 Шведов не было слышно целых четыре года, и перед тем как разродится новым полноформатным диском они выпустили сначала свой первый сборник лучших вещей, который получил название по одноимённой песне «Reflections». Виной тому были неурядицы с лейблом Блэк Марк и очередные изменения состава. Но закончилось всё как нельзя лучше: слабое звено в коллективе заменили, а сам коллектив влез под удобное и тёплое крылышко одного из самых больших и профессиональных лейблов - Century Media. И должен заметить, что популярность пришла к музыкантам незамедлительно, хотя сами они в этом были виноваты на пятьдесят процентов, поскольку следующий альбом «Undead», после удачного диска «A Mended Rhyme», получился ещё более краше. Записан диск отлично, вокал Урбана Брида стал на данный момент более чище и сильнее, но также не утратил приятной хрипотцы и своей нескрываемой мощи. Музыкальный материал, хотя и раньше не отличался оттенком позитивизма, то теперь стал совсем уж мрачным и депрессивным, как в текстах, так и по части мелодики. И в таких условиях пластинку помогает спродюсировать, не кто иной, как мастер чёрной атмосферы Пер Риборг, отличившийся с ещё одной прогрессив пауэр металл бандой Lefay. Ну что ж, прог пауэр наших шведских героев выглядит не хуже чем музыка Лефей. Он прекрасно скроен, где надо мелодичен, а где надо - брутален до треш металлической жёсткости. Среди наиболее заметных и удачных композиций стоит выделить энергичный открывающий боевик «Servant Of The Bones», безумно мрачную и и величественную песню «Where The Sun Never Shines», притягательную своим ироническим оттенком заглавную тему «Undead», и самую скоростную и угарную «No Wings To Burn». Собственно, все номера выглядят отлично и здорово. Это первый диск на моей памяти у Тэда Мороза, отличающийся чётким отсутствием минусов и недочётов. Прогресс коллектива очевиден и идёт своим чередом, а то, что ребята взяли вместо клавишника ещё одного гитариста говорит только о том, что в будущем нас ждёт точно ещё одна самая натуральная музыкальная бомба, способная убить всех поклонников пауэр металла и фанов банды. Диск «Undead» это один из тех случаев, когда его должны послушать все приверженцы стиля. Шедевр, как никак. |
cauldron still hurts me, see again, and again..
My Bones in a shrine My soul still caught in time May she burn have I no
soul I'm Azriel
Oh, do believe my Masters I've slain Oh, no, but you needn't fear Jonathan
my friend There's been too many Masters too many deaths by my hand The
memories of innocense All tears in the sand
My Bones in a shrine My soul still caught in time May she burn have I no
soul I'm Azriel
and so you see, the sun will turn Blood-red it changes over me Wrought in
confusion My life at an end I wait for the golden stairs To come down again
2. Another Time Around
Don't tell me life is for the living The voices that I hear say it's not so
I fear they just pretend to hold the answer...
They tell me life's what we're given Then nevermore, but hey, you never
know Believe me, in time there's no tomorrow So wish me well I feel it's
time to go
Another time around Another song, another crown
New faces hide the cards Turn them down
A masterful design Not once upon a time And still we dream We hope for
something more
They told me - I saw Holy fire, oh the burning of us all
Another time around
Don't want to face the day still unforgiven No, I don't want to see the end
at all Don't want no brave new world tomorrow Forevermore to one and all
They told me - I saw Holy fire - ooh, burning in us all
Another time around
3. Where The Sun Never Shines
Make me an offer I cannot refuse Sell me your nightmares, your fears Tell
me the difference I live with the dead Tell me of joy and of tears Grant me
three wishes and make them come real Wishes go farther out here Tell me of
secrets and places you've been Tell me the rapture is near Show me the
devil is always the same Show me I've nothing to fear Give me a choice
between Heaven and Hell Show me a way out of here
Here I am, where the Dead rule the night The stars left the sky for this
place Darkness rules and I say, I will stay Here where the sun never shines
I made you an offer you could not refuse I sold you your nightmares, your
fears I told you the difference I wept for the dead I told you of joy and
of tears I Granted three wishes then made them come real I hold you there?s
nothing to fear Now give me a choice either Heaven or Hell I'll take any
road out of here
Here I am, where the Dead rule the night The stars left the sky for this
place Darkness rules and I say, I will stay Here where the sun never shines
4. Order Of The Seven Poles
Strange were the days that passed Unreal and unexplained I knew nought of
their secret rites or of their hidden ways The servants child, the beaten
prone the misfit and the slave They all believe, it serves them right Just
watch him rise again
I've seen it all So believe me when I say Even valiant princes fall Oh! but
rise now, rise again
Each day they seek me out observe me in disguise They do not know about the
one they think they saw him die Only I, yes only I remember what is true I
heard your name and then I knew The seventh pole would summon you
I've seen it all So believe me when I say Even valiant princes fall Oh! but
rise now, rise again
I call you now - Come rise, rise again I call you now - Come rise in me I
call you now - Rise and I shall be Grand Master of the Order The Order of
the Seven Poles
5. Undead
Empty shelves, hollow corridors A daunting smell, never felt before
Compassion breaking down In time we lose ourselves, anyway
A strange emotion fill the air The second seal, cracked up, unfair I force
the needle through my spine No savior burning, hammer on...
