 "Десятка"... Этим можно было бы и ограничиться в данной рецензии, если бы не вполне понятные вопросы - за что и кому эти десять баллов поставлены - тем более, человеком, который до этого не поставил вообще ни одной столь высокой оценки.
Итак, во-первых, надо рассказать, "кому". Dark End - это итальянский коллектив из города Реджо-Эмилия, играющий в стиле, который сами участники называют "Obscure Horror Metal". Для простых смертных это симфо-блэк с сильным "упором" в клавишные и той самой "horror"-атмосферой. Играют они его, надо сказать, мастерски - владение инструментами у всех участников на самом высоком уровне, качество записи отличное, качество самого материала - тоже. Звучание симфо-части похоже на классику либо саундтреки к старым фильмам, что неудивительно - клавишник этой группы, известный с некоторых пор ещё и участием в Hollow Haze, пишет и такую музыку. Блэковая часть делится на три составляющих. Первая - гитарная - напоминает ранний Graveworm, и ничуть не менее интересна. Вторая - ударные - из классического блэка, Valentz отлично знает своё дело. Третья - вокал - немного отдаёт... Cradle of Filth, причём вокал звучит интереснее, а данные у Animæ ничуть не хуже, чем у Дэни Филта. Правда, по сравнению с прошлым альбомом, все предыдущие составляющие резко выросли в плане своей интересности, а крэдловщины в скриме убавилось. Также на некоторых треках появились вставки чистого вокала - для этого специально пригласили Fearbringer'а, голос которого чем-то напоминает Vortex'a (ex-Dimmu Borgir). Это добавило работе очков.
Переходим ко второму вопросу. Материал на диске действительно очень хорош. Ни одной слабой композиции. Моими фаворитами являются "Æinsoph: Flashforward To Obscurity", "Doom: And Then Death Scythed" и "Decrepitude: One Last Laugh Beside Your Agonies", но, как мне кажется, многое зависит от конкретного слушателя - запоминаются все композиции, и полюбиться может каждая из них.
Если Вы думаете, что симфо-блэк вконец опопсел и что в этом поджанре уже нельзя создать что-то интересное - обязательно прослушайте эту работу, которая вполне способна изменить подобное мнение. |
Fading away as we rejoice!
...as we rejoice!
In praise of glory
Awareness lies in a liquid vacuum
This gift of wonder
This maze of agonizing light
In praise of hazes
Stillness lies in a shadowed fire
A flame of pity
A flame of rapture and of pain!
Gloria Patri et Filio
Et Spiritui Sancto
Sicut erat in principio
Et in sæcula sæculorum
Gloria Patri et Filio
Et Spiritui Sancto
Sicut erat in principio
Et in sæcula sæculorum
And pride is a twilight sun burnin’ inside,
It leads every manor to its former splendour…
Come down! There in the heart of your inner dark wood
Come and be! The solemn incarnation of primeval souls
Come down! A new world built by your command
There, were wisdom lies well caged
In praise of glory
Awareness lies in a liquid vacuum
Three unknown faces arose
Called by omnipotence!
And the seared witches’ souls meet an ancient moan
And a burial ground spells magic from beyond
And awareness lies in liquid vacuum
In this vale, in this maze!
Crooked is the way that leads to heavens
A sinister lane paved with thousands corpses!
...a sinister lane paved with thousands corpses...
Hear the harsh mocking chant of a grim-faced god
When oblivion shift its forms to sand
To matter, to grains again, cycling!
Where wisdom lies well caged to be subjugated
Darkness, you lead me were lied...
Angels, oh tell me heavens’ secrets
Of love, blind death...
Infliction, it nails me unknown...
Darkness, you lead me were lied...
Angels, oh tell me heavens’ secrets
Of love, blind death...
Infliction, it nails me unknown faces
Gloria Patri et Filio
Et Spiritui Sancto
Sicut erat in principio
Et in sæcula sæculorum
Gloria Patri et Filio
Et Spiritui Sancto
Sicut erat in principio
Et in sæcula sæculorum
3. Doom: And Then Death Scythed
And now, whit eyes open wide
I pray for the crumbling of your soul!
