Dark Angel
« Leave Scars »
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1 | The Death Of Innocence
 | 2 | Never To Rise Again
 | 3 | No One Answers
 | 4 | Cauterization
 | 5 | Immigrant Song
 | 6 | Older Than Time Itself
 | 7 | Worms
 | 8 | The Promise Of Agony
 | 9 | Leave Scars |
   Ron Rinehart: Vocals
Mike Gonzalez: Bass & Backing Vocals
Eric Meyer: Rhythm and Lead Guitars & Backing Vocals
Jim Durkin: Rhythm and Lead Guitars, Violin Bow, Assorted Instruments & Backing
Gene Hoglan: Drums, Rhythm Guitar, Assorted Instruments & Backing Vocals |
Recorded and mixed at Space Station Studios,
Hollywood, CA., from May to July, 1988
Mastered at Bernie Grundman Studios
Produced by Michael Monarch & Dark Angel
Engineered by Michael Monarch, Earl West & Paul Gordon
Executive Production by Paul Shenker
Dark Angel logo art by Edward Repka
Cover photo by Chip Simons
Dark Angel photo by Ed Colver
Art Direction by David Bett
Design by Patricia Lie
All music by Hoglan & Durkin
All lyrics by Hoglan, except Never to Rise Again
by Durkin & Rinehart and Immigrant Song
by Jimmy Page & Robert Plant
All songs published by High-Speed Death Music
Einstein Music ASCAP
except Immigrant Song , published by
Superhype Publishing Co. ASCAP |
 | 1. The Death Of Innocence
My imbalanced mind is unaccepted by society,
My life is ruled by urges - sickened impropriety.
In this day and age, strangely enough, some factions remain blind,
To my manipulation of a puerile kind.
Their impressionable minds cannot tell wrong from right,
A degen |
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 Эти парни едва ли заставляли неуютно поёживаться при мысли о конкуренции в 1986-м коллег из Slayer, но вот впоследствии – наверняка. Ибо, признаюсь – такой сорт трэша мне не особо по душе (хотелось бы, как бы, чтобы упомянутая душа тоже иногда заявляла о себе в музыкальном действе), но «Leave Scars» впечатляет. Как этот ураган заявляет о себе в первой же композиции, примерно с такой интенсивностью он и бушует до самого конца. В общем, "Тёмные Ангелы" были слэйеристей самого Слэйера – плюс несколько ништячковых бонусов: как то интеллигентные соляки и «привычно» (для Dark Angel, конечно) разумные тексты, написанные Хогланом. На этом, в общем-то, и всё. «Шрамы» довольно однообразны, да и звука хотелось бы более яркого. Есть несколько моментов, которые, может, абсолютными хитами не являются, но немного разбодяживают монотонную злобу банды. Это увесистая оплеуха Led Zeppelin, с такой классики как «Immigrant Song» иногда полагается сбивать пыль. И нойзовый «инструментал» «Worms». Второй мега-длинный инструментал «Cauterization», наверное, является на самом деле риффингом к песне, на которую у Холгана не нашлось толкового текста, ибо скучен и нуден в своей ультра-трэшевости. Ну и для тех, кто ещё не заснул, к концу альбома предвидится две типично «ангельских» длиннющих опуса-поэмы. Взбодрят ли они или, наоборот, усыпят самых внимательных – вопрос открытый, и рассудить придётся самим слушателям и слушательницам. Так как с «Leave Scars» ознакомиться необходимо всем, западающим на thrash. |
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На «Leave Scars» калифорнийские молотильщики продолжают линию супертяжёлого Thrash. К концу восьмидесятых творческое начало Dark Angel приобрело прогрессивные очертания, сохраняя прежние скорости и интенсивность. К жалящим риффам, исполненным в припадочном темпе, добавились усложнённые структуры с продолжительными инструментальными партиями и всякими фишечками, а новому вокалисту Рону Райнхарту приходится спешно выплёвывать самые длинные в Thrash Metal тексты, которые в этот раз посвящены тёмной стороне подсознания, психологическим травмам, мировоззрению серийных убийц и прочим извращениям — так ведь с беглого взгляда на яркую обложку, где заплаканный блондинистый малыш просыпается от ночного кошмара, а гигантских размеров плюшевый заяц смотрит на всё это и офигевает, понятно, что на «Leave Scars» легко не отделаешься. При большей вариативности звукоряда, выдерживать хаотический натиск третьего альбома «Ангелов» на порядок сложнее, чем прямолинейный забой «Darkness Descends», к тому же, звучание инструментов снова утоплено в кашеобразном миксе. Уже во второй раз потенциальные шедевры Dark Angel хоронит некачественное продюсирование. Конечно, даже присутствие нечеловеческого кавера на Led Zeppelin не гарантировало коммерческий успех альбому с длинными, исполненными на сверхзвуковых скоростях, песнями, да ещё с непростой лирической подоплёкой. Однако технического мастерства и умения сочинять многослойные композиции Dark Angel не занимать. Классика брутального Thrash Metal, сохранившего «мозги» в исступлении хэдбэнгинга. |
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просмотров: 22837 |
Upon the attitudes of "Unliberated" souls,
I'm sick I know,
I'm sick I know!
