 Destruction - группа странная, и всё-то у них всегда наперекосяк: в 80-е, имея отличный музыкальный материал, они умудрялись гробить все удачные задумки ставшим культовым в определённых кругах до отвращения поганым звучанием, примерный аналог которому может составить одновременно производимое царапанье гвоздём по стеклу и стук кирпичом в стенки проржавевшего насквозь ведра, наполненного чем-то зловонным; в 90-е и вовсе пропали из виду, выпуская что-то совершенно невнятное один нечистый знает с кем в составе. Удачное выступление на фестивале Wacken в 1999 году показало, что не отличающийся особым музыкальным вкусом среднестатический, уже лысоватый и явно пузатый от количества потребляемого пива и свиных шкварок трэшер ждёт продолжения, и полновесное воскрешение группы не замедлило состояться. 2000-е по уровню популярности команды в массах вполне можно назвать самым удачным (с некоторыми оговорками) периодом в существовании "Разрушения". Альбомы выходят один за одним строго раз в два года, а то и чаще, однако же уровень представленного на них музыкального материала весьма эпично градуируется от тотально убого-никакущего вроде "Metal Disharge" до довольно cебе хитовых композиций, мало чем уступающих, к примеру, легендарным "Curse the Gods" или "Bestial Invasion". Их, к сожалению, меньшинство. В этом и заключается главная оговорка: если в 80-е была "сырость", которая автоматически понижала группу в глазах особо придирчивых критиков, то в наше непростое время при стерильном саунде и высочайшем уровне владения инструментами практически полностью исчезла искра, тот самый огонёк, что заставлял переслушивать релизы эпохи 1983-1989 гг. раз за разом. К счастью, 30-й день рождения - здесь вам не тут, и достойное внимания музыкальное полотно всё же явилось после весьма неудачного "Day of Reckoning".
Альбом попросту интересно слушать, причём от начала и до конца, от "Cyanide" до "Under Violent Sledge". "Legacy of the Past" так и вообще является своеобразным пасхальным яйцом в своих отсылках к творчеству других знаменитых трэшевых групп. Хорошо стали получаться и каверы: если на прошлом диске единственным заметным лучом в царстве непроглядной тьмы была "Stand Up And Shout" Dio, то теперь пальму первенства перехватила переигранная "Princess of the Night" от патриархов седовласого британского хэви Saxon.
Не покривлю душой, сказав, что "SG" - лучшее, что видело свет от команды за весь реюнионный период "нулевых". Но не могу также не отметить и того, что можно (нужно?) на порядок круче и замороченней. Хотя как знать, может быть, и это - потолок. Чем богаты - тем и рады. |
on your desire and disgust
Cyanide dreams
Looks like suicide
Cyanide dreams
Cyanide dreams
Looks like suicide
Your deeds will not count
in the final end
Your hope made you think
you are godsent?
A big mistake to trust
and give away your pride
With backs to the wall
dreams will collide
all your weakness called trust
on your desire and disgust
Cyanide dreams
Looks like suicide
Cyanide dreams
Cyanide dreams
Looks like suicide
My vengeance
makes you sleep little creep
Enjoy the silence
slow and deep
Taste my revenge
Nothing's like it seems
Eternal peace
No more screams
In a world of winners
there ain't no place for disbelief
Run like a well-oiled machine
or numb with grief
Strength of demand
Is a gift you have to earn
We are on this bloody world
to fuckin' learn!
all your weakness called trust
on your desire and disgust
Cyanide dreams
Looks like suicide
Cyanide dreams
Cyanide dreams
Looks like suicide
3. Spiritual Genocide
Our mind is a weapon of incredible power
We are biased till the last day
We are not aware good guy!
Prejudiced & tampered - under the influence
Silent manipulation of our mental well hell!
Soul destroying mass media
Most deceptive encyclopedia
Fooled by the ones - that we gave trust
Delusions like on angel dust!
Spiritual genocide
-A creeping plague that is spreading worldwide!
Spiritual genocide
-Education senseless-denied!
What can you believe?
What is real and what is fake?
Can we really all do the same bloody mistakes
Primitive educated freeman,
Bourgeois or the ku klux klan
Poor, mature or studied seigneur,
All colors are not aware!!!
Soul destroying mass media
Most deceptive encyclopedia
Fooled by the ones - that we gave trust
Delusions like on angel dust!
Spiritual genocide
-A creeping plague that is spreading worldwide!
Spiritual genocide
-Education senseless-denied!
Billions believe what they get taught:
Allah, buddah or the holy lord?
Misguided by delusion of grandeur
Are you the sheep or the voyeur?
Jekyll & hide - education suicide
Baptism of fire - liar funkin' liar!!!
Soul destroying mass media
Most deceptive encyclopedia
Fooled by the ones - that we gave trust
Delusions like on angel dust!
Spiritual genocide
A creeping plague that is spreading worldwide!
Spiritual genocide - education senseless - denied!