You, man... you’re impurity dressed with purity
You, god... brown lamb in wolf skin
Ill-natured... contaminated alchemy
Shame, shame... weak human beings
You, god... inoculate abortion
You, man... putrid fleshy strain
Long knives... tools of eradication
Death, death... bless their soul with pain
A secret countdown set
To your preordinated apocalypse
Angels of no mercy armed with sharp obscurity
Give hurt and final rest
In name of tragedy, in praise of tragedy
Shades of night, now free us
From this scorn, from this scorn!
Oh wasted and skeletal beast
Pale horse, cast your scythe down!
Oh reaper ancient and wise
Cold death, cast your scythe down!
Oh seeds of spirit divine
Essence, cast your scythe down!
Oh, reaper ancient and wise...
You, god... you’re inoculate abortion
You, man... putrid fleshy strain
Wood cross... a tool of eradication
Death, death... bless his soul with pain
You, man... still cadavers in the dark
You, god... have hundreds souls to reap
Bloodbath... it shapes a new life
Doom, fire... last sight in eternal sleep
And I looked, and behold a pale horse
And his name that sat on him was Death,
And Hell followed with him....
And power was given unto them
Over the fourth part of the earth
Oh wasted and skeletal beast
Oh reaper ancient and wise...
Father! Father! Father omniscient
Slay! Slay! And grant peace on earth!
Father! Father! Father omniscient
Slay! Slay! With razorblade hate!
Saline statues with terror in their eyes
A-slug crumbling down, while the last Gomorrah’s burning
Hail the glory, the beauty of bereavement
Now it’s sealed forever with a graven sword
The unseen world of Hades is rising
And mortal nature will put on immortality
The final bloodstain for a mosaic made of nightmares
Is a new beginning...
And when the lamb opened the fourth seal
I heard the fourth living creature scream: “Come!”
And I looked, and behold a pale horse
And his name that sat on him was Death,
And Legion and Yaveh were united as one...
And great power was given unto them
Over the fourth part of the earth
To kill with sword, and with hunger
And with death, and with the beast of the earth
For his name was Death
And Hell followed with him
And Hell followed with him
And Hell followed with him
And Hell followed with him
This is Zero hour...
4. Spiritism: The Transmigration Passage
Ring the bell!
Wrapped in black ruins
Lost among grey, solemn tombs
Storming and witching my cadaveric sleep
For all of the sudden
The abyss spreads its fangs
And the pale light is soon devoured!
Whisper to me of your dead Necropolis...
Oh putrefaction adorn me again
Obscene and magnificent in all its forms
Wrapped a vapor
Once born of fog and virtue
Infesting and blessing these Stigmata plagues
A failing shade embracing
My shadow long denied
Ancient and feared: thundering Golgotha
Silently breed and then sing to me
Of the thorns, the pain and its horrors... once again
Soul! Fire! Nails and Darkness!
Soul! Fire! Nails and Darkness!
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine;
In memoria aeterna erit iustus
Ab auditione mala non timebit.
Absolve Domine animas
Omnium fidelium defunctorum
Ob omno vinculo delictorum
Et gratia tua illis succurente
Mereantur evadere iudicium ultionis,
Et lucis aeternae beatitudine perfrui
Tuba mirum spargens sonum
Per sepulchra regionum,
Coget omnes ante thronum.
Wrapped in black ruins
Lost among grey, solemn tombs
Storming and witching my cadaveric sleep
And there stood the abyss
With is mouth open wide
Devouring, relentless, devouring!
Whisper to me, of your dead Necropolis
Obscene... And sleep... and sleep!
While you became your own tomb!
Soul! Fire! Nails and Darkness!
Soul! Fire! Nails and Darkness!
A thousand psalms of penitence
To wash away this rust from your nails
But I know too well the nature of man
To ignore that often the offended forgive
While the offender never do it
Behold! Highest spirits, behold!
So much has been told about the first stone
But what about the last?
And he, who will be able to throw it?
Behold! Highest spirits, behold!
So much has been told about the first stone!