As a lower form of life with a psychotic rage,
That's identified intensified against underaged.
They have no fear yet to share what is theirs,
In act of love intended for their older years.
I crawl into their brains, they love me more each day,
They're old enough to know, I don't care what you say.
They're old enough to love, I don't care what you say,
Aren't they?
Aren't they?!?!
I beg not forgiveness, just a cure for this sickness,
As it stands now, there's no hope in sight.
My brain is filled with degradation, tormenting excruciation,
Decadence is ruling my life.
Bloodless lambs' purity lost, victims of my holocaust,
My unclean hands defile without reason.
More sinned than sinning, anguished memories just beginning,
When thoughts turn upon this bitter season.
A rapist of naivete, a killer of virginity,
I stand for the death of innocence!!!
Young bodies cannot stand the pain,
I'm torturing their little brains,
I am the death of innocence!
Only sickened filth, disgusting scum,
Would do the appalling deeds I've done,
Crushing with psychotic malevolence!
I can't control my gross addiction,
Feeding mental pain infliction,
Fall to the death of innocence!
Ostracized by my peers in my formative years,
I've grown up craving unconditional love.
That's why I've turned to my friends with our illegal, illicit trysts,
They'll only understand me if they're young.
God, I can't believe I'm scarring their young lives for all time,
Not only bodies but their sweet, chaste, virginal minds.
I'm more than willing to, if caught, let death be my fine,
Someone catch me, I deserve to die!!!
Somebody please stop or kill me!
My actions must be stopped before I strike again.
Before, I didn't care what I was doing,
But now I know I am an aberration.
Demented brain keeping youthful slaves,
I'm a man obsessed, committing mentacide.
Sending innocence to its grave,
Standing at the coffin, set to eulogize.
A rapist of naivete, a killer of virginity,
I stand for the death of innocence!!!
They cannot understand the shame
The torture of their little brains,
I am the death of innocence!
Only sickened filth, disgusting scum,
Would do the appalling deeds I've done,
Crushing with psychotic malevolence!
I can't control my gross addiction,
Feeding mental pain infliction,
Fall to the death of innocence!
2. Never To Rise Again
Reality has come to call
A modern-day plague upon us all
As we've come to pass and deal with strife
Afflicted ailments dissipate life
For all false prophets predict time of doom
The demise of man shall come too soon
With each passing of the dying day
The false ones predict and finally say,
We are...
Never to rise again
Never to rise again
We are never to rise again
Never to rise again
The time for peace for all is dead
The coming of christ - "I'm here", he said
With each passing monarch depressions' tool
The people submit to the false one's rule
As the world turns now in reverse
Honesty in life shall be dispersed
With each passing of the dying day
The false ones predict and finally say,
We are...
Never to rise again
Never to rise again
We are never to rise again
Never to rise again
We look to the sky in a constant wonder
With ideals collide and bring us under
Veils of death lifes' mystery
Profits are claimed but never seen
All that we ask is life to share
Free from hatred, pain, despair
With each passing of the dying day
The false ones predict and finally say,
We are...
