« Liar Flags »
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1 | ...When the Demons Ride 06:09
 | 2 | Liar Flags 06:29
 | 3 | Last Days of Aghrapur Pt.I: Ambush 05:47
 | 4 | Last Days of Aghrapur Pt.II: Lost Empire 03:32
 | 5 | Predecessor 05:33
 | 6 | To the Fallen Ones 06:37
 | 7 | Vs Myself 04:37
 | 8 | Nau 03:09
 | 9 | And a New Journey Begins... 01:38
 | | Total playing time 43:25 |
   Juan - Vocals
Iban-Pirri - Guitars
Jose - Guitars
David - Bass
Eneas - Keys
Rivas - Drums
Guest Appearances:
Pascual Gimeno - Orchestral Arrangements
Francisco martinez - Flutes, Pipe and Zanfona
Ana - Vocals |
All songs written by RUNIC
Recorded and mixed by Alberto sales and RUNIC at Rocketes Studio, Spain |
 | 1. When The Demons Ride
To the farthest town of the highest hill
I was led by the spell of misfortune witch
With a drunken crowd wounds from past were healed
But itґs not good to loose the control
... Under unconciousness...
World is coming down, far beyond the seas
Rulers never have enou |
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 Как вдруг повеяло скандинавским духом… Откуда это? Да никак с Пиренейского полуострова? Да уж, видать крепко наследили в свои времена викинги, если в горячих испанских юношах внезапно пробуждается сознание древних северных воинов, торговцев и бандитов. В общем, память ли там предков, осчастлививших в веке так десятом пиренейских крестьянок, или просто влияние современной скандинавской сцены, но шесть испанских идальго решили играть именно викинг-метал, что исправно делают вот уже на втором своем альбоме, причем, если первый опус был выпущен каким-то локальным испанским лейблом, то второй уже удостоился контракта с "Massacre Records". За какие заслуги? А боги знают… В принципе, ничего плохого про "Liar Flags" сказать нельзя - прилично сыгранный, отлично записанный викинг-метал с некоторой долей скандинавского мелодичного дэта (не более, чем у ENSIFERUM), неплохими гитарными соло, минимальной клавишной поддержкой и типичным для стиля хриплым вокалом. С мелодиями у ребят тоже все нормально - такие песни, как "Liar Flags", "Predecessor" или "To the Fallen Ones" вполне заслуживают претензий на "хитовость", но из-за того, что все вещи музыканты отчего-то играют в одном темпе, альбом изрядно теряет в динамике, да и общее впечатление смазывается - последние песни просто сливается во что-то такое единое, монолитное и… абсолютно фоновое. Причем, этот эффект возникнет даже если слушать треки в произвольном порядке. При этом, я бы не стал сравнивать RUNIC с более известными группами, хотя, конечно, многие уже успели навесить им ярлык то ли вторых ENSIFERUM, то ли третьих MOONSORROW. При всей своей откровенной подражательности испанцы смогли добавить в музыку нечто, что можно считать присущим только им - прежде всего, не совсем стандартные для стиля очень "теплые" гитары, которые с трудом ассоциируются со Скандинавией, а вот с Испанией - в самый раз. Нет, никаких "фламенко" - Хосе и Ибан играют подчеркнуто в "северном" стиле, но получается у них с ощутимым "южным" акцентом, и вот именно за этот акцент я и ставлю альбому на балл выше, чем он, может быть, того заслуживает. (Диск предоставлен компанией Mystic Empire) |
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Вот долго я думал, писать или не писать рецензию на этот альбом, от которого я тащусь уже второй год... бросил шапку на землю, плюнул под ноги и решился-таки! Что здесь можно сказать... Альбом просто великолепнейший, и что самое обидное, он прошёл практически незамеченным – а, между прочим, это лучший образец паган-викинг-метала, что я слушал за последние лет пять, и Korpiklaani, и Ensiferum, и Scyforger, и Primordial даже рядом не стояли... Нет, серьёзно - великолепнейшее сочетание агрессивных дэт-трэш-хэви-риффов (изредка соскакивающих в блэковый чёс), фольковых мелодий (слышаться и флейты, и свирели, и волынки, и пр.), эпических и симфонических клавиш, двойного вокала и редких женских бэк-вокальных вставок (в 2-х песнях). Особенно восхищает двухчастная «Last Days of Aghrapur»... Да здесь много отличных песен, и каждая из них маленький шедевр, складывающиеся в одну огромную галерею, имя которой «Liar Flags». И главное, что группа, несмотря на своё необычное происхождение (Испания!), совершенно не копирует или не повторяет кого-либо из ведущих лидеров жанра - музыка группы самобытна, ярка, эффектна и абсолютно узнаваема - и за это ей можно приплюсовать отдельный бал. Советую всем поклонникам жанра и не только - любой поклонник метала, ИМХО, должен иметь этот релиз у себя в загашнике... в очередной раз включаю его в проигрыватель и с нетерпением жду следующего релиза. |
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просмотров: 5995 |
With a broken law they have free the beast
Our destiny will be hanging
By a thread when the demons ride
Stygia is my destiny
Stygia is you destiny
Heartless mercenaries
Your ambition knows no boundaries
Infidel defilers of the sacred graves
As the black clouds bring the storm in the wind
Their speech will drive us to misery
Donґt believe in their words spat from hell
A frozen poison made of rage was poured
Deep inside their soul
There is a dusk without its dawn prepared
For those who built their thrones
Over the martyr bones...
