« Greatest Kills »
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1 | Noose 04:01
 | 2 | Nepenthe 03:52
 | 3 | Sun Won't Shine 04:17
 | 4 | Dance on the Graves (Lil' Siztah) 04:57
 | 5 | The Way I Wanna Go 04:13
 | 6 | White Wedding 03:23
 | 7 | My Sky Is Darker Than Thine 05:49
 | 8 | The Trooper 03:19
 | 9 | New Age Messiah 04:28
 | 10 | Desert by Night 06:32
 | 11 | No Tomorrow 04:38
 | 12 | The Truth 06:23
 | 13 | Awaiting the Winter Frost 05:50
 | 14 | Crumbling Down (Give Up Hope) 05:26
 | 15 | In Memoriam 05:26
 | | Total playing time: 72:18 |
   Taneli Jarva – laulu (kappaleissa 2, 4–10, 13), basso (kappaleissa 2, 4–10, 12–13 ja 15)
Ville Laihiala – laulu (kappaleissa 1, 3, 11 ja 14)
Sami Lopakka – kitara
Vesa Ranta – rummut
Miika Tenkula – soolokitara, laulu (kappaleissa 12 ja 15), basso (kappaleissa 1, 3, 11 ja 14) |
Track from "Shadows Of The Past": 12
Tracks from "North From Here": 7, 13
Tracks from "The Trooper": 8, 10, 15
Tracks from "Amok": 2, 4, 9
Tracks from "Love & Death": 5, 6
Tracks from "Down": 1, 3, 14
Track 11 recorded 1996, previously unavailable. |
 | 1. Noose
No way out of your misery
Alone in pain and agony
Lay depressed and hollow
One thought in your mind
-No Tomorrow
And then you had made up your mind
and thought it was your time
You left this world without shedding a tear
without hope, without fear
So you thought you'd just p |
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 Любой более-менее значимый коллектив рано или поздно выпускает сборник своих хитов, которые, как правило, называют Greatest Hits. Финны из Sentenced пошли дальше, и назвали свою сборку с присущим им черным юмором Greatest Kills, дабы лишний раз подчеркнуть свою непохожесть на остальных. Выпуск этого диска в 97 полностью оправдал себя: в группе только что состоялась смена вокалиста и музыка нового альбома Down выглядела как разумное развитие идей Amok, посему соседство песен с этих, разных по сути, альбомов на одном диске гармонично и не вызывает отторжения. Greatest Kills – это наглядный пример эволюции финского коллектива от стандартного дэт металла первых альбомов, к уникальному сочетанию трагизма и мелодичности post doom середины 90-х и обретением Sentenced собственного, хорошего узнаваемого звучания. Открывающийся двумя главными на тот момент хитами Noose и Nepenthe, дополненный ранее нереализованной и очень красивой композицией No Tomorrow, а также треками с двух ранних миньонов группы (включая отлично исполненные кавера The Trooper & White Wedding от Iron Maiden и Billy Idol, соответственно), этот диск станет украшением коллекции любого меломана. (Диск предоставлен компанией Фоно) |
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Факт выпуска сборника лучших песен раннего периода Sentenced, конечно, радует, но мне, мягко говоря, непонятно, почему он вышел не после “Love & Death”, а после “Down”. Всё-таки, выпуск подобных вещей аккурат между сменой вокалистов и стилистики выглядит более логичным, - эдакая черта, проведённая между старым, эклектичным творчеством финнов во главе с харизматичным Танели, и современным, гораздо более ровным и по-суицидальному строгим этапом их пути (при участии не менее харизматичного Вилле).
