 Вторая часть космической рок-оперы Арьена Лукассена ("Actual Fantasy" не в счёт). Восемь человек из разных эпох, от Древнего Египта до недалёкого будущего таинственным образом оказываются в удвительном месте - Электрическом Замке. Таинственный голос приветствует их и слушателей и приглашает посетить Замок. Во время путешествия многие могут умереть, но в конце пути их ждёт свобода.
Голос не объясняет узникам Замка, где они находятся, и каждый воспринимает его по своему. Египтянка видит перед собой залы Изиды и Озириса, Римлянин считает, что попал в царство мёртвых, Рыцарь верит, что попал на остров Аваллон, и надеется найти святой Грааль. Горец же не видит ничего божественного в Замке, лишь скорую смерть в этом опасном месте ("Isis and Osiris").
Варвар не понимает, где он оказался, но страха не испытывает, он готов побороть любых монстров и чудовищ, которые могут встретиться на пути. С ним беседует Хиппи, который настроен более оптимистично. Ещё бы, ведь для Хиппи это всего лишь галлюцинации после очередной порции наркотиков)) Затем следуют две инструментальные части - психоделичная "Stardance" и прекрасное гитарное соло "Flying Colours (Amazing Flight)".
Человек из Будущего удивлён открывшейся ему картиной, он подозревает, что всё окружающее - лишь виртуальная реальность, но понимает, что это всё может быть и в настоящем. Рыцарь и Римлянин не могут понять его слов и стремятся достичь своих целей. Человеку из Будущего подыгрывают "космические" клавиши, Рыцарю же с Римлянином аккомпанирует виолончель с флейтой. Сначала мелодии играют по очереди, но в конце сливаются вместе ("Time Beyond Time")
Путешественники достигают Дерева Приговора. Один из них должен остаться здесь. Семеро продолжат путь. Больше всего в своей жизни грешили Варвар и Горец. Варвар верит, что ему предначертано сражаться, убивать и грабить самим богом Тором, Горец же раскаивается во всех злодеяниях, которые он совершал во время междусобных войн в течение всей своей жизни. Горец боролся за добро, сея повсюду зло и разрушение и сейчас сожалеет об этом. ("The Decision Tree (We're Alive)".
Путешественники достигают Туннеля Света. Настало время выбрать того, кто окончит своё путешествие здесь. Они верят в свет и хотят пройти через него. Горец отвергает свет, которого было так мало в его жизни и погибает. ("Tunnel Of Light").
Впереди - Радужный Мост. Такой хрупкий и такой мощный, переливающийся от слёз. Мост навевает Рыцарю воспоминания об утраченной любви, и он останавливается, не в силах совладать с собой. Хиппи приводит в трепет психоделическая картина, переливающаяся всеми цветами, подозрение, что он слишком сильно обкурился, крепнет))) Голос торопит путешественников, ведь Электрический Замок уже близко. ("Across The Rainbow Bridge")
Диск 2
Перед величественным и подавляющим своими размерами Электрическим Замком расположился Сад Эмоций. В Саду стоит опьяняющий запах бесконечных чувств. Этот запах на всех оказывает влияние. Меньше всего пострадал Хиппи, организм все же приспособился к наркотикам)) Египтянка устала от путешествия и просит богов решить её судьбу и дать ей умереть "in a garden of emotions". Римлянин и Варвар спорят, кто их них станет лидером группы. Индианка пытается их успокоить, но безуспешно. "Voises In The Sky". Третья часть песни - "The Aggression Factor" представляет собой психоделичное многоголосие, в котором трудно что-либо разобрать. Так или иначе, Сад Эмоций пройден ("The Garden of Emotions")
Ко входу в Электрический Замок ведёт Аллея Королев. Египтянка видит, что здесь нет богов. Вера потеряна, и она не видит смысла жить и идти дальше. Пожалуй, лучшая песня на альбоме ("Valley of the Queens")
Наконец путешественники достигли Электрического Замка, и вошли в его холл. Каждый, кто в своей жизни убивал людей, в этом зале видит и слышит их танцующие тени. Варвар храбро встречает убитых им людей, он не сомневается, что поступал правильно. Рыцарь взывает к своему мечу, Эскалибуру, к волшебнику Мерлину и рыцарям Круглого Стола, чтобы они дали ему силу вынести это испытание. Хе-хе, а рыцарь-то знакомый))) ("The Castle Hall")
В Башне Надежды видно множество вариантов будущего, но все они слишком хороши, чтобы в них поверить. Человек из Будущего не верит в них, считая их лишь видениями. Хиппи видит в башне новый мир - полный красоты и гармонии, но ему нет там места. Оба понимают, что жили слишком ограниченной жизнью, отказываясь видеть и чувствовать слишком многое ("Tower Of Hope").