Never to rise again
Never to rise again
We are never to rise again
Never to rise again
3. No One Answers
As you enter your realm of incorruption,
The values of morality in their pristine state.
The walls that surround you in a gentle caress,
Protect you from a world of hate.
And the Earth is full of lurid madmen,
Misogynists abound waiting to produce your fall.
But the being you should most fear when you turn out the lights,
Is in no way human at all.
A puritan soul, distanced from sin,
A libertine's ways never for you.
But now you've no choice in this carnival game,
A toy to be done with what I choose.
As you struggle to break this invisible grip,
Your consternation growing into fright.
Awake but entranced by a force that's unknown,
But very real on this night.
No one answers!
To the cries in the middle of your dreams.
No one answers!
To the cries rapidly becoming screams.
No one answers!
Though you're forced to perform against your will.
No one answers!
So shut up and accept your fate!!!
You recoil in revulsion, but that will soon pass,
As you rebel to my sensual skill.
Non-compliance won't do, you will truly serve me well,
Or I'll have no choice but to kill.
It's the way that I work, it's the way that I am,
I'm selfish, my needs are quite great.
Exhibiting my power over the weaker, fairer sex,
My leviathan desires to satiate.
Aha what is this? you're begining to relent?
As I have said, none resist my charm.
Your confession of faith is far behind you now,
And to think at the start you were alarmed!
I am your savior, you await my return,
Your libidinous urges long repressed.
What I do to you is unhumanly possible,
I've now introduced you to your future ways...
4. Cauterization
5. Immigrant Song
[Originally performed by Led Zeppelin]
We come from the land of the ice and snow,
From the midnight sun where the hot springs blow,
The hammer of the gods will drive our ships to new lands,
To fight the horde, singing and crying:
Valhalla, I'm coming.
On we sweep with threshing oar,
Our only goal will be the western shore.
We come from the land of the ice and snow,
From the midnight sun where the hot springs blow,
How soft your fields so green
Can whisper tales of gore of how we calmed the tides of war.
We are your overlords.
On we sweep with threshing oar,
Our only goal will be the western shore.
So now you'd better stop and rebuild all your ruins,
For peace and the trust can win the day despite all your losing.
6. Older Than Time Itself
What have we done?!?
The box has been opened - we fall
Three words are unleashed to plague us to the end
Stick around and witness our demise
The human condition, read "you give and I'll take"
It seems older than time itself
We've established what we have here
Avarice, greed and malice rule the mind
The strongest emotions, conquering even fear
No barrier impossible to climb
When a human is given the opportunity to flaunt his greed
He spares no expense at the task
His avidity is dominant, covetousness too prominent
Taking without bothering to ask
Let him burn!!!
His actions are primordial he's never gonna learn
Make him bleed!!!
Reciprocation his just reward
Is sorely lacking and in evidence of complete failure
And so it goes!!!
He's a victim of his own greed
This behavior is intrinsic
Patterned after animals who've killed their prey
Inherent line of conduct, placing "want" before "need"
Material objects of desire what you crave
There's no woman alive whose goal is merely to survive
Her generation screams to "have it all"
Her wanton lust of finer things, this attitude it only brings
Down her breed and casts a pall
Let her burn!!!
Her actions are primordial she's never gonna learn
Make her bleed!!!
Reciprocation her just reward
Is sorely lacking and in evidence of complete failure
And so it goes!!!
She's a victim of her own greed
Can't you see it's never-ending?
Humanity's rapaciousness is firm
"The competitive edge" is now a mass psychosis
A dementia with which we must come to term
An instinctive trait of action is this crippling malefaction
The multitudes with their malignity
Maliciousness a facet of existence as we know it
Mankind its own atrocity
Let them burn!!!
Their actions are primordial they're never gonna learn
Make them bleed!!!
Reciprocation their just reward
Is sorely lacking and in evidence of complete failure
And so it goes!!!