Но по сути, эти претензии в себе ничего не несут, так как материал, представленный здесь, выглядит весьма органично и цельно, как будто это и не сборник даже, а полноценный альбом. И это даже несмотря на то, что тут встретились прогрессивный мелодик-дэт/блэк, просто дэт, пост-дэт с привкусом дума, готик-рок, готик-метал и пара смачных каверов – да это просто праздник какой-то! И самое главное, тут подобрано не абы что, а самый сок команды, даже с первого, удручающе скучного альбома были взяты вполне пристойные треки. Но, естественно, не они здесь играют роль первой скрипки, основная нагрузка легла как раз на песни с “Amok”, “Down” и сингла “Love and Death”. А самым удачным местом я назову два кавера, “White Wedding” Билли Айдола и “The Trooper” Iron Maiden – потеря самоконтроля и перспектива разбить харю о стену себе и ближнему гарантированы; “The Trooper” многие так вообще называют лучшим кавером из слышанных. А уж как Танели исполнил "Свадьбу"! Музыку можно вообще не включать и слушать только его проникновенный, эротично-демонический голос. Помимо этого должен обратить внимание на действительно отличную композицию с удручающим названием “No Tomorrow”, - выполненная в стилистике “Down”, она просто поражает своим пессимистичным настроем, и если вам в данный момент совсем нехорошо, ваши глазки гарантированно будут бегать в поисках потенциального орудия суицида…
А что до остального, то я не вижу никакого смысла разжёвывать каждую песню, так как этим можно заняться в рецензиях на соответствующие альбомы.
Ну и напоследок пара слов о буклете – две фотки (старый состав и обновлённый (но без Сами, он придёт годом позже)), да краткая историческая справка о группе на финском языке и, ежели совсем ни бэ, ни мэ на суоми, на инглише (если же вы и его не знаете, то горе вам и страдание. Хотя я сам не промах – между “Work” и “Job” не вижу задницы).
Да, для меломанов и коллекционеров это будет приятным дополнением в коллекцию, но, как мне кажется, эту вещь должен в обязательном порядке поиметь каждый уважающий себя фанат финского мелодичного метала. Про фэнов Sentenced я даже не заикаюсь, это само собой. |
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просмотров: 10805 |
into the Noose and let it all go... and so you did
Oh yeah, you did
Now you come haunting every night
Calling my name until I...
wake up feeling this sorrow
One thought in my mind
- I will follow
I'll drink the booze to depress myself
then I take the rope and express myself
I'll leave this world without shedding a tear
without hope, without fear
Yeah, I think I'll put my head
into the Noose and let it all go... and so I will
Oh yeah, I will
I'll take the rope, just like you
and wherever you are, I'll be too
I think I'll just put my head
into the Noose and let it all go... and so I will
Oh yeah, I will
2. Nepenthe
Think about all the good in your life it's only temporary
Think about all the positive sides in life
They never last forever
So drink to forget
And drown all your sorrow
Bury your dreams
Choose mind refinery
All the tears and the fears
and the lies and the cries and the...
All the tears and the fears
and the lies and the cries of the past
When the light of the chosen has died
When the Master is slave to his life
All the fears and the tears
and the lies and the cries and the...
All the love and the hate
and the hate and the hate for you - my love
When the light of the chosen has died
It is time to do something right
for once, goddamned!
So drink to forget
And drown all your sorrow
Bury your dreams
And choose Catharsis!
All the tears and the fears
and the lies and the cries and the...
All the hate in the world is the power
to bring you down!
When the light of the chosen has died
It is time to pay back for their crimes
3. Sun Won't Shine
The candles have been blown out by the wind
don't be scared, my love, I'm right by your side
I still remember the times I walked alone... dead
until you woke me up and made me come alive
With her love she feeds the fire in my heart
And in her eyes, oh the birth of stars
The sun won't shine on me without your love
...don't you know
The cold wind kills the flame in my heart
...by its blow
She gave me everything I had craved
through the years of pain
the years of pain
With her love she feeds the fire in my heart
Oh she's my only light
In the dark
The sun won't shine on me without your love
...don't you know
The cold wind kills the flame in my heart
...by its blow
Dead Calm all around
4. Dance On The Graves (Lil Siztah)
"Hell can't deny it... I fell to the illusion of life!
Now she's taken away everything that I called I!"
5. The Way I Wanna Go
I know of a heaven...
and damn sure...
I know of a Hell...
if you could take a look into this fighter's mind...
the things you'd see.
What would you think?
How would you feel?
If you could really know me... mmm...
Can you see this Hell I feel inside?
A tragedy in a human mind.
That's what I am!!!