Индианка не понимает ничего, считает что происходящее в башне - это реальность. Человек из Будущего и Римлянин убеждают её, что все происходящее здесь - лишь иллюзия, но тщетно. Индианка везде видит свою смерть, она не верит, что сможет пройти сквозь Электрический Замок. Она видит свою Смерть. И Смерть приходит за ней, реальная для неё, и лишь иллюзия для всех остальных. ("Cosmic Fusion").
Настало время подвергнуть сомнению своё "истинное я". В зеркалах путешественники видят свою душу. Человек из Будущего спокойно воспринимает себя и успокаивает остальных. Хиппи видит себя - ребёнка из неблагополучной семьи, через наркотики пытающегося отгородиться от безразличного мира. Он спокойно воспринимает своё отражение. Римлянин увидел своё отражение и ужаснулся - он трус, прикрывающийся маской храбреца и лидера, он ненавидит себя за это и хочет умереть. С большим трудом Рыцарь убеждает Римлянина бороться, и, переступив свою гордость, продолжить путь. ("The Mirror Maze").
Будущее открылось перед путешественниками. С ужасом Человек из Будущего наблюдает дальнейшее развитие человека. Слияние машинного разума с человеческим, полный отказ от чувств - вот что ждёт нас, "Злое Перерождение" ("Evil Devolution")
Двое Врат - Два Портала. Одни закончат путешествие, другие же погрузятся в забвение. Тот кто выберет врата первым, должен быть отчаянным храбрецом. Одни врата сияют золотом, другие же стары и заброшены. Варвар бежит к золотым вратам, для него это врата в Валгаллу, где он обретёт вечное наслаждение. Увы, его выбор оказывается неверным, и он погибает. Оставшиеся в живых путешественники устремляются к воротам домой ("The Two Gates").
Голос рассказывает путешественникам о своих целях. Он принадлежит древней расе Вечных, которая давно достигла уровня развития, которого Земле ещё предстоит достичь. Его раса полностью механизирована, вечные не могут испытывать чувств. Желая вспомнить эмоции и вновь зажить полной жизнью, Вечные посеяли жизнь на Земле, и вызвали восьмерых человек из разных эпох, чтобы исследовать их. Теперь эксперимент закончен. Можно открыть врата и вернуться домой, память о путешествии будет полностью стёрта ("Forever" of the Stars).
Выжившие вернулись домой и пытаются осознать, что с ними произошло. Хиппи считает, что видел лишь наркотический сон, но почему же он тогда такой реальный? Человек из Будущего видит, что файлы памяти заменены на ложные, и с трудом припоминает некоторые моменты путешествия. Римлянин не помнит ничего, но он преодолел свои страхи, и может жить счастливо, так же как и Рыцарь, нашедший Грааль внутри себя.
P.S. Remember Forever... |
Where I lead you will follow
Mark these words well
Ignite my anger with your delay and punishments will come your way"
"You are eight souls of the flesh, chosen from different eras, ancient and modern
The trivia of your mortal lives is unimportant to me
Indeed, some may die"
"You have a task
To release yourselves from this Web Of Wisdom, this knotted Maze Of Delirium, you must enter the nuclear portals of The Electric Castle!"
Isis and Osiris
A) Let the journey begin
What heathen place is this that I've arrived in?
Is now the time I pay for all my sins?
