Alice Cooper
« Dirty Diamonds »
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1 | Woman Of Mass Distraction
 | 2 | Perfect
 | 3 | You Make Me Wanna
 | 4 | Dirty Diamonds
 | 5 | The Saga Of Jesse Jane
 | 6 | Sunset Babies ( All Got Rabies )
 | 7 | Pretty Ballerina
 | 8 | Run Down The Devil
 | 9 | Steal That Car
 | 10 | Six Hours
 | 11 | Own Worst Enemy
 | 12 | Zombie Dance
 | 13 | Stand |
   Alice Cooper - vocals, harmonica
Ryan Roxie - guitars
Damon Johnson - guitars, bass
Chuck Garric - bass, guitars
Tommy Clufetos - drums |
Label: New West Records
Additional musicians:
Rick Boston - guitars
Steve Lindsey - keyboards, guitars
Jim Cox - keyboards
Teddy "Zigzag" Andreadis - keyboards
Lenny Castro - tambourine
Mark Hollingsworth - sax, flute
Chris Tedesco - trumpet
John Robinson - drums
Mike Elizondo - guitars, bass
Tony Gilkyson - guitars
Xzibit - rap on "Stand"
Lyle Workman - guitars on "Stand"
Daniel Lenz - synth, loop on "Stand" |
 | Woman of mass distraction
I'm a shock rock Romeo
I like to leave'em shattered
Oh, I can love'em and leave'em
It doesn't really matter
I never met my match
Until I met that lady
She hooked me, she cooked me
She practically filleted me
Some girls  |
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 Элис Купер продолжает удивлять! Возраст маэстро, порядковый номер двадцать четыре (!!) на его новом студийном альбоме и не меняющийся с годами голос и общая тематика музыкальных произведений - все эти сентенции я сразу опущу. Знаете ли, даже говорить об этом неудобно. Если в двух словах - Элис не стареет, Элис не повторяется, Элис не наскучивает, наконец, Элис в очередной раз записал для ВСЕХ своих поклонников великолепный альбом! Выпуском "Dirty Diamonds" маэстро явно решил закрыть вторую свою дилогию, и если первая ("Brutal Planet" и "Dragontown") носила исключительно современный, индустриально мрачный характер, то вторая, наоборот - получилась весьма позитивной и старомодной. И если "The Eyes Of Alice Cooper" предлагали слушателю этакую смесь песенок в духе 70-ых с гранже-панковским подходом, то на обозреваемом диске Элис полностью вернулся к своим корням. Абсолютный и всепоглощающий хард рок с традиционным строем гитар, часто возникающим "Хэммондом", женскими бэк вокалами - Куперу удалось воскресить атмосферу альбомов "Billion Dollar Babies" или "Muscle Of Love" просто на ура! Забудьте, что они были выпущены больше тридцати лет назад! С первых аккордов "Dirty Diamonds" слушатель гарантированно переносится назад в прошлое, в удивительный и чертовски увлекательный мир фантазий маэстро. Многолетние традиции свято соблюдены - потрясающее разнообразие тем и стилистик опять с нами. Угарный боевик "Woman Of Mass Distraction", откровенно мажорный хард рок танец "You Make Me Wanna", потрясающая стилизация под гангстерский эпос "Dirty Diamonds", порция "диких, но симпатишных" ужастиков "Zombie Dance", совершенно безалаберный номер "Steal That Car", наконец, умопомрачительная романтика - легкая и воздушная "Pretty Ballerina", убийственно грустный блюз "Six Hours", и, конечно, абсолютный пик пластинки в лице гомерически смешной и жутковатой одновременно, баллады "The Saga Of Jesse Jane". В качестве бонуса (не падайте со стула!) - дуэт Элиса с рэппером Xzbit, в лице хитовейшего сингла "Stand". Вот, собственно, и все. 40 с небольшим минут абсолютной ностальгии, очередной отличный диск маэстро Купера (лишь немного проигрывающий "The Eyes..."), и закрытие этой ностальгической дилогии. Что же будет дальше? Я думаю, этого не знает никто...тем интересней будет ожидание! (Диск предоставлен компанией CD Maximum) |
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Блин, и это Элис Купер? Тот самый который шокировал нас своей Roses On White Lace, заставлял выкрикивать от восторга припев Dangerous Tonight, а также плакать под лирическую Hell Is Living Without You... Нет, тем кто любит шок-рокера Купера в этот раз очень не повезло.
