« Practice What You Preach »
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1 | Practice What You Preach
 | 2 | Perilous Nation
 | 3 | Envy Life
 | 4 | Time Is Coming
 | 5 | Blessed In Contempt
 | 6 | Greenhouse Effect
 | 7 | Sins Of Omission
 | 8 | The Ballad
 | 9 | Nightmare (Coming Back To You)
 | 10 | Confusion Fusion |
   Chuck Billy - vocals
Eric Peterson - guitars
Alex Skolnick - guitars
Greg Christian - bass
Louie Clemente - drums |
 | 1. Practice What You Preach
[Testament/Billy, Peterson, Skolnick]
You think your life's so grad
You don't believe a word you say
Your feet aren't on the ground
You let your life just slip away
Just so uncertain of your body and your soul
The promises you make, your mind so blank
And then |
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 Данный альбом по моему мнению (и по мнению большинства фэнов группы) - лучший в дискографии Testament. Именно в нём максимально органично соединились агрессия и мелодика. Великолепный звук скучать тоже не даёт. Тупое рубилово? М-да... Да чёрт возьми, на этом альбоме Алекс Скольник дал прикурить почти всем трэшевым соло-гитаристам - от Пола Бэллофа до Керри Кинга! Сложнейшие гитарные партии "забоем" может назвать либо человек, в принципе далёкий от музыки, либо не знающий, с какой стороны подойти к гитаре! Объективно - гитарная работа великолепна. Намного интересней, по-моему, чем на вышедшем годом позже одноимённом альбоме Metallica (хотя такое сравнение здесь, пожалуй, неуместно). С тем, что с каждым альбомом группа становится всё хуже, категорически не согласен. Что было бы с ныне классическими американскими трэшэвыми группами, если бы на протяжении всей своей карьеры они играли бы то, с чего начинали, старомодный Bay Area Thrash? Вопрос, ясное дело, риторический...
Группа прогрессирует, что заметно с каждым её новым альбомом. В то время, как олдскульный трэш постепенно отмирает, такие группы, как Testament, ищут новые музыкальные формы, подготавливая почву для таких по-своему революционных групп, как Pantera и Machine Head. За что им большое спасибо!
Рекомендуется к прослушиванию всем, интересующимся трэшем и хэви (впрочем, после прослушивания этого альбома Вы неизбежно будете интересоваться этими стилями :-)) |
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Третий альбом американских трешеров по сути представляет собой обычный и хрестоматийный треш металл, не отличающийся не мелодичностью, не разнообразными моментами или ходами. Стоит заметить, что саунд стал несколько мягче. Особенно это касается более облегчённых ударных и менее гудящей бас гитары. Чак Билли поёт не просто хриплым вокалом, а использует весь спектр своего диапазона. Начиная от мелодичного оригинального войса, и доходя в некоторых моментах до откровенных гроул рыков. Музыкальный материал не очень интересен по началу пластинки и кажется как будто высушенным и абсолютно лишенным каких либо мелодических изысков. Из-за этого даже перестаёшь реагировать на весь драйв и энергию музыки, поскольку тупая долбёжка и однообразный чёс по струнам несказанно утомляют. Но вот приходит время второй части альбома. И тут уже можно наткнутся на несколько классических вещей того периода. А именно «Blessed In Contempt» и «Greenhouse Effect» радуют своей мощью и ядовитой злостью. «Sins Of Omission», как одна из самых мелодичных песен на диске, также входит в категорию классических и лучших боевиков коллектива. Очень удивила композиция под названием «The Ballad» – да, так и есть по началу это романтическая баллада в стиле Тестамента и его медленных лёгких проходов. Но в последствии всё резко меняется – на самом деле это и есть просто медленный проход, потому что после третьей минуты звучания песня трансформируется в скоростное и дикое рубилово. Никакой слезливости и сна! Ещё одной интересной темой я бы назвал «Nightmare (Coming Back To You)». Чем-то она мне напомнила самые мелодичные и драйвовые композиции Overkill`a и Metallica. Закрывает альбом инструментальная композиция «Confusion Fusion». Представляет она из себя средне темповый треш металл, к сожалению, абсолютно лишённый мозгов и мелодии, одно только мастерство исполнения. Хотя я не в восторге от этой вещи, но итог альбома она показывает замечательно – то есть хоть и не слишком она удачна, но благодаря ней остаётся достаточно цельное впечатление от всего альбома. В целом, «Practice What You Preach» это слабая работа, заметно проигрывающая предыдущему студийному альбому «The New Order» и всё дальше уходящая от успеха дебютного диска «The Legacy». В общем, пластинка только для трешеров. Хотя совет неплохой – практикуй то, что ты проповедуешь… |
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просмотров: 40550 |
I never was the one, the one to say the things you say
Never seem to wonder what you say
You think you've got your life completely in control
Yopu've got a lot to learn, the bridge you burned
It's gonna take its toll!!! Pay the burnt bridge toll!!!