I can't believe that this is God's creation
This realm was fashioned by the Deil's ane hand
No, it has been foretold in our legends of old
Wake the spirit within, let the journey begin
This quest you speak of is for redemption
How can we travel when our souls are lost?
You think we find ourselves at gates of new salvation
When I can only sense the end is here
No, it has been foretold in our legends of old
Wake the spirit within, let the journey begin
We're at the gates of Avalon
The island of spirits
We're at the gates of Avalon
In search of the Grail
B) The hall of Isis and Osiris
There's no way out, slaves for eternity
Down in the underworld, the jaws of Orcus
I call on Jupiter, ruler of the gods
Show us the way from damnation to salvation
The fields of Yaaru lie waiting for us all
Rejoice! The judges have ruled
We have been chosen to enter the great hall
Of Isis and Osiris
No, you're wrong! We're trapped here in darkness
Among departed souls and mislaid spirits
I call on Mars, the ancient god of war
Grant me the power to free me from this evil
The fields of Yaaru lie waiting for us all
We have been chosen to enter the great hall
Of Isis and Osiris
C) Strange constellations
Can you see the stars?
Can you recognize the constellations?
If I could only see the hills that we're supposed to climb
Even the sunlight, it doesn't warm, doesn't warm
How are we gonna find our way?
If we can't recognize the stars
If we can't recognize the constellations
Where do we go?
D) Reprise
The quest you speak of, it isn't bound for glory
No Grail exists within this heathen land
You think we find ourselves at gates of new salvation
When I can only sense the end is near
Amazing flight
"There is danger ahead
But do not be afraid
For I am with you, like breath itself
Darkness will lead to light - colour will bleed into the night
Beautiful colours, the likes of which you have never seen
Let the dream of confusion lead you into the virgin light!
Be gone! Be all-seeing!
Be brave! Be gone!"
A) Amazing flight in space
I'm looking 'round bewildered
Is this some dark and evil jest?
What brought me to this cursed keep?
Perchance some crazy quest
Gos forbid, I am no coward!
Pitted against a monster, man or ghost
I'd wield my blade with crimson gusto
For I am the proud barbarian host
Hey, dude! You're so uncool
But hey! That's alright
Like there's no need to get uptight
My eyes reflect the stars
And smile lights up my face
We're on an amazing flight in space
I shook city walls and towers
Wreaking havoc in the streets
Burned palaces of cowardly kings
Not a one stood up to me, fools
Bear bloody banners in blazing skies
Brandish battle-axe and broadsword
Let drums of glory sound like thunder
Hail barbaric warlord!
Hey, dude! You're so uncool
But hey! That's alright
Like there's no need to get uptight
My eyes reflect the stars
And smile lights up my face
We're on an amazing flight in space
B) Stardance
C) Flying colours
Instrumental part
Time beyond time
From the cities underseas
To the skyways in the east
From the stations on the moon
To the planet of Neptune
I'm a sophisticated man
And you would say I'd understand
Is it a virtual design?
Are we launched into a time beyond time?
Space beyond space
We are lost here in this cyber world
Is there no way out?
I don't understand your words
They strike as hard as steel
I'm sworn to the sacred quest
On the isle of Avalon
To retrieve the magic chalice
Which holds the power to heal
Only the pure of hearts
Are received into the realm
Just look around you now and tell me what you see?
A world full of treachery
Skies of silver and seas of gold
The past in young and the future old
We're closed in by iron gates
Beyond them Elysium waits
Far away on the edge of the world
In a time beyond time
Space beyond space
We are lost here in the underworld
Is there no way out?
From the birthcry of our race
To the mysteries of space
I'm an educated man
And you would say I'd understand
The decision tree
"Ah, my friends!
So light of foot, so swift!
