 К сожалению, сразу после выхода в свет альбома "Head First", ряды Uriah Heep опять поредели. На этот раз, соблазнившись выгодным контрактом, обратно в группу Оззи Озборна переметнулся Боб Дэйзли. Замена ему была найдена довольно быстро, и ей стал еще один старый знакомый - Тревор Болдер! На этот раз он уже вернулся навсегда. Усиленная этим талантливым музыкантом, группа совершила мировой тур и через год вознамерилась приступить к записи нового (уже шестнадцатого по счету) студийника. Но все оказалось не так-то просто. Долгое время бывшая для Хипов родным домом фирма Bronze от них практически отказалась, и Мику Боксу с компанией пришлось заниматься поисками нового контракта. Набрели они, к своему несчастью, на некий лейбл Portrait, который, впрочем, поначалу показался вполне приличным местом. Так что, пусть и с задержкой, но в 1985 году новый альбом "Equator" поступил в продажу. Сей диск получился, на мой взгляд, самой сильной работой группы в 80-ых. Саунд претерпел некоторые изменения - если на двух предыдущих альбомах мы слышали классический гитарный хард рок, с некоторыми влияниями "американского" саунда, то теперь Uriah Heep выстроили совершенно коммерческий звук. Глухие, но мощные барабаны, мелодичные гитарные партии, и значительно возросшая доля синтезаторов - "Equator" представляет из себя весьма качественный и приятный образец практически стопроцентного AOR'а. Чуть ли не любая песня с этого диска имеет большой потенциал для раскрутки по MTV (естественно, на MTV тех времен), и очень жаль, что Хипам так и не удалось поймать удачу за хвост. "Equator" провалился с оглушительным треском, и на сегодняшний день с легкостью занимает первое место в грустном списке самых забытых и неизвестных работ группы. Почему так произошло - совершенно непонятно, но, скорее всего дело в малом интересе к коллективу после ухода из него мистера Хенсли. Хотя два предыдущих диска продавались вполне нормально, притом что были менее качественными. В общем, странная ситуация. Также совесть не позволит мне забыть тот факт, что на 90 процентах различных тематических сайтов и изданий этот альбом и тогда, и сейчас, и во все времена опускался ниже плинтуса (страшно подумать - даже ниже "Conquest")! Повторюсь, вдвойне обидно сознавать этот факт, потому что я никогда не изменю своему мнению, в том что "Equator" - отличный и увлекательный альбом, который содержит большое количество классных песен. Например, можно выделить мощный боевик "Bad Blood", шикарный коммерческий хит "Angel", отличную стилизацию под фильмы ужасов "Night Of The Wolf", наконец, совершенно великолепную трогательную полубалладу "Poor Little Rich Girl". Но все эти композиции уже давно покрылись толстым слоем пыли, который временами сдувают только самые преданные фэны Uriah Heep. Что я искренне советую сделать и Вам! |
Wind me up, plug me in, turn me on
And give me rock 'n' roll, give me rock 'n' roll
Strap me in to the rocket ship
I'm headin' for the sun
Tune me in to the mother ship
I must be seeing things
Wind it up, turn it up
Charge me up, please, don't stop
Wind me up, plug me in, turn me on
And give me rock 'n' roll
Rockarama - it's on the video
Rockarama - on my radio
Rockarama - on the stereo
Give me rock 'n' roll
Plug me in jack to jack
Pin me to the wall
Hey, leave that on, I'm on MTV
Now I'm seein' things
Wind it up, here comes that video
It's that song again
Turn me up, I'm on the radio
Or am I hearing things?
Wind it up, turn it up
Charge me up, don't you stop
Wind me up, plug me in, turn me on
Give me rock 'n' roll
Rockarama - it's on the video
Rockarama - on my radio
Rockarama - on the stereo
Give me rock 'n' roll, give me rock 'n' roll
Rockarama - it's on the video
Rockarama - on my radio
Rockarama - on my stereo
Give me rock 'n' roll
Rockarama - it's on the video
Rockarama - on my radio
Rockarama - on my stereo
Give me rock 'n' roll
Bad blood
Desperate man, desperate times
Desperate heart, once she was mine
Bad blood, cold sweat
The more I give the less I get
She picked clean to the bone
Black ice, danger zone
Bad blood runs through her veins
She's got bad blood, she'll never change
I held on long as I could
But that girl - bad blood
Perfect crimes, no clues
That girl's just bad news
I held on long as I could
Bad girl, bad blood
She cut clean to the bone
Tight jeans, danger zone
Bad blood runs through her veins
She's got bad blood, she'll never change
I held on long as I could
But that girl - bad blood
Girl's got bad blood
Glass heart, fools gold
Her blood is stone cold
Held on long as I could
But that girl's just no good
She picked clean to the bone
Black ice, danger zone
Bad blood runs through her veins
She's got bad blood, she'll never change
I held on long as I could
But that girl - bad blood
Bad blood runs through her veins
She's got bad blood, she'll never change
I held on long as I could
But that girl - bad blood
Lost one love
She's lost in the night, she's out of my sight
Gotta find her again
She's out of my life
Gotta find her again
Will I ever see the daylight?