Run Down The Devil - лучшая песня в альбоме, что навевает приятные воспоминания о Lullaby и Cleansed By Fire. Борьба Элиса с Дьяволом (в очередной раз), правда, в данном треке есть некая завершенность, победоносность. Весьма позитивный боевик, а вступление - вообще СУПЕР! Мощные, ударные проигрыши на протяжении всей песни...
Woman Of Mass Distraction - тоже намного выше среднего. Отличная мелодия, текст вполне в стиле Элиса. Очень напоминает песни I'm Your Gun и Why Trust You, но больше энергетикой и атмосферой, а не текстом. Хорош гитарный проигрыш.
Dirty Diamonds - гангстерский боевик. Довольно неплохой, со свойственной Элису мрачной концовкой. Вступление слегка затянуто, в инструментовку добавлен оркестр. Грубая, агрессивная песня...
Stand - многие усматривают в этой песне предательство Купера в сторону попсы и репа, но я бы скорее назвал это переходом репака Экзибита на сторону металистов. Действительно хорошая песня... если не слушать рэперскую вставку... : ) Смысл песни: в тебе есть сила, ты можешь многое изменить - так встань же...Хорошая цитата - If you don't stand for something - You will fall for anything!
School's Out - перепевка старой песни, под новую, более тяжелую инструментовку. Песня - бонус. И не зря! Старый хит пропитан энергией 21 века. Из хард-рока в хэви-метал...
Your Own Worst Enemy - комедийный трек с забавным текстом о парне, которому КАТАСТРОФИЧЕСКИ невезет. Цитата: ...Your Girlfriend Is Gay, Your Dog Ate Your Cat - And That Was Your Good Day... :) Неплохой проигрыш в припеве.
Perfect - неплохо, но... По-моему, это поёт не Элис. Голос непохож вообще - писк какого-то МТВ-ишного юнца, а ля Линкин Парк. Слушать можно, но не как Элиса Купера. К тому же текст оставляет желать лучшего! Мощный припев несколько вытягивает сей убогий трек.
You Make Me Wanna - недостойная продолжательница идей Little By Little. Песне не хватает мощной атмосферы и более собранного, "горячего" текста. Чувствуется какая-то расплывчатость, да и мелодия слабая, без динамики.
Six Hours - посредственная песня, в основе которой лежит наигрыш одной из песен... не поверите... ВЫСОЦКОГО! Я сам чуть не офигел, когда услышал... И причём тут шесть часов, спрашивается? Песня Высцкого "Высота" отлично ложится в основной печальный проигрыш...
Steal That Car - небрежная, бездарная вещь. Слушая такие, понимаешь, чем хороши шедевры. В тексте нет изюминок, каждый аккорд знаешь наперед из-за полной бездарности композиции...
Sunset Babies - много нехорошего я хотел бы сказать в адрес сего пошлого идиотизма, но материться, к счастью, нельзя!
The Saga Of Jesse Jane, Pretty Ballerina, Zombie Dance - и в чём интересно шедевральность этих бездарных песен, по сравнению с которыми бред из альбома "Pretties For You" кажется грамотным и приятным. Все три баллады - нудные, с плохой аранжеровкой и ещё более худшим текстом. Советую удалить, не слушая, дабы не портить мнение об Элисе! Здесь электро-гитар почти неслышно, зато слышится губная гармошка, что придаёт трекам ещё большей несуразности. Напоминает кантри 60-ых годов...