You have come this far
And now, here beneath the ancient omniscient boughs of The Decision Tree, one of you must depart this world of flesh
Only seven may continue
Only you can decide"
Let it be known, I won't be the one to die here
Honour and glory are heaped upon my name
Let it be clear, I'm not the one who cries here
What about the tall one? The one who's lost to shame
I've followed princes, I've raised their bloody banners
I've killed and wounded on the side of right
I've reaped the harvest and scattered fields with ashes
I've buried children, sowed the seeds of hate
We're alive, we'll survive
We will strive for our freedom
We're alive, we'll survive
We'll arrive in our Eden
I've followed prices, I've followed kings
I will take their lead no more
I will not lie in shallow graves
I'm nobody's slave
Let it be known, by Thor, the God of Lightning
I have been chosen to do battle at his side
Let it be clear, I was born to go down fighting
What about the craven? The one who's lost his pride
Don't speak to me of honour, pride and glory
I've tasted blood, seen your type before
You talk of battles but all you tell are stories
You'd see me buried in a shallow grave
We're alive, we'll survive
We will strive for our freedom
We're alive, we'll survive
We'll arrive in our Eden
I've followed prices, I've followed kings
I will take their lead no more
I will not lie in shallow graves
I'm nobody's slave
Tunnel of light
"Be joyful, my friends!
You will now enter the tunnel of light
Let brilliance suffuse your souls!
Make your choice
Your path is incandescend"
Don't offer me the light when I only know the darkness
That's where I want to hide
There's a chill in my bones that I recognise from another life
That's why I'm heading home
ROMAN: Into Elysium
KNIGHT: The isle of Avalon
EGYPTIAN: In the tunnel of light
Don't tempt my heart with hope
In the shadows of broken promises I guard my dreams
In the bend of a swollen river
In the roots of weeping willows I choose to lie
ROMAN: Into Elysium
KNIGHT: The isle of Avalon
INDIAN: The legend has begun
FUTUREMAN: Our one and only sun
EGYPTIAN: In the tunnel of light
HIGHLANDER: I rest my broken heart where the willow weep
ROMAN: Into Elysium
HIGHLANDER: I will lay me down
KNIGHT: The isle of Avalon
HIGHLANDER: I will rest my head
INDIAN: The legend has begun
HIGHLANDER: I will close my eyes
EGYPTIAN: In the tunnel of light
Across the rainbow bridge
"And now, this Rainbow Bridge
An iridesent span of tears, so fragile and yet so strong
Will it support you mortal shells?
Or will you fall into the fiery brine below?"
I hark back to olden days
To her and her magic ways
Two souls in harmony
In an endless sea
The cruel wings of destiny
Carried you away from me
And left a heart unstilled
That never will be filled
Beyond these stygian skies our fortress lies
Across the rainbow bridge
We'll span the sea of tears
And conquer all our fears inside
I'd sacrifice my very life
To have you at my side
Like a dream I see your face
Through the misty haze
We were one amid the stars
And time never healed my scars
Deep inside the sadness burns
I must return
Beyond these stygian skies our fortress lies
Across the rainbow bridge
We'll span the sea of tears
And conquer all our fears
Forsake this mourning field and drop your shields
Across the rainbow bridge
Run to the other side
Where all our dreams abide
Scarlet crimson rosey red
I must be dead or stoned out of my head
Orange yellow tangerine
The acid queen in a psychedelic scene
Ochre chestnut chocolate brown
I'm upside down on a cosmic eiderdown
Ivory milky chalky white
The stars ignite, I vanish in the light that burns so bright
"Step forward, step forward!
Beyond lies your goal - The Electric Castle!
The past is gone!
Do you wish to lapse in limbo forever?
No, no no! Be resolute!
There are trials ahead and rewards for those who strive
The surreal search endures"
Run, run!
The past is gone, it cannot be undone
Run, run!
The future is here, our fate is drawing near
Beyond these stygian skies our fortress lies
Across the rainbow bridge
We'll span the sea of tears
And conquer all our fears inside
Forsake this mourning field and drop your shields
Across the rainbow bridge
Run to the other side
Where all our dreams abide
The garden of emotions
"Behold The Star Towers of The Electric Castle!
See how it embraces the sky!
How isignificant the mere mortal, drawfed by the majesty of its electric edifice!