Still chained to the world Oh, our circle still turns
It's not fair, it's not fair undead
6. No Tears In The Rain
In my world there is nothing quite like this pain All your dreams, your
illusions They're like tears in the rain
Eyes stare blank You don't reach don't you need me Can't you see that this
needs be and no one else really cares
See me See my world in another light So full of life new beginnings and our
souls burn so bright
I Don't dream I'm falling anymore...
In my world There is nothing quite like this pain All your dreams, your
illusions They're like tears in the rain
Your eyes stare back You don't reach out, don't you need me Can't you see
how this bleeds me And no one else really to cares
7. Lord On High
I hear the priests call to the people They say the Gods need human blood
And now the crowd cries so much louder
Spells has been cast now they're waiting for me
Dazed I wait in total darkness The stone door slides open the crowds in
extacy The High Priest gives sign and I'm brought forward Temple-guards
seize me I'm forced to my knees
Fiery mad eyes staring The blade goes in The Gods are daring me to go...
On wings of might and splendour They told me I would fly A mighty ghost, no
magic Can bind me Lord on High
I shiver with fear I can take this no longer Oh Gods gather round to feast
on us all The blade poised to strike, my spirit grows stronger They hold up
the cup now my blood I shall drink
Fiery mad eyes staring The blade goes in The Gods are daring me to go ...
On wings of might and splendour They told me I would fly A mighty ghost, no
magic Can bind me Lord on High
8. Corporate Masters
So it came The first day of the new religion Saw the God with the cold eyes
Only then did I realize we had sold out
It's been a week now and I'm starting to fade Day after day I see this Idol
Stand in my way Why even bother when ...
Corporate Masters
Run the Benefactor System
Can I live up to the role?
And so it fell The first choice for the new division Handed out with a cold
smile All of this always televised for the eyes of the supervised The keys
to the sectors of power was given by ...
Corporate Masters
Run the Benefactor System
Can I live up to the role?
Now who can tell in the light of this New Disorder Who we are and you tell
me Who are we unbelieving In a world full of pain Run this world backwards
Corporate Masters
Run the Benefactor System
Can I live up to the role?
9. No Wings To Burn
I am near you tonight I'm the dark, the dead, I'm the light Hear a voice
through the black Soon to burn with the angels As you open the door There
is no one to help you Hear you call me once more
Now I see me outside the world, outside myself I'm one with everything and
there's no one else You call my name now take my hand and fade away I'm so
much stronger now, I have no fear No wings to burn
Look into my eye I can see, I feel you're in pain It's the heat, you're
becoming one that burn with the angels As you open the door There is no one
to help you Hear you call me once more
Now I see me outside the world, outside myself I'm one with everything and
there's no one else You call my name now take my hand and fade away I'm so
much stronger now, I have no fear No wings to burn
10. The Dead And His Son
Mark my words, I won't care Never tread where angels dare Precious few
shine like you Fewer still are aware of the dead and his son
I don't know, where do I start So many thoughts, I wonder where we all go
and if also memories never die
All empty chairs There's no one here I can't believe it's over This darkest
hour to my dismay makes me feel alight
I'm Sure he's here always so near like we belong together Wherever I go,
he's there also Somewhere deep inside
The candle burns once more tonight I could've sworn I heard your laughter
Forevermore and on...
I call forevermore beyond the grave The dead and his son
Oh Father gone for way too long I lived my life away from you So when I
wake and pray tonight Make me feel alive
Still empty chairs I know you're here We belong together Wherever I go
you're there also Somewhere deep inside