В общем, только 7, да и то с минусом... Надеюсь, следующий альбом станет сиквелом к какому-небудь шедевру времён Roses On White Lace, иначе хана тому Элиса, которого знают и любят миллионы металистов и рокеров... |
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просмотров: 26951 |
Some girls are like a kick in the head
Some girls make you wish you were dead
Some girls make you blue when you should be seeing red
She's a woman
Some kind of woman
I got a woman
A woman of mass distraction
The first time I saw her
She said she wants to date me
The next time I come back
She tried to castrate me
Some girls try to get you in bed
Some girls are like a kick in the head
Some girls make you wish you were dead
Some girls make you blue when you should be seeing red
She's a woman
Some kind of woman
I got a woman
A woman of mass distraction
She's a woman
Some kind of woman
I got a woman
She's a woman
She's a woman
Some kind of woman
She's a woman
Some kind of woman
She's an overnight sensation
In the mirror on her wall
She gets a standing ovation
At every shower curtain call
And she becomes a pop star
In the safety of her car
And then she falls to pieces
At the karaoke bar
And she's perfect
Until the lights go on
And then it all goes wrong
'Cause now she's not so perfect
She can shake it just like J-Lo
When the bedroom lights go down
But when she hits the dance floor
She's a hip-hop hippo clown
She's perfect
Until the lights go on
And then it all goes wrong
'Cause now she's not so perfect
She's perfect
She's so fine
She's so wonderful
In the arena of her mind
She's not perfect
She's all mine
She can't sing or dance, she ain't got a chance
But baby, I don't mind
She's perfect
Oh, she's perfect
Ah, she's so perfect
You know, she's so perfect
You make me wanna
You're the star, you're the face
You got the look that I can't erase
You look the world right in the eye
Stare'em down, baby, make'em cry
Well, I know it don't make much sense
I'm in love with your innocence
What you got what I need
You took my breath, now let me breathe
What you got what I need
I follow where you lead
You make me wanna woo-hoo-hoo!
Yeah, you know you make me wanna woo-hoo-hoo!
Oh, you make me wanna woo-hoo-hoo!
Yeah, I think I gotta woo-hoo-hoo!
You're the bomb, I'm the fuse
Light me up and turn me loose
You shake me up when you walk by
My heart is beating and my mouth is dry
Well, I know it don't make much sense
But I'm in love with your innocence
What you got what I need
You took my breath, now let me breathe
What you got what I need
I follow where you lead
You make me wanna woo-hoo-hoo!
You know you make me wanna woo-hoo-hoo!
Oh, you make me wanna woo-hoo-hoo!
Yeah, I think I gotta woo-hoo-hoo!
Dirty diamonds
It looked so good, your perfect plan
You had to get greedy to be the man
Now you're holding the bag, paying the price
Gonna get burned by the heat of the ice
Dirty diamonds
You rolled the dice, you bet your life
You put your trust in your trophy wife
Got stabbed in the back in the blink of an eye
She's in bed with the boys and the FBI
Dirty diamonds
Blood soaked money in your shaking fist
Dirty diamonds
Stone cold killers and you're on their list
You're tied to a chair with a gun at your head
Your face is all smeared with the blood that's been shed
You were gonna be rich, now you're gonna be dead
And all that glitters turns to lead
Dirty diamonds
Blood soaked money in your shaking fist
Dirty diamonds
Stone cold killers and you're on their list
Dirty diamonds
Blood soaked money in your shaking fist
Dirty diamonds
Stone cold killers and you're on their list
Dirty diamonds
Diamonds don't cheat
Diamonds don't lie
Diamonds are forever
Diamonds never die
Dirty diamonds
Blood soaked money in your shaking fist
Dirty diamonds
Stone cold killers and you're on their list
Dirty Diamonds
Blood soaked money in your shaking fist
Dirty diamonds
Stone cold killers and you're on their list
Run for your life, you can't hide
Can't you hear'em coming? You're gonna die
You better run for your life, you can't hide
Can't you hear'em coming? You're gonna die
You better run for your life, you can't hide
Can't you hear'em coming? You're gonna die
You better run for your life, you can't hide
Can't you hear'em coming? You're gonna die
The saga of Jesse Jane
I'm in jail in a Texas town
In my sister's wedding gown
I drive a truck all night long
Listening to Judy Garland songs
Now I'm locked behind bars of steel
I was just looking for a happy meal
I park my rig and I went inside
They've never seen such a pretty bride
Jesse Jane, are you insane?
Or are you just a normal guy
Who dresses like a butterfly?