They are victims of their own greed
"Give it to me"
An open palm receiving at each opportunity
"Give it to me"
Take advantange of each others' generosity
"Give it to me"
A selfishness mutation turns to mordacity
"Give it to me"
What will it take to put a stop to all this gluttony?
"Take everything from me"
The other side gives acquiescence to proclivity
"Take it from me"
Closing their eyes to the plague with increudulity
"Take everything from me"
Though burdened with the pain of your insensitivity
"Take it from me"
The earth is doomed to self-destruct from the voracity!!!
You want, you need
With your enormous greed
Insatiable, your hunger will not cease
The gain you seek
The havoc that you wreak
Avarice, your self-control is weak
Self-indulgence is the key
The pathetic life you lead
All-consuming adolescent fantasy
You'd better grow up fast
'Cause this life will never last
And you'll be the last one to see!!!
Christ, I wish I had the answer!
I must admit, I'm only human, too
I'm surely not above looking out for myself
It's an attitude I know I must improve
When a human is given the opportunity to flaunt his greed
He spares no expense at the task
His avidity is dominant, covetousness too prominent
Taking without bothering to ask
Let us burn!!!
Our actions are primordial we're never gonna learn
Make us bleed!!!
Reciprocation our just reward
Is sorely lacking and in evidence of complete failure
And so it goes!!!
We are victims of our own greed
What have we done?
The box has been opened - we fall
Three words are unleashed to plague us to the end
Stick around and witness our demise
This world we inhabit, all our attitudes are fake
We're only here to preserve our own wealth
The human condition, read "you give and I'll take"
It seems older than time itself!!!
7. Worms
8. The Promise Of Agony
You tell me what will become of us?
Are the lines so drawn and the stage so set,
That as we age what reamins is burdened sufferance?
My mortality looms in its visage is doom,
And it's speaking to me alone.
The years will unfold but what is the use?
In solitude I'm left to atone.
The sins of my past are returning to gnaw at my core,
The scars I have left and those that have been left on me.
My purpose in life, is it unfair to assume I have one?
I'm not fooling myself, what now awaits is a nightmarish end.
What I'm saying, do you understand?
Do you know what it's like to feel inadequate?
And the future ahead has no place for you,
As if you ever thought it did...
Alone in my shell, if I come out I'll die,
I don't want to escape though I should.
No, just leave me alone, *I don't want your help!!! *
Yeah, if you could ease my pain you would... (right!)
No, you don't even know me!
And your words of comfort fall upon deaf and frightened ears,
I lament my bitter fate, lachrymation upon examining my fears.
I've built a fortress around my soul, impregnable the door,
I refuse to admit you to my netherworld.
You're correct, I've absolved my self-control,
This spiraled course depression has me on.
and I'm waiting to die alone...
As I'm drowning in a sea of abused visions and shattered dreams,
A chilling descent into a phobic hell,
Insanity's blade performs it's correctional surgery.
Impending doom in this blackened room, I can give this all away.
It's all so easy to capitulate, Nothing is making me stay...
Retreating within and hiding behind my wall.
Dealing without, there's no escape from this moribund state.
Awaiting deep sleep, we don't care if I don't wake.
In darkness' hands though terrified, I feel safe.
I don't fit into the scheme of things!
These years as an outcast are quickly wearing thin.
My carefree days are a thing of the past,
And I welcome the fact that I'm coming to an end.
Melancholy, my bride, I devote unto thee,
My, breath, my mind and my soul.
As silence washes over me, I've never been so tired, so cold...
Confusion seizes unto me,
Manacled and beaten, chained up by it's frozen vice.
This is killing me, but my mind is set, and I'm too weak to fight.
Have you any idea what it's like to want to die?
Then you will know from where I speak.
This winter in my soul,
This winter in my soul...
and I want to be left alone...
Yet again, I have no answers,
The confusion of my fate takes it's toll.
Symbolically speaking, what's another life
That lists "ending itself" as its one and only goal?
I've examined my options and I see nothing in my sight,
Is there an avenue I've yet to explore?
As of now, I'm decided I have nothing to live for...
