The Berzerker
« Dissimulate »
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1 | Disregard 01:20
 | 2 | Failure 02:26
 | 3 | The Principles and Practices of Embalming 03:25
 | 4 | No One Wins 01:50
 | 5 | Death Reveals 01:56
 | 6 | Compromise 02:43
 | 7 | Betrayal 02:30
 | 8 | Last Mistake 03:20
 | 9 | Painless 03:16
 | 10 | Pure Hatred 01:24
 | 11 | Paradox 02:06
 | 12 | Abandonment 01:36
 | 13 | - 01:06
 | 14 | Corporal Jigsore Quandary (Carcass cover) 05:34
 | | Total playing time: 34:39 |
   Luke Kenny - vocals
Matt Wilcock - guitars
Sam Bean - bass
Gary - drums |
 | 1. Disregard
I have often thought to myself
Why some people don't eat flesh
Is it the morals that we're taught?
Lurking deep beneath our skin
Bodies that are constant sources
Rich in power and in strength
Human form is far removed from
What we like to think of as :
Where did the concept o |
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 Dissimulate в буквальном переводе означает «скрывать», «притворяться». В данном случае более уместным будет зоологический термин «мимикрия». С этой группой я познакомился примерно два года назад. Утром, войдя как обычно в аудиторию, я обнаружил на привычном месте своего хорошего друга, слушавшего плеер с потусторонним выражением лица. Вместо ответа на вполне естественный вопрос он протянул мне наушники с песней (как сейчас помню) «Failure». Альбом подобен танку, который на полной скорости таранит кирпичную стену человеческого сознания. Бас, разрывающий колонки, контрастный душ из двух голосов с потрясающей для такой скорости дикцией; лавина из дисторшированной драм-машины и живых ударных, которая вдавливает слушателя в спинку стула; сумасшедшие скорости и индустриальные призвуки, представленные в виде падения железной балки или визга дрели. Для тех, кто сумел пробраться живым сквозь перекрёстный огонь ритм-секции припасены быстрые и сложные мелодии, поэтому уж чего-чего, а клейма «тупая долбёжка» эта работа явно не заслуживает. Всеобщая агрессия и мелодичность, бурлящее варево звуков и в то же время просто кибернетическая точность исполнения – весь альбом построен на этих противоречиях. Многие треки предваряются коротким вступлением-предупреждением (Let’s listen strange song...). Вся вкуснятина завёрнута в отличную обложку – железная тварь с металлическим блеском очень соответствует музыке австралийцев, которые этим творением около получаса будут сверлить ваши барабанные перепонки. Приготовьтесь, анестезия не прилагается… |
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Шикаааарно! Berzerker – неистовый воин, вселившийся в четырех австралийских мужиков, готовых разорвать на части каждого, у кого хватит смелости послушать эту работу, своим highspeed мясом. Berzerker – industrial deathcore во всей своей красе: неугомонная и до ужаса высокоскоростная драм-машина, выдалбливающая действительно сумасшедшие бласт-биты, сложные и в то же время удивительные по своей красоте партии, вперемешку со скрим-гроулингом вокалиста, дикцией которого позавидовали бы самые талантливые рэпперы. Плюс ко всему этому живописные гитарные аранжировки, превращающие любую песню, если уж не в шедевр, то хотя бы в высокотехничную работу. Тридцатиминутная баталия неистовых воинов проносится как ураган перед слушателем. После первого прослушивания невозможно понять что это было, и было ли это вообще, только хочется послушать еще, и еще, и еще. Для тех, кому и этого мало, Berzerker сделали кавер Carcass – Corporal Jigsore Quandary, в корне отличающийся от оригинала.
