« Kiss of Death »
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1 | Sucker 02:59
 | 2 | One Night Stand 03:05
 | 3 | Devil I Know 03:01
 | 4 | Trigger 03:53
 | 5 | Under the Gun 04:45
 | 6 | God Was Never on Your Side 04:21
 | 7 | Living in the Past 03:45
 | 8 | Christine 03:42
 | 9 | Sword of Glory 03:57
 | 10 | Be My Baby 03:40
 | 11 | Kingdom of the Worm 04:08
 | 12 | Going Down 03:35
 | | Total playing time: 44:51 |
   Lemmy Kilmister - vocals, bass
Phil Campbell - guitars
Mickey Dee - drums
Guest musicians:
C.C. Deville - lead guitars & keyboards on track 6
Mike Inez - bass on track 5 |
 | Sucker
How we are ain't how we were
Innocence is for the birds
Now we are poison and we don't care
We have no shame, we strip you bare
And you so precious, lost in smoke
Too busy laughing to see the joke
Nobody knows if you won or you lost
Into the palace or |
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 Запечатленный однажды в виде ревущего, лихого, несущегося на полной скорости и сокрушающего все на своем пути бронепоезда на обложке альбома “Orgasmatron” 1986-го года, Моторхэд все так же на своем пути и останавливаться не собирается! Девятнадцатый студийный диск (это с 1977-го то года!) “Kiss of Death” подтверждает, что Лемми Килмистер до сих пор с нами!
“Sucker”, яростный трэк, отличная «открывашка» для альбома. Лемми несет послание для всех тех, кто, возможно, знакомится с творчеством Головы впервые – ему по фиг что вы думаете, он идет по одному ему известному пути и целовать зад никому не собирается.
Затем следуют “One Night Stand” – первая из двух любовных буги-песен, перетекающая в “Devil I Know”, повествующая об отношении Лемми к психо-вампирам и бывшим стервозным подругам. Эти две, конечно не «пустышки», но цепляют они не слишком. После них начинается настоящий жесткий Моторхэд, без проходных песен.
“Trigger” - отличный текст, веселые мелодии, шустрый темп. Вдобавок на этом трэке перед каждым припевом имеется заводной гитарный проигрыш, который в первые 2 секунды принимается за соло. Раньше я у Мотора такого не встречал.
Молотоподобная “Under the Gun”, по атмосфере кивающая в сторону диска “Sacrifice” тяжелая, стредне-темповая мрачная песня сменяется балладой “God Was Never On Your Side”, одной из лучших на диске (и за душу берет и в композиционном плане не лажает). На этой вещице, что не уступает “One More Fucking Тайм”, в качестве приглашенного музыканта играет некий C.C. Deville (говорите из Poison? Ну ладно). Он отвечает за lead-гитару и клавишные, ну а Килмистер в ответе за еще один текст на тему «Лемми против религии и коррупции».
“Let the voice of reason shine, Let the pious vanish for all times,
God's face is, hidden, all unseen, You can't ask him what it all means
He was never on your side, God was never on your side.”
Ностальгия по старым добрым временам и ярость по отношению к людям, поставившим мир на голову, жесткая и злобная, с бодрым припевом “Living in the Past” сменяется вторым любовным буги “Christine.” Не люблю я Моторовские любовные песни за то, что как текст стандартен, так и мелодии второстепенны, а на первом месте в основном щенячий задор и вопли «Бэйби!» Это относится и к «Кристин», однако послушать хотя бы раз её стоит.
Покувыркавшись с Кристиной, Лемми обращает свой взор на подрастающее поколение, которое мелко видит старших и хочет гнать по полной, не учась на ошибках тех, кто уже давно склеил ласты – «Sword of Glory».
“All of history is there for you, All the deeds done in the world are mad
If you don't know what has gone before, You'll just make the same mistake again & again & again.”
На «Мече Славы» ребяты использовали вроде бы классический Мотoровский рифф, смахивающий, однако, на американский современный панк типа... Green Day?
