« Nosferatu »
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1 | Behind The Moon 06:27
 | 2 | Into The Dark 04:31
 | 3 | Nosferatu 06:23
 | 4 | Metal Monster 04:24
 | 5 | Crucified 03:50
 | 6 | Desdemonamelia 04:14
 | 7 | Fallen From Grace 04:45
 | 8 | Screams In The Night 04:40
 | 9 | For The King 03:49
 | 10 | Midnight Sun 03:51
 | 11 | On The Battlefield 05:57
 | | Total playing time: 53:04 |
   Urban Breed - Lead and Backing Vocals
Tomas Olsson - Lead and Rhythm Guitars
Fredrik Bergh - Bass, Keyboards and Backing Vocals
Oskar Belin - Drums and Percussion |
Label: Avalon Empire |
 | 1. Behind The Moon
[T. Olsson / U. Breed / F. Bergh]
Late at night you've locked the doors
There's the strangest feeling
Was that curtain really drawn before
Was that candle burning
Was that carpet torn
Had you really left those lights turned on
As you gaze into the gloom
And the wind |
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 В классической советской комедии “Брильянтовая Рука”, любимой многими поколениями и давно растасканной на цитаты помимо извечных афоризмов было несколько замечательных песен, в одной из которых блестяще играющий свою роль Андрей Миронов пел про неудачливое племя “детей понедельника”. Не знаю, каким образом четверка шведских музыкантов узнала про это классическое произведение, а может и у них есть подобные шутейные песенки, но то, что ребята воплотили в жизнь строчки “на лицо ужасные, добрые внутри” с присущим своей нации прагматизмом факт такой же очевидный, как смена дня и ночи. Ухмыляющаяся рогатая башка на обложке, размалеванные и неимоверно трушные в своей пафосности позы на фотографиях в буклете – все это косвенно намекает на принадлежность Bloodbound’цев к клану почитателей и производителей чОрного миталу, однако это лишь стеб. На самом деле в музыке этих талантливых шведов от блэка нет ничего, зато есть много от Iron Maiden и Helloween. Причем эти заимствования хотя и очевидны, но не вызывают такого негатива, как в большинстве подобных случаях. Связано это в первую очередь с искренностью подачи, и скорее трансформировании наработок классиков жанра, нежели банальному плагиату. Бодрая “Behind The Moon” с типично мейдановскими гитарными партиями и наивностью раннего Nocturnal Rites зацепит любого фэна heavy metal, а уж вкрадчивое начало одноименного альбому трека “Nosferatu” стремительно переходящее в энергичную гитарную дуэль, приправленную добротным вокалом и хоровыми распевами в лучших традициях “Hallowed Be Thy Name”, вряд ли оставит равнодушных среди поклонников англичан, и кто знает, может она скрасит разочарование, вызванное их последними работами? Но не только Мейден повлиял на шведов, нашлось место и немцам, дань уважения которым Bloodbound с лихвой отдают в своей версии “Eagle Fly Free” под названием “Fallen From Grace”, бодрой и энергичной “Crucified” или “For The King”. И все же основная удача команды – это не комбинирование классических риффов, а вокалист, чей голос идеально вписывается в музыку, легко выделяясь на фоне остальных команд направления. В его интонациях почти идеально сочетается позитив и надрыв, мгновенно вызывая расположение и симпатию. Любой, кто любит и ценит мелодику Iron Maiden, задор и наивность Helloween, легкость подачи Lost Horizon проходить мимо “Nosferatu” – это практически тоже самое, что насильно травмировать себя запахами свежих пирожных, будучи завзятым сладкоежкой и запрещая даже прикосновение к ним в иллюзиях надежды на сброс лишних килограммов (Диск предоставлен компанией Mystic Empire) |
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Команда новая, это их первый студийный альбом. Ребята молодые, но энергетика в них чувствуется просто бешеная. Продукт очень хороший, собственно вот из-за чего:
1.Качественный 2.Проверенный временем
И так по пунктам:
1. Качественный. Альбом записан в принципе хорошо, мне понравилось, чётко слышно обе гитары, барабаны неплохо отстроены, бас хорошо слышно, и вокал не заглушает остальные инструменты. В общем, сведён он грамотно. Также хор хорошо прописан. Я заметил очень сильное влияние таких групп как Helloween и Hammerfall, и влияние это хорошее, ребята собрали всё лучшее из опыта этих групп. Также заметил в некоторых моментах влияние Нео Классики, очень хорошая добавка ко всему этому, At Vance всё-таки внесли свой вклад в формирование современных Power команд.
