've screamed to everyone
We'll see you at the show
If you don't come we'll never know
You stand off in the back
You still stand out while you're wearing black
Jump onto the bus
And ride around with all of us
We'll go out on the town
And light it up 'till we burn it down
After hours and alcohol
Every club, we've seen 'em all
As long as we don't need to stand in line
Party scenes and billboard dreams
The ladies love those limousines
Y ou know they're going to show up every time
We'll see you at the show
If you don't come we'll never know
You stand off in the back
You still stand out while you're wearing black
Jump onto the bus
And ride around with all of us
We'll go out on the town
And light it up 'till we burn it down
Burn it down
Crowds that scream at superstars
Where bouncers show their battle scars
I've been the first to sign on every wall
Down the road and round the bend
We pray to God it never ends
I've been, I've seen, we've screamed to everyone
We'll see you at the show
If you don't come we'll never know
You stand off in the back
You still stand out while you're wearing black
Jump onto the bus
And ride around with all of us
We'll go out on the town
And light it up 'till we burn it down
Burn it down
L ight it up 'till we burn it down
Burn it down
We're gonna light it up 'till we burn it down
Figured You Out
Lyrics - The Long Road :.
I like your pants around your feet
And I like the dirt that's on your knees
And I like the way you say please
While you're looking up at me
You're like my favorite damn disease
And I love the places that we go
And I love the people that you know
And I love the way you can't say "No"
Too many long lines in a row
I love the powder on your nose
And now I know who you are
It wasn't that hard
Just to figure you out
Now I did, you wonder why
I like the freckles on your chest
And I like the way you like me best
And I like the way you're not impressed
While you put me to the test
I like the white stains on your dress
I love the way you pass the check
And I love the good times that you wreck
And I love your lack of self respect
While you're passed out on the deck
I love my hands around your neck
And I know who you are
It wasn't that hard
Just to figure you out
Now I did, you wonder why
Why not before, you never tried
Gone for good, and this is it
I like your pants around your feet
And I like the dirt that's on your knees
And I like the way you still say please
While you're looking up at me
You're like my favorite damn disease
And I hate the places that we go
And I hate the people that you know
And I hate the way you can't say "No"
Too many long lines in a row
I hate the powder on your nose
And now I know who you are
It wasn't that hard
Just to figure you out
Now I did, you wonder why
Why not before, you never tried
Gone for good, and this is it
Another Hole in the Head
Lyrics - The Long Road :.
I'm through thinking of things to say to you
It's true I've said enough and so have you
Just drive, you slam the door and so do I
Tounge-tied from all the little things
And they're the reason that I scream
I needed you
Probably as bad as I needanother hole in the head
Was I mean to you?
Car keys in your hand
I believe that you would leave me for dead
Your turn, you'd rather leave than live and learn
That's why you want an end and so do I
This time I'll leave and leave it all behind
Tounge-tied from all the little things
And they're the reason that I scream
I needed you
Probably as bad as I needanother hole in the head
Was I mean to you?
Car keys in your hand
I believe that you would leave me for dead
Well I believe that you would leave me for dead
I believe that you would leave me for dead
I'm through thinking of things to say to you
It's true I've said enough and so have you
Just drive, you slam the door and so do I
Tounge-tied from all the little things
And they're the reason that I scream
I needed you
Probably as bad as I need another hole in the head
Was I mean to you?
Car keys in your hand
I believe that you would leave me for dead
I needed you
Probably as bad as I need another hole in the head
Was I mean to you?
Car keys in your hand
I believe that you would leave me for dead
I believe that you would leave me for dead
I believe that you would leave me for dead