Jesse Jane
I paid my bill and I turned around
Facing every redneck in that one horse town
His face was red, his fist was clenched
He threw his coke and he got me drenched
Jesse Jane, are you insane?
Or are you just an average Joe
Looking for a fashion show?
Jesse Jane
Well, I guess that was the final straw
I pulled a pistol from my Wonderbra
I killed him dead, I killed'em all
And they finally caugh me in the bathroom stall
And now I'm doing ten to life
But I'll tell you one thing, Bubba
Someday I'm gonna make someone in here
A hell of a wife!
Jesse Jane, are you insane?
Or are you just a average guy
Who dresses like a butterfly?
Jesse Jane
Jesse Jane, are you insane?
Or are you just a Peter Pan
Looking for his Neverland?
Jesse Jane
Sunset babies (all got rabies)
They're running in packs on a Saturday night
They got their own bark and they got their own bite
Waiting in line I can't wait no more, no
Slip right in, you kicked out the back door
I don't know if it's possible to tame one
I don't know if she'll follow me home
I don't know what it is about her
Sunset babies all got rabies
Sunset babies all got rabies
I got my shots
They got a sick sense, they know why you're here
They can smell the fear through the smoke and the beer
They're a vicious breed and they just don't care
You think you're in but you're going nowhere
I don't know if it's safe to pet one
I don't know if she'll go for my throat
I don't know what it is about them
Sunset babies all got rabies
Sunset babies all got rabies
And I'd buy her a diamond collar
If she would only throw me a bone
Here I am alone
Sunset babies all got rabies
Sunset babies all got rabies
I got my shots
And she's supposed to be a man's best friend?
Why'd she play around?
Now I gotta put that old girl down
Pretty ballerina
I had a date with a pretty ballerina
Her hair was so brilliant that it hurt my eyes
I asked her for this dance
And then she obliged me
Was I surprised? Yeah
Was I surprised? No, not at all
I called her yesterday, it should have been tomorrow
I couldn't keep the joy that was inside
I begged for her to tell me
If she really loved me
Somewhere a mountain is moving
Afraid it's moving without me
I had a date with a pretty ballerina
Her hair so brilliant that it hurt my eyes
I asked her for this dance
And then she obliged me
Was I surprised? Yeah
Was I surprised? No, not at all
And when I wake up on a dreary Sunday morning
I open up my eyes to find there's rain
And something strange within said:
Go ahead and find her
Just close your eyes, yeah
Just close your eyes and she'll be there
She'll be there
She'll be there
She'll be there
She's there
Run down the devil
It's twelve o'clock in the morning
While everybody is sleeping
I want him dead in my headlights
'Cause in the shadow he's creeping
Drive on down to lonely street
He's always waiting there for me
Run down the devil, run the devil down
Run down the devil, run him down, down, down
Run down the devil, run the devil down
Run down the devil, run him down, down, down
I want to take him to the Mercury grill
I hope he's ready for the big blast
He'll be my ultimate roadkill
I'll kick his future up his past
I'll send him back to hell alright
The world can sleep in peace tonight
Run down the devil, run the devil down
Run down the devil, run him down, down, down
Run down the devil, run the devil down
Run down the devil, run him down, down, down
Everybody's gotta hold him down
Can't let Beelzebaby back in town
Run down the devil, run the devil down
Run down the devil, run him down, down, down
Run down the devil, run
Run down the devil, run him down, down, down
Run down the devil, run the devil down
Run down the devil, run him down, down, down
Run down the devil, run
Run down the devil, run him down, down, down
Steal that car
It just ain't fair I was put in that position
Somebody left their keys in the ignition
I saw the unlocked door and made my decision
I just can't help myself
Everybody knows
I'm gonna steal that car
My reputation shows
I'm gonna steal that car
I did some time in '99
I'll do some time again
Everybody knows
I'm gonna steal that car
I don't get bored with a Chevy or a Ford
With a V8 enginee and a 4 on the floor
And a naughty Maserati can't be ignored
I just can't help myself
Everybody knows
I'm gonna steal that car
My reputation shows
I'm gonna steal that car
I did some time in '99
I'll do some time again
Everybody knows
I'm gonna steal that car
Everybody knows
I'm gonna steal that car