2. Проверенный временем. Итак рецепт: Берём наваристый отвар из Hammerfall, добавляем Helloween и немножко Edguy, также по вкусу можно добавить щепотку Dark Moor и, если есть желание, чуть чуть Blind Guardian - вуа ля! Получаем качественный, хороший продукт, готовый к употреблению слушателем. Этот рецепт проверенный, взять хотя бы из таких продуктов команды вроде Cryonic Temple, Freedom Call (хотя тут очень чувствуется вкус Manowar`a), Hamka, Iron Mask (хотя они подвержены больше влиянию At Vance). Слушатель хороший продукт всегда оценит, и он всегда будет востребован, хотя ничего нового по своей сути он не внесёт в историю музыки. |
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просмотров: 23452 |
But the face reflected isn't yours
When the wind is howling
And the moon looks on
Can you really say your fears all gone
From dusk till dawn
The curse is on
With the light of day comes no sanctuary
As the shadows fade away
With the light of day comes no sanctuary
From behind the moon they come
In the pale blue light tonight
In the shadows in the dark
Where the terrors of your mind take shape
There's no comfort here
When all is said and done
Can you really tell those lights weren't on
From dusk till dawn
The curse is on
With the light of day comes no sanctuary
As the shadows fade away
With the light of day comes no sanctuary
From behind the moon they come
With the light of day comes no sanctuary
As the shadows fade away
With the light of day comes no sanctuary
From behind the moon they come
Whoa oh oh, whoa oh oh, whoa oh oh oh oh
2. Into The Dark
[T. Olsson / F. Bergh]
It's the dawn of a new horizon
Where the rainbow is grey and dark
No stars in the sky
Only angels burning
Feel the dark side of human nature
That can light by a single spark
You can't deny what you've become
You are the one to open up the dark
Say goodbye and look the demon in the eyes
It's the last time you'll see the sunrise
There is no hope to find
Deep inside an evil mind
And when the nighttime falls
You'll be falling down into the dark
It's the time of the inquisition
One way ride to eternity
No anger no fear
Will you open up the dark
Say goodbye and look the demon in the eyes
There's no time to repent no glory
There is no hope to find
Deep inside an evil mind
And when the nighttime falls
You'll be falling down into the dark
There is no hope to find
Deep inside an evil mind
And when the nighttime falls
You'll be falling down
There is no hope to find
Deep inside an evil mind
And when the nighttime falls
You'll be falling down into the dark
3. Nosferatu
[T. Olsson]
At the gates of hell I stand alone
Waiting for the call
Now my time has come to pay the price
For the things I've done
I can see but there's nobody there
I can hear but there's so much I fear
In the dark
I can feel but my senses are gone
I can tell but the damage is done
In the dark
Return your soul it's the end of the line
Return your soul it's the end of time
Can I believe what I saw in the night
Can I believe I was right
The face of a demon with eyes turning black
Can I believe what I saw in the night
Can I believe I was right
Candles were burning the ritual was on
I can run but I can not escape
I can hide but I'm bent out of shape
In the dark
I can lie but the truth isn't there
I can die but there's no one to care
In the dark
Return your soul it's the end of the line
Return your soul it's the end of time
Can I believe what I saw in the night
Can I believe I was right
The face of a demon with eyes turning black
Can I believe what I saw in the night
Can I believe I was right
Candles were burning the ritual was on
4. Metal Monster
[T. Olsson / U. Breed / F. Bergh]
One day one night
One set of burning wheels
You better get this right
Once in a lifetime once in a while
Cruel disposition men keep moving down this line
Whoa oh oh oh oh, whoa oh oh oh oh
She's hot as hell and hell you ride
My lady of the night can't romance her no
Charging through the night her engine roars
With screaming tires spewing flames
Knocking at hells door she's a metal monster
Someday sometime
One scorching hot machine calling down the line
From this position burning fumes inside
Move through the gates so fast you better treat her right
Whoa oh oh oh oh, whoa oh oh oh oh
She's hot as hell and hell you ride
My lady of the night can't romance her no
Charging through the night her engine roars
With screaming tires spewing flames
Knocking at hells door she's a metal monster
My lady of the night can't romance her no
Charging through the night her engine roars
With screaming tires spewing flames
Knocking at hells door she's a metal monster
My lady of the night can't romance her no
Charging through the night her engine roars
With screaming tires spewing flames
Knocking at hells door she's a metal monster
Whoa oh oh oh oh, whoa oh oh oh oh
Whoa oh oh oh oh, whoa oh oh oh...