But first, my seven searchers, you must meander through the verdant vines of The Garden Of Emotions
Succomb to its allure
Breathe deep the intoxicating aroma of endless entwined emotions"
A) In the garden of emotions
It's kinda groovy in this world of fantasy
Where no one else can go
Within these boundaries I'm shielded from reality
Without a care or woe
Amon-Ra, have you come to seal my fate?
In the garden of emotions
Free my ka, how much longer must I wait?
In the garden of emotions
I roam the universe in cosmic meditation
To find my inner me
I'm getting high on love, spiritual vibrations
To set bad karma free
Amon-Ra, have you come to seal my fate?
In the garden of emotions
Free my ka, how much longer must I wait?
In the garden of emotions
B) Voices in the sky
ROMAN: Take up arms and follow me
BARBARIAN: Hey, who are you to take the lead?
ROMAN: I will keep you all from harm
BARBARIAN: So what kind of god do you think you are?
ROMAN: A warrior is what I am
BARBARIAN: No, I'm the wolf and you are but a lamb
ROMAN: If you doubt my force you'll live no more
BARBARIAN: You will end your war upon my sword
And voices in the sky
Shall cause the soul to die
And voices in the sky
Shall cause the soul to die
ROMAN: We'll break away by my command
BARBARIAN: No, we'll crush our foe and quell this land
ROMAN: You cannot kill what's already dead
BARBARIAN: Whoever rivals me will lose his head
ROMAN: You'll endanger all our precious lives
BARBARIAN: Well, I don't care, I will survive
ROMAN: I'm the only one who can set us free
BARBARIAN: Go chase your ghost and leave me be
And voices in the sky
Shall cause the soul to die
And voices in the sky
Shall cause the soul to die
C) The aggression factor
Fury and fear
Destiny's near
Spirits appear
The legend is here
It must be feeding on our negative emotions
We're at the mercy of some vile computer scheme
We'll have to try to hide our antagonistic notions
If we ever want to end this future dream
Chivalrous and bold
Pitiless and cold
Valiant and true
Treacherous and cruel
Chivalrous and bold
Pitiless and cold
Valiant and true
Treacherous and cruel
Fury and fear
Destiny's near
Spirits appear
The legend is here
We have to free our minds from anger and aggression
It's the only way to defy this cold machine
If we're to stand up to this emotional oppression
We had better stand together as a team
Chivalrous and bold
Pitiless and cold
Valiant and true
Treacherous and cruel
Chivalrous and bold
Pitiless and cold
Valiant and true
Treacherous and cruel
Amon-Ra, have you come to seal my fate?
In the garden of emotions
Valley of the queens
My jouney's over
I'm standing on the edge
And close my eyes
To this world of lies
My will is broken
It's the end of all my dreams
My soul yearns
For the valley of the queens
My rose has withered
It will never bloom again
The soul is dry
Time has come to die
My faith has left me
They've stolen all my dreams
Oh, lay me down
In the valley of the queens
My search has ended
My name is carved in stone
On the temple wall
Beyond Osiris hall
No holy sunrays
Will light my tomb of dreams
I won't return
From the valley of the queens
The castle hall
"At last! You entered The Electric Castle!