So turn away, turn away and go.
Turn away while you still can.
Turn away.
The way I'm gonna go is not the way you want to go!
This reign that I have built myself,
over the years, will crumble down me.
Life's double edged sword gives both pleasure and pain.
And it's MY cross to be carried!!!
Can you see this chaos-ridden mind?
This tragedy, this tragedy of a human mind.
That's how I am!!!
"It might seem it's just a part of the illusion of life.
There's no perfection in this world,
and in the end we're but two strangers
sailing our personal seas of sorrow..."
I've been to heaven! (and let me tell you)
I have been "down there" So turn away, go.
Turn away while you still can.
Turn away.
The way I'm gonna go is not the way you want to go!
Turn away, Turn away...
This is the way I wanna go
6. White Wedding
[Originally performed by Billy Idol]
Hey little sister what have you done
Hey little sister who's the only one
Hey little sister who's your superman
Hey little sister who's the one you want
Hey little sister shot gun!
It's a nice day to start again
It's a nice day for a white wedding
It's a nice day to start again.
Hey little sister what have you done
Hey little sister who's the only one
I've been away for so long (so long)
I've been away for so long (so long)
I let you go for so long
It's a nice day to start again (come on)
It's a nice day for a white wedding
It's a nice day to start again.
Take me back home
There is nothin' fair in this world
There is nothin' safe in this world
And there's nothin' sure in this world
And there's nothin' pure in this world
Look for something left in this world
Start again
Come on
It's a nice day for a white wedding
It's a nice day to start again.
It's a nice day for a white wedding
It's a nice day to start again.
7. My Sky Is Darker Than Thine
Frozen soil... A dim moonlight
I've been... this glorious rid
Raise the arms in victory
I've seen... on this glorious night
I've kept my eyes open wide
Through my dream I was given a hint:
My sky is darker than yours, my star is brighter than yours
A glance to the moonlight shadow reveals the runes of yesterday
I am of Astral Strain, my sky is darker than thine
Die... die... die!
I... I... I... despite
The goals I've set to myself are far beyond mortality
To dominate, desolate everything weak that cannot stand alone
And losers shall drop...
One after one...
I am before all gods
Who art thou to come to me?
You are the great pretender
And you will always be
(so die)
Frozen time... The astral gate
I've been before on this ground
Open wide before my eyes
I see... on this glorious ride
Now I know...
It was written in the stars that I am the Wrathchild
I laugh as you cry
I am the one who laughs as you cry...
I am the one who laughs for last and laughs forever more
The goals I've set to myself are far beyond humanity
To dominate, desolate everything - I'm heading to immortality!
And losers shall drop...
One after one...
I WON!!!
8. The Trooper
[Originally performed by Iron Maiden]
You'll take my life but I'll take yours too
You'll fire your musket but I'll run you through
So when you're waiting for the next attack
You'd better stand there's no turning back.
The Bugle sounds and the charge begins
But on this battlefield no one wins
The smell of acrid smoke and horses breath
As I plunge on into certain death.
The horse he sweats with fear we break to run
The mighty roar of the Russian guns
And as we race towards the human wall
The screams of pain as my comrades fall.
We hurdle bodies that lay on the ground
And the Russians fire another round
We get so near yet so far away
We won't live to fight another day.
We get so close near enough to fight
When a Russian gets me in his sights
He pulls the trigger and I feel the blow
A burst of rounds take my horse below.
And as I lay there gazing at the sky
My body's numb and my throat is dry
And as I lay forgotten and alone
Without a tear I draw my parting groan.
9. New Age Messiah
"He shall appear to thee and thou shall know Him.
He is no son of god, He is the son of the Earth!"
A new Messiah...
He's walked among the living
And lived among the dead
He holds the key up there...
Far too long - the truth's been inverted
by false tongues
And far too long - false prophets have infested
the holy ground
The holy Earth;
The pagan Reign of Nature...
The time is right (too late)
Fall from Grace, New Age Messiah
As a lightning cracks the sky
Show the world its final fate
Rise to the heights, New Age Messiah
They will worship you and hail!
As the world goes down the drain
The new Messiah leads the way!