Сразу после этого по мозгам бьет размалывющий все под собой очередной «Сакрифайсовский» рифф и “Be My Baby” дальше пашет как танк, через болота и холмы. Прикол в этой песне – коротенькое соло, при прослушивании которого мне вспомнился евро-пауэр-металл!
Супер вещь «Kingdom of the Worm», по музыке напоминает песни «March or Die», «The Game» и особенно - «Wake the Dead» - во всех отношениях мрачная и тяжелая, и при этом довольно быстрая. Тьма, легионы измученных тиранией и непонятной верой, неизвестно за какие идеалы сражающихся людей и тонущих в море лошадей, в забытье, в ужасе... Вокал Лемми неподражаем, по созданной атмосфере вся песня – одна большая «страшилка».
А потом – Dr. Rock is back! Вещь «Going Down» вытаскивает вас за уши из бездны, сажает за стол и закатывает пир рок-н-ролла!
“In the name of rock-n-roll, Fire in the Sky! Going down, going down!
You can’t mess with Dr. Rock, So don’t you even try!”
Последний трэк – бонус. Это перезаписанный, первоначально записанный для альбома «1916» “R.A.M.O.N.E.S.” Раньше у Моторов не наблюдалось практики включать песни с предыдущих альбомов в другие пластинки (разве только «кавера», то и то лишь в самом начале карьеры). Однако в этот раз, видно, особый случай. Сдается мне, это возможность почтить память ушедших на Другую Сторону павших деятелей панк- и рок-н-ролл сцены, отцов основателей Рамонз – Джоуи, ДиДи и Джонни, которые по очереди ушли из жизни за последние четыре года.
Ну и что же мы в результате имеем? Отличное качество звука, клёвый буклет и отличная музыка с не менее отличными текстами, как для увеселения так и для размышлений (у Лемми это всегда хорошо получалось). Вот только, сдается мне, понемногу Килмистер стареет. Если ранее всю ярость и непримиримость Моторы вкладывали в яркие шустрые песни, то несмотря на бодрость и завидный энтузиазм в целом, вся ярость в основном выплескивается в средне-темповых трэках с мрачной атмосферой загнанных лошадей (опять же, смотри «Kingdom of the Worm»). Обложка подтверждает сию атмосферу – на сером фоне, проломившая кирпичную стену, Голова неслабо потрёпана и распадается на части (хотя бы и во всеоружии). Похоже, группа подустала от постоянных баталий... однако флаг старого доброго рок-н-ролла все же не сложила!
За верность, стойкость и, все же ... ДРАЙВ!! - 10 из 10!
П.С. Предыдущий рецензент не прав насчет «единственного за всю историю басового соло» в “Devil I Know” – Лемми сыграл соло и покруче в «Stay Clean» на альбоме«Overkill» 1979-го года. |
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Очередные два года позади и очередной новый альбом Motorhead выходит в свет… Похоже, это уже что-то совершенно незыблемое и вечное, как смена времен года. Работоспособность просто поражает! Ведь, не далее как в 2004 году, эти, уже далеко не молодые музыканты, выпустили просто-таки дышащий свежестью и интересом великолепный альбом “Inferno”. После такого убийственного релиза все многочисленные поклонники, конечно же, встали на уши, и выход восемнадцатой студийной работы “Моторов”, которая получила мрачноватое название “Kiss Of Death”, ожидался ими (и мной, конечно же, тоже) с большим нетерпением. Но, видимо, сказок много не бывает… Сколько я не пытался убедить себя, что новое творение обожаемых музыкантов мне очень нравится - не получилось… Итак, сначала взглянем на положительные стороны релиза, которых, несомненно, много. В актив записываем – в очередной раз восстановленную со стопроцентной точностью атмосферу тотального хаоса и беспредела, беспощадного звукового штурма. Микки Ди, Фил и Лемми свое дело знают (кстати, последний здесь отметился первым в истории группы басовым соло в композиции “Devil I Know”)! Так же, на этот раз, гораздо более внятными вышли приглашения гостей – экс-гитарист Poison (фэны “Моторов”, как тру метала, не падайте со стульев!) СиСи Девилл отлично сыграл не