My reputation grows
I'm gonna steal that car
I did some time in '99
I'll do some time again
Everybody knows
I'm gonna steal that car
My reputation shows
Steal that car
Steal that car
Steal that car
Six hours
There's only six hours
Left in the day
Time is so precious
And it's slipping away
Got no destination
Got no place to go
And being with you
Is all that I know
Put your head on my pillow
We're finally alone
Wash the dust from your hair now
I don't care if you ever get home
There's only six hours
How quickly it goes
In this sacred place
Our secret is safe, nobody knows
Put your head on my pillow
We're finally alone
Wash the dust form your hair now
I don't care if you ever get home
Wash the dust form your hair now
I don't care if you ever get home
Your own worst enemy
You're your own worst enemy
You're a walking catastrophe
You get up every morning on the wrong side of the bed
You butter your hand instead of the bread
Drink enough coffee to wake up the dead
You're doing 85 and the light is turning red
The judge took your license and forbid you to drive
And your heart is pumping bacon and you're barely alive
You're your own worst enemy
You're a walking catastrophe
You're at war with yourself and nobody else
You're a danger, you're a danger
You trip on your shoelace and fall on your face
Your hair is a mess, your clothes a disgrace
Your stocks went south and your girlfriend is gay
Your dog ate your cat and that was your good day
You're your own worst enemy
You're a walking catastrophe
You're at war with yourself and nobody else
You're a danger
You're your own worst enemy
You're a walking catastrophe
You're at war with yourself and nobody else
You're a danger, you're a danger
To every stranger
You're a mess
Yes, yes
Zombie dance
Walking through the tombstones
Go there everyday
Stood damn still, I got a chill
Someone walked across my grave
Stroll across the killing fields
In the middle of the night
Walked across the fire
In the cold moon light
Black cat crossed my pathway
Winks her juju eye
Cross myself and
Kiss this world goodbye
Nights alive with music
Puts me in a trance
Sneak up on the bonfire
Watch the zombies dance
My tongue is hot and burning
When I try to speak
Spirit is so willing
My flesh is getting weak
Yeah, it's getting weak
Now I ain't superstitious
Don't roll no juju bones
Someone calls in the middle of the night
And no one's on the phone
Black cat crossed my pathway
Winks her juju eye
I crossed myself and
Kiss this world goodbye
I ain't superstitious
Don't roll no voodoo bones
Someone calls in the middle of the night
No ones on the phone
Nights alive with music
Nights alive with music
Yeah, stand up
What do you believe in?
Yeah, stands up
Come on!
Just a face in the crowd
Feeling lost, down and out
Can you hear me now?
Millions more just like you
Afraid to do what they wanna do
Am i getting through?
Lots of losers hanging 'round
Only there to bring you down
Get your feet up off the ground
Get up, get up, get up!
If you don't stand for something
You will fall for anything
If you don't stand for something
You will fall for anything
Get up!
Don't you know that you're worth
As much as anyone on earth
You're a megastar
Put your hands in the sky
Let your freaky colors fly
Get'em way up high
You got style and you got game
So get it out don't be ashamed
Let everybody know your name
Get it on out, now what's you name?
If you don't stand for something
You will fall for anything
If you don't stand for something
You will fall for anything
Get up!
You can stand for peace
You can stand for war
I stand in the square never stood before
I take a stand for my son like Afeni Shakur
I take a stand like I'm 4 double six 64
Stand alone in my struggle
Can't make me stand down
Make 'em crash and burn
Mayday, mayday, mayday down
Get up, stand up
Get your damn hands up
If they're not shackled to your feet, get some handcuffs
We need solutions not propaganda
Let the tape roll
Make the whole world stand up
Hold your position
Don't go backwards
X still grinding
The west keep shining
Don't look too long
You might get blinded
Follow your heart
Your head might just find it
I pray for the strength to handle what my city brings
Better stand for something or you're bound to fall for anything
If you don't stand for something
You will fall for anything
If you don't stand for something
You will fall for anything
Everybody's got a voice
Now's the time to make some noise
Let me hear ya now
Get up!