10 янв 2025 : Новое видео CANNIBAL ACCIDENT
"Darken The Attic" , новое видео CANNIBAL ACCIDENT, доступно для просмотра ниже. Этот трек взят из альбома "Disgust", релиз которого намечен на 28 февраля на Inverse Records:
"Explicit Everything"
"Darkest Auer"
"When Only Fans Blow On Empty Stage"
"Flesh Fabricant"
"Darken The Attic"
"Itseinhon Kusisella Alttarilla" (feat. Nikki 666)
"Mouthbreathing Bottomfeeder"
"In The Meat Of The Night"
"EU-rope Around Your Neck"
"Kemperverse (Kemper Trilogy part 3: Mama’s Boy)"
"Wife Eater (Woman’s Best Friend)"
"R.I.C.H. (Relying In Capital Heresy)"
"Viimene Fiitti" (feat. Ulti-Make)
"Inhumanely Precipitated Biodegradation"
"No One Loves You Anymore"
"I Want To Pay More Taxes"
"Insult / Result"
"Scorched Meat Tactics"