только соло, но даже и добавил клавишных инструментов в альбомную балладу, а басист Alice In Chains Майк Инез составил неплохую конкуренцию Лемми в номере “Under The Gun”. Кстати, как раз перейдем к удачным песням. Признаюсь, мне очень нравятся тексты маэстро Килмистера, особенно, когда он начинает нещадно проходиться язвительной критикой по порокам нашего мира – у него это получается, как ни у кого другого. С этой, а также с музыкальной позиции, мне очень приглянулся агрессивный открывающий боевик “Sucker”, парочка ярких анти военных заявлений в безумно энергичных номерах “Sword Of Glory” и “Living In The Past”, и, конечно же, та самая баллада - искренняя и по-настоящему берущая за душу “God Was Never On Your Side”. Ну а лучшей песней диска, несомненно, стоит признать “Trigger” - совершенно безумный угар сочетается с небывалой для Motorhead мелодикой, которая напоминает, простите, пауэр метал! Ну а теперь, как бы мне этого не хотелось, “Kiss Of Death” придется ругать. Во-первых, мне совершенно не понравилось оформление релиза, я, конечно, понимаю, что с таким названием все должно быть “мрачным и готишным”, но Джо Петаньо здесь явно перегнул палку. Во-вторых, кроме выделенных выше произведений, мне по-настоящему не приглянулась ни одна композиция. Я вот думаю - это как же надо было постараться, чтобы даже я, неизлечимый фэн, назвал эти песни однообразными и скучными? И, в-третьих, опять же, _остальные_ тексты. Лемми на старости лет потянуло на девочек, по-другому и не скажешь! Я, конечно же, не против сексуальной и даже местами откровенно вульгарной лирики, но, в сочетании с не шибко интересной музыкой, большая часть песенного материала “Kiss Of Death” произвела на меня удручающее впечатление. Конечно же, альбом необходимо купить всем фэнам “Моторов”, хотя бы для составления собственного мнения. Но “Извержение” было, наверное, раз в десять сильнее, чем “Поцелуй Смерти”. (Диск предоставлен компанией Soyuz Music) |
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просмотров: 34665 |
Into the gravy or into the ground
We just don't want you around
What we want ain't what we get
Rags to riches, ain't working yet
For we are monsters, we love our work
Raise your voice, you bite the dirt
And you so patient, lost in dreams
Too busy crying to hear the screams
Nobody cares if you lost or you won
In with the girlies or under the gun
Into the sunshine or under the blade
We're gonna dance on your grave
What we do is break the law
We tasted blood and we want more
For we are murder, we like it fine
No quarter, we draw the line
And you so gracious, lost in time
Too busy killing to see the crime
Love it or hate it, you're gonna pay
All of us here gonna ruin your day
Into the palace or into the pit
We think you're just full of shit!
Nobody cares if you're in or you're out
We're gonna give you a smack in the mouth
Whether you go or whether you stay
I guess it just ain't your day
One night stand
One lucky devil, that's me!
Gonna be my brand new rose
Don't you look good, I swear, honey
Show it wherever you go
Talking, looking and thinking
Keep me happy all day
Love me tender, let me remember
When I get old and grey
Love at first sight
Love with a travelling man
I've been a slut all my life
Wish every night was a one night stand
You got a beautiful smile
The story of my poor life
One look's worth a thousand words
And that's the truth, alright
Moving, touching and breathing
Just trying to make some time
Loving you, honey, don't want your money
Either your place or mine
Love at first sight
Love with a travelling man
I've been a slut all my life
Wish every night was a one night stand
Into your town like thunder
Crazy invasion of noise
Come on down! Stick around
But honey, don't bring no boys!
Crawling out of the badlands
Rocking the shape of your world
We're here for it seldom, so make us welcome!
