 Когда слушаешь альбом этих португальцев, трудно удержаться от мысли, что если бы они были, ну, например, финнами, то сегодня их пластинки продавались бы тысячными тиражами, а так… Ребята до сих пор имеют всего один самофинансируемый релиз, который отчего-то так и не смогли никому продать, несмотря на практически идеальное качество звука и потенциально коммерческую музыку. Хотя, возможно, насчет этого самого коммерческого потенциала я и несколько заблуждаюсь. Итак, группа играет довольно модный готик-метал с очень необычным и красивым вокалом Филипе Гонсалвеша, который не очень-то похож на голоса большинства современных лав-металлических фронтменов. С одной стороны Филипе порой даже чересчур томен, демонстрируя нам каким может быть латинский романсеро, но с другой - он бывает и агрессивен, атонален и едва ли не злобен, как, например в "Morrigan". Вообще-то, говоря объективно, иных достоинств, кроме незаурядных способностей своего вокалиста, португальцы не демонстрируют. Все песни довольно предсказуемо звучат в минорно-романтичных тонах, никаких сверхъестественных способностей никто не проявляет, но нет и откровенно провальных треков. Альбом слушается как единое целое, притом, что музыканты пытаются не повторятся и песни действительно не похожи одна на другую. В принципе, при должном продюсировании из DIVINE LUST могло бы что-то и получиться, пусть и не MOONSPELL, но по крайней мере -HEAVENWOOD, на который их музыка даже отдаленно похожа, но… пока это не более, чем глубокий андерграунд. |
Like a sky full of clouds
my heart's full of empty words
wounded by you, I cry
the remains washed away
True love never dies
So I sit and pray
for your return, love
form ashes to dust
Bleeding heart cried for you
remembering how happy we were
but only dreams survive
and our love was reality
Livin' in a river of death
soul closed to the world
feeling burned inside
no hope to live on
Alone in the dark
Darkest skies above me
pain comes in silent screams
Now I know, my love
the guilt is in me
Drowning in the blood
of some strange creatures
I've just murdered
my only wished future
3. Morrigan
You're kissing me
with the same feeling as before
but now it's gone
like the few moments of Summer's rain
A creeping love
that's all you gave me
but now it's gone
fake tears dropping in treachery
My heart is wounded
another snake has seduced me
waiting for Winter
left with my remains
I'll pray for Morrigan
That poisoned kiss of yours
a glimpse of anguish
your grief will be eternal
prisoner of a pointless life
I really wanted to feel the same
I really wanted to forget your touch
all I have is the past
cold memories of a slow death
4. Where Only The Weak Survive
Beyond the lands of time
lies an eternal treasure
its core is always much too far
for an open eye can always be blind
under the rain of nonsense
the wise raises up his fortress
and the darkest blindfold
after all can be the guide
Leaving all senses behind
living on the verge
leaving all senses behind
living on the verge
prove the truth and taste the lies
Break the ice
look inside
and see the flames are burning everwhere
so afraid to look
a little higher
in this pathetic realms
where only the weak survive
5. V
"Assi como a bonina que cortada
antes to tempo foi, cўndida e bela,
sendo das mЈos lascivas mal tratada
da menina que a trouxe na capela,
O cheiro traz perdido e a cor murchada:
Tal estЎ, morta, plЎlida donzela,
secas do rost as rosas e perdida
a branca e viva cor, co'a doce vida"
[In "Os Lusadas" by Lus de Camеes]
6. Goddess Night
Every night I remember
the grief on her dying day
cruelty and insane minds
made worthless all I could say
All the tears I dropped
cursed me all along
my emotions became so frozen
and revenge inside so strong
Senseless, my wounded heart demanded
what your beauty could not deceive
a flood of blood I required
from the murders' ripped off hearts
Goddess night
when we shall finally unite
at last all tears are left behind
and just a memory of a bygone lifetime
Doomed by destiny we are
although passion still remains
who dared to keep us apart
just made it grow day by day
Eternity won't let forget
and so I'm yearning for the night
When my Queen with me shall rise
from all my Kingdom's glorious skies
7. Your Cruel Thirst
Angels fall from incatation
driven down by sad frustration
here where your mouth will never reach
your cruel thirst on me unleashed
Try to avoid tomorrow's grass
'cause yesterday still burns inside
'cause only past I'm long to live
'cause only you're past in time
Burning my heart
spears in my soul
you're gone in the rain
the storm will fall
Feeling no life inside of me
shadows from the trees will cover thee
Like screaming flowers
explode in my every scream
like laconic chants
you'll never hear
Sorrow eyes of limitation
left without no explanation
all your times are frail persistence
on the downwards ways of my existence
8. Embrace
Vain words of promise
roaming through time
burning souls that can not see
the laugh behind the holy desguise
Like a serpent in the dark
longing for the prey
spreading fear and scaring with threats
within the speech there is dismay
"Crawl to me, I carry the light...
don't say a word-you know I'm right
embrace these lies that lock your doors
don't ask a thing-the faith is yours"
So wait and see
fate's coming to me
Without a question there are no doubts
for those who nod are those who bow
to something which they hope there is
the helping hand-"down on your knees!"
9. Scarlet Room Of Passion
Scarlet room of passion
inside your own heart
burning souls of desire
you love the wrath
"we heal with infinite delight
the bitter pains of life
bold are those who follow our way
blessed be those who condemn us and pray"
10. Divine Lust (A Story Of A Bloody Passionate Desire)
Licking the open wounds
on your serpent's skin
Oh! the devil's concubines are
loving you in sin
The red velvet sheets
crying blood and pain
bodies touching bodies
death flows in your veins
Naked woman in the fire
a touch of Evil in your soul
Kisses of false desire
down in a hole
Divine Lust
a trip to the unknown
joined in carnal pleasure
Satan's wings cover the Sun
under the candle light
illusions passing through your eyes
divine lust
a world of love and lies
The night embraces the moon
Aphrodite comes to love you
your flesh burns in sweet delight
while women's mouths are burnin' too
The children cry at moonlight
driving you insane
a dying wish comes to your mind
in this bed of ex and pain