"He shall appear to thee and thou
shall understand.
He shall promise no salvation but let
you see what is imminent"
Chosen by His own will
As written by Himself
A new Messiah
Has come to guide mankind
On its downward trail
He holds the key down there...
Far too long - they had to wait Him to arrive
And far too long - the hordes believed all the lies
Now all can see: the "Hand of Darwin"
rocks this human cradle-grave
God is dead, god is dead, long live the Nature!
Fall from grace, New Age Messiah
On your first and last crusade
Show the world its final fate
Rise to the heights, New Age Messiah
So they can hear Your words of gold
As the world goes down the drain
The new Messiah makes your day
Fall from grace, New Age Messiah
From the dark side of the Moon
To the point of no return -
welcome the Prophet of Doom
Open doors to a new millennium, to a new reality
As the world goes down the drain
A new Messiah walks away
10. Desert By Night
11. No Tomorrow
Eyes without light can see so clear
what those with sight are blind to...
The final fight is getting near
And they were right, we will lose...
Come this far no turning back
A kiss before it all turns black
My stars have fallen from the sky
My dreams have faded into the Night
No Tomorrow
not for me
Pain and Sorrow
all I see
All I feel
The final night is getting near...
The fading light - we¦ll be through
For the first time I¦m feeling fear
And oh, damn right - we will lose
The shadows growing deep
We¦ll be gone eternally
Our stars have fallen from the sky
Our dreams have faded into the Night
No Tomorrow
not for us
Death and Sorrow
dust to dust
Dust to Dust
12. The Truth
13. Awaiting The Winter Frost
A gathering in the cold, in the North, in the dark lands of Pohjola
Where the sun had not been crossing the sky nor seen for centuries...
We were brought together by oaths we had once sworn - by blood...
...once together drawn...
We had gathered all our forces
Called together all the heroes
Equipped a hundred swordmen
And a thousand men with crossbows
Strengthened by hate and the thirst for the enemies' blood
We lay in wait for the season of no light
We had seen the frozen mist - we weren't afraid to die
And the oath we had sworn gave us reason to live on
A Calm before the Storm
(We were) Awaiting the Winter Frost
...And then a storm arose in fury
The sky was shattered by lightning...
Awaiting the Winter Frost
As the sky blackened and the stars turned red
The frost greeted us with a cold northern breeze
Off with their heads! Off with their fuckin' heads!!!
Oh, the time had come...
To slaughter the hordes of cowardice
And cleanse the North from lies
We had gathered all our forces
Called together all the heroes
Equipped a hundred swordmen
And a thousand men with crossbows
We raised our swords
Grasped the irons
Lifted our bows
And chose the arrows
The false ones' hordes were put to the sword
The strong and the weak, one by one...
Their race was slaughtered to the very last man
Our bloodfeind was done as their bodies reddened the land
Awaiting the Winter Frost
The sign of the dark and the cold
the spell of pure hate
Awaiting the Winter Frost
And the heathen peace was found
14. Crumbling Down (Give Up Hope)
Like roses wither so does hope
as we approach our final fate
A new dawn of man?
Oh no, can't you feel, the End is on its way...
It's all over, said and done, haven't you heard?
We are living our last days in this world
Oh, Give Up Hope, do it now
the world is coming Crumbling Down
we have passed
the point of No Return by far
and swept away the last sheds of hope
A new dawn of man?
Oh no, can't you feel, the End is on its way...
It's all over, said and done, haven't you heard?
We are living our last days on this earth
Oh, your days are over!
Your world is finished!
Down down down down
Thy kingdom gone
Down down down down
My kingdom come
This is it
This is the End
Free at last
15. In Memoriam
In the dark... in death
Eyes can't see... I cannot feel
No voices... no light... no existence
A dreamlike void surrounds me
silence... emptiness...
peace of mind... in death
In emptiness...
I focus mt thoughts on my life
In death I have the time to think of the past
won't break my peace of mind
Because here I must dwell eternally
In memoriam...
For the one that once was me
Entombed remains
A gravestone marks I've passed away...
(Sacred... to the memory of myself)