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| Mindstrip
1 | Jesus Wept 5:59
2 | Hellraiser (Psychopath 01-Version) 5:01
3 | Body Count Proceed 5:31
4 | Raise Your God 4:07
5 | Mind Stripper 4:31
6 | Run 3:41
7 | Comatose Delusion (Overdose Shot Two) 5:12
8 | Blood In Face 4:47
9 | Love Breeds Suicide 5:16
10 | Slaves 5:40
| Comatose Delusion
1 | Comatose Delusion (Overdose Shot One) 5:44
2 | Comatose Delusion (Hocico Mix) 5:29
3 | Kevorkian 4:54
4 | Comatose Delusion (VAC Mix) 6:17
| Hellraiser
1 | Hellraiser (Psychopath 01-Version) 5:01
2 | Hellraiser (VNV Nation Remix) 6:43
3 | Fragment Of Torture 5:34
4 | Hellraiser (Psychopath 02-Version) 5:43
| Love Breeds Suicide
1 | Love Breeds Suicide (Re-Edit) 6:01
2 | Dein Herz, Meine Gier 5:45
3 | Dead Call 5:50
4 | Love Breeds Suicide (Lights Of Euphoria Remix) 5:33
5 | Cry For Mother 5:40
6 | Dein Herz, Meine Gier (Arzt & Pfusch TIZ 5:40
7 | Love Breeds Suicide (Final Edit) 6:44
| Face Of Death CD 1
1 | Face Of Death (Torment 01) 6:05
2 | Face Of Death (Waking Up The Dancefloor Mix) 5:29
3 | Deliver Us From Evil 6:52
4 | Face Of Death (Intersekt Edit) 5:31
5 | Face Of Death (Analogue Death Mix) 4:36
| Face Of Death CD 2
1 | Face Of Death (Blind Rage Mix) 6:29
2 | Face Of Death (FSK 18 Mix) 6:07
3 | Love Breeds Suicide (Dioxyde Mix) 5:52
4 | Face Of Death (Cold Blood Version) 6:26
5 | Sterbehilfe 5:41
| Axis Of Evil
1 | Cause Of Death: Suicide 8:18
2 | Consume Your Vengeance 5:00
3 | Face Of Death (Blind Rage Mix) 6:29
4 | The Reformation 5:10
5 | One Nation Under God (Anti US Mix) 5:32
6 | Mordfabrik 5:00
7 | Evildoer 4:39
8 | Sterbehilfe 5:43
9 | Plastik Christ 5:48
10 | Neuro Suspension 6:02
| [Cause Of Death: Suicide] [One Nation Under God] — CD 1
1 | Cause Of Death: Suicide (Club Edit By Suicide Commando) 6:35
2 | Cause Of Death: Suicide (Autointoxikations Mischung) 6:04
3 | Disposable Paradise 5:27
4 | Cause Of Death: Suicide (Try Again Rmx) 4:19
5 | Sterbehilfe (Hocico Rmx) 6:42
6 | Cause Of Death: Suicide (Grendel Rmx) 5:39
| [Cause Of Death: Suicide] [One Nation Under God] — CD 2
1 | One Nation Under God (Disorder Mix By Suicide Commando) 6:05
2 | One Nation Under God (WMD Rmx) 5:19
3 | Better Off Dead (Driller Mix By Suicide Commando) 6:01
4 | One Nation Under God (:Wumpscut: Rmx) 4:30
5 | The Killing Game 5:14
6 | One Nation Under God (Gift Mischung By Vasi Vallis & Torben Schmidt) 6:24
7 | One Nation Under God (X20 Edit) 3:54
| Godsend Menschenfresser
1 | Godsend (Kiss The Deceased) 5:56
2 | Menschenfresser (Eat Me) 5:12
3 | Godsend (Necromantic Mix By God Module)4:59
4 | Menschenfresser (Remix By Reaper) 4:51
5 | Godsend (Remix By Amduscia) 6:03
6 | Menschenfresser (Remix By Agonoize) 4:49
| Bind, Torture, Kill — CD1
1 | Bind, Torture, Kill 6:01
2 | Bleed For Us All 6:22
3 | Conspiracy With The Devil 4:45
4 | Menschenfresser (Eat Me) 5:10
5 | Dead March 5:46
6 | Massaker 6:21
7 | Torment Me 5:48
8 | Godsend (Deceased Part II) 5:12
9 | We Are The Sinners 5:48
10 | F*** You Bitch 5:59
11 | Rader 2:40
12 | Bind, Torture, Kill (Extended Torture) 6:34
| Bind, Torture, Kill — CD2 Conspiracy With The Devil
1 | Conspiracy With The Devil (Asshole Mix) 5:25
2 | Conspiracy With The Devil (R.I.P. Mix By Virtual Embrace) 4:43
3 | Menschenfresser (Diskonnekted Remix) 4:30
4 | Conspiracy With The Devil (Death Pact Remix By Controlled Collapse) 4:14
5 | Second Death 5:31
| Fuck You Bitch
1 | F*** You Bitch (TB Mix) 6:12
2 | Bodycount Proceed (2007 Remix) 5:58
3 | F*** You Bitch (Soman Remix) 5:37
4 | Retrace (db.F) 5:11
5 | F*** You Bitch (Remix By Combichrist) 6:24
| X.20 Remix-CD
1 | Menschenfresser (Grendel Remix) 5:02
2 | Bind Torture Kill (Remixed By J. Montelius From Covenant) 5:00
3 | Torment Me (Solitary Experiments Remix)5:30
4 | Hellraiser (Agonoize Remix) 4:16
5 | Bleed For Us All (:wumpscut: Remix) 5:40
6 | Face Of Death (Spetsnaz Remix) 4:09
7 | Conspiracy With The Devil (Dawn Of Ashes Remix) 4:03
8 | Cause Of Death: Suicide (X-Fusion Remix)5:02
9 | F*** You Bitch (Dope Stars Inc. Remix) 3:56
10 | Love Breeds Suicide (Remixed By Anthoni J.) 2:58
| X.20 Live-DVD
1 | Bind, Torture, Kill
2 | Bleed for us all
3 | Conspiracy with the devil
4 | Menschenfresser
5 | Raise your god
6 | One nation under god
7 | Massaker
8 | Torment me
9 | Love breeds suicide
10 | Godsend
11 | F*** you bitch
12 | Face of death
13 | Hellraiser
14 | Evildoer (recorded live at Zillo festival)
15 | Sterbehilfe (recorded live at Zillo festival)
16 | Godsend (recorded live at MS Stubnitz)
17 | We are the sinners (videoclip) |
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