Donґt waste your life...
There is no crown which earns a life
Unhealing wounds have overflown their riverbeds
Fallen traditions have been humbled at the sight of the adepts
You have subjected whole empires to your will
But donґt forget that some species are never tamed...
You can spread my remains over the oceans
But you will meet with other threats...
You should realize that distressed wings beat stronger
In mighty ravenґs flight
Fly again...
Blind crowds are waking up from your lies
Canґt you hear the shadows breaking up the silence?
Figures are riding
Before my eyes...
Canґt you feel their presence streaming in the cold wind?
From the farthest town of the highest hill
I was sent by the spells of misfortune witch
I left empty words in a mountain but
Our destiny will be hanging
By a thread when the demons ride...
2. Liar Flags
Darker days are approaching the storm to us
Rain falls with a potency never seen
The good old days are vanished in the mist of times
But the flame of ancient hordes is still alive
Conflicts are imminent
Be prepared for years of agony in a fearful dark...
We canґt allow dirty governments of tyranny
We must not accept states of impartiality
You have thought we are little more than slaves
But you know we will be only silenced in graves
I think it will be better to pray for us
Because the air is overloaded
With the scents of war
Our pagan roots will show the way...
Ancient writings very occasionally lie...
Turn a deaf ear to the liar flags
Weґre dealt to their flags...
But too many flags...
Donґt fall with them...
In dark days because they have brought disgrace
Because they have brought dark days...
Who wrote your laws...?
Who break the chains...?
We have no options...
We must free our life of any servilities
Who wrote your laws...?
Who break the chains...?
We have no options...
We must free our life of any servile submissiveness
Dark desires in the moon, have taken control of my dazed soul...
We have been lost in the forest,
Until we have been captivated in its revealing bright...
Away, donґt turn your eyes away from truth... Away
Your mouth is plenty of rubbish
The chests of dirty stolen black old
We have been kneeling down in front of the throne
But the fallen masks uncovered a face that should never be shown
Through the clouded sky
A shinning light
Keep your aims in safe
Even when the dark days hurt...
Disguised but uncovered in time...?
Flags die when their sons deserted them
Gods falls down of their own temples
Every beginning has an ending...
And we have seen the fire on the face of your idols...
3. Last Days Of Aghrapur Pt.I. Ambush
The flame is in the fire
The fire is in the sky
Thousand coming flaming arrows whistle in the night
Dead bodies hide the landscape
Falling on my side
The smell of flesh makes drunk the senses
Donґt make we waste the time and...
Let me fight... Iґll never be surrendered, I swear
Rise me high... Take me to the glory, in fight...
The soldiers are surrounded
The hangman holds his rope...
Donґt be out of alignment
If you donґt want feed his wolves
The flame is in the fire
The fire is in my eyes
My eyes are burning, My head is turning
You know itґs fate to throw us back!
When the beams of the moon drank their shelter
It could be listened the counterattack shout
Gods were pleased with the scene of a few, against many...
A cry for help were the last words that many said
Before the sword stab its edge in their necks...
Keep back their troops
Donґt drop your guard
We have strength enough to hurt them all down
Iґll never forgive
I canґt get memories out of my mind
Every promise you did in a past
Was a lance inside the dark
Weґve been living enclosed in the firing line
Weґll never defeat
Stronger feelings arise in our hearts
Weґd prefer to die in these damned fields
To decay in captivity...
Sick of standing to behold the pain
Of oppressions which came with the "king of lies"
We canґt know what is, in store for us...
But you will be caught in your own traps...
Weґve been living enclosed in the firing line
Nine days until we were rearmed
Becoming closer to their hidden camp
Nine whole nights on their trail
Expecting any kind of dirty play
Nine days without repite
You know that many of us remained behind
Moonlight has been ou ally
We are going to defeat you under
The light of the Northern star
When the beams of the moon drank their shelter
It could be listened the counterattack shout
Gods were pleased with the scene of a few, against many...