Here in this vast hall where even shadows fear the light
Here you must confront your past
If you have killed beware of The Gathering Of Spirits for they do fish for men
Here the disembodied Astral World becomes flesh once more
I pity the men of swords for here blood runs cold"
Cries from the grave resound in my ears
They hail from beyond my darkest fears
Faces of the past are etched in my brain
The women I've raped, the men I've slain
Shades of the dead are sliding on the wall
Demons dance in the castle hall
I call upon the sword, the mighty Excalibur
Grant me the skill to fulfill my quest
I call upon my king and the knights of the table round
Grant me the courage to stand to this test
I call upon the seer, Merlin The Sorcerer
Grant me the magic to end my pain
I call upon the spirit that lives in the noble heart
Grant me the passion and held my vein
Shades of the dead are sliding on the wall
Demons dance in the castle hall
Tower of hope
"From the wind torn ramparts of The Tower Of Hope we survey a thousand futures
Release your dreams from this electric pinnacle
You must have hope"
We're climbing up the stairs
And hope is flowing through our veins
There's magic everywhere
We've been released of all our chains
We're taking in the view
Oceans of blue, fields of green
I fear this can't be true
We're still inside this dream machine
HIPPIE: I only felt what I wanted to feel
FUTUREMAN: I only saw what I wanted to see
HIPPIE: I'm at the end of my rope
BOTH: Lost in the tower of hope
I see a brand new age
Where peace and harmony prevail
But we're still in this cage
Destined to die here if we fail
HIPPIE: I only felt what I wanted to feel
FUTUREMAN: I only saw what I wanted to see
HIPPIE: I'm at the end of my rope
BOTH: Lost in the tower of hope
I see a brand new age
Where peace and harmony prevail
But we're still in this cage
Destined to die here if we fail
HIPPIE: I only felt what I wanted to feel
FUTUREMAN: I only saw what I wanted to see
HIPPIE: I only went where I wanted to go
FUTUREMAN: I only knew what I wanted to know
BOTH: And we became who we wanted to be
HIPPIE: I only felt what I wanted to feel
FUTUREMAN: I only saw what I wanted to see
HIPPIE: I'm at the end of my rope
BOTH: Lost in the tower of hope
Cosmic fusion
A) I soar on the breeze
Spirits flying
I soar on the breeze
Mortals dying
I soar on the breeze
Into the sun
Lovers crying
I soar on the breeze
Demons sighing
I soar on the breeze
Into the sun
I'm drawn towards the sun and then we will be one
My soul will melt into the universe
I'm drawn towards the sun and then we will be one
My soul will melt into the universe
FUTUREMAN: It's all a lie
ROMAN: You will just die
FUTUREMAN: So don't give in
ROMAN: For we can win
B) Death's grunt
I am the breeze, the bringer of rest and ease
I am the wind, the forgiver of those who've sinned
I am the storm, I blow the devil's horn
I am the fire, the source of lust and desire
I am the sun, the joining has begun
I am your fate, the guardian at the gate
I am death and I claim your final breath
INDIAN: Screams
C) The passing of an eagle
Instrumental part
The mirror maze
"It is time to reflect upon your ego self
Nowhere to hide when the walls echo the you that we all see
Ah, the smiles dissolve!
The pulse begins to race, the face a flush of fear so plainly painted
The Mirror World, The Mirror Maze
A) Inside the mirror maze
Mirror, mirror
I can see a lonely child
He kinda looks like me
Staring out into infinity
His father lies
His mother cries
His spirit flies up into the skies
Wandering off to another galaxy
Secret fears we all try to hide
Lie dormant deep inside us
Defy the ghosts of long forgotten days
Here inside the mirror maze
Mirror, mirror
I can see an angry boy
Oh, well, I guess he's me
Rising up to the society
He's aware that no one cares
And life's unfair
So he grows his hair
And takes a trip into eternity
Secret fears we all try to hide
Lie dormant deep inside us
Defy the ghosts of long forgotten days
Here inside the mirror maze
B) Through the mirror
ROMAN: I see a man who's unable
To withstand his fears inside
KNIGHT: Inside we're all but frightened men
But we have to fight until the end is here
ROMAN: Hear what I say, I am doomed
I have to pay, I can't go on
KNIGHT: Go on and persevere for we have to make
It out of here alive
ROMAN: A life is but a dream
For in the mirror I have seen what lies within
KNIGHT: Within this armour cold and bright
Lies a noble heart with the will to fight the pain
ROMAN: The pain cannot be healed
I'm surrounded by this shield I cannot break
KNIGHT: Break through the mirror now
Follow me, I will show you how
ROMAN: We've reached the other side
I have overcome my pride and made it through
KNIGHT: We threw aside our darkest fears
And stepped across these new frontiers of time
ROMAN: Time can only tell what awaits us
In this hell full of deceit
KNIGHT: Deceit, guile and treachery
Will they ever set us free again?
ROMAN: Riding on the wings of time
Evil devolution
"The future's doored ingress!