Dissimulate – единственный в своем роде, предвещающий новую эру металла, с материалом которого следовало бы познакомится всем тем, кто ищет новые идеи в Death, и тем, кто устал от классики жанра. |
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Порадовали, однако. The Berzerker продолжают своё правое дело по уничтожению человечества :). Отдельное «спасибо» хочется сказать этим австралийским монстра за сохранение того стиля музыки, который поразил всех на их дебютнике. Саунд по сравнению с предыдущим альбомом стал ещё круче: гитарные и барабанные партии вызывают только восхищение. Стало побольше индастриал элементов. В целом, альбом представляет собой очень взрывоопасную смесь из грайнда, дэт-метала и индастриала. |
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Ударная доза мощнейшего брутального дэта в смеси с механически-мрачным индастриалом, и снова на головы слушателей! Австралийские монстры работают по накатанной схеме истинных олимпийцев - "быстрее, выше, сильнее", то есть "бескомпромиснее, скоростнее, техничнее", и в совём виде соревнований им уже второй альбом подряд нет равных! Если первый альбом показался кому-то ещё не совсем полным безумием, то 'Dissimulate' наглядно покажет, что может быть ещё ужаснее. По сути, новое творение даёт нам всё лучшее от своего предшественника, но в более "правильном", гораздо более жёстком и тяжёлом ключе. Из-за выдвинутых вперёд ударных и гмтар доля кибернетизации музыки заметно уменьшился. Но какой же кайф доставляют эти безукоризненные убийственные риффонаграмождения и просто нечеловеческие ритмовые структуры! Интересно, что доля какого-то странного для The Berzerker мелодизма никуда не пропала, и это тоже доставляет массу удовольствия (послушать хотя бы трэк "Betrayal"). Настоящий рай для любого брутальщика, который ищет скорее интересную музыку, чем обычную тупую долбёжку. И эта идиллия превращается в многоразовый оргазм на последнем на последнем трэке - кавере Carcass "Corporal Jigsore Quandary"! |
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просмотров: 16737 |
Become so repulsive from?
There's got to be and even better way
For others to think of what they might
Place upon their plate without disregard
I wish someone could someday explain to me this strange concept
For like others I am mortal and don't have all the answers.
2. Failure
We are what's left behind
I can feel It call my name
These worlds that I have taken
Will stay with me as lies
No they won't leave their victim
I know that we are on their list of deeds
The decomposing lifeform
Our tortured earthly souls are waiting to be freed
Their day has only just begun
And any killing bird stays to the bitter end
They take the pain
That you have given to me
If only I could bring against this world the feeling of
myself now choking it's not safe you're running from help
If I was blind I'd see the strain of being here embodied
to be a victim of the earth and now I'm trapped inside.
It's too late for us now, the wheels are in motion
Hear broken regrets, I fear you're out of time,
Death is coming, your life's a failure,
Now we're watching as you die.
3. The Principals And Practices Of Embalming
Wanted to be the first technician on a cranial autopsy
The principles and practice of embalming
Examination of all the head and before the incision
Cavities might allow
Blood to escape through the veins causing change
To the original condition of the brain
An incision, is first made through,
the scalp flaps and in line with the skull,
a double V shaped, cut is then made,
by sawing through, the bones of the skull
Open the skull
Dura is spilt
The brain is removed
For examination
By cutting it loose
With a long bladed knife
Tightly ligate
The ends of the veins
Drill a small hole
Through the back of the skull
Puncture the scalp
Insert through this hole
A section of tubing
To be used as a drain
Hold this in place
With a safety pin inside the:
Since it is physically imposible
To prevent all leakage in to the skull
We have developed a procedure which eliminate problems
If offers the hope that, what was required to fix the head is gone
There's no frustration to show our work once it's strengthened
Drill and wire the calvarium to the skull on both sides
Twist the wires tightly so the skull will be unable to slip
No autopsy may be made unless authority has been secured
Coroner may order an autopsy to seek cause of death
Or if the causeof his death is not yet apparent
An incision, is first made through,
the scalp flaps and in line with the skull,
a double V shaped, cut is then made,
by sawing through, the bones of the skull.
4. No One Wins
There'll be a time
Where I can take what they've taught and make it work
THIS would be a better place if you could free you mind of thought
THOUGH to be in this place life, has abandoned you
WORLD that we now live in has changed so rapidly
THERE'S no need for equality equality
All the dreams, ideals you fought for, waiting now for someone else
It's not real, that you're feeling parts of life's exterior
I can see you body rot, gaze upon your cornea
No one wins we end together, values, visions dead forever
HATE to be nothing why do you abandon me
WORDS without actions lies they mean nothing
CAN'T you all see the light that waves in front of you
THIS could be a mirror of the only ever way that WE'VE KNOWN
I can take what they've taught and make it work
THIS would be a better place if you could free you mind of thought
THOUGH to be in this place life, has abandoned you
WORLD that we now live in has changed so rapidly
THERE'S no need for equality equality
5. Death Reveals
Is death freedom from this world?