5. Crucified
[T. Olsson / F. Bergh]
You dream of a world without pain
But there's only evil
The prophet predicted your path
And you will deceive her
An Angel of death
Has fallen again
And this time it's your turn
You live to die your soul is blind
By the creature in your mind
See the sign of Lucifer
You live to die what will you find
In the corner of your mind
Once again crucified
You'll dance with the demon tonight
Between good and evil
Betrayed by a spell from her hand
Cause Lucifer leads her
A sinner no saint
From heaven was sent
And this time your soul'll burn
You live to die your soul is blind
By the creature in your mind
See the sign of Lucifer
You live to die what will you find
In the corner of your mind
Once again crucified
You live to die your soul is blind
By the creature in your mind
See the sign of Lucifer
You live to die what will you find
In the corner of your mind
Once again crucified
6. Desdemonamelia
[T. Olsson / U. Breed]
You always thought you had this game nailed down
You had things sorted inside out
The times are changing now the money's down
It got you cornered now for sure
And they say you must deliver
Sending shivers down your spine
Oh Desdemonamelia
There's no static on the line
Oh she's the soul retriever
She's both evil and divine
Without a fear return her deadly gaze
It's your vision on the line
So if you can't deplore her and if you kneel before her
You will never be apart
And they say you must deliver
Sail the rivers of her heart
Oh Desdemonamelia
There's no static on the line
Oh she's the soul retriever
She's both evil and divine
Who's evil and divine
In time we'll understand
Oh Desdemonamelia
Got your money on the line
Oh she's the soul retriever
Cut your losses there's still time
No, No, No, No, No
7. Fallen From Grace
[T. Olsson / F. Bergh]
If you lose your faith in human kind
I'll be the one who's calling
When you've lost all hope and
Everything is dead and gone
If you're still around tomorrow
And the devils verdict's fallen
You will be condemned and suffer for eternity
Save yourself and turn into the light
Close your eyes or they will steal your soul away
How many souls will be lost in the sea
Of the damned for eternity
Fallen from grace and be lost in this place
Without bars or a lock and key
Follow every sign cause they will guide
You through your darkest hour
Even if it means that you will go to hell and back
Never talk to strangers if their shadows
Hide behind the moonlight
Only when the bell strikes midnight
Fallen angels fly
Save yourself and turn into the light
Close your eyes or they will steal your soul away
How many souls will be lost in the sea
Of the damned for eternity
Fallen from grace and be lost in this place
Without bars or a lock and key
How many souls will be lost in the sea
Of the damned for eternity
Fallen from grace and be lost in this place
Without bars or a lock and key
8. Screams In The Night
[T. Olsson]
He came from nowhere and took all the children
Away in the still of the night
Morning at sunrise they left with their pain
Despair calling ready to fight
Fallen to pieces they searched in the fields, in the
Woods anywhere they could be
Nightfall and still not a sign of the light
In the darkness where black shadows dwell
Morning came still no sign of life
Nighttime falls reflection in his knife
Screams in the night as the last ray of light
Fade away they will never return
Screams in the night as the last ray of light
Fade away only black candles burn
Twisting and turning they're locked in the valley of
Fear they will never return
Blood on his knife and the look in his eyes
As evil as evil can be
Morning came still no sign of life
Nighttime falls reflection in his knife
Screams in the night as the last ray of light
Fade away they will never return
Screams in the night as the last ray of light
Fade away only black candles burn
Screams in the night as the last ray of light
Fade away they will never return
Screams in the night as the last ray of light
Fade away only black candles burn
9. For The King
[T. Olsson]
He will teach you, master of the sword
Fall in line get down obey the lord
Many men will join us for the glory of the king
And fight until the end
Fight for the king and the crown and the son
To make sure this is where we belong
Fight for the king and the crown and the son
To make sure that our roots carry on
On the battlefield you will arise
Turn and look the maker in the eyes
Many men will join us for the glory of the king
And fight until the end
Fight for the king and the crown and the son
To make sure this is where we belong
Fight for the king and the crown and the son
To make sure that our roots carry on
When the battle is won
And there's blood on the ground
When the reaper is gone
And the smell of the dead is so strong
Fight for the king and the crown and the son
To make sure this is where we belong
Fight for the king and the crown and the son
To make sure that our roots carry on
Fight for the king and the crown and the son
To make sure this is where we belong
Fight for the king and the crown and the son
To make sure that our roots carry on
10. Midnight Sun
[T. Olsson / F. Bergh]
Into the dark I've fallen
Too weak to fight it back
I hear the voices call
From the depths of hell
When Lucifer calls
There's no turning back
Fly far away to the land
Of the forest, ice and snow
In the light of the midnight sun
Fly far away and return
All the darkness that was lost
In the midnight sun
Down on my knees I'm crawling
Too scared to walk away
When will I ever learn
Hell is where you burn
When Lucifer calls
Light will turn to dark
Fly far away to the land
Of the forest, ice and snow
In the light of the midnight sun
Fly far away and return
All the darkness that was lost
In the midnight sun
Fly far away to the land
Of the forest, ice and snow
In the light of the midnight sun
Fly far away and return
All the darkness that was lost
In the midnight sun
11. On The Battlefield
[T. Olsson]
Our story begins in a horrible place
Where heaven and hell is the end
Reason is gone, killing is done
All in the name of the son
Along came the preacher with promise in vain
Cause everything comes to an end
Reason is gone, killing is done
All in the name of the son
There's no shadow on the wall
When the demon's passing by
There's no shadow on the wall
There's a story to be told
As the moonlight meets the eye
There's a story to be told
The sound of the guns and the
Steel meeting steel has begun
Pray for a life after death on your
Knees and we'll meet in hell
Only the brave on the battlefield wins
Cause heaven and hell is the end
Reason is gone, killing is done
All in the name of the son
On the battlefield we stand
At the very last frontier
On the battlefield we stand
In the sky the arrows fly
Like a cloud instilling fear
In the sky the arrows fly
The sound of the guns and the
Steel meeting steel has begun
Pray for a life after death on your
Knees and we'll meet in hell
Only the brave on the battlefield wins
Cause heaven and hell is the end
Reason is gone, killing is done
All in the name of the son
Our story will end in a horrible place
Where pain and despair is your friend
Reason is gone, killing is done
All in the name of the son