A cry for help
Will make the punishment to fit your crimes
Youґll never bring us down...
4. Last Days Of Aghrapur Pt.II. Lost Empire
Ashes in the emptiness...
Itґs written in the forbidden scrolls...
That the jewel of the black sea should never be found
Confronted nations devastated for gold
Every beast displays an instinct and we learned to destroy...
More than two ages have slowly gone by
And the conquerors desire hasnґt been satisfied...
Another heads, the same stone...
Human being has been corroded by the same snake fangs!
5. Predecessor
Weґre back
To times of fears and mysteries
I think Iґm unable to understand...
The walls that fate has laid out for me...
Let me ask you the questions
Replace our frustrations
Your wisdom revelations
Will get us free of our convictions...
We have reached the last meridian
While we drifted against the streams
We have given up our existence
We may perish just for a dream...
Lost dreams...
Coming through the centuries
Spirits of great kings sent their legacies...
Standards were placed in the wrong hands
Stained by conspiracies
By force, they were suddenly stolen by force
Divested of the values that once made us
Feel proud of them...
Decisions have been already taken
Luck has been pushed by the same spectres
Time puts everyone straight
But the bird of ill omen is flying over our heads...
We have been...
For nothing...
We have been sold down the river...
Hungry wolves are devouring us
We canґt find no lights through these everlasting walls...
Decisions have been already taken...
Never mind if they were mistaken
Black marks are strongly impressed on my mind
We are gnawed by the uncertainties
But everything is beginning to make sense
With the colder wings...
... That brings the airs of truth...
... Perhaps the answers doesnґt like you...
Winds that full the airs with fumes
... Coming from our past remains
Winds that turn the sky as black as...
Black colours stained the standards we gave up in past
Now we have lost our identities
Now we are sons of a kingdom uncrowned
Reborn in the centuries...
6. To The Fallen Ones
Glory for those who let their fears in past
Having taken the enemies lands
Glory for those who will reach the stars of nightfall
To never come back...
So wait by the side of the almighty Crom...
Words in the wind, I can hear you, I can feel you in
Blowing the sea, to the mountains of Grief
Row to the mist, it is written in our destiny
Words in the wind, take your weapons and shields
Spirit of wind, I can find you as far I can see
Blowing the sea, take a swig of my drink!
Row to the mist, our brothers didnґt die in vain
Spirit of wind, I can hear their screams in my dreams...
From the other side of the Stygian lake
Songs of battles will pray in your name
At war...!
No mercy on your blade
Nor sign of a small benevolence
Never look back or future will clit your throat
Why we fought will be buried into the oblivion
Grant me at last
With the head of the traitor as the price of revenge
Grant me revenge!
Grant me revenge in the name of the proud of the fallen ones
under years of domain
Send me strength through the air of the highest clouds
Donґt let ravens feed their young birds with my entrails...
Arisen from earth!
Alive in our chest!
A new time will come...
To meet the dead
Ice becomes red
As we move forward
The howls of pain
Will be the sound of reward
Many men will be lost in the blood
But much more were sent with no hope in their soul to the eternity...
Dream of vanity
I hope be worth
I wonґt deceive you in this world...
I feel, be real, at last
Be free, as the ashes in wind...
Unfurl the sails
Weґre going back home
Remember the life as a breeze from the north...
We have the breath
For whom we have fought
Allowing our ships to be drawn towards them...
7. Vs Myself
Nightmares between the heaven and the promised lands
I feel myself immersed in bitterness
There is no rest for midnight travellers...
... In paths donґt led by a northern star...
When desecrations knock a broken hope
Adversities advise the slaves of hate
Lost, immersed, imprisoned...
Iґm fighting versus myself
Maybe the coming days take out the worst of us
Maybe weґre victims of a playing Gods...
Scales have turned the weight of blindness
Against the eyes that gaze at sun...
We have been burnt by its reflections...
In our depths we are slaves of hate
Lost, immersed, imprisoned...
Iґm fighting versus myself to (the) death...
The days when we were undefended are gone beyond recall
A fortress of rage has been built inside on my own remains
Reborn from the pain, I take on mistakes
With no regrets...
Intrudes in forbidden lands
Souls in torment which will never find their rest
Ah! Donґt be deceived by a future which never will come
Before the lighting strikes the ground
There is always an spirit which blows in the storm...
Against you
8. Nau
Nau de vento, nau dos homes
Que vogan na inmensidade
Somos xente de Galicia
Onde a terra bica o mar-e
Nau de somos, nau de espranzas
Nau de infinda veleidade
O esquece as suas raices
Verde a sua identidade.
9. And A New Journey Begins
And a new journey begins...
...And this story shall also be told