I love american girls!
Love at first sight
Love with a travelling man
You're whole world tonight
Wish every night was a one night stand
Love at first sight
Love with a travelling man
Give it up tonight
Wish every night was a one night stand
Love at first sight
Love with a travelling man
I've been a slut all my life
Wish every night was a one night stand
Devil I know
Stand up for the cause
Lay down for the law
You know what your claw is for
Far as you can spit
Don't knock on my door
You ain't welcome no more
I might be a dog
But honey, you're a bitch!
Ain't gonna change a thing
Ain't gonna change my ways
I don't care where you've been
Don't care where you go
Going back to the devil I know
Stand up for the count
Hold up and dismount
I know what my feet are for
I know when to quit
Don't come 'round my house
I'm gonna put you out
It might sound harsh
But I'm done flicking your switch
Ain't gonna change a thing
Ain't gonna change my ways
I don't care where you've been
Don't care where you go
Going back to the devil I know
Stand up for your life
Lay down for the knife
I know what that smile is for
Hard as I've been hit
I can't be your lover
So go find another
It might sound cold
But I'm done digging your ditch
Ain't gonna change a thing
Ain't gonna change my ways
I don't care where you've been
Don't care where you go
Going back to the devil I know
Running through the darkness
Won't do you no good to flee
Stalking through the golden state
Who's bitch do you want to be?
Can't run, can't hide
Gonna get you, wait and see!
You know I'm weird, I know I'm weird, I'm crazy
Now feel your backbone shiver
Lucky thing for you, babe, I'm so lazy
But I'm gonna pull your trigger
Look over your shoulder
And all the windows too
Bow down to the golden calf
Which bitch is the one for you?
What you need is extra speed
'Cause I'm gonna hit on you
You know I'm weird, I know I'm weird, I'm crazy
Now feel your backbone shiver
Lucky thing for you, babe, I'm so lazy
But I'm gonna pull your trigger
Know you can't stop
Move it on over
But that's another story
'Cause I knew your mama
Out here in the city
Just half a mile behind
Searching for the golden rose
Which bitch would you like to find?
You can't run forever
And you're still on my mind
You know I'm weird, I know I'm weird, I'm crazy
Now feel your backbone shiver
Lucky thing for you, babe, I'm so lazy
But I'm gonna pull your trigger
You know I'm weird, I know I'm weird, I'm crazy
Never mind that ?
Lucky thing for you, babe, I'm so lazy
But I'm gonna pull your trigger
Under the gun
We should have got it on, you know it's true
So many times I thought I spoke to you
But I guess it wasn't true, some dreams ain't real
Wishful thinking, the way I feel
But you sure looked good this time
I'm sure it ain't no crime
A little fantasy
Involving you and me
Come on over! Lay it down
It's about time, shoot me a line, lay it down
All of our lives, running away from the law
We all live under the sun
But we don't have to live under the gun
We still might meet again, you know we could
I got so many ways to make you feel so good
I guess it's up to you, to make it work
I hope it's true, don't leave me in the dirt
You sure look good to me
I'm sure you must agree
Just one more chance
The horizontal dance
Come on over! Lay it down
It's about time, shoot me a line, lay it down
All of our lives, running away from the law
We all live under the sun
But we don't have to live under the gun
And so we're warm again, perhaps a little wet
I know a few good ways, make sure you don't forget
I guess it's real right now, let me show you how
Some dreams come true, got me next to you
Can't wait to see
You naked just for me
Move against me, girl
Take me around the world
Come on over! Lay it down
It's about time, shoot me a line, lay it down
All of our lives, running away from the law
We all live under the sun
But we don't have to live under the gun
God was never on your side
If the stars fall down on me
And the sun refuse to shine
Then may the shackles be undone
May all the old words cease to rhyme
If the skies turn into stone
It will matter not at all
For there is no heaven in the sky
Hell does not wait for our downfall
Let the voice of reason shine
Let the pious vanish for all times
God's face is hidden, all unseen
You can't ask him what it all means
He was never on your side
God was never on your side
Let right and wrong alone decide
God was never on your side
See ten thousand ministries
See the holy righteous dogs
They claim to heal but all they do is steal
Abuse your faith, cheat and rob
If god is wise, why is he still?