5. Bereavement: A Multitude In Martyrized Flesh
Se-woo, ha-nah e-too-hee pagh-ri
Han-noo dim-mi, d'dia-tee-qeh kha-tha
Forgive me not Father
Cause I never blasphemed in opposition to your word
But it’s only against the human’s blind laws
That I proudly… Sin
Crucify! Crucify! With the rusty nails of mortals
You bury divine flesh down below
And yet this place still whispers ceremonial litanies
A transcendental plague
A river of incense cross a forgotten soil
It flows into the vast, sad oceans that you mourn
And nothing is observed and assumed down there
If not the first commandment of the soul
Do Sin! Do Sin! This dusk lies beneath a fractured mirror of sins
The moon and the sun will then emerge from the earth
To sanctify the one who blaspheme
Do Sin! And it snows deep down again
Bright stars falling fast in a spiral of Sin
And the sky became a vault
And what human’s vileness has set as a weak limit
Was crossed with a wearing, horrible idea of pain
Shining incarnation, a desolate death
In wise and gentle solitude compliance turns to dust
Resounding in the echoes of stillness
A new creator feeds its limbs
Ed egli ascese da abissi di carni martirizzate
Tuonando con voce solenne l’avvento d’un nuovo dominio
S’ergan bastioni che oscurino il cielo
Torri dorate al cospetto del vuoto
E da grigi manieri e ancor più buie valli
Della rinunzia temuta e agognata
Null’altro provenga se non il rimpianto
Un gemer sommesso di giorni perduti
Il grido obliato del mesto suicida
Il grido, la fine, il vuoto, l’abisso!
Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?
Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?
Tetelestai, Eloi!
All is said and done, Father!
A new temple of flesh built once again
With this bread of misery and pain
Not by mercy, not by pity... but power
And cheek...
Insects and maggots
Scum of the earth
This scorn will be
Your Calvary mile!
Crucified! Crucified! With the rusty nails of moral
You buried divine flesh down below
But still this place whispers ceremonial litanies
A future plague…
A river of incense cross a forgotten soil
It flows into the vast, sad oceans that you mourn
Where a lost evocation gives you
Halos of flies and thorns!
Do Sin! Do Sin! This dusk lies beneath a fractured mirror of sins
The moon and the sun will then emerge from the earth
To sanctify the one who blaspheme
Do Sin! And it snows deep down again
Bright stars falling fast in a spiral of Sin
In martyrized flesh...
6. Grief: Along Our Divine Pathway
Twilight hides itself
Beneath the waves
Of a bright impending darkness
Oblivious of every life,
Of every hasty death
Beholder of our nothingness
Ten thousand holy spirits
Melted in a liquid structure
Ever changing shape and brightness
Ten thousand demons
A blasphemy from heaven
Sneering through clouds and glowing dimness
And then silence swathed all
And then silence swathed all…
What we inherit from the past
Your shade upon the soul
Opening wounds
A dreary light of humid mist
Taking breaths away
And yet you still here
Along our divine pathway... crawling!
A dreary mist of humid light
Opening wounds...
And yet you still here...
Deceitful theatre of corridors
A shadowplay!
Where we are and we are not
With sins of flesh
Laid upon a wooden cross
To cheat the symmetry divine
But when the wounded one
Gains the aureole of night
A plague will be unleashed upon me:
A dumb progeny
So that its shame
Cannot be told
Repudiating earth, the sky, the seas
And the whispers beneath everything
Building rules and ruined temples
And soon the third eye was... no more
What we inherit from the past
Your shade upon the soul
Opening wounds
A dreary light of humid mist
Taking breaths away
You, the labyrinth, you still here
Along our divine pathway... bleeding!
What we inherit from the past
Your shade upon the soul
Opening wounds
A dreary mist of humid light
Taking breaths away
Still opening wounds!
Am I there with you?
7. Bleakness: Of Secrecy, Haste And Shattered Crystals
This is a proud march towards the arcane life-force to come
Through occult secrecy and haste
Through shattered crystals without a face
Since damnation wears the wings of lost remembrances
For the long gone suffering lies beneath the deepest of seas
And nothing else there
Then would be granted to you
No more!
