‘Your End Is Near’, новая песня канадской группы UNDERCURRENTS, которая взята из выходящего в мае на HammerDown Records альбома "Empty Throne", доступна для прослушивания ниже.
Трек-лист альбома выглядит так:
‘The Separation’
‘Your End Is Near’
‘Unearthed On The Banks Of Mortality’
‘The Reconstructionist’
‘Dust To Dust’
‘The Change Up’
‘Sleep Walking In A Dream’
‘Babylon Will Burn’
‘The Many Vs. The Few’
‘The Other Side’
‘Troubled Roads Lead To Freedom’
‘As We Are’
‘The Skies Are Burning’
‘The End Of The Beginning’
Bonus tracks:
‘Synchronicity II' (download only)
Metal, Metal and More Metal, Did we happen to mention the Metal? Undercurrents combines a variety styles and genres, yet still remain as themselves.
undercurrents plural of un·der·cur·rent (Noun)
1. A current of water below the surface, moving in a different direction from any surface current.
2. An underlying feeling or influence, esp. one that is contrary to the prevailing atmosphere and is not expressed openly.
undercurrents plural of un·der·cur·rent (Noun)
1. A current of water below the surface, moving in a different direction from any surface current.
2. An underlying feeling or influence, esp. one that is contrary to the prevailing atmosphere and is not expressed openly.