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Neuro-Visceral Exhumation

« Gruesome Body Count »

Neuro-Visceral Exhumation "Gruesome Body Count" Год



CD Album

Gore Grind Core

N Название
1I Love Nothing, Nobody, Nowhere (Death to All) 01:15
2We Pledge for the End of the Human Race 00:52
3Piles of Politician's Corpses Reeking 01:30
4Rage Against the Mankind 01:08
5Hatesworn Dead Humanity 01:33
6Walking Through the Graves of My Desaffects 00:56
7Gruesome Body Count 01:14
8Indifference to My Foes Suffering 01:09
9Rejected and Bled (Mysanthropic Martyr) 00:48
10A Teenager with Puerperal Depression Staabbed Hew Own Perineum Til the Guts Flow 01:21
11Everything Is Lost, Suicide Is the Cost 01:15
12Stained by Refusal (Nihilistic Art) 02:02
13Broken Dreams, Cutten Arteries 02:10
14Join All Your Enemies at the Same Place and Kill Them All 01:57
15Raped Inside by Disgust and Agony 01:51
16Extermination Group of Animal Hunters 00:53
17Brutalest Suicide Tatics Due a World of Lies and Suffering 00:51
18Sick and Dying 01:02
19Grateful Multi-Orgasmic Masturbation with Her Husband's Defleshed Humerus and Femours 01:16
20Romantik-Erotik Goresong (Lovesoaked Suicide) 03:20
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Fred (R.I.P. 2022) All instruments
Johnny Vocals
Label: Bizarre Leprous Production

Thiago Zepon Mixing, Mastering, Recording
Fred (R.I.P. 2022) Mixing, Mastering
De Plasma Industries Cover art


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