But to embrace
The light of truth
The bitter guilt of abandonment
Lost ancient ruins, an invoked gale of crimson sand
The dryness of eons past burns your mouth
For every mourned departure
Breeds some pain
And a sad rancorous ghost
Hence, you, horrible shadow
The trail is cast
For you to walk the arc of space and time
In the idea of virtue
In the idea of sin
Lies my domination over all men!
From the rope end dangles a traitor
On the cross lies a saint
What discern a miracle from profound abomination
When they’re both thrown away in the jaws of oblivion?
What is left to humanity?
When the spirit go astray
What is left to free will?
When all shades are gray
The path of the chosen few is paved with innocence
And with anger, wrath and fury!
Beware of you, Pharisees!
Your mask of righteousness hides a secret inner world
Of ungodly thoughts and feelings!
You were full of wickedness
You were like whitewashed tombs
Beautiful on the outside
But full of dead men's bones
Like sand they are...
In the idea of virtue
In the idea of sin
Lies my domination
In the idea of virtue
In the idea of sin
Lies my domination over all men!
8. Pest: Fierce Massive Slaying Grandeur
So we carved inside high nothingness
Melting it with a paradox of opposites
So we feed the blue chasm of oblivion
And drawn there new life from obscurity
So we carved inside high fullness
Binding it with an archetype of heresy
So we drank from the fountain of time
And mould there the essence of theology
For the great abstraction of silence
For the high flatness of man
It sharpened deep wide this blade
And it won’t hide forgiveness
For the holy priesthood of silence
For the highest reason of pain
Sharpened deep wide this blade
And it won’t hide forgiveness
This is the advent of the flames that lie within
This is a loyal declaration of sin
Dona eis, rex tremendae maiestatis, morte æterna
In die illa iræ, coeli movendi sunt et terra
War is a cowardice of the soul!
Peace is a cowardice of the soul!
Inner storm… deflagrate!
These wounds wide open
And that light of humid mist
I will vomit upon you…
I will vomit upon you all!
So we spread outside high, pure instinct
Clashing it with a weak rationality
So we crossed the seas of hell’s fire
And then unveiled the true iniquity
So we damned the (un)nature of man
Walking down the path of divinities
So we drank from the fountain of being
And drown there the shroud of humanity
For the great abstraction of silence
For the high flatness of man
It sharpened deep wide this blade
And it won’t hide forgiveness
For the holy priesthood of silence
For the highest reason of pain
Sharpened deep wide this blade
Breeding again…
The fierce massive slaying grandeur
The fierce massive slaying grandeur
Your war is a cowardice of the soul!
Your peace is a cowardice of the soul!
Get away from me, beast of the earth!
Be one with me, beast of the earth!
Son of the light, son of the dark
Every time they die within you!
For the great inner sea is raging again
And who shall be able to stand?
To stand!
Dona eis, rex tremendae maiestatis, morte æterna
Dona eis, rex tremendae maiestatis, morte æterna
9. Decrepitude: One Last Laugh Beside Your Agonies
Take away this cup from me
If you can
Thy will be done, not mine
Thy will be done, not mine
I forced your cup to these mouth
With iron hands
My will is done, not their
To destroy and create new bitter life
Oh how often tenderness can be
Nothing more than a cruel stained mirror
Beyond which it carefully hides
The coldest form of detachment
Atrocity lies right there, beside your agonies
Atrocity laughs beside your agonies
And then you serenely contemplate
These mountains of mercy
Slowly slough off in mountains of corpses
Climbing one or another
With the seed of sin
So well disguised with robes of repentance
Speak to me from heavenly skies
If you can
Your will was done, not mine
Your will was done, not mine
And life,
Hear my words, these will be my last:
Soon you will love me
As a dead is loved
Love me as a dead is loved
Cast away your pain-stained shroud
For in the whisper of loss I choose to be
And I desperately wrap my spirit away
From these cruel laws of mortality
For how often a smiling face can be
Nothing more than a cruel stained mirror
Beyond which it carefully hides
The most evil form of horror
Atrocity lies right there, beside your agonies
Atrocity laughs beside your agonies
Continuously you mould its winding shape
Continuously it laughs beside your pain
With clothes made of sins
Of sins and good intentions
With clothes made of anger
Of anger and candid pardon
Of martyrs and righteous torturers
Of death, of stench and serene lives
Of pity, of shame and distant coldness
Of fire, of water!