Spiritual genocide!
Spiritual genocide!
4. Renegades
It's too late when we realize
That our life is turning counter - clockwise
The clock is running down against your will
Are you aware to be caught in the mill?
Our values are a freakin' marketing campaign
Can an individual really sustain?
We can not recover - from mistakes others made
We can not accept - breakdown of the renegades
We can not be feasting - when others die by the blade
We can not accept - breakdown of the renegades
You are caught in the web of lies
Will your beloved tolerate your disguise?
You can not turn back the wheel of time
Confess that there is no victimless crime!
Our values are a freaking marketing campaign
Can an individual really sustain?
We can not recover - from mistakes others made
We can not accept- breakdown of the renegades
We can not be feasting - when others die by the blade
We can not accept - breakdown of the renegades
What is the most precious thing in your life?
To prevail be honest or to survive?
What is the most precious thing in your life?
To benefit
- take centre stage or to spend time right?
We can not recover - from mistakes others made
We can not accept - breakdown of the renegades
We can not be feasting - when others die by the blade
We can not accept - breakdown of the renegades
5. City Of Doom
Barbrossa beginning of the end bringing death & fear
The machinery of killing found a camp at the polish frontier
Genocide like a precise game of mass execution
The most cruel extermination called the final solution
Brutal-how much evil
Merciless-can men do?
Oświęcim - this incubus is more than just a word!
Oświęcim- stigmatized as the torture chamber of the absurd!
Mislead nation created a generation of cryonics and doom
Organized structured holocaust the most evil of high noon
On a power-trip lead by a demon inside far beyond control
A blinded country lost all pride, history and free soul
Brutal-how much evil
Merciless-can men do?
Oświęcim - this incubus is more than just a word!
Oświęcim - stigmatized as the torture chamber of the absurd!
We cant turn back time but this is the worst crime
This planet has ever been thru
A cold comfort we know but we need to show
That there wont be a deja-vu!
To learn, prevent and not forget is the task of
My generation on parole!
This incredible pain will sustain on this postwar
Societies dead soul!
Oświęcim - this incubus is more than just a word!
Oświęcim - stigmatized as the torture chamber of the absurd!
Auschwitz - die Stadt des Leidens bis ans ende dieser Welt
Auschwitz - die Schande einer ganzen Generation
... und darüber hinaus!!!
6. No Signs Of Repentance
Radical minds in times of decay
Are rising like a beast of prey
In a decade full of change & hate
The fatal mistake is to oppress and dictate
Uneducated poor lower class
Need support and not tear gas
They will defect and act extreme
If someone takes their self-esteem
Realize-the desperate cries
Of the tyrannized or the pessimists will rise!
No-no signs-no signs of repentance
Be warned - be warned - don't take our independence
If you gonna take our pride
Check history as a guide
See what happens to the ones
That betrayed their race & sons
Realize-the desperate cries
Of the tyrannized or the pessimists will rise!
No-no signs-no signs of repentance
Be warned - be warned - don't take our independence
Realize-the desperate cries
Of the tyrannized or the pessimists will rise!
No - no signs - no signs of repentance
Be warned - be warned - don t take our independence
No-no signs-no signs of repentance
Be warned - be warned don't take our independence
7. To Dust You Will Decay
We are blessed cause we all go in the end
It's makes no sense to betray and pretend
We are blessed cause we all go in the end
It’s makes no sense to betray and pretend
In a world that needs a new hero every day
The main goal is the headline needs to fuckin slay
We are lustful pigs - keen on a new sensation
Sucking up enjoying our own desecration
Death - there is one thing we can't betray
Safe to say - to dust to dust to dust
To dust we will decay
To dust - to dust - to dust even if we pray!
To dust to dust to dust
To dust we will decay
Take my advise and be more than prepared
On Judgment day nothing will be shared
Asked yourself if life is just one scam
Why the hell do you really give a damn?
In a world that needs a new hero every day
The main goal is the headline needs to fuckin slay
We are lustful pigs keen on a new sensation
Sucking up enjoying our own desecration
Death - there is one thing we can't betray
Safe to say to dust to dust to dust
To dust we will decay
To dust to dust - to dust - even if we pray!
To dust-to dust to dust
To dust we will decay
What's the meaning of our system if we can't enjoy
Time that is given to us to make the best of being a toy!
In a world that needs a new hero every day
The main goal is the headline needs to funkin' slay
We are all lustful pigs - keen on a new sensation
Sucking up and enjoying our own desecration
Death - there is one thing we can't betray
Safe to say to dust to dust to dust
To dust we will decay
To dust - to dust to dust - even if we pray!
To dust -to dust to dust
To dust we will decay
8. Legacy Of The Past (Guest Version)
We grew up in a time
The scene was on the rise
We all had the same ideas
All of us, on various tribes
Injection of the zombie attack
In the sign of evil
All guns were blazing
For a breaking new brutal sound!
From sentence of death to hell awaits!
From war and pain into the crypts of raids!