Defeated, alone, yet you laugh at the state I'm in!
I can't help what I am, but you think this is all in my head.
I'm not asking for help, but I want you to understand,
That I'm going away, you guess if I'm coming back.
You wish I had a will to live?
This condition I'm in didn't happen overnight.
I've hated myself for an eternity,
Now I finally feel that I'm doing something right.
As darkness descends I behold the Candlemass,
I seek intimacy with death.
Again, you're correct, these feelings will pass,
When my memory is all you have left.
My life has metamorphosed,
Into a marriage of the twisted and macabre.
I'm sitting here now feeling the effects of my words,
Trying to see a reason why I should go on.
I have to wonder, do I still believe in God?
'Cause God no longer believes in me.
I lay myself down for my final peace,
I welcome Death, my spirit is free...
and I'm pleading to die alone...
9. Leave Scars
I am an angel of darkness
Abhorrent to those who are frail
The strength inside me is my will to believe
In myself, with no self-betrayal
My force is my own preservation
My destiny mine to control
I don't live my life to be judged by anyone
Surviving intact is my role
Lost time is never found again
Screaming through my life of speed - insanity, mach ten
I utilize the life I've been given
Or else it's as if I've never been
I take pains to make my presence known
If it's a negative impression then I'll take the blame alone
I have no regrets and I call my life my own
I have no time for the words left in stone
I acknowledge only one thing;
My own authority
Answering to no one, I leave no trace of pity
My independence rules my life
I can't help what you are
For this I won't apologize
Because I leave scars!!!
I promise you agony
If you attempt to intervene
Just pay attention to yourself, you're barely existing
I'm thriving on the life I lead
A veteran of human wars
For this I won't apologize...
Because I leave scars!!!
I practice angelic darkness
My convictions keep wolves from my door
I know what it means to have someone tamper with my dreams
Deflowering my essence, my core
I once sought no recrimination
But now I seek the price be paid
Forever wary, always guarded against anyone
Who's mistaken me for easy prey
Defeatist attitudes are only in vain
As you wonder of my species - must I really be explained?
Realize now that I'm ingrained
Knowingly, forever on your brain
Nemeses falter in their plebian ways
Employing methods to usurp my reign, my inner maze
Seeking clues to uncover the clever turn of phrase
Salient words are found amidst the haze
I acknowledge only one thing;
My own authority
Answering to no one, leave no trace of pity
My independence rules my life
I can't help what you are
For this I won't apologize
Because I leave scars!!!
I promise you agony
If you attempt to intervene
Just pay attention to yourself, you're barely existing
I'm thriving on the life I lead
A veteran of human wars
For this I won't apologize
Because I leave scars!!!
A mercenary I may be, I tend to feel I'm not
My only need is to maintain my lot
I have a lust for life that stands to be my legacy
I'm proud to say, "with my life, I am free"
To leave a mark, necessity, my memory redeemed
I suffer not from lack of self-esteem
Someday my confidence will be a mass contagion
I assure you this is no self-exaltation
I cicatrize myself upon your mind
You won't forget my actions as you will find
I'm lord and master
Of my own future!!!
I am the darkest of angels!!!
Indomitable in my will to succeed
I have a goal to ascertain
Entrenching myself upon your brain
These words I've bled upon this page
Have come from inside, how quickly I've aged
My innocence has died and was buried long ago
Eternally joined with a part of my soul
The weak of heart need not apply
I admit they're not for all - my caffeinated ways of life
Those who oppose me will end in bitter strife
Defacing human minds until I die
Those with open minds will benefit from my vows
A self-betrothal where I pay no heed to sacred cows
Further discussion time will not allow
Until we meet I'll take my bow
And remember...
I acknowledge only one thing;
My own authority
Answering to no one, leave no trace of pity
My independence rules my life
I can't help what you are
For this I won't apologize
Because I leave scars!!!
I promise you agony
If you attempt to intervene
Just pay attention to yourself, you're barely existing
I'm thriving on the life I lead
A veteran of human wars
For this I won't apologize...
Because I leave scars!!!