The one's who knew you will soon FORGET
That you have now attained WHAT YOU WANTED
So why should it be HAUNTING YOU?
As the generations past and time leaves you behind
Existence will be now erased from other people's minds
so that once a living being affecting many other lives
I can see that all you feel is PLEASURE
Are you unaware that there is comfort found in pain?
The endlessness of all the thoughts compounding in your head
shows you the tragedy of willingly, wanting to be here.
Existence is meaningless in OUR WORLD
Hurt that frequents your mind a constant memory
Of a life that is not always WANTING
To be free of all the PAIN AND HATRED
I can almost feel it WHY CAN'T YOU
Death is to be free of and to cause ultimate pain
Life is fleeting moments of regrets and poor decision making
So many untruths to sort through never knowing why
One day I shall understand why WE DON'T
Can't understand the mortality of man?
Why do I use words of hate to fund communication?
Does the perfect world exist already, in my mind
I can see it, I can feel it
Is death freedom from this world?
The one's who knew you will soon FORGET
That you have now attained WHAT YOU WANTED
So why should it be HAUNTING YOU?
Death is to be free of and to cause ultimate pain
Life is fleeting moments and regrets and poor decision making
So many untruths to sort through never knowing why
One day I shall understand why WE DON'T
Are you unaware that there is comfort found in pain?
The endlessness of all the thoughts compounding in your head
shows you the tragedy of willingly, wanting to be here.
Existence is meaningless OUR WORLD
6. Compromise
I see,
No chance
Relying on myself
I take away
They drain my life
I purge the pot they breed in
First I must take pride and not ponder
A day to stay
Don't underestimate
I take away
The task that you failed
I ache but I, I fought them till it didn't matter
For they must change now or before I burst,
Those around me
Are incomprehensible
Is harder to bear
With my backache
I take great pride
(I'm) before my time
No demise
I can see you're watching me
But could you even understand my pain
Watching, what is it in your brain that never gets it?
One day I'll disappear to the answer locked in my
Head that you'll never see of feel,
A consumer
The more the body is pierced, tortured, wounded, humiliated
the more complete his mans victory over pain,
the greater man victory over pain ,
the greater his victory over the flesh.
I see that they
That people are a plague
No sympathy
No liability
They drain my life
We'll see the life they're living
Once I stop all I'm doing for them.
7. Betrayal
No one survives
Against hateful minds
I can feel the pressure growing
Last time you walked away
This time there will be no one there waiting to take your place
Think not that the world now ones you
Think not of your despair
Rise up and take their power do not hesitate or fear
For them a distant memory
Waiting with baited breath
I see through parts of your life
Why do you lie to me?
One of the reasons why, the movement,
began to move executions behind prison's,
is the effect that it would have on young people,
their parents would take them to witness an execution,
thinking that perhaps it would have some salutary effect,
they would hold em up so that they could get a good glimpse and all of that,
but I found I guess 30 or 40 cases, where after witnessing an execution
a child of tender years, would hang a playmate or hang themselves.
We must distrust each, other it is our best defense
From those who seek to specialize in betrayal
There's no comfort in freedom
For what we seek is pain
You're life has now come undone
I'll watch you beg for:
8. Last Mistake
The box was taken to the edge of the earth
There it will be safe from all the evils that exist on this world
To feel all of life has been talked about
you're in trouble
You've got yourself to blame
Forces are pushing away
With forty people
You fought to free your demons
He tested your mind
To be the leader
Shame made you crawl back again from me to breathe
And be a man.
Born without the concept of hate
Taught to act afraid
I've seen your last mistake
Start to learn though pain
What you taken before's
What you mustn't break
I've seen you last mistake
There has to be a better way
Better way
I need more power to hate
Turned around by failure
I've seen you last mistake
Turned around by:
Man's brutality and his in-inability in feel empathy,
with misery is one of mankind worst sins
it is the very basis of human degradation,
and if man can create so much suffering,
what right does he have to complain when he himself suffers?