What lies beyond?
One of you, ah, survived so much!
Are you man enough to force this door upon its golden hinge?
You craved the answer but can you bear the truth?
The door - The future!"
Our hope's dissolved
For man's evolved into another state of being
Have we progressed beyond the need of feeling?
A cyber brain
The last in the chain of man/machine alliance
Have we become the victims of our science?
Evil devolution
Is this an illusion? Out here in space
Human humiliation
This mutation of our human race
Is this the end?
Will we transcend the need for human pleasures?
Will we abandon all our earthly treasures?
Will mankind yield
On the battlefield of natural selection
To an inorganic digital perfection?
Evil devolution
Is this an illusion? Out here in space
Human humiliation
This mutation of our human race
The two gates
"And so it's come to this
Two Gates - two portals await
Let your choice be guided by collective wisdom
Ah, hath the prospect of freedom ever tasted so good?
One gate completes the circle, one step away from your own dimension, your cherished time
One gate severs all connections, one step away from the dreamworld of everlasting ebony, you call it oblivion
It is a brave soul who makes the first choice"
Behold these gates, the first one plain and old
Behold these gates, the second forged of gold
The gate of old spells out disgrace and shame
The one of gold cries out my noble name
I challenge death to meet me at this gate
I challenge Odin to pronounce my fate
And if I thrive I've overcome this land
But if I fail I'll die a worthy man
ROMAN: Open the gate, we're now on our own
ALL: Enter the gate to your destiny
ROMAN: Will it be fortune or fate? The truth shall be known
ALL: Enter the gate to your destiny
Cowards whine beyond the olden gate
Valhalla shines beyond the golden gate
I walk alone so dare not follow me
But choose your own and die in agony
ROMAN: Open the gate, we're now on our own
ALL: Enter the gate to your destiny
ROMAN: Will it be fortune or fate? The truth shall be known
ALL: Enter the gate to your destiny
We have been saved, our journey has ended
But tell us why, why this ordeal?
What was your aim or was it just some game?
Have we been humbled or did we prevail?
We've been enslaved, our wounds have not mended
And who are you? What magicians or gods?
What was your plan? We don't understand
Did we pass or did we fail?
ROMAN: Open the gate, we're now on our own
ALL: Enter the gate to your destiny
ROMAN: Will it be fortune or fate? The truth shall be known
ALL: Enter the gate to your destiny
Forever of the stars
"I am of the stars, I am called 'Forever'
Eternity courses through my veins
It is cold beyond your sun where we come from
We seed the universe with the milk of a million moons
You are that seed, your earth is our experiment
We vanquished the dinosaurs with the careless trajectory of a child's lost meteorite
We peopled your planet to experience your emotions - such feelings lost to us aeons ago
How we envied you your loves and passions, your dangerous desires
The fires of your emotions gleamed like lost beacons in the darkened depths of the fathomless universe
And eight of you, plucked from Time
Not randomly, you understand
Representatives of your world's turbulent history
We have observed your tribulations from nameless nebulae
The experiment is over
I am weary now, so tired
I too am far from home
Open the gate - complete the circle
You won't remember, you won't recall
For I am only the air that you breath, after all"
Another time, another space
Was this a dream I just had?
I have my doubts
I can't make out the truth
From the lies here inside
What kind of trip have I been on?
Where did I go?
I'd like to know just why
Did it feel so damn real?
There's something strange going on
I don't know why
It's something I can't place
An open space, a shrouded face
As if my memory files
Have been erased
And then replaced by lies
False replies, clouded skies
A secret yearning lurks inside
Like a dream trying to hide
Another time, another space
An empty feeling haunts my brain
A strange void I can't explain
Another time, another space
I've been relieved of all my pain
I've been reborn
A mighty storm has raged
And my fears disappeared
I've found the Grail here within
In a magic dream
I have seen a world of make belive
Of joy and grief
A secret yearning lurks inside
Like a dream trying to hide
Another time, another space
An empty feeling haunts my brain
A strange void I can't explain
Another time, another space
"Remember Forever"