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1 | Gorework (The Suicide Tune) 01:24
| 2. Gun in Mouth.. |
3 | Bloodfed Anguish Wrist-Cutting Desperation 02:09
4 | Agonizing Terror and Desolation Leading to a Messy Self-Extermination 01:41
5 | Mugging and Gunning Down Your Enemies Then Ending Your Life with Victory Strife 01:42
6 | Masochist Way to Brutally Consummate Aberrant Suicidal Solution 01:45
7 | Psychotic Self-Destruction in a Maniac-Depressive Grief Abruption 01:44
| 8. Outcast and Lowlife.. |
9 | Schizo-Affective Gory Seppuku 01:25
10 | Thou Shalt Be Slaughtered by Own Hands 02:23
11 | Cut-Throat Slashing Own-Murdering Euphoria 01:09
12 | A Rejected from Society Found Hanged in a Spectacle of Rotting Flesh 01:32
13 | Eaten Alive by Disgust and Distress Made Me Shoot Right in the Chest 01:54
14 | Self-Loathing Gunshot Innards Shattering (Sorrowfilled Disturbing World of Pain) 01:48
15 | Auto-Exenteration and Gutted with a Chainsaw in Complete Hysteria and Psychosis (Intro) / Depression and Frustration Drives Me to Suicide Consummation 03:03
16 | Self-Loathing Gunshot Innards Shattering (Sorrowfilled Disturbing World of Pain) 01:40
17 | Bloodfed Anguish Wrist-Cutting Desperation 02:00
| 31:18 |
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