Born without the concept of hate
Taught to act afraid
I see your last mistake
Carved in my sore head
Thought that people would learn
But to my surprise
I've seen your last mistake
We have to find a better way
A better way
I need more power to hate
Turned around by failure
I've seen you last mistake
Turned around by:
9. Painless
Memory apart after opening
Feel nothing; The dream is gone
Spinning in a mind overflow,
Dream what reality cannot
Ever make you understand
A vision to bring back the sense of the world
Deranged senses
Become defenses
These are the visions I don't want to keep
The mind tortures itself constantly without meaning
Means out of me
Every trace
Burn the skin
Sow the heart with salt
All thought gone
Means out of me
Every trace
Burn the skin
Sow the heart with salt
All thought gone
Numb is peace
Numb is peace
This is the dawn in which the prey take courage and turns on the predator
it is the dawn in which the underdog finds the strength to rebel
nothing disoriented them mighty more than the attack of those how have always feared
them in the past.
Can't allow
One to be
What we cannot
We'd hurt somehow
They saw your dreams
Which means they saw your fear
Which means that they must disappear
Hold the matches
Scared is tough
When you're numb
The fear's enough
When you're tired
Sleep forever
We have work now
These are the visions I don't want to keep
Means out of me
Every trace
Burn the skin
Sow the heart with salt
All thought gone
Means out of me
Every trace
Burn the skin
Sow the heart with salt
All thought gone
Numb is peace
Numb is peace
10. Pure Hatred
In the brain we've found a role
Detach your life from mind control
Evade life of being ruled
the parts that lie unused
Will set you free
Vacant eyes and lack of care
Now one with humanity
In the brain
Is a directive
Brain found to be
Grossly defective
The soul, it sees,
Sees through the eyes,
It's time is up
Drilling holes in
Ten percent
Is all we use
You need it like a hole in the head
11. Paradox
I can't take this
Forever I've wanted to be a lot more than just a person
Not to play on the side of the humans
We're forced to live and die in this system
I can't see the logic that we are taught
Pleasure is attained through freedom
Pain is the answer
Try to escape from the body
Welcome to the paradox
Can not take this
I thought that pain was my savior
Living a lie from what I'm thinking
I'm chasing my life which must end right here
How can I free myself from this world that I'm forced to live in?
We'll see at the end that this idea freedom
that you hold to yourself, can never
Retrieve all the things that were meant to be
if they're causing us pleasure
I want to be the pain causing the change to our race
When it hurts you
I want to be the pain causing the change to our life
When it hits
I want to be what I am, not the circumstance of how I was born
I can not take this, I will not take this
I want to be the pain causing the change to our race
I want to be the pain causing the change to our life
I want to be what I am, not the circumstance of how I was born
I can not take this, I will not take this
Why should I take anymore
12. Corporal Jigsore Quandary
[Music: Steer/Owen/Amott]
[Lyrics: Walker]
Excised and anatomised, deviscerated disarray
The torso diverged with pride
Deftly amputated, evulsed limbs now defunct
The trunk imbrued, tatty stumps used as lugs
For a chondrin puzzle so quaint
Head and body decollate
A heaving mass so quiescent...
Scattered and scrambled, your teasement grows
- A bloody caricature to make whole
A squirming grisly jigsaw, detrital fragments fit so snug
- That missing piece will leave you stumped
Totally disassembled, nicely sliced and diced
- A human being this once resembled
Real cranium teaser, carved from flesh and bone
- So mystifying...
Battered and diffused with placating blows
- A human jigsaw to make whole
A sequacious pattern which once fitted so snug
- Joining together each dubious lump
Ravaged disassembly, neatly cubed and diced
- A cold mannequin once reassembled
Astute brain teaser, incorporate flesh and bone
- So mortifying...
An incessant game - methodically made
With each cumulative piecing - of commensated meat...
Bi-manual reconstruction, eldritch problem complete
A convened effigy
A pathological toy, each chunk rigorously
Inter mortis locking, as you pathogenically rot
Such a perplexing task
To fit the remains in the casket
Uliginous mess so quiescent...
[lead: Human jigsaw by W.G. Steer]
[lead: A heaving organic puzzle by M. Amott]
An incessant game - methodically made
With each cumulative piece - of commensated meat...