When these false prophets call him friends
Why is he silent? Is he blind?
Are we abandoned in the end?
Let the sword of reason shine
Let us be free of prayer and shrine
God's face is hidden, turned away
He never has a word to say
He was never on your side
God was never on your side
Let right or wrong alone decide
God was never on your side
He was never on your side
God was never on your side
Never, never, never, never, never on your side
Never on your side
God was never on your side
Never on your side
Living in the past
Don't you speak of lies to me
After all the deeds are done
After all the smoking guns
Don't speak to me of lies
Don't you try to scold me now
Don't you try to hold me now
Don't start acting cold right now
Don't you even try
Nothing is the same for us
All the times are changed for us
All things fault and blame for us
Good times laid aside
So now we are the lost
And now we are the last
Living in a nightmare
Broken dreams, love turned mean
Living in the past
Don't you speak to me no more
After what you've said before
After all the things you swore
Don't speak to me no more
Don't you know the way we are?
Black enough to hide the stars
Made us take our rage too far
Don't you know at all?
Nothing is what we have now
Nothing is what we're allowed
Nothing but an echo now
Nothing like before
So now we are the lost
And now we are the last
Living in a nightmare
Broken dreams and love turned mean
Living in the past
Living in the past
I ain't gonna take the blame
Don't twist the truth, don't be a whore
Tell the truth and shame the devil
Don't you lie no more
I will never understand
How we came to this sad place
Just to look at your sad face
Castles made of sand
And here we are, so we do
What we had is now untrue
What there was is lost and shamed
Here we are again
So now we are the lost
And now we are the last
Living in a nightmare
Broken dreams and love turned mean
Living in the past
So now we are the lost
And now we are the last
Living in a nightmare
Broken dreams and love turned mean
Living in the past
Living in the past
Hear her coming 'bout five miles away
That girl is something, know she gonna make my day
Ah, she is so fine! A real good friend of mine
I just wanna jump her bones all the time
See her walking, she knows all the moves
Fortune cookie, send your toes up in your shoes
Oh, you can't believe what she got up her sleeve!
Likes me fine and that's just fine with me
Christine, I'm going out of my mind
Like to drive me wild
Red hot mama, ain't no lie
So glad I caught your eye
Christine, you put your hands on me
I got electric blood
Come on over and do it again
Just like a bad girl should
She move like a rattlesnake made out of razorblades
That girl can't help it, just the way she's made
I would run all around the world just to see that girl
She sure loves playing with the Ace of Spades
Christine, drive me out of my head
Like to drive me wild
Red hot mama, ain't no lie
So glad I caught your eye
Christine, you put your hands on me
I got electric blood
Come on over and do it again
Just like a bad girl should
Christine, drive me out of my mind
Like to drive me wild
Red hot mama, ain't no lie
So glad I caught your eye
Christine, you put your hands on me
I got electric blood
Come on over, do it again
Just like a bad girl should
Sword of glory
Where are we to go from here in time?
Do you see the future? Do you know?
What can you expect from years to come?
And what can you do now to make it so?
All of history is there for you
All the deeds done in the world are mad
If you don't know what has gone before
You'll just make the same mistake again and again and again
Soldier, soldier, see where we were
You have to know the story
Older or colder, life isn't fair
Got to grab the sword of glory
If you can't see what bloody fools we were
Then you were also born a bloody fool
Listen to the hundred million dead
They didn't know it but they died for you
All you know is that you're young and tough
Don't you think those millions thought the same?
If you don't know where it all went wrong
You'll just make the same mistake again and again and again
Soldier, soldier, see where we were
You have to know the story
Older or colder, life ain't fair
Got to grab the sword of glory
Read the books, learn to save your life
How can you find the knowledge if you don't?