Of love, burnt offerings and terror
Of charity, blood and sadism and horror
Of hate in form of weakness
Of bread, of knives in the back!
Staring at you on this fathomless night
Finding correlation only to find myself
Of loss
Innocence buried away
Trapped inside
To never come back again
I wish you’ll never grown
Life, love, life,
Do you really think I need you?
Do you really think I need you?
And I was forced to commit sin, do sin, do sin
But what is sin?
When prospective falls apart
When prospective falls apart…
It’s wonderful from here, you know…?
My clothes are made of anger
Of anger and candid pardon
My clothes are made of martyrs
Of martyrs and righteous torturers
My clothes are made of death
Of stench and serene life
My clothes are made of nothing
Of nothing, because…
I am buried away
Trapped somewhere
To never come back again
Nevermore, nevermore!
I wish you’ll never grown
Life, love, life,
Do you really think I need you?
Do you really think I need you?
10. Dawn: Black Sun Rises
And now that everything is swathed by silence
A new magic will be created to inhale
The arcane lost voice
And the formless wisdom
Of what is dead and forgotten
Decrepitude is the seed of resurrection
Through which a new cosmos will be melted
Leave mortality, erase the supreme fault
Rapture and wonder are born
Fluid spheres of atoms, chaos DNA
Bodies dissolve in formless entities
Alchemy divine breeds spirit-worlds
Concentric involution of souls
Programming and calculating
Indoctrination through a lucid dismay
Reason evokes spirit, spirit evokes flesh
A final artefact, complete!
A parallel beginning, a light of the black
Enchants the oscillating circle
Mutation in a self-desired apocalypse
Sacred trinity revealed again
To the deep core I invoked all the spiders
All the pains and a crown of thorns...
Twelve-rayed sun
Twelve-rayed sun
It dawns!
To the deep core I invoked all the spiders
All the pains and a crown of thorns...
And after all the impure light
A black sun…
It dawns!
Buried away
After 3 day and 3 thousand years
He shines again…
Flebile lucentezza immemore
Del terrore in eterno custodito
Tra spirali di tempesta
Riemerge la memoria
Arcaica legione strisciante
Tra le negate cripte del tempo
From far away it shines…
From distant skies
Of blackened light you dredge
Divine exhumed crystals
Shattered and endless
Vanished and rose again
Nebbiose profondità remote,
Tra cunicoli e catacombe
S’erge il baratro
Dell’umana pazzia
Stracci di pioggia, lembi di vento
Adornan il Dio rifiutato
Che funesto volteggia
Su rovine sepolte;
Preghiere proibite ed urla spettrali
Tra ombre di valli senza nome
Nascoste e obliate
On the starless dimension of the obstructed soul
Fleshy pendulums eternally oscillate
Between the sanctity of sin, the impiety of purity
Not knowing the secret of stillness
Not knowing they’re only moving through mirrors
Decrepitude, it sown resurrection
Through which the cosmos has been melted
Without mortality, without the supreme fault
Rapture and wonder here grown
Fluid spheres of atoms, chaos DNA
Bodies dissolved in formless entities
Alchemy divine in this spirit-worlds
Concentric involution of souls
A great uproar, a shrieking lament
A desert shaken by the abyss
Austere on the pinnacle of emptiness
The eternal mantle spreads out
On the pinnacle of emptiness
The eternal mantle spreads out
Twelve-rayed sun
Twelve-rayed sun
Twelve-rayed sun
Twelve-rayed sun…
It dawns!
I wear the nails of Jesus
And all the universe’s wonders...
Yet I am murder and rape
And premature putrefaction
I walk with coldness and lie
In the horrible thunder of insects…
Deep down inside…
Deep down inside…