So practice what you preach!
Practice what you preach!
Practice what you preach!
Practice what you preach!
Practice what you preach!
You think your life's so grad
You don't believe a word you say
Your feet aren't on the ground
You let your life just slip away
Just so uncertain of your body and your soul
The promises you make, your mind so blank
And then you lose control, then you lose control!
Pay the burnt bridge toll, then you lose control
Pay the burnt bridge toll, so practice what you preach
So practice what you preach!
Practice what you preach!
Practice what you preach!
2. Perilous Nation
Bold is the one who dares to say what he feels
Renegation man, to one he yeilds
The bleeding hearts and empty minds, hiding words they fear
Blind is the one who censors what we see and hear
Come into my world and take a journey with me
Paint me a portait now, of the things you see
Men are poor and lost in war of ideology
No solution will prevail unless we can be
Free on anger, free of pain
Free of hatred that we obtain
Tell me what this place was meant to be
Can you see? Can you see what it does to me?
Can you hear? Can you red?
Can you see what it did to me!
Totalitarians in a Perilous Nation
Forcing through control turns, to desolation
Listen to the leader speak, he's your only friend
Take a stand in the motherland, take it to the end
Say now what you will, before they make it illegal
Time to draw the line, between the bad and the evil
Distant times had friendly rules, became its deadliest foe
We have heard it all before, the morals come and go
Men are poor and lost in war of ideology
No solution will prevail unless we can be
Free on anger, free of pain
Free of hatred that we obtain
Tell me what this place was meant to be
Free on anger, free of pain
Free of hatred that we obtain
Tell me what this place was meant to be
Can you see? Can you see what it does to me?
Can you hear? Can you red?
Can you see what it did to me, can you hear? Can you read?
Can you see what it did to me
Can you hear? Can you read?
Can you see what it did to me...
3. Envy Life
In regards to the nature used with pacts of magic
Spirits from te vastly deep
Pespond the calls from their broken silence.
Make sure you reach does not exceed your grasp
All that is to be done before you act
In a pact of invoking spirits from the past
Have you lost your mind
The dark souls of time
Ending life!
Ending life!
They see you calling out their names and getting ready
Cat in darkness shouding near
Trough your virtued youth they'll strike a deal
What's to obtain if no pain no gain
But to sell your soul you must be insane
Wrote your name in blood and then they came
You're as good as dead
Te lost souls of time
Envy life!
Envy life!
Life !!!
Have you lost your mind
The dark souls of time
Ending life!
You're as good as dead
Te lost souls of time
Envy life!
Come on down to the house of pain
You ear tem calling
Shouting out their names in vain. Envy life!
In regards to the nature used with pacts of magic
Spirits from te vastly deep
Pespond the calls from their broken silence.
Make sure you reach does not exceed your grasp
All that is to be done before you act
In a pact of invoking spirits from the past
You're as good as dead
Te lost souls of time
Envy life!
Envy life!
Envy life!
Envy life!
4. Time Is Coming
Yeah! The way I feel, seems to me to be so real
So sick and tired you know just how I feel
Cops they dress in black, they bid their lives
The bribes they stack, so sick and tired
Of the same old this and that
The time is coming, it's too soon I can't quite tell
I don't know, I think my world has gone to hell
The time is coming, life it spins just like a wheel
I dont know, that's the way that it makes me feel!
The man I most resent
You might know him through the goverment
He'll tax our lives the money's spent
He's just the president!!!
The land of liberty for all mankind and all to see
What's the use, laws a conspirasy
The time is coming, it's too soon I can't quite tell
I don't know, I think my world has gone to hell
The time is coming, life it spins just like a wheel
I dont know, that's the way that it makes me feel!
Searching for answers to make life complete
No need to searc for more questions
There for you to see!