All the brave men died before their time
You'll either be a hero or you won't
You know your real life, the only way
Is see why all those brave men died in vain
If all that slaughter doesn't make you sad
You'll just make the same mistake again and again and again
Soldier, soldier, see where we were
You have to know the story
Older or colder, life ain't fair
Got to grab the sword of glory
Be my baby
Make out, make out, you must run
Divide and rule, more and more
Say the word
Hardcore, hardcore
You live your life behind your eyes
You got no life, no disguise
Be my baby, I ain't gonna cry
Shut your mouth, wanna do the dog
Sex with needles gonna get you off
Outlaw, outlaw, no, ma'am, no way!
Turn me down, damn shame! I'll say
Going to a freak show to take my pain away
Breakout, breakout, you must dance
Divide and fall, more and more
Save the world
High score, high score
You live your life behind the wall
You got no life, gonna fall
Be my baby, I ain't gonna die
Shut you down, I wanna do the dog
Sex with monsters gonna get you off
Outlaw, outlaw, no, ma'am, no way!
Turn me down, damn shame! I'll say
Going to a gun show to take my brain away
Fake out, fake out, you can't leave
Divide and stall, more and more
Say the word
Webcore, webcore
You crawl with life behind your face
You got no life, no disgrace
Be my baby, I ain't gonna die
Stay right there, I wanna do the dog
Sex with killers ain't gonna get them off
Outlaw, outlaw, no, man, no way!
Turn me down, damn shame! I'll say
Going to an old show to take my shame away
Kingdom of the worm
You remember, you remember me, yes!
I remember what we are, I remember only scars
I remember only stars, I remember hell and mother
I have seen the eye of God, youth trust gone forever
See only the master, risen, risen
After all the silence, all of him laughing
After all the strangers, beaten, driven
Try to place all things in a certain rhythm
Do as the book told you, see the pages torn
Make the spell upon them in human form
So we come to call it the great and awesome dance
Do you see before you the kingdom of romance?
You remember, you remember his face
You remember what I am, I remember only weeping
I remember only sleeping, I remember tearing flesh
I can only taste the devil, your tears when you cry
Wasted with the children, singing just a hymn
You can hear them only crying, crying
After all the horses gallop to fathom
Try to fell under you spine of the dragon
Do as you consider, writhe and spin alarm
Spell tricky magic, nails for your savior
So we bravely gather though we moan with dread
Do you see before you the kingdom of the dead?
Can I remember? I remember you, no!
Can I remember gold? I remember silver eyes
I remember silver skies, I remember awesome pain
I can hear the horse in darkness, only he dreams of glory
Standing at the edge of all, looking down at last
Can you see the others? Running, running
All the horses burning, sinking, dying
Do you feel destiny or are you lying?
Do what you were made for, all must endure
Soon the door closes for good or evil
Are you the ice queen or do you want to burn?
Here see before you, the kingdom of the worm
Kingdom of romance
Kingdom of the dead
Kingdom of the worm
All men must suffer...
Going down
Dr Rock is gonna shoot you full of rock and roll
We do it real good
Loud and clear, we beat the drum
We're gonna make you run
In the name of rock and roll, fire in the sky
Going down, going down
You can't mess with Dr Rock
So don't you even try
We run through the city, got everything we need
We got all the aces and we got them up our sleeve
Gonna see the Doctor, take away your pain
We do it real fine
We say what we mean, we mean what we say
We're gonna make your day
In the name of rock and roll, fire in the sky
Going down, going down
You can't mess with Dr Rock
So don't you even try
We ruin through the city, got everything we need
We got all the aces and we got them up our sleeve
Crossing over rivers, over mountains, over seas
Coming to rock your world
Hear us scream, whatever can it mean
We're gonna steal your girl
In the name of rock and roll, fire in the sky
Going down, going down
You can't mess with Dr Rock
That's right, don't you even try
We run through the city, got everything we need
We got all the aces and we got them up our sleeve