Will I ever see the sun?
Will I ever know the reason?
Like a shadow she's gone
She's lost in the night
Out of my sight
Will I find her again?
Taken my life, have to find her again
Will I ever see the daylight?
Will I ever see the dawn?
How can I ever find her?
She's just a shadow, missing person
I don't know where she's gone
Lost one love - last seen somewhere
Walkin' away from the light
Lost one love - somewhere last seen
Walkin' into the night, she's gone
Will I ever see the daylight?
Will I ever see the sun?
Can I ever know the reason?
Like a shadow, missing person
I don't know where she's gone
Lost one love - last seen somewhere
Walkin' away from the light
Lost one love - somewhere last seen
Walkin' into the night
She's lost in the night and I don't know the reason
Will I find her again?
She's out of my sight but I can't lose this feeling
Will I find her again?
Can't go to sleep without you staring in my dreams
I can't get you out of my head
I close my eyes, you're always there
I lock the door but you're comin' up the stairs
Can't stay awake, I know I have to try
What will it take to stop you walking in my sleep?
How can I break the hold you have on me?
Angel, will you never ever set me free?
Oh, angel - I can't stop you dancing on my bed
You're an angel and I can't get you out of my head
Angel - I can't stop you walking in my sleep
You're an angel and I can't stop you staring in my dreams
How come you're givin' me these technicolour dreams?
How can I get you out of my head?
I close my eyes, you're always there
How can I get you out of my bed?
I lie awake, all I see is you
I'm going crazy, what can I do?
Switch off the light then you start to call
I lock the door, now you're coming through the wall
Angel - I can't stop you dancing on my bed
You're an angel and I can't get you out of my head
Sweet angel - I can't stop you walking in my sleep
You're an angel and I can't stop you staring in my dreams
I can't stay awake much longer
This feeling's getting stronger
You must be an angel 'cause I can't stop you dancing on my bed
You're an angel and I can't get you out of my head
Angel - I can't stop you walking in my sleep
You're an angel and I can't stop you staring in my dreams
Sweet angel - I can't stop you dancing on my bed
You're an angel and I can't get you out of my head
Angel - I can't stop you walking in my sleep
You're an angel and I can't stop you staring in my dreams
Sweet little angel eyes
You're angle, angel
Sweet little angel
Holdin' on
Lost, lost like a precious flame
The ashes burn on
The ghost of a love we had
Tries to hold on, tries to hold on
No communication
All systems are down
No new conversation
Never a sound, never a sound
What's the point in holdin' on
When the spirit is gone? Holdin' on
What's the point in holdin' on
When the spirit is gone?
Cold, cold as the empty night
Deep in your eyes
I know there's no truth, no light
Only your lies, only your lies
The circle's broken
The damage is done
The crystal lies
Smashed on the floor
What's the point in holdin' on
When the spirit is gone? Holdin' on
What's the point in holdin' on
When the spirit is gone?
Your presence has left me now
Your spirit has gone
The ghost of a love we had
Tries to hold on, tries to hold on
The circle's broken
The damage is done
So what's the point in holdin' on?
What's the point in holdin' on
When the spirit is gone? Holdin' on
What's the point in holdin' on
When the spirit is gone?
Party time
It's party time
Friday night, I'm on my way
I'm steppin' out, I've been working all day
You better watch out
'Cause I'm on the streets tonight
Well, it's party time, I'm all zipped up
It's hot tonight and I'm ready for love
Jack me up
'Cause I'm on the loose tonight
I want a little action, some company
No main attraction, no star on TV
No long engagement, reach straight for the gun
No permanent arrangement, I just want some fun
Party - gonna be a party
Party - oh, it's party time
Well, it's nine o'clock, I'm all juiced up
Gonna find a club
Gonna get hooked up
Where it's happy hour 'till three am
She gave me two for one, we made a deal
She gave me three for one
I'm thinkin' - is this real?