The wars that we must fight
You dodge the draft before you drive
So sick and tired, why can't they realise
The rights they sympathise
So sick and tried, why can't we live our lives
The time is coming, it's too soon I can't quite tell
I don't know, I think my world has gone to hell
The time is coming, life it spins just like a wheel
I dont know, that's the way that it makes me feel!
5. Blessed In Contempt
[Testament/Billy, Skolnick, Peterson]
All that can escape me, all I realise
That it will come back to me the day father dies.
His burning eyes would stare at you
I was born a masochist
I cried out in pain, as he clences up is fist
Slowly as the years go by, the darkness builds inside
Trying to find a passage out, before I lost my mind
Incestuous temptation but what is wrong or right
Why must I fall victim of hereditary spite
Soon! We will arise, forming despise
Conceptual intempt!
Blessed in contempt!
Thougts have now come back to me
It's time to perpetrate
Take me to my sanity, before it gets too late
Hear me as I call to you, right here down below
Resurrect my will to live, come before I... go!
Soon! We will arise, forming despise
Conceptual intempt!
Blessed in contempt!
6. Greenhouse Effect
Fools the ones who stray, the raw forest burns away
Know wat to believe, this is the air we breathe
So te world we know is dying slow in South America
Flames are burning down, all the trees to te ground
Time is running low, we can't stay no more
Wealth therse people see, fight for eternity
Lies they televise paid by their goverment
Tere on! It's lingers on
And they don't even care in they...
Seal te Planet's fate
Crimes tey perpetrate
Wasting precious land
It's time to take a stand
Our only hope to breathe again
To stop the madness closing in
What will we do when all is lost
Environmental holocaust.......repeat
Foes these people go, someone destroyed their home
Plagued with disease, left praying on teir kness
Laws protect the land, social justice in demand
Smoke it fills the air into te atmosphere
Now it's time to see a cycle of a tragedy
On! It lingers on, and they don't even care if they
Seal te Planet's fate
Crimes tey perpetrate
Wasting precious land
It's time to take a stand
Our only hope to breathe again
To stop the madness closing in
What will we do when all is lost
Environmental holocaust.......repeat
7. Sins Of Omission
[Testament/Billy, Peterson, Skolnick]
The day's vanished in the night, soon the children pray
Pray themselves alone, te hate build from their pride
You can't take away, can't take what they own!
The eyes watching from the sky, guides them throug the haze
Calling far away, the rain is black as black, black as night
Oh let them pray!
False sense of pride, satisfies
There's no reason for suicide
Use your mind, and hope to find
Find the meaning of existence...
The cry's answers wonder why, why it's time to die
Time to die alone, cause I'm wasting too much time
Wandering down the line reason why I go my own!
False sense of pride, satisfies
There's no reason for suicide
Use your mind, and hope to find
Find the meaning of existence...
8. The Ballad
I'm not one to say
Where my feelings are going when they wither away
I pray to see another day
My heart's feeling like a needle lost in the hay
Restrained to meet again
My friend do you think that we ever will
I know we are free...
The games are played with your life on the line
Some lose, you win if you keep on trying
I don't mind doing the time, I'm happier being alive
Now I know the truth is your own most sacred lesson I've ever learned
I know we are free...
I've been robbed, I've been fooled
I intent now to make my own rules
Dagger's edge cut the life, I've been down that road
Too many times
What's to fear. fear no more,
Show my consciense what fear's for
Now I know this is so real
What's done is done so do as you will!
I'm keeping alive! Go on, no don't look back
Just realise where you've gone.
Where are you going to, no life's not done wit you
You've only just begun, to live your life, for you...
9. Nightmare
You wanted money, you wanted fame,
You broke the rules before you know the game
Bounds tearing you up like a knife
Wis it was the end of your life, it's a nightmare
Going down that road on account of you
No escape from the things you put me through
I don't know, I don't care, I can't go anywhere,
It's a nightmare coming back to you!
Don't wanna die, just wanna live!
I've got stop taking what they give
So many roads moving all around
I only see the one going down it's a nightmare
Going down the road on account of you
No escape from the things you put me through
I don't know, I don't care, I can't go anywhere it's a nightmare
Coming back to you!
We got to fight, we got to try
When all is gone we'll know the reason why
To kill the enemy we will win the wars
To find the place our life was before, it's a nightmare
Going down that road on account of you
No escape from the things you put me through
I don't know, I don't care, I can't go anywhere
It's a nightmare coming back to you!.. to you!.. to you!..
10. Confusion Fusion