Legacy of the past
Sonic counter blast
Legacy of the past
The legend will last!
fanzines and tape traders
Brought up by crazy haters
Bloody young metal punks
Create a new underground
Ignored by the mainstream mob
Sacrifice and slowly we rot
Bold, wild and surprising
Unstoppable-the scene was rising!
From sentence of death to hell awaits!
From war and pain into the crypts of raids!
Legacy of the past
Sonic counter blast
Legacy of the past
The legend will last
Feel the fire of british steel
No mercy kill'em all was the deal
Not afraid of the ignorance
In a life without sense!
Make the metal blade stand tall
Agent orange will never fall
After the chemical invasion
Eternal devastation!
From sentence of death to hell awaits!
From war and pain into the crypts of raids!
Legacy of the past
Sonic counter blast
Legacy of the past
The legend will last
Legacy of the past
Filth hounds of hades
Legacy of the past
The legend will last
9. Carnivore
She got the innocent face of an angel
But the mind of an evil raping carnivore
How comes I could not tell?
How could I not hear the death knell?
Eyes of believe and virginity
Coldhearted black soul of bestial cruel lust
How comes I could not tell?
How could I not hear the death knell?
Pretender-liar & soul-stealer
Life sucker - perverted kneeling squealer
I call you angel of death
A bloody whore!
Beast of prey!
Genital discount store-carnivore!
Depraving & corrupting
-an actor on the bad side of faith
Distrust & warnings could not avoid the disgrace!
How comes I could not tell?
How could I not hear the death knell?
Pretender -liar & soul-stealer
Life sucker - perverted kneeling squealer
I call you angel of death
A bloody whore!
You re a beast of prey
Genital discount store-a carnivore!
Distrust wasn't enough to be safe
You're an actor on the bad side of faith
One day all your lies will decay!
It's pay back time on doomsday
Pretender - liar & soul - stealer
Life sucker - perverted kneeling squealer
I call you angel of death
A bloody whore!
You re a beast of prey
Genital discount store - a carnivore!
You caught me in a sexual cage!
All you live for is for the upstage!
One day all your lies will decay!
Carnivore - a bloody whore - carnivore!
10. Riot Squad
A decision-a moment in time
Will destroy your life or make it mine
Realize that every second will count
In a world that's in it's final round
-in it's final round!
Plan your future for what reason?
Soon there will be dying season
We take control back from Satan's host
Or do you believe in the holy ghost?
When the society is in pledge
It's always a dance on the razors edge
History proofs we need a collapse
To stop the lunacy of a relapse
We need martyrs - willing to die for a goal
We need avengers-a scare off patrol
Riot squad-unleash the dogs of war
Riot squad - a warning they can't ignore
Riot squad-unleash the dogs of war
Riot squad!!!
The face will be ugly when it's time to go
No one will believe it's the final show
If there's no fear for the consequences
There will be no more safety fences
We need martyrs - willing to die for a goal
We need avengers - a scare off patrol
Riot squad - unleash the dogs of war
Riot squad - a warning they can't ignore
Riot squad - unleash the dogs of war
Riot squad!!!
If nobody shows them the boundary lines - despising
They will continue to rule like swine - uprising
The dark cloud of compliance need to become - despising
A wave of vengeance cause we are second to none - uprising
Decision - a moment in time
Will destroy your life or make it mine
Realize that every second will count
In world that's in it's final round
We need martyrs - willing to die for a goal
We need avengers - a scare off patrol
Riot squad-unleash the dogs of war
Riot squad - a warning they can't ignore
Riot squad-unleash the dogs of war
Riot squad!!
11. Under Violent Sledge
The shocked world is watching
A whole culture about to collapse
A society bursting on belief and greed
One tyrant makes the orient bleed!
Brutal dominance for a faustian bargain
Under the flag of the pseudo - holy jargon
The global mass media reports with unashamed delight
While the power of the masses are bursting under a fire-fight
Under violent sledge - neolithic revolution at the edge
Under violent sledge-under violent sledge!!!
Tide selections of the population
Stand up for their freedom & their rights
The courages public uprising
Ends up in a horrifying homicide!
Brutal dominance for a faustian bargain
Under the flag of the pseudo - holy jargon
The global mass media reports with unashamed delight
While the power of the masses are bursting under fire-fight
Under violent sledge - neolithic revolution at the edge
Under violent sledge - under violent sledge!!!
Once a country of pride - in lunacy they will collide
From an inherited leader - to a cruel lost armed seeder
Controlled with oppression - a fatal transgression
Now the people will overtake - what was lost and what is fake!
Brutal dominance for a faustian bargain
Under the flag of the pseudo - holy jargon
The global mass media reports with unashamed delight
While the power of the masses are bursting under a fire-fight
Under violent sledge - neolithic revolution at the edge
Under violent sledge - under violent sledge!!!
Under violent sledge - political reforms in pledge
Under violent sledge - under violent sledge!!!