I'll give you four to one if you let me drive you home
She said: "I want some action, honey, company
Physical attraction is good enough for me
No misconception, I just want some fun
No permanent arrangement" as she reached for the gun
Party - we're gonna have a party
Party - she said: "This is party time"
Saturday, I'm on my way
Steppin' out, I've been sleeping all day
You better watch out
'Cause I'm on the streets again
Well, it's party time, I'm all zipped up
I'm hot tonight and I'm ready for love
Jack me up
I'm on the loose tonight
I want some little action, some company
No main attraction, no star on TV
No long engagement, reach straight for that gun
No permanent arrangement, I just want some fun
Party - gonna be a party
Party - oh yes, this is party time
Party - gonna be a party
Party - this is party time
It's nine o'clock, I'm steppin' out
I'm gonna find a club so you better watch out
I'm lookin' for some fun, I'm lookin' for a party
Some physical attraction should get me started
Poor little rich girl
You say you're gonna testify
Lie away, lie away
So you're gonna gun me down?
Go ahead, fire away
You say you'll bring the curtain down
Turn around, walk away
You're gonna close this theatre down
Go ahead, stop the play
Your money talks, you pull the strings
Someone waits in the wings
You flick the switch, the dancer falls
You deal the cards, the dealer calls in your game
Poor little rich girl
Your money talks, you pull the strings
It's a shame, poor little rich girl
Your money burns, we all have wings
You say you're gonna leave this town
Fly away, fly away
So you gonna shoot me down?
Go ahead, fire away
Your money burns, your money stings
Another song that no one sings
Another script left on the floor
Another face is shown the door in your game
Poor little rich girl
Your money talks, you pull the strings
It's a shame, poor little rich girl
Your money burns, we all have wings
In the game, poor little rich girl
It's easy come, it's easy go
It's a shame, poor little rich girl
You lock the door, close the show
Schools burnin'
Schools burning
It's burning down
Burning down
Burning down
Stand up, sit down
Don't turn around
Don't talk and don't smoke
Don't laugh, no joke
Too many rules, too many fools
Gonna raise it to the ground
We're gonna get high, light up the sky
Gonna burn it down
Schools burning
It's burning down
Burning down
Burning down
Yes, sir, no, sir
Three bags full
Speak up or shut up
Backs to the wall
Stand in line, take it outside
See the soldiers march in time
Rollin' out of bed, fallin' on my head
I think I'll pull the pin
Schools burning
It's burning down
Burning down
Burning down
Shape up or ship out
Your hair's too long
Yes, sir, no, sir
The same old song
Stay after time and learn all your lines
Or write'em out a thousand times
I heard what you said, bells in my head
I think I'll pull the pin
Schools burning
It's burning down
Burning down
Burning down
There's gonna be a party tonight
People gonna come from miles
There's gonna be a fire here tonight
Gonna dance with the devil 'till the dawn
Dance with the devil 'till the dawn
Stand up, sit down,
Don't turn around
Don't talk, don't smoke
Don't laugh, no joke
Too many rules, too many fools
Gonna raise it to the ground
Gonna get high, light up the sky
Gonna pull the pin
Schools burning
It's burning down
Burning down
Burning down
Heartache city
Hit the city, hit the night
Hit the club, sip the wine
Just remember to leave on time
Hit the red lights, check the girls
You're steppin' into another world
See the man, he'll spin you alive
But just remember to leave on time
Heartache city
City of heartache city
City of heartbreak pity
Heartache city
Crazy people in heartache city
City of heartache city
City of heartbreak pity
Heartache city, it's a city of sin
Check the star club, see the stars
See the action in the back street bars
Lookin' for love, you're in the wrong place
Tricks for kicks, can you stand the pace?
Heartache city
City of heartache city
City of heartbreak pity
Heartache city
Crazy people in heartache city
City of heartache city
City of heartbreak pity
Heartache city
Hit the city, hit the night
Crazy people, neon light
You pay your money, it's no real crime
But just remember to leave on time
Heartache city
City of heartache city
City of heartbreak pity
Heartache city
Crazy people in heartache city
City of heartache city
City of heartbreak pity
Heartache city
Night of the wolf
Streets are full of rain
Lightning cracks the sky
Hear a lonely cry
Eyes full of pain
Searchin' in the darkness
Eyes pierce the night
Calling for her young one
As she walks towards the light
It's the night of the wolf
Hear the cry of the wolf
Streets paved with gold
Night gives out a warning
There's thunder in her heart
And mother wolf is calling
Searchin' in the shadows
For the one she must save
She cries out a prayer
Like a song from beyond the grave
It's the night of the wolf
Hear the cry of the wolf
The bells will toll
No one will sleep tonight
While she alone will
Walk the streets tonight
Sun begins to rise
All the streets washed with rain
Still hear her cries
Eyes burnt with pain
It's the night of the wolf
Hear the cry of the wolf
Returning to the twilight
Betrayed by the night
Screaming for her young one
As she walks towards the light